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Everything posted by dfish

  1. On the left hand side of the web page there is a tab that says Feedback. Click on that and tell them what is wrong. They know the website isn't working, but they need more specific examples of the issues people are having.
  2. @Quartzsite Cruiser The salmon in pastry sound good and fairly easy to make. I keep forgetting to tell you that I bought a hula hoe and I love it! It makes short work of weeding the front gardens.
  3. I finally got tired of the issues and since the Contact Us feature only returned an error message, I sent an email to Guest Relations and copied it to Gus Antorcha. On Monday I received a phone call from my PCC. They dumped it on her. She said she was getting the same error messages in my account as I was and forwarded a report to the IT department. Please contact them and let them know what your issues are. I made the point that a company that did such a sloppy job on the website might not be trustworthy to pay attention to detail on the actual cruise. Customers should not have to devise work arounds to access the information on the website. To date, none of the issues I reported have been resolved. You can find contact information here: Holland America Customer Service Contact Support Via Phone Email Exec Contacts - Elliott Report
  4. That is truly good news. May Amber continue to progress and recover completely. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad the hand x-ray told you want you wanted. Those cysts can be tricky. I had one right on the joint and my friend NJ, the doctor, guessed it was one of those Bible thumper cysts. Well, I wasn't going to hit my finger with a heavy book to find out, so I punctured it with my lancet to check my blood sugar. NJ was right and I got enough fluid out of it that it cleared up the rest of the way on its own. It had been pretty painful. Today's meal drew my attention to a recipe I came across. It is spinach artichoke salmon wellington. You make up some spinach and artichoke dip, but make it pretty thick. Cut a pouch in the salmon and stuff it with the dip. Spread the rest of the dip on the top and then encase the salmon in fresh spinach leaves. You then cover it with puff pastry and bake it. I think I might try that one.
  5. So, so, so happy for you! Go and enjoy every second. Happy Birthday to Jim! I hope the internet figures itself out. What ever is most convenient for you!
  6. Good morning, everyone! Pollen levels are very high here and I sure am noticing it. I woke up congested and started coughing and couldn't stop, so I got up a tad early today. I'll be glad when the trees are done budding out. Then the grass and weeds can start in. I do take benadryl at night for allergies, but I think it is wearing off by early morning. We're supposed to get intermittent rain today. We had a really heavy rain storm yesterday afternoon. We had thought about running over to Lowe's, but decided to watch a movie instead. Turned out to be a good choice as we would have been caught in the rain. Nothing is on the agenda for today other than a trip to the gym. Happy Birthday to Martha, DW of @sailingdutchy and Lisa, DN of @StLouisCruisers. I hope their day is very special. Healthy, healing thoughts being sent to @JazzyV's BFF and to @kazu Jacqui. Also to all those who are suffering from bumps and bruises. You've become too numerous to name. Stop that! Today's meal sound tasty! I probably wouldn't have it due to carbs and calorie load, but I wouldn't mind a taste. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7964556/spinach-artichoke-dip-grilled-cheese/ Oh, my! Look at all that ooey, gooey goodness. That would be hard to resist. This next recipe has a bit of a bite to it with the addition of crushed red pepper flakes. It also uses a different type of bread. You can use your favorite bread as there is no organized bread police department to check up on you! I might use a low carb tortilla! https://www.budgetbytes.com/spinach-artichoke-grilled-cheese/ Wow! Check out the calories on this next one. The serving size is half a sandwich. I bet it is delicious! https://belovedplate.com/spinach-artichoke-dip-grilled-cheese-sandwich/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  7. Good morning, everyone! It is a rainy day here in mid-Michigan, but that is good as we are really looking forward to the flowers brought by the showers. Nothing much on the agenda today. I'm going to the gym, but not water fitness. The instructor I like least teaches on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. One day of her is enough. She is a lovely person, but thinks she is teaching interpretive dance, not water aerobics. @kazu Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear the foot is not responding and is so painful. I hope the doctor can do something that helps. Your cruise is an easy one where you could just relax on board most of the time. So, pie for dinner! Why not? I would probably use the no sugar yogurt instead of the fat free version. Not sure about the chai tea. I'd have to think about that. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/light-rhubarb-chai-cream-pie/ This next one is a little different. It has a fruit filling, a whipped cream filling, and is topped with a rhubarb lattice. https://www.sailingthebakery.com/home/2017/6/1/poached-rhubarb-cream-pie Here is one more rhubarb cream pie recipe. https://www.thecreativebite.com/rhubarb-custard-pie/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  8. Good grief! Is there enough bubble wrap in the world for this group?
