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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. We were on the run most of yesterday. I remember glancing in on a TV, don't even remember where we were, and seeing NFL. The ESPN app worked great. My friend watched the whole Razorbacks game without a problem. My android acted up once but it was probably all the stuff I have opened on the phone.
  2. Got up to late for a sunrise. Here is a balcony view right now. Using the 10x lens I can see ships in front and in back off us in a distance. I am not an expert on Cruise Mapper so I couldn't figure out who they are. Here is where Allure is located.
  3. I was surprised myself. I will need to gain some weight before we cruise Alaska again. 😆
  4. We ate at Chops tonight. With the lighting it was hard to get good pics. Started with pretzel bread. OK Had shrimp cocktail. The shrimp is usually larger. I had some mushroom soup. This was really good. A variety of sides. The filet was good. And Is key lime pie. I was expecting better. Not a bad meal. Hopefully better on Day 8.
  5. The limit signs on elevators are now gone. Not many paid attention to them anyway. I like the touch buttons in the elevators.
  6. Random thought about the room. Overall we like the room. But the technology is a little old. And limited plug ins. There is the on the desk. But on one side of the bed no plugs and the other one hidden behind the bed. There is limited drawer space too. Sharon came up with a good idea. With a metal wall she was able to do this.
  7. @slyster Here is a sample of Dazzles tonight. 20221015_224434.mp4
  8. Permission granted. Thanks for joining in to keep everyone entertained. Have a great cruise!
  9. I talked to an IT guy earlier who I believe was a higher up. He said that last cruise they turned on Starlink for the whole ship to use and almost immediately had so many call saying there internet was not working. He said that Starlink could not handle the number of users so they went back to OB3. He said Starlink techs are still on board working on it. He seemed frustrated over it. Not looking like a go for Starlink soon. On the plus side. I was able to use the ESPN app and stream a live game. Another in our group was doing the same on his phone.
  10. They might resize after they upload but while they upload it shows you the size. Some of mine were between 12mb and 22mb and was taking much longer than the ones I resized. The resized were about 1mb and less.
  11. But what about the pic. 😆 Funny thing you responded 1st. Don't know if you remember but my first Live I did this time last year I was posting videos and they were hard for you to view. I remember I had it set on 4k. I learned how to downsize the videos and learned I could do it with pics too. The food pics from Giovanni’s were downsized too. Thanks
  12. We ate at Giovanni’s for lunch. I was full. I need to remember Sharon's saying, when on a cruise you don't need to be hungry to eat. 3 hrs and 45 minutes after lunch we will be headed to Chops! I really enjoyed Giovanni’s. If we didn't have the UDP I probably would not do lunch there but it's good. Started with some soft bread. Today's soup was potato soup. I think the best that I've had. We got a meat plank. Not sure it should be called a plank. Much smaller than Jamie's plank but I enjoyed this one more. The hamburger was really good. The buns were extra good. And I love the grilled onions. Like a jam. The Gelato was good but not great. I was not to thrilled with the desert selection. This is what it looked like when I finished. 😆
  13. Woooo started drinking 🍸 before the pic. I am going to try something. I am downsizing the pic so it loads better. We will see if it still looks good.
  14. When on an Oasis class ship we always try to get deck 8 that Dazzles is on. At night you can hear the music coming from Dazzles. They have live music and a dance area. Nice vibe. I am not saying nothing happens there during the day but I do not recall. If you zoom in you can see the some of band equipment.
  15. We took the free hotel shuttle from the airport to the hotel last night. The driver was over the top mad and stressed. Their main larger bus had broken down and their second driver disappeared. He would not answer his phone. So one guy, with a regular size van, was trying to pic everyone up. He was getting called all the time. Poor guy and poor time riding with him
  16. I just noticed that. If I think of it I will ask IT. Still have a couple hours on cellular.
  17. Thanks for stopping by. Can be a challenge for us to keep up with other threads. Hope you enjoy your cruse despite the fall.
  18. Sounds like you are getting better. Thankful. Thanks for following along. I hope I can help entertain while you need to isolate. Thankful you have such a caring husband. Make sure he brings you plenty of 💧 water. 😁
  19. This is why I am happy we got there early. Shortly after booking the line looked like this. We are here for lunch now. Just heard someone could not book a restaurant for the time they wanted. Will post more later. Not a good connection and I am about to start eating!
  20. We just finished making reservations for food and entertainment! We tried to reserve the entertainment while in the waiting area. It showed we could connect to ship wifi but it didn't work. We made food reservations at Giovanni’s. I am glad we beat everyone there because it took awhile. Giovanni’s is were we will have lunch. We just discovered that the show schedule that some have been posting for this week had some of the times wrong. It shows 10-15 to 10-23 at the top but if you look at the days it shows the dates from 2 weeks ago. Making a couple changes. @singinalot we had made a spreadsheet and it surely helped.
  21. A couple of weeks ago the app made it look like we were able to complete the safety drill. We had to do it again but was able to while sitting here. They are starting to move sections on now. While going through check through security said they expected 5,700 on today.
  22. In 18 minutes we were through checking, got "the cruise welcome pic" and headed up stairs. Now we are in a wait area and things have come to a stop.
  23. Well I was trying to document how long it was taking to get through, put my phone in my pocket to take the welcome cruise pic and it deleted the post. Quick version. Suite and Key has a line. We walked right in at 10:08. The suite line looked more crowded.
  24. We are on the road again. Getting excited to board at 10:30. It surprised us when we walked out the hotel doors. It was like opening an oven door. 81⁰ already. OK, not as warm as an oven but much warmer than walking out back home at 50⁰. Wow! Almost to the ship!
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