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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning. Sunny and dry here. Highs will be low 70's and it has been in the mid to lower 30's at night. Next week will see sharp cooling and I hope, hope, hope my heaters get fixed. Otherwise the dogs and I are going to be cold. I have been to Chile several times with various short trips around the ports, but no pictures to share. I remember Santiago was cloudy the one time I was there and we had one of the most obnoxious individuals I have ever met on our tour. Sort of ruined it for all of us. We talked about leaving him behind but the guide wouldn't let us do it. Meal looks good and the drink looks lethal. I will certainly support resolving conflicts. And as rapidly as possible. The current situation is worrisome and disturbing. I am doing overdue paper work today and hopefully will also get another file drawer sorted and shredded. Otherwise nothing on the agenda. Just a rather boring day in store and maybe that is best. By the way, I love the Meme of the woman buying the ticket..... it is the way I feel these days as technology is leaving me behind. Susan
  2. Good morning all.... late today since I slept in a bit and then just can't seem to get started. I think I know the problem - I hate housework!!! Anyway, will start on the morning routine shortly. We are having a spate of warm weather just now with highs in the 70's but that will end this weekend. I hope the electrician can get out here and service my heaters - they work but the timing is off. Little news from here. Durango is working on the celebration with Sepp Kuss which is set for tomorrow. I am not sure I will fight the crowds to attend. I love Sepp.... but they are suggesting you leave cars at home and come downtown by bike... something this old lady can't do and parking is generally pretty awful in town anyway. But I am cheering along with everyone else. Sending prayers and positive thoughts and wishes to all who need them including the poor people caught up the wars in Ukraine and Israel. The civilians always get the worst of it. Dogs and I need to get out and do some walking. I am having some problems there. I walk ok (not great, but ok) and Bandit Shih Tzu is ready to go but the Chihuahua hates it and he does not walk well. Little legs and fearful, very fearful. He is aways behind me while Bandit is out in front and ready to go. But, if I leave him home he barks and barks and barks. I may have to get him a stroller or a carry bag. The latter would be awkward for me and doggie strollers are expensive. On the plus side, he is much better about doing his business outside as soon as we go out. Off to try to do something constructive, or maybe have another shot of coffee. Susan
  3. Same thing happened with me a while ago except package showed up 6 months later in my locked mailbox so.... either the PO had it all the time or else someone dropped it off into the mail 6 months later. Like you, I was so glad it was not something valuable or necessary. Susan
  4. I am wondering about the Medical Guardian since I am going to have to be flying. It would be nice to have it in San Diego..... not so much for falling but if I thought I needed assistance for any other reason. Since I will be gone over 94 days I am going to call them and talk to them about what to do. I am sure they have other people with that question. The device will be very dead when I get home. Just got back from getting my Covid jab. I asked for and received a new card but I think I am going to take all shot records with me when I travel. Can never be too well prepared. Susan
  5. Jacqui and Ann ... interesting on the air tag. Obviously it is somewhere. It is amazing how those GPS units can travel and withstand getting wet, bounced and generally mishandled. Remember the friend of mine who passed and her family tossed her Lifeline in the trash. It survived the trash compactor on the truck and sent out distress signals all the way to the dump. Evidently it is now buried deep and has been silent. The family had a real battle to get the thing disconnected and a refund on the unused portion for some time after as it did continue to send cries for help for several days after it was tossed. Susan
  6. Good morning (barely). I am late doing anything this morning. It took 3 cups of coffee to get me "jump started" although I did manage to get the dogs out at day break. Then slow motion for the rest of the morning. I did view the eclipse (with the proper eye wear) and it was pretty spectacular from my balcony. I understand they expected large crowds at Mesa Verde and Chimney Rock. Little on the must do agenda today. I have a meeting at 12:30 for the kennel club which will not be much fun but is necessary. Any annoyance but not a major issue. Otherwise, just the usual trying to get things sorted. Someway when I throw something out another 2 seem to crowd that same space, but I know I making some progress. My prayers and positive thoughts to all needing them. I am watching the Ukraine and the Middle East carefully and grieve for all those who have no choice but to be in the middle of the fighting. The civilians always are losers in any war. @cruising singleHope you feel better and that you can get a good rest. I am due for my covid shot on Monday. Earlier than I wanted it but we are having such problems getting it.... and it is on the rise in this area.... so now will be the time. On the subject of the RSV.... my doctor recommended that I get it and I have. Also flu shot is done. Right now my problem seems to be allergies - to what I don't know. Take care all. Susan
  7. Sorry to hear that you have Covid. I hope you can get some rest....probably easier in the senior's community than on your own. And also sorry that your cruise was less than expected.I think there are a number of us who are beginning to feel the same way about future cruises. Susan
  8. Downright chilly here today. It was 25F when the dogs and I ambled forth. I need to get Monty's coat out although it is supposed to warm a bit the next few days. No signs of any wildlife which is the way I like it especially when it is not quite light. Little going on here. I am having trouble getting motivated to do much of anything and think I will give myself a day to regroup and organize. Laundry does need to be done and I think the flannel sheets need to go on the bed. My heaters are turned low just now while I wait for an electrician to come and reset the timers which seem to be way off for some reason. I will run my friend back in to have the cataract surgery checked. She admits the operation was very easy and she is not worried about having the other eye done in a couple of weeks. Take care all. Susan
  9. I am sorry to hear this.... I was so hopping he was doing better. Susan