  9. Good afternoon, everyone! @Gsel Hugs to you today and everyday that you need them. I'm glad the memories of your travels with DH help sustain you. @Mr. Boston Hugs to you on the anniversary of your DB's passing. It is always tough to lose a sibling @RMLincoln Wow, it sounds like you have done a lot to help family members. I know they'll be thankful for your thoughtfulness. @Denise T You mentioned the nasty neighbor and it reminded me of my DSis's neighbor a few years back. He would regularly threaten to shoot my nephews because they were Hairy Hippies, or so he said. My DBIL went over and talked to his wife and it turns out that he was bipolar and his meds needed adjustment. They were having a hard time regulating him. So, every so often a police car came and picked him up and took him to the hospital. He'd spend a few days there and come home a lot calmer. His wife was so appreciative of my DSis and DBIL's understanding that she often brought them cakes and other pastries. @smitty34877 I'm thinking you've earned a day of vegging out and watching TV with Tana. Order pizza for dinner.
  10. Good morning, everyone! We are looking at more sunshine during the day today with slightly cooler temps. Our high is only mid 60s. Tonight the clouds and rain move in. That's ok as we have had a good streak of beautiful days. There is nothing exciting on the agenda for today, but that is just fine by me. I'm trying a new water fitness class today. Well, it is the same class, different instructor. We'll see if I like it. I'll be really happy when the trees are all leafed out. Allergies are really getting to me. Congratulations, @marshhawk on being a kitty grandma! @Cruzin Terri I'm glad yesterday's meeting was so helpful to you. You deserve great support. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you got such positive news at Steve's appointment yesterday. @LambKnuckles Glad you got the go ahead from the Dr. I hear you on allergies. Today's meal is a great one for those watching their carbs. Rice is replaced with cauliflower rice. You can either grate a whole cauliflower yourself or you can buy it ready to go. I usually find it in the frozen food section and it is a wonderful time saver. If you have vegetable haters, this is a great dish as the cauliflower is "hidden" by the cheese. https://www.isabeleats.com/broccoli-cauliflower-rice-chicken-casserole/ This next one is going to be a little higher in the calorie count because of the cream cheese used. I would be tempted to jazz it up with some bell pepper and/or jalapeños. https://diethood.com/chicken-cauliflower-rice-casserole/ This recipe is missing the broccoli, but you can easily add that in. https://www.eatingwell.com/creamy-chicken-cauliflower-rice-casserole-8584492 Hoping this finds all of you well and wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. My condolences on the loss of your friend. I hope the good memories of times with her help make this transition easier for you. @kochleffel I agree that you need bubble wrap! You're taking after Jacqui @kazu! @StLouisCruisers My mom had a shoulder replacement. She had been in a lot of pain for a long time before doing it, but sailed on through. She wanted to be able to hold her newest great grandbabies without pain. @JazzyV The days are counting down to your surgery. We all hope you get maximum relief. It sounds like you are well prepared. BFF's air mattress sounds like my friend who brought me chicken mcnuggets after I had impacted wisdom teeth extracted. I did eat one to make him feel like he had helped. @summer slope I'm glad you reached a settlement for the golf cart and hope the settlement for pain and suffering is a good one.
  12. Well, you can add in the beets if you want to! Glad to hear that Linda came through the surgery. Now the tough part starts. There is a good reason to eat these greens! I hope all with medical appointments and procedures have positive outcomes today.
  13. Good morning, everyone! It looks like we are in store for another day of sunny skies and warm temperatures here in mid-Michigan. No complaints here! Yesterday we cleaned out the garage. It was tough on Sue as she likes to hold on to stuff even though it is broken or hasn't been used in years. But, she did allow some things to go out. We have large item pick up today and everything went to the curb. There are a couple of items that I made suggestions about. Eventually they will go out. The result is we have a lot more room for storage on the shelves and we freed up space on the floor so her car can fit in more easily. And, all the leaves were swept out. Now, to get her to work on the art room. It is a mess. Our first recipe today has some interesting information about beet greens. It is recommended that the salad be paired with chicken or pork roast. That sounds good! This salad could be an interesting alternative to regular lettuce salads. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/what-to-do-with-beet-greens-and-a-recipe-for-beet-green-salad-with-sherry-vinaigrette-and-feta/ This next one is nice and colorful! It uses sweetener in the dressing and that ups the carb count. https://www.thespruceeats.com/raw-food-beet-green-salad-3377461 This last recipe has apples and feta cheese in the salad. Lots of different ideas on what to put in your salad. https://jewishunpacked.com/beet-greens-feta-and-apple-salad/ I hope this finds you all well and I wish you all a wonderful day!
