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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning all. Sunny here with a temperature in the mid-30's. High today will be in the mid to high 50's and lows at night into the 20's. And it looks like this will continue for the next week. I need to do some yard work this afternoon. Mainly clearing weeds and leaves out of the Iris bed. Our neighbors have some trees that have not even started to drop their leaves.... we need a good wind. Our yard person can not even start Fall cleanup. Will be anxious to see if the leaves drop before the snow falls. Have not been to the destination .... looks interesting. I think I would like the meal in small quantity. I used to be able to play piano....not well.... but my hands were too small and now they are also too stiff. I enjoy hearing others play. Otherwise little else from here. I am still sorting and tossing, but since it is just me, I am very slow since I use any excuse to stop. Got to get the steam up. Take care all. I wish to the world would behave. I just hate to look at the news these days. So many people suffering needlessly. Susan
  2. @StLouisCruisersSo sorry to hear about Mark but glad that sad news could be tempered by the news about Scott. That shorter distance will be so beneficial to both of them Susan
  3. I am being picketed by a couple of dogs who say they will waste away of hunger if I do not produce their now overdue supper. How do you explain standard time to a hungry pet (or child)? Susan Bandit and Monty (it is a plot to starve us!!!)
  4. Good morning. Another sunny day. Temp was 36F when dogs and I walked at what is now 6:30 in the morning. The high today will be in the 60's. When we came back from our walk, the back lawn area of our units looked like a pajama party. Evidently all the neighborhood dogs got their families up early. It was pretty funny with dogs scampering everywhere and sleepy looking people standing around. I was only fully clothed individual there. Evidently everyone else intended to sleep in. Little else now. I just plod along. Yesterday's meetings really ate into the day and I got little done. Hopefully better working today. Take care all. Susan
  5. Good morning from a sunny, chilly and boring Durango. There is certain sameness to the days.... but that probably is a good thing. It will be in the mid to high 60's today and this morning the dog walk felt positively balmy at 38. I am beginning to pull things together for my cruise.... will clear the back bedroom bed today so I can put somethings out where I can see. And I need to double and triple check my lists including all the things I have to do here in the next month or so. And, more stuff to be loaded for the thrift store. Jacquie... I am glad Ivan knows "home". When Bandit pulled that stunt a few weeks ago I nearly had a heart attack and he found his own way home while I was out searching. Susan
  6. @JazzyVI sure hope they can figure out what the problem is and deal with it. That kind of pain sounds awful. Susan
  7. Good morning. Sunny and chilly but the temperature will get up to low 60's. Not too bad. I slept sort of fitfully last night for some reason which is why I am running late this morning. Will pass on the spicy meal. Have been to Liverpool many times, mainly on land visits. Always fun. I love a good stout. Little going on here. @Cruzin Terri.... hope DH's knee is just banged and not broken. Glad he is getting it checked before you cruise. And my best wishes to everyone this morning. (My mind is still a bit groggy from sleep or lack thereof). Today is going to be a take care of odds and ends day before I start clearing again. Have two meetings tomorrow so it it gives a couple days to revive. Got the bill from the electrician and WOW!!! Off to meander through my day. The dogs are demanding a longer walk and it looks like a good day for it. Susan
  8. Good morning. Just a quick note as I dash by on the errand run and again with a cry of "why is nothing ever simple?" Glad to hear that Baby Murphy is improving. Cold and sunny here but we may get up into the low 60's and that should last for a week or so. Mornings are still cold. More later when I have time to settle. Susan
  9. Good morning. A bit warmer this morning when the dogs and I ventured out.... 23F and high will get into the 50's. Fine with me. No trick or treaters last night so the candy will be taken out to the shelter for the staff (bet they have plenty). Since it is all wrapped they can put it out for the customers. It will disappear fast. @smitty34877hope the heating is fixed really quickly today. Not something you want to be without. It is going to take some time adjusting to my new timers on the ETS heaters, but they do work for which I am very grateful. Little new from hear. I am sorry so many are having health issues and wish you all the best and a quick resolution. What issues I have seem to be age related and just general slowing down. Just plodding along but I am going to have to pick up the pace if I want to be ready to cruise in January. Susan
