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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Oh, my! They are sending you home like that? I hope they have a plan to help you get through this. I was told there was no surgery for my back. The problem is too widespread and they'd never be able to address it all. So, I do what I can to keep moving and stay on my feet.
  2. Good morning, everyone! It is starting out as a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. The skies are currently a brilliant blue, but it is supposed to cloud up this afternoon. The only thing on the agenda today is a visit with the nurse for pre-surgical assessment and instructions. And Farkel tonight. It has been a long time since we had Farkel, so we are ready to go! DB Bill is bringing dinner with him. @Mr. Boston I'm glad you liked the soup. I have it bookmarked to make next week. @kazu I'm sorry to hear about more bad news for your BIL's DM. I hope she is comfortable. Bon Voyage to all the Dailyites leaving on cruises. I hope the weather in FLL does not negatively impact your cruises. @aliaschief safe travels! @cruising sister I'm glad you took the upsell. You'll appreciate that balcony on such a long cruise. Enjoy every minute of it! @durangoscots Sorry to hear of the difficulties in getting your luggage picked up. That should be a relatively simple thing. Today's meal is from Bon Appetit and the kitchen was closed when I went to see the recipe. I did find it on another site. Contramar is a restaurant and the dish is iconic to the restaurant. There are two dishes at Contramar that I consider iconic. The restaurant calls it pescado a la talla Contramar. It is, in simple terms, a butterflied and grilled fish that is coated on one side with a parsley sauce and on the other with an adobo rub. The presentation is part of what makes the dish. https://www.vice.com/en/article/43zkqm/contramars-red-and-green-grilled-snapper-recipe Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  3. That's good news for us because we can follow along with you! @CrabbyPatti Hugs to you. It is hard when you lose a parent. Sue and I drive by Dad's house every once in a while just to make sure it is being cared for. It is hard not to.
  4. That works for me and I don't have a dog. So good to hear from you. We get worried when we don't. Sorry to hear about the stroke, but I am glad it was mild with no new deficiencies. Also good that your DD is doing as well as he is! I hope you can snag that Neptune suite for a cruise to Alaska. @Niagarawine I am sorry to hear of the passing of your DFIL. I hope there are many happy memories to guide and help you through this time. Please accept my condolences to you and your family. Coffee with classmates this morning was a ton of fun. I hated to leave to get to my hair appointment, but my hair does look a ton better. Not much else to report. I wanted to bake cookies, but Sue reminded me that I really didn't want them around tormenting me to eat them.
  5. God morning, everyone! We have a cold start to the day here in mid-Michigan, but we'll have sunny skies and warmer temperatures this afternoon with a high of 48F. I have coffee with former classmates this morning followed by a hair appointment and Sister Zoom tonight. So, a full day. @Sharon in AZ @StLouisCruisers I didn't get back on yesterday, so please accept my tardy condolences on the death of your cousin. @Cruzin Terri Wow! Sorry to hear the biopsies are both positive, but hopefully it will be taken care of quickly. Fingers crossed for nothing serious to come from Jim's MRI. Hugs to all the Dailyites with relatives who are ill. Also hugs to @marshhawk Annie and @catmando Chuck. Hoping Chuck is feeling better soon. Very happy to hear good news from the doctors for @rafinmd Roy, @Lady Hudson Katherine, and anyone I may have missed. Very happy that @RMLincoln Maureen and DH made it safely to Texas. Apologies to anyone I left out, but good wishes to all Dailyites. We all have our struggles and sometimes we share and sometimes we don't. But, warm wishes to you even if you don't share. Today's meal is a good one for a winter's night. @Crazy For Cats Jake, cabbage is easy to add to a lot of dishes. I add it to many soups and use it to replace noodles in chicken soup. I even slice it in thick "steaks" and grill it. It is super good that way! But, tonight's meal has it all taken care of. This first one is easy to make and would make a great dinner with a piece of crusty bread. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/beef-cabbage-barley-soup/ The previous recipe used ground beef, but this one uses a chuck roast. Different strokes. You could make this soup with chicken as well. Or tuck away the cabbage and barley part for leftover turkey or ham. https://suebeehomemaker.com/beef-barley-vegetable-soup/ This one doesn't include the barley, but you can easily add in a half cup of it. https://www.food.com/recipe/cabbage-and-beef-soup-21886 Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. Good morning, everyone! It is a real chilly start to the day in mid-Michigan with mostly cloudy skies and 24F. It is supposed to clear up and the high is 37F. Nothing planned for the day, but I think I'll go pick up the last of the leaves. This week is the last pickup for yard waste until spring. We had today's meal last September so today is a refresher. Here is a recipe to make from scratch. https://www.themediterraneandish.com/how-to-make-falafel/ The Food Network offers this tutorial on how to make falafel. https://www.foodnetwork.com/how-to/packages/food-network-essentials/what-is-falafel How about falafel gyros? https://dishingouthealth.com/falafel-gyros/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  7. Good morning, everyone! We have a chilly start to the day, but the skies are blue and the sun is shining. I'll take it. Winter in mid-Michigan can be rather gloomy so we celebrate every sunny day we get. We are going for a pedicure this morning and then the rest of the day is free. Yesterday I said we were taking a break from butternut squash and curry, not realizing how short a break that would be. Add in the chickpeas and that takes the cake. We'll be having fish and veggies. Or, we might copy @ger_77 Gerry and her DH for dinner. https://rainbowplantlife.com/thai-butternut-squash-chickpea-curry/ https://www.noracooks.com/butternut-squash-curry/ This one looks a little more soupy. This last one has some other veggies added in to help cut the starch. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/butternut-squash-curry-with-chickpeas/ I checked and there is no more butternut squash for the rest of the year. If I missed one, I'll just make something else up. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  8. We depended on each other to get through the dark days of the pandemic and it became second nature. We think of it as the Daily family even though most of us haven't met each other. We do excited when we have the opportunity to meet a member of the Daily.
  9. Meryl Streep was a hoot in that movie. It is worth watching for her performance alone. Terry, at those low points we want you to lean on us. Our arms are always open for a hug when you need one.
  10. @Cruising-along I liked Don't Look Up. It is a bit funky, but a decent movie with a good message. Maybe we'll try Leave the World Behind again. Just not tonight as I have the couch and TV reserved for the Holiday Baking Championship.
  11. Good morning, everyone! We have blue sky this morning, but it is cold. High today is 36F. Well, it is December in Michigan. I plan to work on my quilt again today. I got a lot done yesterday and have it laid out on the living room floor. I need to make a few changes in the arrangement of some blocks and then I can sew them all together. That should go quickly. We tried to watch Leave the World Behind last night but only lasted the first half hour. The music was driving us insane and we just couldn't get into it. We watched Please Take Care of Maya instead. @57redbird Healing thoughts your way for a successful surgery and rapid recovery. @rafinmd I hope everything looks good on your PET scan today. @Cruzin Terri Wishing you luck with your medical appointments today. @smitty34877 Hugs to you, just because. When things are down, remember we're here for you. @Mr. Boston My condolences on the loss of your Aunt. It is especially had to lose the last of a generation. @Ichiban Nekko Bon Voyage! We are taking a break from butternut squash and curry recipes today. I hope you enjoy the change! Today's meal is definitely in the category of comfort food and great for a winter night's meal. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/cheesy-tortellini-and-sausage-bake/ I love those meals that go from stovetop to oven in the same pan. I guess I love my cast iron skillet. This next recipe uses regular sausage and mixes some cream cheese into the marinara sauce. Creamy goodness, but oh, those calories. https://www.sweetandsavoryfood.com/2020/04/cheesy-sausage-tortellini-bake.html This one mixes in a little spinach for color and nutrition. https://www.saltandlavender.com/one-pan-tortellini-with-sausage/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  12. You SPCA talk is pretty much the same one Sue had with her son. There was a fence, but Pippy would climb it. She had to be supervised at all times. The fence was hopefully some protection from the bears. There were a couple that wandered onto the property while Sue lived there.
  13. Sue used the brush attachment. Pippy loved it. This same dog chewed down a pine tree in the yard one time. My nephew put the dog out on a chain and then fell asleep on the couch. The dog got wrapped around the tree several times and couldn't figure out how to get free except to get rid of the tree, so she chewed it down. Actually, pretty good problem solving skills. Yes, there were words spoken by my sister when she got home. We're going to watch that tonight. I'll let you know what I think.