  14. Good morning, everyone! We are going to have sunny skies and warm temperatures here in mid-Michigan today. That makes me happy. I'll gladly celebrate laughter, the best medicine! Dolphins are great. The only ex spouse here is Sue's and I think she celebrates the ex part of that relationship. The only thing on the agenda today is cleaning out the garage and getting stuff to the curb for large item pick up tomorrow. It is so sad about the crew member who went overboard from Rotterdam. I hope the crew member evacuated for medical reasons recovers quickly. How awful for the rest of the crew. The bean and barley soup would be great on a cold rainy day. I would probably skip it due to the carb count. One bowl is double my allowance. There is a good amount of fiber in the soup. If you want more protein, add in some sausage. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/252413/bean-barley-soup/ This next recipe has all kinds of suggestions for types of beans you can use. You can also add other veggies to the mix, cutting the carb count a bit. It also calls for pancetta which adds a wonderful flavor to the mix. https://streetsmartnutrition.com/great-northern-bean-soup-with-barley/ This last one is for the vegans in the family. The avocado is a nice touch. https://plantbasedonabudget.com/barley-and-bean-soup/ I hope this finds all of you well and wish you a wonderful day.
  15. Good morning, everyone! The rain has left us for a while and we have bright, sunshiny skies. Temps are supposed to get up to the mid 60s today, so a beautiful day in store for mid-Michigan. Nothing is on the agenda for today other than a trip to the gym. I like these kinds of days. @puppycanducruise My condolences on the loss of your friend. She was so young. @AncientWanderer Bon Voyage. I hope you enjoy every moment of your cruise. Today's meal is interesting. I don't know that I'd actually make it, but I would try it if it was made for me. It looks easy enough and I'm guessing you could make it easier with a prepared pie crust. https://www.stephaniesdish.com/recipe/swiss-chard-and-double-goat-cheese-tart/ This next one contains leeks and pine nuts. Makes it interesting. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/swiss-chard-tart-with-chevre-and-leeks/ And here's one with a current and pine nut relish. https://joanne-eatswellwithothers.com/2019/01/swiss-chard-and-goat-cheese-tart-with-a-currant-pine-nut-relish.html I hope this has found all of you well and I wish you all a wonderful day.
  16. My condolences to you, Bruno. I'm sure you helped make that passing as peaceful as possible. May good memories bring you comfort. Hugs to you.
  17. Always happy to provide a laugh to another soul. My condolences, Terri, on the loss of your friend, Anita. I'm sorry you are just now finding out. That makes it harder.
  18. Welcome to the Daily! We'd love to have you blurt out a bit more!
  19. @RMLincoln I'm glad the report from the oncologist was a good one! Warm thoughts to you, your DB and family with the developments of your SIL. I wish her and the family peace and comfort. @Cruzin Terri Great news on Jim and I'm glad it is forward progress on the trip to Italy.
  20. Good morning, everyone! We have another chilly rainy day in store here in mid-Michigan. The high is only 46F and rain is supposed to last all day. I started the day by spilling a full cup of coffee all over the desk and floor. The fortunate part is most of the carpet was covered by a plastic mat for the chair. What a mess. And what a waste of good coffee! Not much on the agenda for today. Farkle is postponed until tomorrow as tonight DB and DSIL will be going to their grandson's birthday celebration. Probably a good day for movies and popcorn after the gym. I'll take a pass on today's meal due to the carb load. But, it might be good as a side dish with small servings. This first recipe is for the instant pot or top of the stove. https://www.skinnytaste.com/lentil-curry/ This recipe is a bit more complicated, but I bet the flavor is great. https://www.chelseasmessyapron.com/lentil-curry/ Here's one more recipe that is somewhere between the first two on complexity. https://www.recipetineats.com/lentil-curry-mega-flavour-lentil-recipe/ I hope this finds everyone well and wish you a wonderful day.
  21. Good morning, everyone! We have rain today and it is supposed to last all day and be heavy at times. High is forecast to be 50F. It will be a good day for some inside work. Perhaps I can get the borders to my quilt cut and ready to be sewn on. Going to the gym this morning and then a zoom meeting at 11:15. Nothing else on the agenda after that. Happy Birthday to @Haljo1935's DH! Today's meal sounds interesting and with the cauliflower crust in the first recipe within my carb limits. I fear most of the topping would fall off and I'd end up eating it as a salad. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7890177/3-ingredient-chicken-caesar-flatbread/ This one uses pita bread as the crust. https://recipecenter.giantfoodstores.com/recipes/148614/chicken-caesar-flatbread And this one uses naan bread. https://www.callmepmc.com/20-minute-chicken-caesar-flatbread/ With the exception of what is used as the flatbread, most of the recipes are very similar. Hoping this finds everyone well and wishing you all a wonderful day.
  22. I'm loving all the pictures of siblings. @Haljo1935 I love the cup! I'm sure the tea tastes a lot better from that one! @smitty34877 How wonderful that your mom started you all on cruising. I'm sure she really enjoyed having all her kids with her on that cruise. @Cruising-along Beautiful pictures! Sisters Weekends are the greatest. We haven't done one is a while as the pandemic put a damper on them. Sue, Barb, and I did one, but Jodie wouldn't come as it was too dangerous.
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