  10. Well, this was a day shot. The electrician arrived about 10:30 and games began. Both heaters are working and he cleaned them both. The older of the two, which has not been cleaned for a few years had a bit of dog hair but was not as bad as I feared. However...... the timing issues turned out to be somewhat complex. I have "time of use" electric which means that timing is important and my bills are generally lower than those of my neighbors.... but... and this was a big but.... The timers had not been set correctly (which is what I was seeing). And to complicate the picture.... one heater was on automatic timing but that timer was connected to a neighbor's box. The other heater was on manual. After some discussion I purchased a box all my very own, not subject to whims of my neighbors or their electricians and had both heaters put on automatic. This cost me labor and the cost of the box, but will over a year or so save me some money. What is nothing ever simple????? The electrician documented the previous work and subsequent issues and is hoping I can get a refund from the electric company. I am not holding my breath. So....little else got done today because either he was working and I would have been climbing over him or the lights were off. I will start again tomorrow. Now off to the trash with the one thing I have ready to discard.... an old rug I have had stashed away. Why I will never know or remember. Susan
  11. Good afternoon. The dogs and I got off to a very chilly start this morning with a temp of 16F. It may get out of the low 40's this afternoon although I doubt it. However it will warm starting tomorrow. The electrician arrived around 9:30 and has been back and forth working on the heater situation which turned out to be far more complicated than I expected. This is going to cost me, but I will be warm (I hope) and the condo will stay consistently warm while I am gone. One less worry. I don't expect many if any trick or treating types tonight. The merchants downtown hold a costume contest and open houses (shops?) with treats and parents regard it as far safer then having kids roaming our rather dark streets. There are a couple small children in our immediate neighborhood and I have stocked a bit of candy just in case. If it does not get claimed tonight I will drop it off for the Humane society staff tomorrow when I run other errands. I have given myself some deadlines for completing a few clearing projects before I need to start worrying pulling myself together for the January cruise. I hope I can stick to my schedule. This week is "throw it out"week. Take care all. @Vict0riannI can identify with your walking issues. I am going to see how I do when I am actually faced with some of the shore excursions I have planned. I see some cancellations in my future. Susan
  12. Both times I cruised this area with HAL I had an ocean view porthole cabin..... I was outside most of the time. I think it was the most active I have been in years. I am not a "dressy" person usually and I wore comfortable clothes and took dark slacks and a couple fancy tops for the dressy nights and was fine. Layers are the key during the days. You will love it. Susan
  13. Have done Antarctica twice with HAL and it was a stunning experience both times. Hope to maybe do it again in the future ..... it is so different than anywhere else. Susan
  14. It was a very brisk 16F when the dogs and I went out. I had to wrestle little Monty into his coat and even then he shivered. They were both glad to come in and so was I. It is supposed to get into the low 40's this afternoon. We have a couple more days before it starts to warm again, but the night temps will still be in the 20's. Guess I had better get used to it. The electrician comes tomorrow to service the heaters. Haven't been to Belfast and I avoid candy corn, and most candy, due to the sugar although I ate a lot of candy corn as a child. Little news from here as my clearing is going very, very slowly. I prefer to read. Thinking the best for all. I am off now to load up the car with a few more boxes and head to the thrift store where I am sure they are tired of seeing me coming. Susan
  15. Terri... I am so glad Jim was not hurt by the fall. I have learned (the hard way) that I have to turn lights on if I get up at night. Fortunately I am so groggy I usually go back to sleep as soon as I crawl back in bed. If not, so be it.... if I go down I will have a terrible time getting up again from the floor. It is just part of getting older unfortunately. Take care. Susan
  16. Good morning. Temperatures are dropping here. It was 28Fwhen the dogs and I marched out this morning (Monty was wearing the jacket I had wrestled him in to). High will be around 62 this afternoon. It will get colder throughout the rest of this week and early next week and snow will fall north of us (I hope). I remember a Halloween snow one year when my neighbor ( a single Mom) was sick and I took her kids treat or treating. They had fun but I was miserable. Have been to Oban.... it used to be a rest day when I had students touring. They loved it.... and they also loved the day tour we took to Iona either just before or just after. My only goal for today is to load up the car and take several boxes and bags out to the thrift store and also drop off some doggie bedding and towels with the shelter. Then I begin sorting on a dresser that was hidden at the back of a closet in my spare bedroom. I suspect most of what is in those drawers can be tossed. At least I hope so. Or maybe it will be more family treasures for the family to reject. Like all, I am appalled to hear of the shooting in Lewiston. And we actually have had two shootings in Durango in the last couple of days which is most unusual. One a domestic dispute of sorts at a local motel with a very bad reputation and the other a fight between two groups of young people at a park led by older men who should know a lot better. The main suspect says they were just planning a fist fight but then he brought 3 guns to they fight. Somehow we all doubt his story. Fortunately the police were able to nab all shooters almost at once. Best wishes and most positive thoughts to all. I am keeping a leery eye on the world in general these days. Life does not seem to get easier. Susan
