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Everything posted by Frank12

  1. Keep in mind that when you first board it will seem very crowded. This is mostly because everybody is looking for food or a drink and not all of the venues are open when you first board. Tell your hubby not to panic like I did! After a few hours everything calms down. There are so many options for food and drink the ship never really felt crowded for the rest of the cruise....until time to debark of course!😜😡
  2. I have tried to apply gift cards at the kiosks on several different ships, all without success. I finally gave up and just go to guest services. Maybe it's just me??
  3. Our tradition is that the first drink (or 2) has to be a Funship. After that Parched Pig IPA's until Alchemy opens then cucumber sunrise, hearts of fire and spicy pineapple chipotle martini. Dinner / casino time it's gin and tonics, bourbon & sprite or bourbon on the rocks.
  4. We did not enjoy Falmouth at all. I'd stay on the ship too!
  5. Not if they are staying in the same cabin. It's all or none on Carnival.
  6. The burgers taste the same to me. They don't have as many toppings at the toppings bar. The fries are different which has a lot of people upset, but I think the new fries are better.
  7. Very cool. I remember the Carnival Capers!
  8. I've had the same guy for 20 years. I'm one of the lucky ones. He also lives in Miami and works 24/7. We've booked 38 cruises with him. He is one of the few that made it through the covid times. He is awesome.
  9. Also happy for another "Live". We love Mardi Gras. Cant wait for your thought on Jubilee.
  10. People do. We did not on our cruise that stopped there at night.
  11. Do yourself a favor and splurge for a balcony. You will not regret it...trust me on this one.
  12. We did an excursion with Eagle Wing Tours out of Victoria British Columbia on our last Alaska cruise during early September. We saw many, many whales. Very close. Also saw Orcas. Out of 38 cruises and many shore excursions this was by far the best one we've ever done. Booked privately, not through the ship.
  13. Same. We hit 81 degrees in Juneau during the first week of June on our first one.
  14. Same thing happened to us on the Magic one time. We stayed with them until USCG arrived. Slowed us down a little, but Capt. made up time after that!
  15. Liberty was still giving cash as of 2 months ago. If I had any sense I would have left it in my pocket, but nope....onto the blackjack table it went! 🤣
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