  14. @kazu Ivan reminds me of a dog my sister had. Pippy liked to be vacuumed. Yes, Sue had to run the vacuum over her before she was allowed to vacuum the floor.
  15. Good morning, everyone! @Cruising-along to Henry: It is a gloomy day outside in mid-Michigan. But no problem as it is the holiday season and it is warm and bright inside. When we went to visit Ellamary yesterday, the facility was in lockdown due to a high number of Covid cases. They expect to be in lockdown for the rest of this week. I'm sure there are extra precautions there due to the age of the residents. If you like lamb, curry, and coconut, this is the recipe for you. It can be made on the stovetop, in the slow cooker, or in an instant pot. And, yes, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I think we have to have run the gamut with curry and coconut combinations. But, every time I think that, another new one pops up. I'm not a fan of lamb, so I'll be having fish and brussels sprouts. https://www.cookedandloved.com/recipes/coconut-lamb-curry-paleo/ This website says you can substitute beef for the lamb if you prefer. https://myindianstove.com/coconut-lamb-curry/ This one looks pretty easy to make. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/coconut-lamb-curry/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  16. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I wondered if there was a special meal in the Pinnacle for Valentine's Day since there are no time slots available and haven't been. Either that or people got to them way before we did.
  17. Good morning, everyone! It is kind of a gloomy day here in mid-MIchigan. I hope things clear up later today. We have nothing on the agenda except for a visit with our friend, Ellamary. I scheduled the electricians to come back to install two new porch lights. I would do that myself but it entails getting up higher on a ladder than I feel comfortable doing. They will also fix the installation of the dining room light fixture. It is my understanding that Shepherd's Pie is made with ground lamb. If you make it with ground beef it is called Cottage Pie. Today's recipes don't make that distinction, but if you want to be technically correct, use ground lamb. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/skillet-shepherd-s-pie/ What is nice is that you cook up the bottom layer in the skillet, top with potatoes, and stick it in the oven. A cast iron skillet would work wonderfully for this. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/skillet-shepherds-pie/ I like the seasonings in this recipe and would only leave out the carrots. You can use Bob Evans ready made mashed potatoes if you'd like. https://iowagirleats.com/skillet-shepherds-pie/ Be decorative with the potatoes and make the dish look pretty! Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  18. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I am so excited that you will be joining us. 7:00 pm in the Ocean Bar on embarkation day. Be there! You can message me off CC at debfish34 at gmail dot com.
  19. Good morning, everyone! We have sunny skies and warming temperatures this morning in mid-Michigan. It should be a nice day. DS Mary Jo is coming over for coffee this afternoon. I lured her with the promise of whipped cream to put in her coffee. So, I guess I had better go get some! We are going to the gardens tonight for the winter walk. They are all decorated for the holidays and have roving carolers performing and hot chocolate shacks along the way. We tried to go last night but half of Midland was there. We decided we'd go tonight with the other half. DB and his wife tested negative. We're thankful for that, but we decided to cancel Farkel this weekend and wait until they are completely well. They understand that I have to be careful with surgery coming up. Today's meal is one that is part of a healthy eating plan. Turmeric has some very important health benefits. The active ingredient in turmeric is a natural compound (polyphenol) called curcumin, which has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Anyone who’s trying to manage inflammation could benefit from adding some turmeric to their foods. Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and other joint disorders, colitis, allergies and infections can be helped. You can read more about turmeric and health benefits here: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/turmeric-benefits The recipe for this meal comes from Bon Appetit, a pay site, but I did find it elsewhere. Yay! The kitchen is not closed! Those who don't like coconut can just leave that part out. If you don't like the greens selected, choose different ones. https://www.andybaraghani.com/recipes/turmeric-salmon-with-coconut-crisp I'd eat that! This next one has some honey in it. https://blythesblog.com/recipe/turmeric-honey-salmon-with-coconut-crisp/ And there is this one with kale. https://www.chefsplate.com/recipes/turmeric-salmon-61924fd91406be0f881c134d @Ichiban Nekko's DH Dave: Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  20. Thanks so much! Hi to Marge! I hope all is well with the two of you. So glad things went well, Sharon! Sue and I were lucky to meet Mary and Marge on board the Zaandam. It was a great cruise with some great people!
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