  10. Having just eaten some pizza (Papa Murphy) right now food does not appeal. My appetite seems down these days.... wonder if that will continue when I don't have to prepare it or wash dishes. Just was able to make an appointment for my Covid shot. Earlier than I wished in terms of cruising, but we have very limited resources here, I may be traveling in November, and Covid cases are rising in number here in Durango. Hopefully it will last for 6 months until I am home again after the cruise. Need to walk dogs and myself.... I have been in too much today. Current temp is 54 and the sun is out so we should all enjoy it. Have to pick up a friend around 3. She is having cataract surgery and was absolutely scared to death. Will head out to hospital earlier in case she is ready to go although she could call me. Several of us have had the surgery and tried to reassure her but she was not taking it well. Another friend took her in - thankfully. Susan
  11. Good morning. Cold here today.... high expected of 48F although I hope it will be somewhat warmer. Have turned the heaters on. Still no moisture in the forecast for here although north of us and in the High Country the snows are on the way. I think the soup would be just the thing this evening but I don't have all the fixins. Need to restock. Dogs got me up at 5 this morning to go out. Got sort of dressed, put leashes on the boys, opened to the door and there were 2 of the biggest raccoons I have ever seen. They were just standing on the patio. Slammed the door!!! Took the dogs back upstairs and waited for 10 minutes then tried again. Rackity coons were gone although we saw them across the road a little later. Not happy as they carry rabies, distemper and are really mean if they think they are cornered. They were a lot bigger than my dogs. One more thing to watch for in the dark. I am carrying my bear spray although the bears seem to have moved into their dens. But then there is always the holdout. Take care all and my prayers being sent to all who need them. I think I envy those who are cruising although there is a lot of uncertainty right now. Makes planning for anything somewhat difficult. Susan
  12. I was up early this morning. Not by choice but because I could not sleep and thought I might as well get up. I do see a nap in my future. Weather here is chilly. It was nearly freezing when I went out with the dogs (the chihuahua thought it was freezing-I need to find his coat). High today will be around 60F. And it is sunny. No rain in the forecast. Would give today's meal a try. Have not been to that part of Germany and am unlikely to get there although you can never tell. My Mother was still traveling about in her mid-90's. Little news from here as I slowly work my way through lots of "stuff". I am going to have to get more ruthless on the tossing. Today's focus is on a chest of drawers in the 2nd bedroom and I have no idea what is in some of those drawers. Hope I can move more quickly than I have been and get rid of a bunch of stuff and maybe the whole thing. It is an old rather beat up piece that I think is better destined for the dump than the thrift store. And I am still shredding files. Hopefully my reward for all of this will be the cruise in January. My prayers and best wishes to all. Susan
  13. Which is one reason for doing a ship's tour.... particularly in an unstable area. I hope the 2 passengers are ok. Susan
  14. I wish we had an airport hotel, but airport is not that far from home. But, the early morning flights in the winter are downright scary with deer all over the road. Right now they keep moving my flight about and I will have a long layover but will cope. Susan
  15. My thinking too. At least I am flying through Phoenix, not Denver but getting out of Durango is always a toss of the dice in December/January. Susan
  16. I have looked at that 28 day Alaska cruise and it looks good. Thinking, thinking. Susan
  17. Good morning. Fall is here. Current temp is 37 with a high predicted of 68 although I think it may do a bit better and get into the low 70's. I need to start prepping my heaters for winter. Usually turn them on about the 15th. Food and drink does not appeal today - think I am getting fussy. I have been to Albany on the final world cruise of the QE2. Did not see much of it as I, in common with most people on the ship, had an awful cold. The shuttle drove us from the ship to a pharmacy which did a real rush business that day. Look forward going back on the GA and hopefully enjoying the town and countryside. Since I no longer have to go out the Humane Society, I have been leading a very quiet life. I do some dog walking and that is it - both my dogs daily and the shelter dogs twice a week. I am getting a lot of reading done and many books out of the back bedroom which doubles as a library. And today's big project is to mop the floors..... whoopeeeeee!!! My best wishes to all, both skin and fur. My pups are full recovered from their dentals and seem ready to take on the world. @kazuI envy you the time in Amsterdam. Counting down the days until the GA.... and beginning to panic a bit on clothes. Susan
  18. Visited my nephew several times when he was living in Amsterdam. He had an apartment in a house on the canal within walking distance of the center of the city. He loved it and when the building came up for sale he wanted to buy it. His wife was against it due to the upkeep and the fact that the each had a widowed mother living in the States. They now live in Ohio and he still talks about that apartment and the building. I used to love visiting him on the canal and watching the boats go past. Susan
  19. I got the RSV on the day I went in for the flu shot as an "add on" - no problem. And no one asked if I had discussed it with my doctor. Susan
  20. Good morning. Sunny, chilly and no rain in forecast. High expected around 67F. Same for the rest of the week and then some. But I notice a bit of white on the mountain peaks. Deb.... I have the same thing with Social security.... really reduced due to state pension. It is not like we are asking for our salaries for Colorado to be eligible.... but I contributed for years for work in Maryland, New Mexico and Wisconsin. Oh well. My Medicare is covered. Little new here. The dogs are fully recovered from the dental work yesterday when they both lost some teeth. Gave them meds this morning in case they were needed but I think not. Both were ready to chow down as soon as we got home yesterday. Monty gets his in liquid form since he is so tiny (5 lbs) and I find it is very hard to squirt liquid into a fighting chihuahua mouth. Fortunately premeasured. Only have to do it one more time. Pulled out some more cruise clothes to try on and none of them fit to off the thrift store with them and I am going to have to do some shopping after I finish the closet cull. Susan
  21. Picked up the doggies and my bank account is now much lighter. Both needed extractions (dental issues are so common with the Toy breeds). Both came home and demanded something to eat since they had no breakfast.... I gave them a few pieces of kibble which they wolfed right down. Will give the a little more with a bit of soft food at their regular feeding time. Now they are out for count on the sofa. Susan
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