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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Just so you know, I'm not wearing panties ... today.
  2. Giovanni’s is my favorite on Allure. Lunch and dinner. And I join you on 150cp. It was a one and done for us. I don't remember which ships we were on but we tried Jamie's a couple times and are done with it too. UDPs are getting to high for us.
  3. I have been trying to think of a joke about the the day after Black Friday but can't come up with one!
  4. I am glad they didn't have chocolate on them. It would of taken away from the great taste and I probably wouldn't of tried them. The teenagers that were there were eating it like popcorn!
  5. You will love the screened patio. The mosquitoes have gotten much worse since we first moved here. Screening in half of our deck last year has been a true blessing. We use it much more than we used to use it.
  6. I was thinking the same but then I remember visiting Cambodia a few years ago. There were some snacking on roasted crickets. 😳 I thought should I? Thinking this might not go good I tossed one in my mouth. I was so surprised! They tasted good.
  7. As we were sitting in the screened in deck it started storming so hard the rain blew through the screen and we had to come in. That was an hour ago. It is currently 70⁰ out! Hard to believe at this time of the year.
  8. @lenquixote66 It sounds like you are surrounded by loved ones! I hope you enjoy the celebration of your birthday. Happy birthday!
  9. We are getting a break today. High will be 83⁰. Next week is forcast to be mid to high 90s. We are enjoying the deck today.
  10. Humid hear too. Current temp 87⁰ F RealFeal 109⁰ 76% humidity. So temps don't always reflects how it feels.
  11. Isn't it crazy good how colorize works. You may of noticed that the Nueral Filters has a picture restore feature to remove cracks. I didn't have as much luck with it but the cracks in the picture I tried it on were really deep separated cracks. To get rid of the background cracks I used to just cut out the subject and replace the background.
  12. It's amazing some of the editing that can be done on a phone. My Samsung editing have an erase feature that works great.
  13. Debbi, Brillo is doing fine. She works night shift. Example I texted to make sure its OK to post she is working and she responded at 3:38am. I know her humor is still fine. I sent her a 2004 picture of my daughters eating cookies and she laughed and warned of games played.
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