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Everything posted by birdylady

  1. In my case, last two. Raises? Non existent. I was told they didn’t have any and won’t ship them when they came in. They offered water, soda, wine, beer, fruit basket, etc. had I wanted those, I would have picked one. oh well. Erika
  2. We got off Voyager on October 2 and I tested positive the next day and my husband a few days later. Turns out a number of folks on our fb group also came down with Covid. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. I am so very sorry for your loss and pray for you to only remember the good memories. Deepest condolences Erika
  3. Qu. Does Mariner have a craps table in the casino? And if they do, are you finding it being manned and used? thanx Erika
  4. I’ve never had a problem with this (of now that I’ve put out there, I will). But my thought is that now they will save customer service desk (1 location) the trouble, but ADD work to EVERY station that serves drinks. I think this will be more of an issue. And as one person pointed out, it’s an IT system issue that needs to be fixed. hopefully someday, Royal will get IT working (insert hysterical laughter here) Erika
  5. Favorite, probably Port Canaveral as it’s drivable and easy embarkation (at least in the newer terminal. ). Granted they get you for parking. Also easy disembarkation and hitting the road. least favorite- Seattle and San Juan are a tie. Seattle due to the horrible one lane in for 2 cruise lines and then having to fight the sea of people to get luggage through security and back through sea of people to head to checkin. San Juan as the employees were rude, no clear signage and having to wait outside inin the sun with no shade. Of course the taxis charging about double to take you back to the airport vs what they charged to bring you there. just our experiences and opinions. Erika
  6. Quick question. Are the seapass cards rfid for the cabin doors or are they the old style we can have a hole pinched in it? thanx, Erika
  7. Thank you for posting. I have a few questions. I noticed on the first cruise compass a number of items. 1- arrivecan- I thought you have to show it before boarding. You didn’t mention it. They say everyone needs to do it or the ship may be denied docking. Have you heard of anyone not completing it? 2- the compass mentions a Canadian customs declaration form. What do they expect people to declare? 3-about animal sightings. Never saw that on a cruise compass before. What animals might one spot on the ship besides service animals and birds? thanx, Erika
  8. Well have to agree to disagree as what you say may be true as it appears I was ‘open negotiations again’, that would have been with the salesperson I was working with. Not some random other employee that just happened to walk by and jump in the middle. Especially since cash was already literally on the counter. Just my 2 cents as I was there. Thank you though for sharing your view as everyone sees things from different perspectives. Erika
  9. The question wasn't where to purchase, more like what. So I answered with my opinion. Erika
  10. First, we had the cash in hand and were placing about to place the last amount of money on the counter. One last pitch effort is not uncommon. Having another person come over who wasn't even in on the sale and intercede and raise the price. Sorry. not normal in any way. Was not making the deal. As far as holding to a 'marked' price being 'worth it and real' makes no difference. Jewelry stores normally mark up on average 600%. SO when they have 50% off sales, they are still making a good profit. It's all marketing. Lastly, I have done silversmithing myself so I am very comfortable knowing real silver from costume jewelry. Erika
  11. Personally, I say shop where you want. If something calls to you and it's worth the price, then buy it. Of course, this is after haggling. Ihave done some amazing haggling on silver jewlery in both places. The less customers around the better deal you'll get. Also, if say a piece is $100, you can start at $40 and go from there. Usually the last piece I throw in at the end is, cash? and they usually will move even lower. Be prepared for some places that won't. I had one place I got to like $90. As we were putting $20s on the counter and got to $80 I said, $80? and they said $100. I took my money and left. NEVER had anyone go up after a price was agreed upon before. I was more than happy to pay the $90 and would have paid the $100 if that was the agreed upon price. Still can envision that piece, but I don't play those games. Erika
  12. Remind me not to travel with you. A little to many major events. Erika
  13. I'm like you. I LOVE broadway musicals. I actually saw Cats on Broadway. 15 minutes in, I'm thinking, why? I stayed for the whole show, but would never see it again. Can't say why, just don't care for it at all. Erika
  14. Thank you for posting. We are on the sailing right after you. We too went inside cabin. For 3 nighters it’s doable. Will be interesting to see how we do for 7 nights. We did ‘splurge’ ($6pp more, lol) for virtual balcony. Will be first time. Looking forward to following your posts and getting even more excited about our own. thanx, Erika
  15. Great thread. I was playing with doing an Australian cruise next year. When I went to look at Visas, it looked overwhelming as they have MANY types and looked as if it could take months to get. This thread is alleviating my fears. What type is needed? Thanx Erika
  16. Same here. At 24 days, No luggage tags in app, on computer, in e-docs. Maybe Royal needs a Luggage tag template and color by numbers for it. Then we can print and color in our own. Erika
  17. Biker- Thank you. Nope. Same last name. Emails do come from Royal no problem. Guess luck of the draw. What the heck. i'll be on a ship. I'll survie. 🙂 Thanx Erika
  18. They have and have bid. Looks like the luck of the draw for me. Thanx Erika
  19. Nope. My booking is via Casino Royal (first time as prime). BUT I've read other folks that could upgrade with their casino cruise. Yep, that's where I went. I figure when I'm within 30 days, I can try again. Little hope. Thanx anyways. Erika
  20. Would rather be in Groundhog Day once settled in my JS. 😀 Erika
  21. My sailing is 33 days out and I keep getting this message. Folks on my M&M thread said they already got their email. Does anyone know what makes a booking eligible or not eligible to bid for a Royal up? Erika
  22. Interesting. When I go to check the royal up, it keeps telling me to make sure I'm within 30 days of my sailing. Folks on my M&M & FB threads say they have already bid. Does it matter what your starting cabin type is? Thanx Erika
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