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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! It was a bad night last night. I didn't get to sleep until almost 4 am. It wasn't due to pain, rather just insomnia. I will take it easy today and probably hit the hay early tonight. It might have been due to the excitement over the Michigan win or the fact that I'm not getting much exercise right now. We're going to start mall walking this week and I'm hoping that will help. I am going to take the ornaments off one of the trees and then Sue can take it down to storage when she gets back. Sue has left to take River home. They are first stopping at Great Grandma's house for a visit. We feel better about her going home knowing she is going to Grandma Christy's house and will be there at least until next November. @mamaofami for Sam: @RMLincoln @StLouisCruisers for your DDIL Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  2. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I got it as well. I do have my t-shirt on under the hernia girdle. The girdle does provide support, but it still is uncomfortable even with the t-shirt. I'll be happy when I don't have to wear it. The surgeon said three weeks. I'm halfway through the first one! I have done some cross stitch and enjoyed it, but my hands lock up when doing work like that. My grandmother did a needlepoint back and seat for a chair that once belonged to her parents. That was back when I was in college. We had it recovered and it is now in our living room with the needlepoint still looking good! Grandma would be happy.
  3. Happy Birthday to Sam! Glad to hear from you, Carol, and happy that all is going well for you. I'm glad you connected with Susan and Caron. You'll have a great time with them! You have a good group of Dailyites on this cruise and that will help set the tone and routine. Enjoy! @Quartzsite Cruiser I guess I can live without the game. The chicken wings are in the oven and they are smelling really good. They have a few more bastings with barbecue sauce before they are done. I have to wear a hernia belt for the next few weeks. They sent me home from the hospital in one, but that one had stains from the disinfectant and blood from all my wounds. I counted 7 stab wounds to my abdomen. So, I washed out the one they gave me and it is drying now. I have one of my own that I got before the surgery. I will be happy when I don't have to wear it as it is scratchy and uncomfortable. The reason for wearing it is to give stability to the repaired hernia location and to prevent the formation of a seroma - a fluid filled sac that would be as unsightly as the original hernia. I am happy to report that the swelling and bloat are greatly diminished today. There is still some soreness and tenderness, but it is also greatly diminished. I am almost back to normal! @VMax1700 Glad you stopped in and I hope you do check in regularly!
  4. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! @Cat in my lap It was a quiet celebration here last night. I was in bed asleep by 10:30 pm. So, the new year was on its own. Sue slept in this morning. She is trying to fight a headache. So, it was just River and me for a while. The milk smelled off to me for River's cereal so she got it with whipped cream. It's a holiday. Today I am making chicken wings and we are snuggling in under the quilts and watching TV. We'll find something to watch. I want to watch the Rose Bowl, but Sue pitches a fit about football. I may send her and River downstairs. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  5. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, so I'll have to get dressed as well. It is going to be very casual - sweats. You've been in the house a long time! I do need to get out now and then. During the day the gas moves up to the shoulder area. That is what hurts when I go to bed because it wants to be at the highest level. The surgeon asked me to wait until last night or today to shower the first time. So, I accommodated him. @JazzyV They told me to drink pop to help with the gas. I don't know how that will help, but since I don't have any in the house and haven't had any in decades, I figured the Gas -X would help as much as that. As a matter of fact, I just checked my instructions and they mentioned that as well. It seems the gas is absorbed and leaves through normal channels.
  6. I did not have to prove I was a human when I posted earlier. We'll see what happens with this post. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I am walking! I get up every so often and do a couple laps around the dining room and kitchen. It does help. The gas isn't as bad. The first night it hurt like crazy when I went to lay down in bed. @marshhawk I've been cold ever since we watched that. I kept checking the thermostat to make sure the boiler was still working. It is so I just put on warmer clothes. A shower and clean clothes make a big difference.
  7. Good morning, everyone! I am still sore and tender and my belly is still really bloated from the gas they put in there. I think that is my major source of discomfort at this point. I'm going to try some gas reliever. Fingers crossed. The dinner looks good and I would try it with cauliflower rice. We are having leftover spaghetti tonight. I made up a bunch of meals before surgery so that we didn't have to resort to pizza every night. Sue and River are off to their New Year's Eve party at the Center for the Arts. Two hours of peace and quiet! My celebration will be taking a shower and putting on clean jammies. Then I'll turn the fireplace on and settle in for some Netflix. @marshhawk That is the same one we watched. It was very interesting and amazing that the entire crew survived. Safe travels to those who are on the road or in the air. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  8. DB is counting down the days. I think he is anxious to get out. Farkel was good tonight. My dice were not cooperative, but we had fun. Glad to hear that. I'll look forward to all being good!
  9. Good evening, everyone! It has mostly been a good day today. I am more sore and tender than in pain. Ice helps and getting up and moving helps. Things that were painful to do yesterday are not today. So, I am making progress! We are having Farkel Friday tonight since DB had to work last night. He'll be retiring mid-January and then it will be every Friday. It is his turn to bring dinner, so I do not have to cook tonight. YES! Sue and River spent the afternoon at the nature center and had a great time. Tomorrow they are going to a children's New Year's Eve party at the Center for the Arts. It starts at 10 am and they do crafts, have snacks and then a ball dropping at noon. I hope everyone has had a good day and that our travelers have all arrived at their destinations safely.
