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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. So sorry about Sam. It is always such a hard decision to make. He had a good life with you. Susan
  2. Good afternoon. Sunny and hot again although I do see some clouds to the west. Am not counting on anything coming of them. We do have increasing chances of rain this week, but I will not hold my breath, and also will not turn off the sprinklers until we have a good soaking rain. It will come I guess. Covid does seem to going the rounds. My next door neighbor has come down with it ... first time for her. She emailed me to ask was it ok to defer some of our projects. Yep, fine with me. I need to do some shopping for her tomorrow when I go to get a couple things for myself .... and that is a first. I plan to mask up, go early, and be in and out like a shot. These past couple of days have been sort of downer. I was supposed to get hair and feet done... my gal never showed up or called. She did this before just before I went on the cruise .... I think it is time for us to part ways. Since I am not anxious to go into a salon for awhile, I think I will just grow shaggy for a few more weeks. For some reason this is all making me feel a bit depressed... need to take the dogs for a walk and maybe work on my storeroom clean out. Its should make me feel good to toss some stuff I have not used in years. There are a few mystery boxes in there... no labels. Best wishes to all. @Cruzin TerriI hope the weather decides to give you a moderate dose of water. @marshhawkThinking of you and DH. Please try to get some help ... I know it is difficult but you do need to consider yourself and being given some breaks can help you in the long run. Off to do a rain dance. Susan
  3. I suspect it is both. Thanks for keeping us updated on your saga. Susan
  4. @marshhawkGlad Chuck is home and I assume he has been fed. Hope your hip is ok. Try to not overdo .... we may be facing a bubble wrap shortage. Susan
  5. Good morning.... a bit late this morning as I had to make a dash to the store for milk. As usual it is sunny and dry although there is a possibility of some thunder storms the afternoon. High will be about 90 depending on when the clouds come. Actually I prefer no thunder storms ... the fire danger is very high and we don't need lightning. Our hot shot crew is over on the eastern side of the state. Little else from here. Sending my most positive thoughts and prayers to all who need them. I continue to putter along in my sorting. I also need to get in contact with scottie rescue to see about mailing them a couple of boxes of "dust catchers" that I acquired back in the days when I was showing scotties and westies. The clutter in my living room has been out of hand for some years. Time for someone else to dust them. Susan
  6. I second this. I hope you can get some rest and that the kitties decide to have a quiet night. Susan
  7. Good morning. It was cool and windy for our early morning walk. Felt wonderful. Today back up into the 90's and dry. Rain is possible for the next few days with increasing chances next week.... I can but hope. The fire season makes us all nervous. No news here. Like others, I am really tired of the political ranting on TV and in the papers. To make it worse for me, Durango is included in the New Mexico TV advertising market so we get Albuquerque stations (ABQ is 200 plus miles closer than Denver). So..... I get all the New Mexico political ads and have to dig to find out what is happening in Colorado. Fortunately our local paper does a pretty good job of keeping us up to date with local happenings. But really!!!! Speak about annoying. The Albuquerque news casts do take pity on us and include southwest Colorado in their weather forecasts and sometimes, if we do something really exciting, they mention us in the news. Denver does not seem to know we exist. Off to toss.... today is trash day and I will have a an empty dumpster to work on. Susan
  8. Good morning. Still sunny and dry and it will be hot this afternoon. Currently 69 but up into the 90's during the afternoon. Am planning to work in the storage shed and like @kazuon some bookcases. Fortunately I am not under time constraints so can just plod through.... and unfortunately I stop to read all too often. The salad looks good. And I love Stornoway and the island of Lewis. The port area would be new for me. I used to make the long trip over by car ferry and we landed in town, and some of those times was in very rough weather. Lots of sea sick passengers. Off now to give the pups their second walk before it heats up too much and the sidewalks become too hot for their little paws. Susan
  9. Sorry to hear about both the physical and mental issues although it certainly confirms what you have been fearing. Hugs to you both.... and let the kitties entertain you both. Susan
  10. Good morning. We have our usual forecast of sunny and dry. High today probably 86... current temp is 66 which is very comfortable. I have the house open and cooling. Dogs were happy with their walk. Little news from here. I continue to putter along. I am having some discomfort in my left hip which is slowing me down a bit. A few years ago when I had to have some X-rays done, the doctor commented on some arthritis in that area. I have a doctor's appointment in about 3 weeks so that is on my list to discuss. It does complicate hauling groceries up to the second floor since I need to use the railing. I will cope but better speed up the clearing out. Nothing much on my agenda for the week... at least so far. Breakfast tomorrow with a friend (if she can make it). I need to see about getting hair trimmed and a pedicure. And load up more stuff into the car for thrift store, the library, and some jig-saw puzzles off to friend who gets snowed in during the winters. Take care all. Don't overdo. Susan
  11. Good morning. Sunny and dry here with a high predicted in the mid-80's (not too bad). The dogs and I enjoyed an early morning walk with a temp of 55.... and since it was Sunday we had the sidewalks to ourselves. And, when I went out I was struck again by how nice the back area looks with all the dead trees gone. Even the guys who kept promising to do the work, and didn't, are saying it was money well spent. And divided 3 ways, it was not that much. Salmon and peaches should make a good combination, or so say my taste buds. Will try it later this week. And I will always accept sangria.... I think I have only had white once, but liked it. Nothing special on the agenda for today. Clearing and reading seem to be the focus. And I think I will try to get a couple small items on to ebay. I may be able to get a small amount for them and they will be easy to mail. And of course, I have several more boxes for the thrift store started. @kazu I know your want to get things well underway and have the move time framework set, but don't overdo. You are going to have do more sorting and placing and rearranging on the other end and you need to be in good shape for that. Best wishes to all. As we age it is really a fight to stay healthy and/or pain free. You should hear my 95 year old sister on the subject. Susan
