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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. That is so cool 😎 to hear. Ken, you know that there is a good chance I take you up on this! We will definitely have to video and take pics! One good thing, I have lost 10 to 15 pounds since we were last together. Should make it easier getting me to the top of the slides!
  2. I have already posted about several things done for us like all of the cards, meals, the TV stand being completed, etc and the prayers. Here are a couple more pics. A loving couple wanted to do something special so they bought me a lift chair! It sure is helpful. My SIL is friends with a Therapist guy that is part of a group that puts ramps in for people at cost! They understand how to design them so the slope is good. They finished this for me a couple weeks ago. It's almost the length of the garage.
  3. I've been meaning to post pics of the shower remodel. Several guys came in and tore out a wall, the bathtub/shower and moved water pipes and a/c vents. We then hired a tile company. The guys also replaced our original bathroom door with a barn door. The other side of the room had double sinks. We removed them to add room to move around. Sharon decorated the walls this week. And here is a pic of my 1st shower taken in the new shower!
  4. Thanks. We certainly have been blessed with a lot of love from our immediate family, church family and our community. And I definitely am thankful for the love and concern from here. I REALLY want to make it to the Bella 2 cruise and meet so many. Although this is a challenging time, it really can make you a stronger person. With so much love, help and prayers being shared, how could I deny that God is with us. It actually surprised me how good it was! It was really good! There was 15 of us and it was so big we still have almost half. Good thing I listened to Kenzie and shared it with everyone. 😆
  5. I will need to be a little sneaky on Icon. I love slides. The last 4 cruises, 2 Allure 2 Ovation, had no slides! I will be so tempted to go on a slide. Will I be able to park at the bottom of the slide? Will I be able to climb up it? 😆 We will see.
  6. So thankful insurance covers it all. Expensive. Speaking of family, all 3 DDs and family are here today! I love these times. Earlier we got a strawberry cake. Before we ate it I was with Kenzie and said, .... let's split the cake and eat it all! She quickly said, No Gpa! It for family!
  7. I am renting one for our next cruise. @brillohead Debbi has been very helpful in helping us with suggestions in our travel. She suggested to rent one called Whills. It sounds great! The wheelchair I am getting is not designed as a portable. Heavy. We have been considering driving to Miami for the Icon cruise in January so that I could use it on that cruise. We would have to break the trip up. I would love to have it! This chair will allow me to raise up 12" to help talk with people.
  8. Physically it's getting harder to get around especially as the day goes on. My spirit is still fine. Prayers from around the world surely makes a difference. My insurance is covering a really nice customized motorized wheelchair for me that is supposed to be delivered in a couple of weeks. They fitted me for it before we went to Lakeside several weeks ago. The plus side of me losing so much weight is that I am getting a narrow one that will easily move around the house. I am looking forward to cruising in a few weeks. It will be a 5 day cruise and will let us have a better idea if we can handle future ones.
  9. We had street steak tacos tonight. We forgot about the food truck. We got tacos there a lot last summer. We took them down to the river and enjoyed eating them while enjoying the view.
  10. Good to hear things are improving! Thankful it is going well for you. It will be nice to have a get away on the cruise. Hang in there.
  11. Yes, it was September 10th. Happy Birthday! It's sometimes hard for me to figure out the dates. It seems like we rarely celebrate them on the actual date. We go with convenience. The funny thing though we celebrated Saturday the 9th and then we all ate at our house Sunday the 10th. No complaints though, we were all together 2 days.
  12. I thought they were sun dried tomatoes! Love them. I made a bunch last year. Not much this year. I think I am out of them. I got my dough started! Thanks for the inspiration! I was about done for the day before seeing the pizza pic.
  13. It looks good to me. So good I think I am going to go make some pizza dough so I can make some tomorrow! Do you know what that is that is on top?
  14. Yesterday the kids came over for the game. While they were hear we celebrated Kenzie's birthday 🎂 which was actually today. I think she liked the icecream cake from DQ. I thought I would add this cutie pic from Friday. She was hanging out with Caden.
  15. I certainly understand wanting to revisit this place! This place is beautiful! Great view and it looks like good food.
  16. It is so nice out! The sun is shining down keeping me warm while a mild breeze is blowing the cool weather almost like a nice ac. Caden just scored. Half time. Not sure of the score but we have scored several, the other team none.
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