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Posts posted by gemsm

  1. getting up in everybody else's business instead of minding their own business in an open cruise forum... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA




    GOOD ONE!!!! You do have a sense of humor! :p


    Bless your heart


    No I didn't say anything about on the forums...But I really don't understand why people are so worried about chair hogs, alcohol smugglers, and if people are vaping in their cabin while on a cruise. I was worried about not getting to my 15 drink limit too early, not getting a sunburn, having a good time, enjoying as much entertainment as possible and not exploding from eating too much food. But then again I am a live and let live kind of person so unless somebody is doing something specifically to distract from others enjoyment I could really care less

  2. I agree...


    I put the alcohol smugglers, the chair Hogs, The smoking and ecig violators all in the same category


    I put the people that are too busy getting up in everybody else's business instead of minding there own into their own category...Unfortunately that category is bigger then all the others combined

  3. now that you see its specifically stated... I am sure it makes no difference to you


    Nope...Funnily enough it didn't make a damn bit of difference to Carnival either as we vaped everywhere except dining rooms/lido restaurant including the piano bar and nobody gave a damn about it


    By the way the whole "saving chairs" rule is specifically stated as well but doesn't seem to matter to most folks they save chairs anyway

  4. thanks Shmoo... I wished people actually read the rules before posting


    And funnily enough the rule i posted about the cleaning fee was a direct quote from Carnival's web page...Seems I read the rules just fine. No smoke in the stateroom means no "smoke" cleaning fee can be assessed. Which part of e-cigarettes burn nothing and create no smoke are you folks not understanding?

  5. Not in accordance with the rules. Now for those who have no (or little) integrity, your advice may certainly apply.


    Some of us don't believe that not following arbitrary rules based on emotion means we have no or little integrity. Ignoring the law yes...not following a rule that isn't specifically stated and not against the law...Not so much

  6. wait... Please show me the sign where it says you need to smoke or vape to post on this thread. is there a reason you keep posting on me instead of answering someone questions or adding insight into the OP question?


    And while I dont smoke or vape, I have friends and family who do and have been on Carnival cruises with them.


    If someone asks the distance between the earth and the moon, do you have to have gone to the moon in order to answer it?


    Someone asked a question, I answered the question correctly. No controversy until you attacked me. why are you on my case?


    someone said that Vaping is not smoking so it doesnt fit the rule. I explained that Carnival sees vaping and smoking as the same thing for their rules.... where is the controversy?


    No the rules don't state that. As a matter of fact the only rule that is stated is that e-cigarettes can only be used in designated smoking areas. No where in Carnival's "policy" does it state that they see vaping and smoking as the same thing

  7. ecigs, according to Carnival are to be treated EXACTLY like cigarettes so rules HAVE been broken


    No they haven't...You didn't read the rules very well:


    "Guests who smoke in their staterooms will be assessed a $250 USD cleaning and refreshing fee on their Sail & Sign account"


    As vaping is not smoking Carnival can't assess the cleaning and refreshing fee as there is no smoke in the stateroom

  8. Not about the safety, its about making up for the bucks lost on tobacco. I'll be done and off the ecig before this new crap starts, so they're not getting crap off of me.


    it will probably be about 2 years before they get there and I'm with you...I will be done and off e-cig by then

  9. Note my mention of using ecigs as a part of a cessation program. I wonder slightly at the risk of remaining hooked on them though as compared to using nicotine gum, patches, or lozenges which also break the oral habit as well.


    I know a man that has been addicted to nicotine gum for 22 years. he doesn't smoke anymore though and hasn't in 22 years

  10. im not debating this with you. I meant when they knocked, you had it in your hand or someone else did... caught 100% - not a 'possibility'


    there can never be a resolution on this. This is all I can say


    the policy is


    Guests who smoke in their staterooms will be assessed a $250 cleaning and refreshing fee on their Sail & Sign account. Information on this fee is included in Carnival’s ticket contract.



    It doesnt say if they need to or if its necessary. Since ecigs have the SAME rules... this applies as written.



    I agree it would be stupid to actually fine someone but according to their rules if they CATCH you (ecig in hand using it) then they can enforce the above rule (as unlikely as it is).






    VAPING is not SMOKING so no rule is violated

  11. The article I read had a smoking cessation doc that said it worked with half of his pop that was using it as a method...So 20 % of his pop was using the e-cigs and it was working for half of them...so congrats on your success..tapering off however one can do it relatively safe...is the way to go..don't know anything much about them but sometimes.... wonder whether tobacco companies might be fighting them behind the scenes.


    I come from "chewing" more than smoking country...wonder if they can create or have some kind of weaning process for that..2 of my nephews are hooked.:(:)


    Try SNUS...It helps

  12. The "you" was not "you" specifically, it is for anyone who thinks it is okay to vape in non-smoking areas while on board a Carnival ship. I guess I should have used my Southern language and said "all y'all". No assumptions stated, pure fact, vaping in a cabin or other non-smoking area is against Carnival's rules. I can post the rules if you (anyone) care to see them, but I'm fairly sure you (specifically) already know what they are and just don't give a hoot.


    Carnival didn't enforce the e-cig rules on my cruise on the Liberty. Carnival doesn't enforce the e-cig rules on most cruises.

  13. I guess the kids who have died as a result of second hand e-cig "vapor" is not enough. I read every few days where testing is proving that e-cigs present the same dangers as tobacco smoke. Putting nicotine into the air is not good no matter the method. Sorry to disagree, but please don't smoke in my cabin!


    absolutely no one has died as a result of second hand e-cig vapor. You are clueless. Actually you will be hard pressed to find definitive proof that anyone has actually died as a result of second-hand cigarette smoke.

