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Posts posted by gemsm

  1. Agree. Out on deck, for a stroll, not sitting next to other people.....I would take a drag of my ecig. Not when standing next to someone. Not while passing by people.


    The problem with the juice and devices is that there are so many people experimenting with builds (coils, batteries, juice mixes and wicks) that we have no idea what is in the device making the vapor. They can explode. They can burn. Whats in the juice is just a guess.


    Bottom line, if you are in a public area and someone is around you and can see and smell what you are doing, time to put it away or find another location. Just wish it could be a small bar on the ship.


    That is fine if that is your choice but it isn't mine. Of course I never saw a problem with smoking in open air venues either as long as I don't blow it directly in someone's face.

  2. I love your posts. I'm not against e-cigs, and I really couldn't care less if someone wanted to smoke 20 packs of anything per day, I just don't want to have it inflicted on me against my will. It's inconsiderate, like other "consideration violations" you mentioned. Yes, people wear too much perfume and fart in elevators. It doesn't make that right either.


    I guess that is where I am confused...What exactly is getting inflicted on you? Do you have an issue with people walking by you with steam billowing off their coffee as well? This is why I am having a hard time with the entire "its inconsiderate" idea.

  3. I smoked for years. Currently vaping for over 2.


    I am not happy with going into a smoking section to vape. Drives me nuts.


    That said, non-smokers/non-vapors should not be exposed to clouds of vapor. Vapor that has not been proven to be 100% safe. Vapor produced from concoctions that may have been mixed in someones basement with god knows what. It just isn't considerate. Some of these devices can produce clouds so thick, you can't see through it. All types of flavoring from menthol to cloves and even bacon.


    I do wish, and actually think it will happen, that they would have a bar designated for us vapors.


    I think that would be great...Also I think that vaping should be allowed anywhere outdoors. The vapor dissipates so rapidly outdoors that it is less harmless then car exhaust. I do think the FDA should create regulations for the manufacture of e-juice so that the same ingredients are in all e-juices. With over 200 different brands they can't really do a whole lot of consistent testing. However the tests they did do at drexel university concluded that the vapor from e-cigs while not as clean as air, is cleaner then the air in LA.


    You get more carcinogens from the air on deck from the smokestacks then e-cig vapor. Also I can vape in a crowded room or an airplane without anyone even knowing I am doing so...Its the main reason why I think the vaping in the smoking area rules are stupid...especially for those of us that quit smoking

  4. I was responding to gemsm who said: why the hell should I expose myself to the second hand smoke you folks are so adamantly against?


    Why because the smell was sickening sweet and made two of us disgusted enough to leave. You can go sniff anyone you would like, we are discussing e-cigarettes not other offensive smells.


    Well I don't like to be around people with bad breath, people who stealth fart, people with perfume (most of which are highly irritating for my allergies) etc...but I don't ask NCL to ban these people to only being able to fart, breathe, or wear their perfume in the smoking area because that is just plain stupid

  5. Why ???? Just for the sake of starting an argument ???? Perhaps it is a personal thing not to be discussed. Allergies can cause problems that are difficult to diagnose and identify.


    That is like asking the "vapers" why they don't just quit.


    No its just sheer curiosity. How did they determine that said person was allergic to nicotine? WOndering if that person can no longer eat tomatos, potatos, eggplant, or peppers since all contain more nicotine then my e-cigarette liquid.

  6. Just want to pass along one FACT. Smokers CHOSE to start smoking and become hooked on cigarettes and they CHOOSE to use ecigs as the way to quit (as opposed to a lot of other options, all of which have been proven to work). An alcoholic has a disease and does not use lite beer or half strength drinks to stop drinking. Draw your own conclusions. Of course I will get called all kinds of nasty names for pointing this out, mostly by people who are choosing to kill themselves and think they have the right to take others along with them. It really is sad that otherwise civil people cannot discuss things in that manner when it comes to this topic.


    Actually those other options have been proven not to work. The patch has a 10% success rate. Nicotine gum and lozenges 8% success rate. Chantix and Zyban 18% success rate.

