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Everything posted by dfish

  1. @ger_77 Wonderful news! I think we all let out that breath we've been holding at the same time. Did anyone notice a hot wind? And I think the Dailyites are thrilled for you and Maurice.
  2. Good afternoon. The test injections were quick and easy. We went to Lowe's right afterwards and normally walking around the store would be painful. Today it wasn't. Even standing in one place did not produce pain. When we got home I took a walk around the block and was able to go all the way with only one stop to talk briefly with a neighbor. The trillium is in full bloom here. These pictures are for the Garden Club.
  3. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a bright sunshiny day here in mid-MIchigan. I made it home last night around midnight. I stopped in Detroit for a program that a friend was involved in. After the program he wanted to go to dinner, so we went. But the restaurant was in Ann Arbor, just a tad out of the way. It was worth it, though! Sue was waiting for me when I got home. So we sat up and chatted for a bit. I have the test injections for the nerve ablation today. If these help for a few hours, the nerve ablation is a go. Fingers crossed! That is the only thing on the agenda for me. @marshhawk Annie, hugs to you and Chuck. I hope you can get some help from Chuck's oncologist. I'm delighted to hear how improved things are for you, @JazzyV Vanessa! It is a shame that it took so long to get to this point, but thank goodness the surgery was successful! @smitty34877 Terry, be careful with the shoulder, but you know what you can do and not do. @ger_77 Gerry, I am thrilled that you have tentative surgery dates for Maurice. We do want him in tip top shape for our Dailyite cruise in November 2025. Yesterday's pesto chicken looked good to me. We may have that or something similar for Farkle Friday tomorrow night. For those who want something a little different, the sorrel pesto could be used. This recipe replaces some of the basil in the pesto with sorrel leaves. https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/recipes/sorrel-pesto-recipe Sorrel is described as a lemony flavored green. It is a powerhouse of vitamins and help support digestive health, eyesight, and more. But, it comes with a word of caution as it is high in oxalates and those with kidney stone histories may want to opt for lower oxalate foods. This next recipe adds in some hazelnuts. https://sabrinacurrie.com/sorrel-pesto-recipe-west-coast-food/ What do you do with sorrel pesto? Pretty much the same way you use basil pesto. It is perfect for mixing through a pasta dish. Here's a sorrel pesto rice bowl. https://plumscooking.com/recipes/sorrel-pesto-rice-bowl/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  4. @kazu Hugs to you. Holding you close today. @atexsix Bruno, I am glad you trusted us enough to tell us how things were going and how you were feeling. This is a hard time, but we will send you warm thoughts whenever you need them. I am near Toledo killing time. I’m going to a friend’s presentation in Detroit at 6:00 pm and I am way too early.
  5. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, everyone! Breakfast with Tom today and then I hit the road towards home. The dinner sounds great. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  6. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a drizzly day in northeast Ohio. Lots of visiting on the agenda today. I hope all of you have a good day.
  7. @RMLincoln Maureen, I am sorry to hear of the complications from Richard’s eye surgery. I sure hope they are able to fix it easily.
  8. @marshhawk Annie, my heart goes out to you and Chuck. Holding you close. @superoma Eva, my friend the gardener thinks your flower is a Wallflower.
  9. Good morning everyone! It is a warm and sunny day here in northeast Ohio. Yesterday I had breakfast with friends in Columbus, lunch with former neighbors in Kent, and dinner with a former colleague in Hudson. Today I am going up to Bedford for lunch with a friend. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  10. Good morning, everyone! It is a balmy 62F here in Columbus, heading to 82F. I’m having breakfast with a friend and then driving up to the Akron area. Visiting with old neighbors this afternoon and dinner with a former colleague tonight. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. Good evening, everyone! It was a beautiful day here in Columbus, Ohio. Our conference went very well and all presenters were fantastic. I have not had any issues logging into CC, but to be honest, this is the first time I've been able to try today. I hope you are all well and wish you a great evening.
  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all for the birthday wishes and safe travel wishes. I made it to Columbus mid afternoon. Alice and I had a nice dinner at the Columbus Fish Market. You guys sure know how to make someone feel special!
  13. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly start to the day here in mid-Michigan. I am almost all packed except for last minute items. I plan to be out of here in the next hour. Thank you for all the wishes for a safe trip and for the birthday wishes. All are greatly appreciated!
  14. @grapau27 Graham and @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thanks for the well wishes for tomorrow's trip. I'm sure it will all go well. I am almost all packed. I have a few things to pack tomorrow morning and I'll be ready to go. @Haljo1935 I hate laundromats. Sorry to hear about the problems with the washer.