  14. I remember when people would argue that second hand smoke was safe and no danger in it. Now people want to argue e-cigs are safe. But yet, states, counties, and cities across this country are enacting or in the process of enacting laws to change the language to include e-cigs with the same restrictions as all tobacco products.


    This is not candy, it is chemicals and the "majority" of people recognize that this is eventually going to be regulated and restricted and most also recognize, that putting chemicals and vapor into your lungs will not be safe.


    It's a tough argument to prove it is safe. You could argue this all night, but the end result will be it's not safe and it will be regulated.


    Guess all those asthmatics better watch out then since their inhalers contain the same exact ingredients as e-cigarettes minus the nicotine. How is that for an argument for safety

  15. New regs coming soon for e-cigs. They have been found to be as dangerous as regular cigs in testing. I don't think the rules will lighten up any for these. Probably stay the same as other tobacco fires.


    ROFLMAO...See info like this is what is absolutely ridiculous. No they have been found to be so much safer then regular cigarettes. EVERY STUDY SHOWS THAT!!!

  16. But the airfare...OMG. For those of you who have booked or have gone on a southern caribbean cruise do you have any tips or tricks for the airfare. Or do you just suck it up and pay the high prices. Im looking into a Southern in January but the airfare for 2 people would be well over $1,100. Is that average for flying into San Juan. I've never flown anything but domestic so I really have no idea what to expect.


    Southwest flies from Midway to San Juan...January fares aren't out yet though

  17. Absolutely true. Look at the CDC Morbidity and Mortality report dated Feb 4 the a study of e cigs from sept 2010 to Feb 2014. Very enlightening


    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk


    There isn't one dated February 4. However the one dated Apr 4 just discusses the increased number of calls to poison control. Of course that couldn't have anything to do with the increase in use of e-cigarettes at all. That would make no sense. Regardless there has not been 1 death due to exposure to liquid nicotine with the exception of the suicide by injection.

  18. I saw a similar study and they also said that if it drips on your hand when refilling, that alone can make you sick too


    Absolutely not true. I get a bit on my hands every time I refill and it has never made me sick. That information came about from a 19th century experiment and the latest research shows you would have to have very large doses of liquid nicotine (if you are an adult) before getting ill.

  19. ...just stating a fact my friend...are you saying I shouldn't have flown into New York or Houston last week because someone was killed in those cities? Yes, NCL has to respond and I respect that...and feel VERY sad for the victim and his family, but only two incidents on an impoverished island over the years deserves SOME sympathy for an island of very kind and giving people, who have their share of troubled youth, just like wherever you are from....try not to be so quick to condemn a whole island because of one act of tragedy. If we lived by your logic...you would not be living anywhere in the world, because something bad happened there before you came...


    Um its been many more then 2 incidents. Maybe only 2 deaths but a lot of people have been robbed and some threatened to be kidnapped. I used to want to retire to Roatan until speaking with an American expatriate that basically said they feel unsafe having anything that even speaks of her having any money for fear of her safety. She lives in Belize now in a gated property with security guards

  20. While many of you are chiming in with the old "it can happen anywhere bit...maybe you do a little research before you speak. Try going to Cruise law news and you will find the U.S. State Department issued a warning that the murder rate in Honduras is the highest in the world.


    Yes but the sad part is up until this last year that didn't translate to Roatan because it is so isolated from mainland Honduras. Apparently the riff-raff from the mainland are making their way over to the island.

  21. More and more cruiselines are creating private cruise centers hoping to keep passangers safely in and locals out. I know Royal has Labadee in Haiti and Carnival has a few including Grand Turk. Does NCL have any cruise centers in the works ?


    Actually Grand Turk has nothing to do with passengers in and locals out...Grand Turk has no crime and the locals there are some of the nicest people you ever want to meet. That private center is more because there isn't really much on Grand Turk.


    Carnival did post on Facebook that they are advising their passengers to stay in the Mahogany Bay complex while in Roatan. Personally I feel less comfortable in ports like that or Labadee. When I see armed guards protecting the port area I really have no desire to be off of the ship.

  22. Tell your dads pulmonologist to read his own specialty magazine 'Chest' where the study first appeared. I have been in cardiopulmonary medicine for 30+ years and would find it irresponsible to recommend the use of a non proven if not detrimental substitute for smoking. There are many other proven, both right or wrong, out on the market now with lengthy track records


    Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk[/QUOT


    Every current study is coming out with a LOT of research saying e cigs are detrimental. Sorry the pulmonologist you know is not up to date. Scary!!


    No they aren't...There haven't been many studies at all saying e cigs are detrimental. I have read 3. Last I heard the FDA's study says there are no major health issues.

  23. I'm not going to get into a spitting match with you because after doing this for over 30 years with excellent success for those patients that truly have a drive to quit there are MANY available alternatives that are tried and true.


    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk


    OK but you still haven't said any of the MANY alternatives. I can't take Chantix...I already take Wellbutrin and Celexa for other issues. I can't use the patch because I am allergic to the adhesive. Nicorette made me nauseous. So if you know of other available "tried and true" alternatives (though I still say 10% or less isn't tried or true) please enlighten us

  24. Tell your dads pulmonologist to read his own specialty magazine 'Chest' where the study first appeared. I have been in cardiopulmonary medicine for 30+ years and would find it irresponsible to recommend the use of a non proven if not detrimental substitute for smoking. There are many other proven, both right or wrong, out on the market now with lengthy track records


    Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk


    Really? what are the many other proven ones? If you are talking about the patch with its 10% rate or the gum/lozenges at 8% I wouldn't exactly call that "Proven".

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