  17. Good morning. Cold here. I traded my light jacket for a heavier version and my hands were cold gripping the leashes. High today will be low 60's. Then it begins to slide downward again. And of course well below freezing at night. Monty is sporting his winter fleece. Evidently my squawking yesterday got through to the electrician but it will still be nearly a week before he can come. Meatballs look good, but today I am roasting a chicken. Have not been to today's port but it looks lovely (and warm). Hope all with health issues start on a movement toward improvement. I am still feeling dragging. I did test for Covid at one point... nope. Just the blahs I guess. I think it is the house sorting which I really do not enjoy. And of course none of the younger generation are offering to take some of the family stuff that I am trying to move out which makes things a bit more difficult. And so it goes. Think I will start another book. Best wishes - take care. Susan
  18. Finally a chance to sit and read through the Daily. For some reason I have been really slow this morning. I did sleep fairly well last night, but after walking the dogs and breakfasting I went back to bed and slept for an hour or so. Guess I was not as rested as I thought. Cloudy here and the temps are dropping and I have not heard from the electrician about the heaters. Guess I need to give them a nudge (or a kick). It looks like rain even though all the forecasts say not. @Cruzin Terriglad you got that doctor's appointment. And @smitty34877I hope Tana improves and you can get some time to regroup. @kazuSounds like the trip home was not fun and then to get sad news on return.... well, try to take it very easy the next few days. As for me, I continue to sort, toss, haul and seem to make little progress. It will get done.... or maybe not .... but at this point there is no rush and I don't really seem to care. What I have to do is be sure that when things leave, nothing comes in. Take care all. Susan
  19. OOOOps.... the reply I was writing disappeared. It may reappear at some point as a partial. Sorry about that. To sumarize.... nothing going on here. @Cruzin TerriI think your decision to cancel was a good one in that the upcoming cruise, together with other things going on, was obviously causing a lot of stress. Take care... Let the Chips Fall where they may for a awhile. Things will sort themselves out. Susan
  20. We already do this to some extent....you only have to reference the previous days conversation and we do have the ability to go back and look at the locked conversation if we need to. I like it the way it is!!! Susan
  21. Oh, I am sorry. I know that not only is that a great disappointment, but also it means that things are not going well. Best wishes to both of you. Susan
  22. Good morning.... very late. I love nachos and will probably be babbling for awhile since I got could not sleep this morning so got up really early and found my internet was down. It just came up - guess some sort of updating was going on. Did get the dogs walked twice, but it was cold and temps are supposed to drop early next week. I need to call the electrician and see if I can speed him up about the heaters. They do work but the timers are off and I have time of use electricity. All in all not a great start to the day. Having said that, there really is little to report from here. The party for Sepp Kuss was a real success but I skipped it and I was right to do so. Downtown was packed with lots of people rushing about on bikes. So today will be another day of just plodding along and trying to clear. I am on my second swing through one closet. And beginning to work on putting things together for the Grand Australia. Take care all. Susan
  23. Sounds like a more than full day. Hope you can pace yourself (hard to do when another is involved) but I am sure your DH is glad to be home. Take care. Susan
  24. Morning. Sunny and warm here today. High will be in the 70's but cooler and wetter weather is on its way.... supposedly. I don't feel much like anything to eat and drink today (that may change). For some reason my stomach is a bit dicey. Little new here. I am just plugging along. My Mother used to say that there were days when she got up thinking "today I have to face the day.... and on the flip side, the day has to face me". This is one of those days for me. Dogs and I will do bits and pieces with no real direction. Take care all.... I am thinking of all of you. Just can't get my thoughts organized. Susan
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