  15. @RMLincoln Great news that your DH was able to help with the driving. I'm sure he is elated. My condolences on the passing of your SIL. I hope your DB and family can heal and be sustained by their memories. I hope your relationship with your DB strengthens. I'm almost packed for the trip to Ohio. I plan to be up and on the road early tomorrow as I want to get into Columbus early before traffic gets too bad.
  16. Good morning! It is a really chilly start to the day at 26F here in mid-Michigan. It will get up to the mid 50s with abundant sunshine. I have a luncheon with former high school classmates today. That is followed by a haircut with a new stylist. I have not been happy with the old one. It was just not a good fit. @ger_77 Happy Birthday to Maurice! Today's meal sounds delightful. Anything that is garlicky gets my attention. This one is low carb and makes for a great healthy meal. And super easy to make as well! https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7919492/one-pot-garlicky-shrimp-broccoli/ This next one is very similar but does have a few differences. https://cleanfoodcrush.com/easy-shrimp-garlicky-broccoli-skillet/ This last recipe is quite a bit different. There is a sauce that has honey, soy sauce and ginger in it. https://thesaltymarshmallow.com/garlic-shrimp-and-broccoli/ I think I'm sticking with #1. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  17. As @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda said, you made the best decision with the information you had at the time. Even if the doctor had called back and discussed the anti-anxiety meds with you, it is probably better that you not go so far away as you don't know how Jim will react to the meds. Will they help him? Will he have any side effects? I know it is hard, but like you decided at the time, it is for the best. @Haljo1935 So how do you get the anti theft to turn off? I looked up the incident at your local high school. One injured, one in custody. So senseless.
  18. Good morning, everyone! Quite a bit cooler today with highs only in the mid 50s. But, we will have a lot of sunshine and that makes up for the cool temps in my book. I'm going to hit the gym and then pull out the suitcase and start packing for my trip to Ohio. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends. Nothing else on the agenda for today. I am thrilled with the news from @JazzyV and @RMLincoln. Now, I'm pulling for a trifecta with @ger_77's DH. Let's do it! Today's meal sounds like a good one, although I could easily forego the salmon patties for a nice slab of salmon. I might also add in some romaine or other lettuce to the arugula. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/280003/easy-salmon-cakes-with-arugula-salad/ They look so good! And so do these: https://www.tippsinthekitch.com/salmon-cakes-with-arugula-salad/ The yogurt sauce for these salmon patties sounds good. https://www.self.com/recipe/barton-seaver-salmon-cakes-arugula-salad Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  19. It was a Zodiac. The concession was run by Captain Jack or something like that. The boat ride was an experience in itself as you had to hang on to the ropes on the side. You sat on the side of the Zodiac as there were no seats. Thank you for the great news. I'm thrilled all went so well. Let's keep the good news coming. @ger_77 Maurice is next!
  20. @0106 Tina, Sue and I did the snorkeling tour through the ship. It was a small group of about 12-14 people. I'm not sure where we went, but the water was very warm. I didn't want to get out, but the boat wanted to leave. On the way to the snorkeling place we saw quite a few whales and they really put on a nice show for us.
  21. @JazzyV It is a joyous day! I am glad you are doing so well. We'll keep pulling for your complete pain free recovery!
  22. Good morning, everyone! It is a gray day today with intermittent rain showers predicted. All the better for those May flowers that will soon be here. I will be so happy when the trees finish budding out. Apparently, tree pollen is a big irritant to me. I'm sure once the trees finish, the grass will take over. @RMLincoln Keeping you and DH in my thoughts today that all goes well. @Haljo1935 Hoping all goes well with your procedure today. @JazzyV I hope you are resting comfortably. I'm glad BFF is with you. I have a pedicure this morning and hope that is all I need to deal with. Yesterday got busy with details for the conference I am attending on Saturday. I left the position of State Director two years ago, but for some reason, I am in charge of the details of this conference. Or at least it seems like I am. Today's meal sounds tasty. What makes it stand out is the scallion ginger sauce. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/272931/sheet-pan-sesame-chicken-broccoli-with-scallion-ginger-sauce/ This one uses chicken that has been cut up into cubes. It doesn't have a separate sauce, but does bring in the ginger along with a sweet chili sauce. https://www.eatyourselfskinny.com/sheet-pan-sesame-chicken-and-veggies/ Here is one more variation that uses just broccoli as the vegetable. https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Sesame-Chicken-and-Broccoli-Sheet-Pan-Meal-Kalyns-Kitchen Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  23. Start by typing the @ symbol. Then you start typing the handle. @sha...... a list of screen names comes up and you can choose the one you want from the list. When you click on the name of choice in the list, you get the blue bubble. @shadow 123.
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