    When it is proven that vapor from an e-cigarette is harmful to anyone who breathes it second-hand (current research says it is not) then I will be concerned about "taking others along with me" however a good majority of us are using e-cigarettes to QUIT SMOKING so we don't choose to kill ourselves.

  7. Then why do people use them as a crutch? Why are they made to resemble cigarettes? Why are they designed to work to directly imitate smoking? If you want to use them go use them in the places they are allowed. Pretty damn simple. It is even laughable that you use the term vaping. It is still smoking and it still puts off fumes. The sad part about the smoking issue is that there is a small population of smokers who just plain do not give a rats butt about anyone other then themselves and their lack of common courtesy brings makes it worse on all smokers.


    mine does not resemble a cigarette in any way shape or form. Nicotine addiction is the hardest addiction to break. why the hell should I expose myself to the second hand smoke you folks are so adamantly against? it isn't smoking in any way shape or form, it doesn't put off "fumes" it releases water vapor. Incidentally the same water vapor you exhale with each breath from your lungs. And how is my using something that bothers no one lacking in common courtesy? Do you believe folks on the nicotrol inhaler should only be allowed to use that in the "smoking areas" because they are the same thing

  8. Stacey,


    unlimited soda card is 6/day/person plus tip, alcohol is up to 15 drinks and I think 50/day/person plus tip.


    tip is automatically entered in, but you can tip more if you want


    11.50/day/person... no, 4 nights, 4 days of tips, not 5


    the 11.50 covers cabin steward and their asst, waiters, waiter assts, maitre-d. You can always tip others which I assume can include the spa folks (though this is probably added in too).





    and the one he didn't answer - If you want to tip extra you put on your sign and sail card...no need to carry cash unless you want to tip your piano bar player

  9. Let's face reality !!


    The E-cig users brought the restrictions upon themselves by flaunting the "vaping" in restricted areas and many by using E-cigs that looked like real cigarettes.


    This made it almost impossible for any venue to enforce the non-smoking rules therefore restriction was the only viable means to control smoking.


    Hmmm...the non-smoking rules are still enforceable. The last time I checked smoking requires a product to be lit on fire. Vaping on the other hand is not smoking and it never has been.

  10. Leaving in 2 days on the Splendor, can't find this answer either here or on CCL site, I know the rates for my AT&T cell will be 2.50 a minute at sea, but does anyone know the rates for the phone in your cabin? They can be used to call home too can't they?


    Thanks for any help.


    I'm not sure how much a minute but we got 3 from home and the total on my sign and sail was 15.33

  11. We're booked in 7370 on the Liberty for our next cruise. Looking forward to it. First time on the Liberty and we've heard good things.


    We were in 7241 forward...Loved it but the air wasn't working properly the first day. Deck 7 is very quiet.


    And the Liberty is an awesome ship. We had a wonderful cruise on her.

  12. [quote name='rdler']As a person who was on this cruise, it was a very sobering experience to watch unfold. Imagine making the decision to take your children and babies aboard something that only arguably passes for a boat and ply the rough waters in a search for freedom and a better future.

    We too had an excursion in Cozumel that we were looking forward to. Well, that pales in comparison to the social studies lesson my son and I got that Tuesday.

    Unfortunately, those migrants will be returned to Cuba. Alive, but back to conditions that they found they intolerable. I hope that God watches over them all.

    I am embarrassed for, and ashamed of, those folks from Lakeland. While Nassau is not the greatest place in the world, I truly did not hear many people complaining.[/QUOTE]

    Just WOW!!! I truly think if I ever met you in person I would really really like you :)
  13. I would agree that in all probability, e-cigarette vapor is - at a minimum - much less harmful than cigarette smoke. But its not factual at this point in time that it "harms no one." There are studies underway, but nothing definitive. Having pointed that out, I wouldn't object at all to e-cigarettes being allowed on balconies and in other outdoor locations. I'm somewhat ambivalent about whether they should be allowed without restriction in all (indoor) locations at this point.




