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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning from sunny, but still pretty cool, Colorado. High will be low 50's although I would not be surprised if it got a bit warmer. It still dips below freezing at night. But the flowers are pushing up and the lawn service plans to turn on the sprinkler system in another week. @kazuI know the problem of considering doggie adoptions. I swore I was going to stick with one dog and then I felt sooooo sorry for the little Chihuahua. So now I am facing the prospect of boarding 2 if i want to travel. Oh well, they are worth it.... and I just factor that into my budget and planning. Ivan looks very sweet but also very big. And on the topic of dogs .... I have my last BOD meeting for Humane Society on next Wednesday.... then the annual meeting on May 6 and then I am off the Board. Our new executive director seems very good but it will be interesting to see who steps up to do the work I have been doing. I will be glad not to have to drive out to the shelter several times a week and look forward to speeding up the house downsizing and clearance. I looked with real interest at the proposed pole to pole cruise for 2025. If I were a several years younger I would really love to do it.... but it just seems too long. Think I will stick will the Grand Australia which looks like an easier cruise for me. Oh decisions, decisions and no crystal ball to help me make them. Take care all. Susan
  2. Good morning. Supposedly the sun is shinning but it sure doesn't look like it to me. Temps are supposed to be a bit below average for the next week or so. Highs in the 50's and lows in the 20's. Dogs and I can live with that. I am wearing an orange T-shirt today in celebration of HAL's celebration. Taxes are done. The meal looks great but I am trying to avoid pasta which I dearly love. And @kazuIvan looks sooooo sweet and gentle and wise. My most positive and healing thoughts to all who need them. And celebratory thoughts to those celebrating birthdays. I am waiting to hear from one of my nephew's whose wife is expecting their second child - a second daughter. We tend to run to very small families so new additions are rare and very welcome.
  3. I am so terribly sorry to hear this. This is such a hard situation to deal with. My sincere condolences. Susan
  4. Good morning.I slept in a bit so I need to get a hustle on. And the dogs will be demanding their second walk shortly. Weather here is Spring-like. The highs are getting into the 50's but we are still freezing or below at night. I can celebrate elephants and mushrooms. Bean counters are necessary, but can be a pain if they get too focused on the beans. I am soooo envious of those on the Volendam right now. I watched the sail away yesterday. Love the looks of that ship. My day will come....I hope. Right now I continue to very, very slowly work on decluttering. I wish my nephews and nieces would consent to take some of the stuff, but I think most of it will be heading for the thrift store or to dog rescue auctions. I have so much with scotties and westies decorations. Not worth much here but maybe up near Denver the rescues could get better prices for the whatevers. Upward and onward. The first item of business is to take papers to recycling and wash the last of the throw rugs. Then I need to mop floors And then........
  5. Good morning!!! So glad to hear that people and luggage made it to FLL. I hate to start a vacation stressed out and worrying. Will try to watch sail away. Cold this morning. Temps were not too bad.... but the wind was brisk and sharp. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow and I will postpone rug washing until then.So today..... just more sorting. Taxes are done so I intend to work slowly and maybe read this afternoon. Don't feel like pushing it. No reason to that I can see. Back later. Susan
  6. Good morning. Sunny and cooler here,but still Springlike. Rain forecast for tonight but not too much. I have turned off the heat and am airing the house. Hope the weather holds. Hope everyone headed for cruises in FLL gets in on time. I usually worry about snow- not rain. Finally got my hair cut yesterday.... only a month after it was originally scheduled. Makes me feel much better. Got a pedicure also which adds to my comfort level. Otherwise, same old, same old. House decluttering is a slow process... especially when I stop to look at books as I go. I want to get rid of a couple of bookcases that are starting to fall apart.... but the books in them need to be rehomed and that is something that may take time. Susan
  7. Another nice day here predicted. High in the mid 60's.... current temp is 34. Don't mind the cool mornings and the dogs seem happy with their early morning walks. @JazzyVHope you can get the drainage issue on the knee taken care of asap. Not something you want to fool with. Off to the store for laundry soap and a few other items. Then more cleaning and dog walking. Nothing exciting in the foreseeable future and and I want to keep it that way. Take care all. Susan
  8. Be nice if you could make it. I have booked it .... my present to myself for surviving the BOD at the shelter for 6 years. And actually I had a year off, but was on for 6 years before that. I need a cruise. Susan
