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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Greetings, everyone. Many thanks to @0106 Tina for filling in for me. I suspect this outage will go on for a while. The engineers are “working diligently “ and technicians are “working quickly “ to resolve the issue, but after 28 hours it is still unknown if a crew has been assigned yet. I suspect they don’t want to pay weekend rates and are waiting until Monday to address the issue. Meanwhile, Spectrum has put me in for consideration for a credit on my bill if I qualify. How nice of them. hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  2. dfish


    I have my life time pass, thanks!
  3. Still no internet. Spectrum assures me that service will be restored as soon as possible, but they don’t know if a crew has been assigned or if Sue and I should go out and search for the problem ourselves. That might be the quicker solution.
  4. Internet is out. It has been for quite some time. I get a credit if it is out 4 hours or more, so expecting it back on momentarily. Power still on, thankfully. We are watching Apollo 13, to be followed by The Sound of Music.
  5. Good morning, everyone! We were downgraded from a winter storm warning to a winter weather advisory during the night. We did get enough additional snow to fire up The Beast, so Sue will be happy. No shoveling here! There are many power outages around us, most with a restoration date of tomorrow, so we are very thankful for that. We do have the grill for back up and can use the French press to make coffee if necessary. I have a Zoom meeting at 10:00 and then we have Farkel tonight. Otherwise, a lazy day. I really like black bean soup. There was a restaurant nearby in Ohio that had the best black bean soup. I always got it when I went there. It would be a great hearty meal for tonight if I had the ingredients. This first recipe is super easy to make. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/easy-black-bean-soup/ Black bean soup freezes well, so you can make a big batch, freeze some, and have some for another time. This soup is just as easy but has different seasoning. https://cookieandkate.com/spicy-vegan-black-bean-soup/ This recipe gives directions for starting with dried beans. https://www.skinnytaste.com/black-bean-soup/ Sounds like it would warm you right up on a cold, blustery day like today. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. We got additional snow during the night and I think The Beast will get to go to work this morning. Lot's of power outages around us, so we are very thankful we have power this morning. If we need to shovel, Sue has to do it as I am still restricted from it.
  7. You are the official butternut squash patrol officer. Keep us informed! This storm is turning out to be far less than advertised. Our 10 inches might end up being 2. Unless we get dumped on, there won't be enough for Sue to run The Beast. The shovel it will be.
  8. First, I am glad you liked the soup! If I didn't know there were carrots and they were all pureed into the soup, I would be ok. You are a true member of the Messy Cook/Baker/Painter guild. Dinner looks really good I'm glad you had a great visit with your DS. You got it! Snow is heavy now. Radar shows this is an all night affair.
  9. I guess you paved the way for me as I had no problem turning my Ohio license into a Michigan one and registering the car. Snow has begun. It was pretty weak at first but has now picked up quite a bit. While the temp is 34F, the wind makes it feel a lot colder. It is brutal out there.
  10. Well, the BHBs are in sync with the times! I think I'd leave it as it provides so much entertainment and conversation. We actually are enjoying it even if we never eat it. Deal! So far we have not seen a single snowflake although they claim it is snowing and has been snowing for an hour or so. Just not over our house. I entertained myself by snaking the laundry room drain and the drain in Sue's bath tub. I think I found the source of trouble as there is a lot of hair in that drain. I also combed Sue's sparkly rug in the dining room and found the pin I dropped when I was sewing along with two wads of electrical tape and some wire. No wonder I was getting stabbed!
  11. I plead innocent. Rich @richwmn is the one who finds the meals. I did find the one with carrots just for you, though! I think it is you, Paul, that is attracting all the butternut squash. @0106 Thanks for the picture of the huge butternut squash. That one might feed all of us Dailyites.
  12. Good morning, everyone! Well, it is hard to decide who to believe when it comes to the weather. Once source says snow will start within the hour, another says not until 2:00 pm. One says 6-11 inches and another says just 6. Schools all closed down last night, including Midland and Midland never closes. So, I guess we'll get what we get. @rafinmd I hope all goes well during your treatment today. @kazu Hunker down! No way to avoid this at this time of year. I hope you and Ivan are safe and don't lose power. Everyone else in the path of this storm, take care and stay safe. Today's meal has to be a repeat. I found butternut squash soup in my files, but the curry and slow cooker are new additions. If there is a way to prepare butternut squash, we will find it! A new mission on the Daily has been declared! Our first recipe is easy to make and helps cut some calories and carbs. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/267551/slow-cooker-curried-butternut-squash-soup/ This next one includes carrots and apples in the mix. https://littlespicejar.com/curried-butternut-squash-soup-slow-cooker/ And here's a little something for those of you who are silently gagging at the butternut squash. How about The Ultimate Ribeye Onion Soup? https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/281595/the-ultimate-ribeye-french-onion-soup/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  13. Where's the fun in that? Like Lenda, I have an apron. It is a Christmas apron, but it works in the off season as well. I just have to remember to put it on. I do wear it to make gravy. I am so sorry, Terri. Hugs to you and Jim. The meds should help since it is in the early stages. I'm so glad you liked the recipe! Thanks for letting us know. That means you, too, Jake. Yes, we have a Meijer, an Aldi, a Kroger, and Family Fare. I remember Giant supermarket. When my mom would go grocery shopping in the evenings I always had to go with her and we went to Giant. I'm hoping for less snow as well. We have delayed Farkel until Saturday just to be on the safe side.