    A new study by drexel university confirms that chemicals in e-cigarettes pose minimal health risk

  14. First congratulations on beating the smoking habit. I am not a smoker, but does the exhaled vapor that has no smoke smell contain any other chemicals like nicotine? I have an allergy to nicotine and can become sick if exposed to a ton of second hand smoke. If there are no chemicals in the vapor I have no issues with them being used in non smoking areas. BTW my nicotine allergy kept me away from the temptations of smoking as a youth for which as an adult I am grateful.


    I realize this is an old thread but hoping you will check it because I for one am curious as to how you know you are allergic to nicotine? A ton of second hand smoke has a ton of chemicals. How did you determine that nicotine is the one you are allergic to?

  15. #2 answer to argue with people that I have come to the conclusion , would like nothing better than to tell EVERYONE ELSE to quit doing anything and everything that they don't like!!!!!! No pleasing SOME people.... And now they are running to their " studies" to see how harmful the vapor from our lungs is, and come back demanding we all quit breathing around them!!!!



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums


    ROFLMAO - I am waiting patiently for that one. For all the folks that say why should I have to breathe your vapor -- Why should I have to breathe your germs on an elevator? Should we all hold our breaths while in tiny enclosed spaces :)

  16. I'm a musician who worked smoky bars and now suffer from lung problems. It is not the stench, but the chemicals which make some people truly sick. Times are changing, countries, states...the minority of smokers cannot freely foul the air. I have empathy for smokers and watched my father try to quit over and over. It is not a war on smokers, it's the reality check that tobacco smoke kills. When you cannot breathe, you have no freedom at all. Peace!


    I don't disagree with your assessment but why ban e-cigarettes to the smoking area? Majority of people I know using e-cigarettes (including myself) no longer smoke cigarettes so why should we be subjected to tobacco smoke that kills when e-cigarette vapor harms noone

  17. Guess i hit a sore spot with the smokers. Why would i want to inhale vapor from someone else. I chose to eat what i want.That my choice. However not once have i been ask if i minded if they used a ecig. They take it for granted that its ok.

    Therefore i have no choice if i breath nicotine or not. Its to late after they make vapor with it. And yes i do move on, but why should I have to.

    This is easily controllable.


    In case you were unaware: You already do inhale vapor from someone else you just don't know because you can't see it. Every single breathing human being exhales vapor from their lungs with every breath they take.

  18. And our pulmonologists in practice tell all patients not to use it as studies are revealing problems. If those of you who are old enough to remember cigarettes were also thought to be safe


    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk


    Huh...What studies? I haven't seen any. And my dad's pulmonologist just last week recommended he use one to quit smoking

  19. This was in the new your dailey newspaper. And lots more like it on the webs try googling it. States dont just "ban it for no reason"


    Actually yes States do. Maryland after doing the research and talking with experts chose not to because the second hand risk is beyond negligible according to current research. Nicotine is less harmful then caffeine in the negligible quantities in 2nd hand vapor

  20. Each to there own, but why should i have to breath it if i dont want to.

    In the smoking area is great and if i want to breath i will go there.

    However where do i go if i dont want to breath it ? Thats why it is regulated in some states and more to follow.

    I agree its better then cigs but still has nicotine vapors.

    I have nothing aqainst smoking them or real cigs. I just want a place where i dont have to be near it. Easiest way is to put them in the smoking area.

    Where you get to smoke your vapor(nicotine), i get clean vapor free and smoke free air to breath.


    I hope you don't eat Tomatos, Potatos, Eggplant, Peppers, or drink black tea as all 5 have WAY MORE nicotine then the above study you quoted. Not only that but if you let vapors vape in public lounges you would have to be sitting right next to them with them exhaling vapor in your face in order for you to get any nicotine in your system. Even with an electronic smoking machine filling a room with vapor they couldn't get more then a negligible amount of nicotine.


    The current FDA study being conducted by the UofMD has so far found no major health risks to users of e-cigs and no 2nd hand risks.

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