  9. Good morning. Sunny here and high will get up to the high 60's after a chilly start to the day. Dogs enjoyed their longer than usual walk. I know they will be glad to see Spring. The meal of the day sounds good.... I love both avocados and crab. But I will be eating left overs from Easter tonight. My appetite is still off a bit. I need someone else to do the cooking. Little news from here. I am still plugging away (slowly) on Spring cleaning. The big thing this week will be getting my hair cut. It badly needs it. And a pedicure. All that is scheduled for Wednesday. My downstairs front neighbor will be not be coming home today. His broken shoulder is not the problem but rather his balance and movement. So he is rehab for a for about a week with PT scheduled. In the meantime I heard from the daughter of the woman who owns that unit and her Mom fell last week and broke her arm!!! - she lives in California. What is going on??? I am walking very carefully these days and telling the little dogs to stay away from my feet. It seems to be break a bone week at our condos. I don't want to play. Otherwise things are as usual. Sort of dull... even at the shelter. We are still overcrowded, but people are adopting and some of our longer term residents have recently found new homes. We are offering some spay/neuter clinics to try to cut down on the numbers but it is kitten season.... and the cuties are arriving en mass. Back to rug washing. It is warm enough to hang the throw rugs outside and they do need the airing. Susan
  10. Good morning all. Sunny and warming here. Dogs will be happy to get a longer walk in a little while when the temps make it above freezing. We did a quick in-and-out but it was cold and a bit windy and the chihuahua really feels the cold, even with a his little coat on. The meal of the day looks good. I think I would go the quick and easy route. Surprisingly enough, I have not been to today's destination. Continuing work on the house..... the Spring cleaning is being accompanied by a "clear it out!!!" phase which may or not last. And, I am working on getting things organized so that when I step off of the BOD at the shelter things will be set up to my liking. I am sure there will be a lot of changes made when I leave.... I plan not to look too closely. Take care all. @kazusorry your elbow is not doing better. Feel free to vent away!!! I think a lot of us are sort of struggling with health and other issues at this time. I am having trouble making decisions right now. Waffling back and forth. I need to sit down with a pad of paper and do some listing of alternatives to various situations.... and then get ready to live with my decisions. If only I had a crystal ball .... or maybe not. Susan
  11. Sounds like the "bug" that I had. It took me over 3 weeks to get to feeling normal and others report the same thing. The main thing is not to push yourself. This thing is a doozy. Take it easy, sleep, and don't worry.... you will feel better. Susan
  12. Good morning. Sunny bur cold here this morning. High is supposed to be only 28F today, but I think it will be a little warmer. A warming trend is due to start tomorrow and next week the temps should be in the 50's which will feel really springlike to me. I always enjoy Barbados when I stop there on cruises. Weather has always been good for me, although a bit windy a couple of times. Another day of clearing and errand running for me today. I need to schedule a lab appointment at the hospital... or rather see if my doctor ordered one. Also check on one of my neighbor's who is in and has been for a little over a week .... he fell while I was sick and broke his collarbone which the family did not know for a few days....while in the hospital being treated, they discovered he was in kidney failure. He rents a condo I manage. I feel bad that I just found all this out. Take care all. Dogs need a walk and then I need to get going or the day will get away from me. Susan
  13. Good morning. Sunny bur cold here this morning. High is supposed to be only 28F today, but I think it will be a little warmer. A warming trend is due to start tomorrow and next week the temps should be in the 50's which will feel really springlike to me. I always enjoy Barbados when I stop there on cruises. Weather has always been good for me, although a bit windy a couple of times. Another day of clearing and errand running for me today. I need to schedule a lab appointment at the hospital... or rather see if my doctor ordered one. Also check on one of my neighbor's who is in and has been for a little over a week .... he fell while I was sick and broke his collarbone which the family did not know for a few days....while in the hospital being treated, they discovered he was in kidney failure. He rents a condo I manage. I feel bad that I just found all this out. Take care all. Dogs need a walk and then I need to get going or the day will get away from me. Susan
  14. Good morning from chilly Durango....our temperatures took a real drop over night. It was 19F when the dogs and I went for our morning walk. However, the high today is supposed to be around 38 which is an improvement over the previously forecast high. We are having some light snow showers. Cold tomorrow also then it will slowly become more Spring like. I want to be able to open out the condo and air it out. And wash the throw rugs and get them outside to dry. The meal looks interesting.... I would eat it if someone else made it. Have not been to the port of the day and I think I would like it. Have always enjoyed my visits to Norway. My "big plans" for the day are to go to the bank and take my winter comforter to the laundry to have them wash it in their big machine. And work on cleaning the house. After neglecting it while I was sick I have a whole new view of Spring cleaning. I also need to prepare the condo tax return which is really pretty simple, just takes time to put all the figures together. Just so I get it in the mail on time. My own taxes were done in early February and I have gotten my refunds which are tucked away in my "cruise account". Take care all. Susan