  12. Good morning. Sunny and dry today. High will be in the upper 80's. At least it cools down and night and my condo gets comfortable. We have increasing heat forecast for next week.... and no rain. Noisy right now.... the tree service is working on the dead trees that I have been trying to get taken care of for ages. Various males in several buildings said they would do it .... never got done so I called a friend who runs a tree service. He gave us a good deal... I got the ok from the relieved people in the 3 buildings affected and we are getting all spiffed up ... and more importantly, reducing the fire danger a bit. Dog will miss a couple of those trees. Not much news from here. @rafinmdHope you can get some relief for the shoulder and neck. Best wishes to all. Susan
  13. Good morning. Sunny here and cool right now.....68F at 9:30. High to day will be mid-80's. Rain or maybe showers or maybe not ..... Things are very hit or miss right now. Have not been to today's destination. Would like the meal. I am one of those people that can't taste cilantro, so the presence or absence makes no difference. Went to the grocery store early this morning for a few basics and came home with more than I needed. I like to go early before the crowds hit as the parking is awful. It is only 1 mile away so I can do a quick run. Walking, dragging groceries as I used to, is no longer an option for me. @kazuYour packing for a move is inspiring me to get the "stuff" in my condo under control before I need to move down from the second floor. I am still managing stairs, but hauling the groceries up is getting a bit old at this point. I do a lot of small shopping runs. Sending prayers and positive thoughts to all that need them. I need a second cup of coffee and then the stamina to tackle the laundry. But will probably settle for reading our local newspaper first... after all, who knows what is happening. Susan
  14. I would imagine hard walking - steep....... and claustrophobic. I have looked at that tour.... if I did it I would not plan to go inside. Susan
  15. Good morning. Sunny here. We are getting smoke from the fires in the Oregon/Washington and the mountains are hazy this morning. What awful fires, both there and in Canada. One of our local firefighters was on his way to Wyoming with his unit and fell and hit his head in an unrelated accident. He is ICU and hopefully will be ok. His group has continued their deployment. I am going to go over my grab and run bag today.... it is pretty dry here and we are getting some thunder storms. Otherwise little going on. I continue to plod forward but it is definitely a plod. @kazuI don't think I could go a fast sort, pack, and move as you are doing although it may be that is the way to do it. Pats to Ivan who may be a little worried with all the upheaval. Susan
  16. Good morning. Sunny and dry. While we may get a few very scattered showers, it looks like this dry run will last for a week or so. Sprinklers are back on. I like the soups, but will wait until the weather cools. Highs now are in the mid-80's but the nights go down into the 50's and make for good sleeping. Just wish I could sleep a bit longer in the mornings but will take what I get. I only had one first cousin and I never met him. However, I have lots of more distant cousins, some of whom are interested in family history and we communicate sporadically. Little news from here. I am slowly clearing things, sorting our drawers and finding boxes in my storeroom that I did not know were there and I have obviously not missed the contents. Tells me I still have a lot of stuff to let go. @StLouisCruisersLovely pics of the twins... glad they arrived safely. @kazuIvan is a smart dog... glad he with you and that you can use the grabber (one of the greatest inventions for us as we get older) to play fetch. Off to pick up some bread and dog food and then, back to work.... or maybe reading. Best wishes to all.... Susan
  17. Glad leak is fixed. Do you know the song "The Gasman Commeth"? I"ll be @grapau27knows it. Will try to find the words to it.... it keeps running through my head.... a list of never ending repairs. Susan
  18. Glad to hear from you and hope you get feeling better very soon. Susan
  19. @StLouisCruisersGlad you are safely home. A long drive. We got RAIN!!!! Had a really lively thunder storm about a hour ago. First time I have seen the chihuahua react to thunder. Bandit did not even notice. Turned the sprinkler off. It is cool right now. We can use more moisture and it looks like we may get it off and on this week, Susan
  20. Good morning. I am still waiting for the rains to come... a couple of light showers has been all so far. I am out of sync with the day since my morning routine was upset when the dogs got me up early and my newspaper did not come. I need to pull myself together and try to get something accomplished. Little things seem to be throwing me off my stride these days. Maybe I need another cruise. I like borscht so would be happy with the days meal although I do try to limit beets, spinach and rhubarb... all of which I really like. @StLouisCruisersHope you are home by now, or at least shortly. Get a good rest. @St Pete CruiserEnjoy the cruise now that you have caught up with the ship. This week has certainly shown why arriving a day or two ahead of embarkation is really necessary.... if you can manage it. I know some people can't. Dogs are demanding another walk, so off I go. Then I need to start today's featured project... clearing out under the sink in the kitchen. Susan
  21. Good evening. We have had some light showers today. I will take any rain we can get. Thunder rumbles on and off. At least it is staying relatively cool for the next day or so. Sandi - glad you are headed home although faced with a long drive. Terri... bummer on the water leak. Hope they can find the problem and solve it quickly. Susan
  22. I had a similar situation. The package showed up in my box 6 months later!! Who knows where it was all the time .... I suspect in the mail carrier's vehicle. Susan
  23. A late good morning to all. Slept in as I had some stomach discomfort last night. Kept me awake for several hours but the dogs were kind and let me sleep in. Will take it very easy today. I suspect it was something I ate. @kazuGlad you are home and the hope the legs heal quickly. Sorry about the house sale being a no go... but I suspect the right buyer will come along soon. We were at Komodo Island on the GANZ this year, but the weather and walking would have been too much for me and I stayed on the ship. Too bad, but given heat and humidity and the length of the walk it was best for me. Do it while you are still active if you want to do it.... I waited a bit too long. Susan
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