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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Our group has experienced Jamie’s a couple of times but not Giovanni’s. We were thinking of skipping it but after getting the UDP we thought maybe. One of my pluses for trying Giovanni’s was the plank which I enjoyed at Jamie's. Looks like that is not a plan anymore. I will share this experience with the gang and maybe I can get them to do 150 CP twice.
  2. @DaniDanielle @Sunshine3601 Great to hear y'all are ready to go! Have a safe and happy adventure together. It's special to get to meet friends we have made here. Please take time to post some picks.
  3. Thanks for the memories! We had the best Halibut at Skagway Brewing and shared a Doughboy which I will eat a whole one next time there! Thanks for sharing and have a great time.
  4. Neat view of the ship. NorthStar was down the whole time we were on in May.
  5. I didn't realize my volume was up so when I started the video, Sharon jumped 😳 πŸ˜† Nothing like having fun with family. Glad you are all having a good time.
  6. I was wondering if this was a choice πŸ€” Looking at the menu they pair the Tenderloin with shrimp and pair the Lobster with sea scallops. I was hoping you could get the combo you got. I will make note. Thanks.
  7. Glad you decided to do the live. Hope you ha e a safe trip and a fun trip. You mentioned that you have nothing planned at Sitka. You may of already visited but have you ever tried Sitka National Historical Park? It's not that far of a walk from where they drop you off at the shuttle and some nice views on the way. It is known for all of the totem poles but it is also a beautiful trail easy trail to walk. Towards the end the trail runs along a river where we viewed eagles. If you haven't tried it I bet you would really enjoy.
  8. If He said he wants to go, go. After reading the reasons why some say don't go I have to ask, is Carnival sushi made with fresh, never frozen fish? Is it exotic? Just what makes Carnival so good that you would eat and enjoy it but not eat and enjoy Izumi? BTW, I enjoy eating at Izumi.
  9. Go on the Perfect Storm. You have to beat her to the end. Maybe tell the guard at the top what you are doing so the guard can slow her down. Jump out at the end and wait for her to pop out! Or Go to the Wall climbing. As she gets to the top, drop to the bottom, get on one knee with the ring out and wait for her to land! Both would be a huge surprise. Either would be an experience you would not forget.
  10. This should reduce some stress. Now if the airlines could get it together it should be about stress free. One thing I don't understand is when they make these changes why do they fell like they need to wait a couple weeks before activating them.
  11. So happy to hear you made it there safely. You make me jealous being in Cyprus. I am so excited to see pictures from there. I like going to the 360 cities website and viewing the 360 pictures of Cyprus. The water there is beautiful. I hope you both have a fun safe time.
  12. I am happy to hear. We plan to try 150 for the 1st time. We plan to try the Tenderloin for two. I love lobster but have not tried it prepared like this. Was not sure if I wanted to take a chance and was thinking fish just for the Halibut. The garlic roll looked REAL good. I liked the pics of CP. The way it is lit up made me first thing Christmas lights.
  13. Now we all have to decide if we still want to cruise........ πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
  14. Yes. The count started leveling out at 16 so she was able to go without treatment. When they saw the first count they started taking her outside more and they had her laying in her bed next to a window to get some sun. After that things started getting better and no more need to check the count.
  15. I bet if you mention to your cabin steward that you would like a paper Compass you will have one in your room each day.
  16. I had forgotten all about Wipeout Cafe. I will be making note to do breakfast there. Thanks again. You are helping plan out our food choices.
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