  15. Good afternoon, all. I have been up since before the sun peeked over the hill, but dashing about getting some errands completed. A visit with the condo insurance agent was first on the list to review our policy and then a stop by the shelter to see if the roofers were taking care of a problem that developed. They were there and hopefully this will finally complete the work. I did not go onto the roof to inspect but our contractor was up there so I am hopeful this will finally get finished. If not, I will hand it off to the next Board President as my time is nearly done and I will be glad for someone else to have to deal with this. I plan to spend a lot of time with my dogs. Weather was really nice this morning and we reached a high of 50F, but the temps are starting to drop and tomorrow is supposed to be High of 25 with snow showers. Winter just won't give up but maybe this last attempt will convince Mother Nature to pay attention to the calendar. I am truly envious of all those on cruises or anticipating cruises in the near future. I still have a long way to wait and I am already a bit worried about getting out of Durango in Dec/Jan. Susan
  16. Sorry to hear you are so sick. I hope you don't have what I had. Took me between 3-4 weeks to feel nearly functional. Still I get tired easily. Susan
  17. Good morning to all. Sunny here in Durango and the snow is melting. High today may reach 60!!!.... but then they are forecasting snow and a high of 35 for Tuesday. I think Spring is trying to get a foot in the door. I will use the sun today to get some of my rugs aired out. Still not feeling like doing much, but things are getting better. I am assured that this how everyone who has had this "whatever it was" feels, so I just keep plugging. The dogs keep me moving. Have not been to Cherbourg for many years. I do remember our stop there on the Queen Mary in the early 1950's when it still showed heavy signs of the war. In the mid 1970's I had students in France and we visited the battlefields and war memorials and cemeteries, but Cherbourg for some reason was not on our schedule- or maybe I have forgotten. Best wishes to all. I hope Mother Nature will settle down for awhile. When I look at the pictures for the South and Midwest, I realize I have nothing to complain about. Susan
  18. Good morning. Sunny this morning, but winter slipped in an inch or two of snow last night. It should melt away quickly. High today forecast to 44F. Before this snow fell, I had noticed that the Iris are trying to poke through. I will take this weather over the fires on the eastern slope. I am continuing to try to bring my house under control.... laundry, dishes, and I need to go to the store but will wait another day or so on that. Yesterday I did get some past due errands taken care of. Still not much energy, but the dogs and I are managing. Otherwise, little news from here. My most positive thoughts to all who are having health or other issues. I am following the WC with interest. I think Africa is off my "sail to" list right now. I am signed up for the Grand Australia next January but am waffling a bit on that.... will have to make a decision some time but just not right now when I am still not feeling too good. If Spring would just come.... but then I will be complaining about the heat. Susan
  19. Karen, sending you all the positive thoughts I can muster. Take care of yourself and try to rest. Susan
  20. Good morning from sunny and cold Durango. Temp was 14F when dogs and I walked this morning. High today forecast at 30.... although it may go a bit higher with the sun. We had about an inch of new snow last night but looks like the next week will be dry. I ventured out yesterday to run a few errands and it wore me out. Came home and took a nap. Today I will try to bring some sort of order to my kitchen. I still have little energy and stop to nap several times during the day.... but I am definitely feeling better. Talked to a friend who probably had the same thing.... she said it was 4 weeks before she felt normal! Fortunately since it is just me and the dogs I can plod along at my own pace. The dogs try to help and make sure I do not nap alone. Meals are looking interesting these days although I have to say I have little appetite. Will file them away for the future.... just now I am getting carryout from a number of different sources. Salads and soups for the most part. Best wishes to all for continued healing. The damage and losses in Mississippi sounds terrible. After reading about that, I certainly cannot complain. Susan
  21. Bertie looks very much like the first dog I had.... my childhood companion except that mine was a female, Patsy. Many many years ago. She was my buddy through thick and thin. Susan
  22. Sounds like the same thing and there is a lot of it going around here just now. I am hearing of other people who have it or have had it. Not fun. Hope everyone else can avoid it.... and don't underestimate it. Susan
  23. Good morning. It is snowing, again. Fortunately most of what fell yesterday melted in the late afternoon. Dogs have been out and in and are now back in bed. Sounds like a winner to me. We have 2 more days of this. The downside is that with all the moisture the powers that be have now started piling sand and sandbags at the Fairgrounds and other locations. People in the upper valley are a bit worried. Still not feeling really well.... so I am off to join the dogs for an hour or so. Susan
  24. The scream you heard this morning was me when I looked out the window at 6:00 and saw the snow falling. Winter will just not give up. We are supposed to have snow/rain mix the rest of the week. Dogs are not happy. Fortunately my freezer is well stocked. Feeling much better and will continue laundry and clearing up today....slowly. Am not planning on going out although I need to pick up my mail at some point. @dfishHope your surgery goes well. Everyone else, stay well and avoid the "It is not covid crud". It is miserable. Susan
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