  10. Good morning, everyone! I had a reasonably good night. I did get up a few times to visit the restroom, but otherwise slept well with little to no pain. It only hurts when I move and engage my core muscles and no pain pills help with that. I guess maybe they can dull it a bit. I'm a little less sore this morning and getting around a bit better. The trick to this recovery is to grit my teeth and move. @RMLincoln Congratulations on the final closure of your MD condo. It must be a comforting feeling to have that all behind you. And how nice to be so close to your granddaughters. Moving closer to family was the right move for me, even though it meant leaving friends behind. Gives me an excuse to go back and visit and them an excuse to come up this way. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, again I am enjoying the pictures of Antarctica in anticipation of next year's visit. Last night we watched Endurance about Shackelton's expedition. It is absolutely amazing that everyone survived. @kazu Jacqui, I am glad that Fundy protected you this time from the storm. I hope you and Ivan do well through this next weather system. Your winters can be pretty brutal. @JazzyV Thank you for the mention on the cares list. I'm sure it was the power of the Dailyites that helped propel me through that surgery so well yesterday. I hope you can get a date for your procedure soon and can find some consistent pain relief. @smitty34877 I used to make a great chicken and sausage gumbo and you are making me hungry for it again. @rafinmd Roy, I read your post about healthcare. First, I am glad that your situation does not require any intervention right now. As for those without good insurance, they do without and many of them die a premature death. We yell at people to get a job, but many of them are employed. They just don't get benefits. That was my sister's case. She was a healthcare professional who did not have health insurance. Before the ACA she had a difficult time with that because she was either denied coverage or charged half her income due to her health history. So, she went without. It was still prohibitively expensive afterwards, but they couldn't charge her extra. It is a lazy day here. I doubt I'll get out of pajamas. I think it is a good day for the couch and sappy movies. Or maybe even a good one. Safe travels to all who are on the road today. @ottahand7 I hope you are warmer tonight. @cruising sister safe travels to San Diego tomorrow. You're going to have a blast on this cruise and you're going to be with some incredible Dailyites. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. Good afternoon, everyone! Surgery went well and I am now home relaxing and recovering. The surgeon said the procedure couldn't have gone any better, so that makes me happy. My abdomen is very sore and pretty painful. There is more pain with this surgery than with the previous two or even the gall bladder surgery. I will definitely be using the pain meds. Thank you all for all the well wishes. The Daily came through again! @StLouisCruisers your Antarctica pictures are bringing back great memories of my cruise there in January of 2011. That was my all time favorite cruise for a long time. It is now competing with Norway and last summer's cruise. Sue and I will be going back to Antarctica next January, 2025. We are preparing by watching shows about penguins and Antarctica. Last night we watched 8 Below and really liked the movie. After River goes home we'll watch Endurance. @cruising sister Thank you for the picture of Baby Murphy. She is a cutie for sure and I love her fighting spirit. Thanks again, everyone!
  12. Good morning, everyone! I am up and ready to roll. I'm leaving in a bit to pick up DS Mary Jo and head to the hospital. I hope to be home mid afternoon for a nice cup of coffee and a bowl of the turkey soup I made on Wednesday. Thank you and thank @StLouisCruisers Sandi for the well wishes this morning. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  13. Good news on your DH's eye. I hope the hydrocortisone cream helps. Thank you, Terri. I hope your pain lessens.
  14. Clear liquids are allowed these days. Coffee counts if it is black. I asked about that with my last knee replacement and was pleasantly surprised. This is almost getting civilized. I'm sure we will get that! Thank you! Thank you! That is the rule. I asked once what people who had no family or friends available did. The assumption is that we are all a couple. The same goes for holding on to your clothes and stuff. The assumption is that family or friends would do it. With my last knee replacement a friend drove me to the hospital, but he did not stay during the surgery. The pre-op people were quite put out because they had to hang on to my things and with the CPAP, it was too much for the locker. It changed at the Cleveland Clinic in time for my knee replacement in January of 2020.
  15. My arrival time is 9:00 am. Perfect! I can get up at 6, drink coffee till 7, do my HIbiclens shower and head out. I'm picking up DS Mary Jo at 8:30 and she will be there and drive me home. I'm hoping to be home by mid afternoon.
  16. Oh, my. This place does the same thing with appointments for my primary care doctor. He'll say I need to come in again in 3 months, but the calendar is only open two months in advance. So, the staff has to contact me. By the time they do, it is 4 months. And, they don't call to ask when would be convenient. They send me a letter with a date and time. If I have something else planned, too bad, or I have to call to change the appointment. I would think that would be more work for them, but they seem to like it. Wow on the need for a hotel room. My brother had to go to Ann Arbor for his prostate surgery. My sister drove him down one day and then went back to pick him up the next. I've been lucky that all my surgeries have been here in town. Sometimes, when you need someone highly specialized, you do have to travel a bit. I was surprised that wasn't the case when I needed an endocrine surgeon. They are in short supply and there is one right here in town. Good luck on DH's surgery in January. I hope that solves the itchy, painful eye problems. Thank you so much!
  17. Good morning, everyone. Thank you so much to @0106 Tina for subbing for me. Today is prep day for surgery. I will wash the sheets on the bed as well as pajamas so they are clean tonight. I will take a shower with Hibiclens soap. Depending on what time I report tomorrow, I may take another. Soft foods today and I can't have any food after 8 pm. I can have clear liquids, including black coffee, up to two hours before I report to the hospital. I have to wait until 3 pm to find out what time I have to be there. That is a major pain in the patootie. It makes it difficult to arrange rides. Sue can't take me because she has River and they don't want children in the waiting room. I'm hoping for the 8:30 slot and not the 5:00 am slot. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  18. Thank you! I plan to milk this for everything I can. Sister Sue already knows she is doing the heavy lifting. @Cruzin Terri What a shame that the doctor has not responded. It is possible that he is off between the holidays. I hope you hear something soon.
  19. That is an interesting question. No, we wouldn't let you starve, but what if we decided to bring Eva @superoma with us? LOL I second what Lenda said. I did get a laugh out of it.
  20. dfish


    I'll take a look at that!
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