  14. Messy cook and messy baker are closely related. This reminds me of the time I wore the Christmas dinner gravy on my blouse. We did our mall walk and then stopped by Meijer, along with half of Midland, in order to stock up before the big storm. I have this feeling that we forgot something. I'm sure I'll remember it after 6-7 inches of snow have fallen. Right now all is calm. I'm liking that!
  15. Good morning, everyone! It is currently snowing outside. We're only supposed to get about an inch this morning. It's a warm up for tomorrow's storm. It's looking like we could get up to 10 inches tomorrow. We are definitely not driving north to pick up River. We'll have to reschedule for another time. We are going to do our mall walk this morning and then stop by the grocery store for fresh veggies. Happy Birthday to Ren, DGS of @StLouisCruisers Sandi. Hot Toddies reminds me of a story a cousin told me years ago. She was in college and attending a nearby one so she could live at home. She came home one day and told her grandmother that she wasn't feeling well. Aunt Aggie offered to make her a hot toddy to ward off the illness. Then Aunt Aggie decided that she should have one as well for prevention. Well, the first one was so good that they decided to have another. Two certainly would be better than one, right? I think the second led to the third and by the time Margie, Aggie's daughter, got home from work the two of them were pretty well looped. What I found interesting about this is that Aggie was always the "good sister" out of the six of them - my grandmother and her sisters. Today's meal is interesting. I think they are just using arugula in place of basil as an alternative pesto sauce for the pasta. At least that is what it looks like in this first recipe. https://theclevermeal.com/arugula-pasta/ This next one just kind of shreds the arugula to put in with the pasta. https://www.sipandfeast.com/lemon-arugula-pasta/ It seems to be a pretty simple dish to make and not too many variations out there. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  16. Thanks! We will have a great time. We would have had a great time if we had stuck with our inside cabin on Deck 10. Or if we'd stuck with the Ocean View cabin on Deck 1. We're happy to be back on Deck 10 and planning to make the most of this trip. I'm sure it will be fabulous! Storm predictions for the weekend look worse as time goes on. Tomorrow we'll hit the grocery store and stock up on perishables - vegetables - to get us through the weekend. Next week is the polar vortex. So, Hawaii will be fabulous even if it rains all day every day.
  17. Melissa, thank you for letting us know what is happening with you. You have a heavy burden and if our caring and virtual hugs help with the lift of that burden, I am glad. We all think of you often and know we are here if you need someone to listen. Oh, no! What next? We got another upsell offer for Hawaii. This time it was $249 pp to go from ocean view to balcony, so we took it. Of course, that meant I had to order some wine to sip out on my balcony! It is a spa balcony, but I'm not sure the amenities are of any use to us.
  18. Glad you like the recipes! There is a storm headed this way for Friday. Sue was supposed to go pick up River, but we don't think that will be happening. It is just too risky. I'll take your chocolate! I am a rare one that likes the bitter chocolate more than the sweet stuff. To me it has a richer flavor. I kill houseplants as well. I used to get up at 5:00 for work as well, but over the years I have moved wake up time later and later. Now I struggle to get up before 8. I have been waking up around 4 am, so I get up, use the bathroom, and go back to bed. Most nights I can get back to sleep. There are occasional nights when I doze till I know the coffee will be ready.
  19. Good morning, everyone! @kazu I am thankful there were no breaks, but sometimes soft tissue injuries take longer to heal. I hope you are the exception to that! I'm glad you and Ivan are staying in today. So are we. All area schools are closed due to ice. The snow isn't too bad, but we got rain on top of the snow last night and that all refroze overnight when the temps went down below freezing. So we have some pretty thick ice out there. Today's meal is one we can sink our teeth into. And, it is pretty easy once everything is in the slow cooker. This first one trims the calories a bit and reduces the fat content. There are great suggestions for sides to go with it. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/268703/slow-cooker-balsamic-short-ribs/ This next one doesn't use tomato in the sauce and is gluten free. If you want the potatoes instead of the parsnips, go for it. https://acalculatedwhisk.com/slow-cooker-balsamic-short-ribs/ Here's a recipe that calls for honey glazed carrots as a side dish. They'd make a pretty plate with the color. https://www.joyfulhealthyeats.com/balsamic-braised-beef-short-ribs-paleo/ I think I'd go with the first one as the gravy looks great. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  20. I like to read the after visit notes as well. There are times I would swear that they are documenting some other patient's visit, certainly not mine.
  21. How did you guess? I hope all of you experiencing threatening weather come through unscathed. Be careful and take necessary precautions.
  22. Thanks for letting us know. I checked into the Daily just to see if you had made it! The snow is still coming down at a pretty steady rate. It is a wet, heavy snow, so shoveling is hard. I'm not allowed to shovel for six weeks and feel guilty for not being out there to help Sue. The problem will be tonight. Temps are supposed to rise this afternoon and there is a possibility of the snow turning to rain. Then the temps fall tonight causing a refreeze. We have salt for the driveway ready. I think it is a good day to bundle up on the couch and watch a movie.
  23. I will add my encouragement to go up in a hot air balloon. I was very nervous when we did Balloons over Letchworth, but the experience was magnificent. It is so calm, peaceful, and quiet once you get up! I'd go again in a heartbeat. Welcome to the Daily and Go Blue! I think I'd be looking for a new endocrinologist. They have little hand held machines they can use to get the A1C and results come back in a few minutes. Just a finger ***** instead of a blood draw. And, I would have thought that the endocrinologist would have picked up on the facial hair symptom. That is her ball park, so to speak. Or, it is supposed to be. Snow is still coming down, but it is light and not accumulating much. I don't think we're going anywhere today.
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