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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. DD is doing better. She will have test done in a month to check her diabetes. They are both worn out like new parents. Yesterday her DH fell asleep on the couch with the dog next to him. DD said he started snoring so bad that Millie got up, walked to the other side of the room and laid back down. 😆 Finnley pasted her hearing test. Her bilirubin count is getting better. Last night they called at about 2am. Finnley's temperature was up. All better today.
  2. Thanks for sharing. Looks good. I don't remember trying Sabors the last time we were on Allure but plan to in October. Was this lunch or supper?
  3. That is funny. 14 out of 100. I am sure if we did a questionnaire we would not agree on everything. Happily married 56 years is a blessing.
  4. We may have had about 7 sad days in 43 years so that is why happily married for 43 years is about a week after our 43rd anniversary.
  5. We are trying the UDP for the 1st time this cruise. We have not yet tried 150CP yet so we plan to on Allure. If you go to some specialty restaurants I would like to hear your experience.
  6. Looking forward to the review! Hope you have a safe and fun adventure! We will be doing this same itinerary in October. Curious to see what y'all do each port. Have you ever tried the Samba Grill?
  7. I noticed you don't have lunch scheduled for the first day. I made a food schedule too, which I am already go to need to change. Are scheduled 1st day lunch is going to be Chops. We may be able to have lunch and have someone there schedule our dinners the rest of the week. We are finally going to try 150. We also have Sabor Taqueria and Samba Grill down for first time tries. We have Chops Scheduled for 3 dinners (8 night cruise) including lobster night. As far as I see there is not a Playmakers on Allure. I would love to try it sometime.
  8. Yes! I would say in about 3 or 4 days I can say we have been happily married for 43 years.... 😆 Not bad for 43 years!
  9. Sharon and I are celebrating our 43rd anniversary! We both have been busy today so we are having a late lunch. Some might find this hard to believe but I made home made pizza! Yes really!
  10. I know we like breakfast pics so I thought I would share this. Looks like Finnley is more like Gpa and just 😴 sleeps through it.
  11. If you book before and want more than 1, the more you get, the more the discount up to 4 devices. You do have the option to share a plan but only one can be on the plan at a time.
  12. When we do Emed they never have a problem us helping one another.
  13. @Sea Dog I thought of something that you might want to try to help you on your next cruise with the UDP. From now until your cruise overdo making homemade pizza 🍕. That way you will not be tempted as much to head to Sorento's! Just an idea. I started yesterday and again tonight.
  14. Has the cooler weather helped the peppers. I am starting to share peppers more than tomatoes right now but more tomatoes are now coming. We got new neighbors across the street now. We were able to share peppers with them. The wife is known for making good salsa so I am looking forward to sharing tomatoes too. I bet your excited to get back on a boat. You will get to relax from getting up and out to work each morning. I bet you will enjoy good weather. Cruise ships are good at dodging rain. We just got the RU email for our October cruise.
  15. We had really nice start last night and it really cooled down. It's forcast to have 1 day hit 89⁰ this week and then no higher than 84⁰. I am so thankful the hot is over. I am already see the good effects in the garden.
  16. So thankful for the rain. It actually feels a bit chilly when you first step out. 68⁰. The ac has not kicked on since yesterday. The forcast from here out is showing mid 80s and lower! Time to pull out a jacket. 😆
  17. Yesterday the kids delivered flowers to their 1st restaurant. One of the bouquets is on the table next to them. It's been raining today but they are still checking on the flowers!
  18. Corrie told me Sunday she loves that she going back to school. Oh to be young. Oh, I forgot Finnley on here too.
  19. @Sunshine3601. Here's a better pic of Zander. Today is their 1st day back to school. I just had to include a pic of Finnley.
  20. This is a traditional group pic of the Grandkids. Finnley's 1st. We are running out of room. There are 2 boys which both were hoping Finnley was a boy. The one you are forgetting is Corrie and Lottie's brother Zander. He's in the middle. You thought Lottie was unsure about holding Finnley, well Z was not going to holding her. He gave the new mom hugs and then when Caden was done holding they went off to play with Legos.
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