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Posts posted by blindrid

  1. In all honesty a 5 day cruise with that itinery during spring break would have me running miles in the opposit direction, probably just about the last cruise you should have taken given your cruise history.


    Agree. It is the op's fault (fault may be too strong a word). He definitely lost me when he "expected" a free meal or massage. Would one freebe change the spring breakers? No. One needs to be aware of the possibility though.


    Give me a break. Short cruise, out of FL, with drink package offer = spring breakers. Surprised?

  2. I never leave home without 4-6 dryer sheets, the kind you put in your clothes dryer to make your clothes cling free and nice and soft. Bed bugs hate those things. First thing I do when I get into my stateroom on a ship is put the dryer sheets under the mattress at each corner of the bed and maybe one between the top corners under the mattress. You'll never have to worry about bedbugs.


    Boy, here's an urban legend :eek:.


    You've solved the world's bed bug problem. Sheesh.


    And, even without dryer sheets, I've never had bed bugs. Ignorance abounds.

  3. How sad, I was really looking forward to it... Why couldn't they wait to discontinue it until after my cruise at the end of the month :(


    Probably because the quality of the lobster was marginal at best. Back when, I used to gorge myself on lobster night. Eventually, the lobster (warm water) became glorified "shrimps". I didn't even bother.


    Good call by NCL.

  4. Regardless of whiners, the movies change. We would watch some, sometimes pieces at a time, but were worthwhile. Great way to spend nap time. I'm glad others want to go 25/7. My cruises are to do what I want, when I want. Caught some movies I hadn't seen.

  5. With all of this fraudulent behavior running rampant I'm surprised that travelers checks are practically extinct. I still purchase them and cash them in on board as needed but when I go to the bank and ask for them I get a strange look from the teller.


    Because of the huge counterfeit problem. We quit selling them moons ago.

  6. Someone who works for a bank should know that customers can get a debit card for a separate account where they expose themselves to no risk at all.


    That is what we and others we know do.

    We maintain a low balance travel account in addition to our regular bank accounts.


    Before a trip, we transfer the amount of cash we anticipate we will need for the trip into that account, so we have it available for cash withdrawals at ATMs along the way as needed.

    This way we never have to worry about carrying around large amounts of cash that may be lost or stolen.


    Although our debit cards have never been compromised, we have no need for concern because even if someone were to wipe out the entire balance of that small account completely, we would lose nothing and our "real" bank accounts would not be affected at all.



    Additionally, for those of us who are Americans it looks like it is only a matter of time before most banks and credit card companies in the USA will also be issuing the safer chip and pin cards that are already widely used in Europe and are already available at some places in the USA.




    You miss my point, you are also at the mercy of that account being compromised, hold on the card, daily transaction limits established by your bank, etc.


    Chip or no chip. I prefer credit cards. In the event of fraud, I would prefer a dispute versus a claim to get MY money back.

  7. S


    Can't even see where you're coming from because most of what I do on the cruise I don't do at home:)! Do you have someone serve you dinner every night,EEK! Do you have a steward make up your bedroom, EEK!

    And maybe I (And many posters here) just have different hygiene standards than you do. No need to get offended.


    No offense taken here. I just found the sheet issue a bit odd but different strokes.


    As I travel a lot, I really dislike eating out (with some exceptions) and have a steward making up my room is not an issue as well. We keep our cabin clean unlike others I'm sure.


    I just happened to find your expectations a bit over the top. Have a good day.

  8. Though this may fall into a category of a question that I myself might roll my eyes at, I am going to ask!

    I don't believe that the stewards change the sheets daily, but am not sure? I personally ask every couple of days because I love brand new clean sheets. However, I feel sort of bad when I do this because I worry it is taking up their time. Maybe relevant, maybe not, but we do compensate our room steward more than the required amount.

    Does anyone else do this?

    Just curious mainly! And this in reference to a 7 day cruise.


    Really :rolleyes:?


    So you change sheets that often at home? Something wrong with that!


    Ah, the joys of spoiled American cruisers:eek:.


    Your response makes no sense short of being over the top.

  9. Hey All


    Just looking through our options as not sure whether to get 1 classic for me and 1 premium for other half. This is probably a really stupid question but I like the drinks in the classic selection but would like to have cocktails/martinis/wines which are probably more than $8 per drink etc so thinking of 2 premium packages but does the premium also include that of the classic package? i.e I don't see drinks such as Irish cream, absolut, malibu etc mentioned in the premium but they are in the classic and can't see any mention that the premium includes the classic but also in addition x&y. It says all the benefits of the premium non alcoholic but not classic


    Could someone clarify this for me please?


    Classic worked fine for us. Save the $'s.

  10. Returning on Celebrity Reflection on November 14th 2015. Will be other ships returning that day, adding up to 11,000 passengers disembarking. Think a 12:25 pm flight out of Miami Airport is doable ? Plan on Luggage Valet service. (And yes, I realize not all 11k are flying out of MIA, others may drive, B2B, fly out of FFL, stay over, etc). thanks.


    Sounds like a normal day to me. Why worry?

  11. Contact Steve at Trip insurance store. He is the most knowlegable I have ever found and will take the time to explain all the smallest details to you.


    I never use anyone else since I discovered him.


    We use Steve also. I question the poster that found it $50 cheaper - there would have had to have a difference. Put in wrong state, etc.

  12. They're not always cheaper and they're not always available. If a cruise is on my bucket list (few are, anymore), then I book in advance. If it's just a "ho-hum, don't have anything better to do" type cruise, then waiting until after final payment makes good sense, and that's what I do.


    In my case, I would probably lose any savings to late® airline booking costs.

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