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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! It is a rainy day here in mid-Michigan. It has been raining all night and is forecast to continue until 11 pm tonight. I doubt that Rita will make it to the dog park today. Probably no walks either. @kazu I am glad you have a surgery date and that it is so soon. Hopefully that will alleviate your pain. Your realtor is using the same strategy that mine used in 2022 and it does seem to work well. Listing lower engenders a lot of interest in the house. I had a ton of viewings and ended up with multiple offers and sold for $15,000 over asking price within four days of listing it. The people who owned my current house didn't listen to their realtor and listed way too high and the house, during one of the hottest sellers' markets, sat for months. We got it for far less than the original asking price. The drink today sounds interesting. @ger_77 Gerry, we'll surely have to try this one! Or maybe @Sharon in AZ Sharon and I will in a few weeks on the Zuiderdam. I've had Dill Pickle Pasta Salad as my niece makes it all the time for family gatherings. It is pretty good. It is pretty easy to throw together as well. Dill Pickle Pasta Salad This one adds in cheddar cheese in place of the celery and bell pepper. Dill Pickle Pasta Salad 2 This one uses pickled onions and shredded carrots. Dill Pickle Pasta Salad 3 Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  2. We can be excused at age 70, but we have to request it.
  3. We're supposed to get rain from the remnants of Beryl all night tonight and all day tomorrow. Sue and Rita will have a hard time getting their 10,000 steps in.
  4. Good afternoon, So far so good as far as yesterday's problems are concerned. Yoga went well and I needed it as I did nothing yesterday except lay on the couch. I did hit the grocery store on the way home from yoga so I am well stocked now. When it is hot I do all my cooking on the grill outside. I have a vegetable basket that I use for veggies and a pan with holes in it for the fish. For the real delicate fish I put aluminum foil down and spray it well with Pam. I can turn the fish and it gets nice and crispy on the outside, soft and moist inside. We love salmon cooked that way. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I echo what @RMLincoln Maureen said about getting some help and advice about moving to a senior living community or resources available to you to help. You know that you are going to be able to do less and less as time goes by and DH is not going to get better. I hope you can find the support you need so you can both be comfortable. @luvteaching So glad you and DF are enjoying Alaska. Also, happy that DM was cared for so promptly and that all is well. @summer slope Dixie, I hope all goes well with your appointment. I wouldn't be so worried about the exam, but sure would not enjoy how long it takes. @smitty34877 You and Tana have difficult decisions to make. I'm glad the AA sponsor helped out and that you can get further insight from Tana's doctor. @Heartgrove I hope all goes well for DSIL and I'm so glad you don't need to cancel your cruise. I went on a cruise a month after my hernia operation.
  5. Good morning, everyone! So far, so good this morning. By the time I went to bed last night everything was normal. We'll see how it goes this morning. I haven't had breakfast yet and eating seemed to trigger the shivers. I'm going to try to get to yoga this morning. Today's meal sounds really good to me. You can do this with any mild white fish, but cod is one of the super healthy fishes for us. This recipe is super easy. Broiled Cod Here's another easy cod recipe that is baked. It adds in lemon to the mix. Baked Cod This is another one that is baked and tops the fish with an herb coating. Herb Coated Cod Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  6. Things are turning around now. I had some soup and did not get chills after eating. Temperature is coming down, heart rate is below 100, oxygen saturation is in normal ranges, BP is good and blood glucose is coming down now. It did go up after I posted last, but I think eating helped. I feel better as well, just tired. It will be an early night for me.
  7. I slept for a large part of the afternoon. I had a small bowl of popcorn and got the chills again. They started this morning right after breakfast. Temp went back up and so did heart rate. Oxygen stays steady in the ok range and BP is fine. Blood glucose is high for me at 158. It was 85 this morning. Second Covid test was negative. BP is 97/55. Going back to bed and hoping I have what @bennybear had and that tomorrow is a normal day.
  8. Heart rate coming down, oxygen saturation going up. No shivers at this point. Just a bit of a headache. Temperature down. I think it is like the last time. I'll just take it easy today.
  9. Good late morning, everyone. I felt fine when I got up this morning. Took Rita out to do her business, but she is holding back. After I posted the meal recipes I went upstairs to get dressed and got the shivers. I had to pile on the blankets and was still shivering. Took a Covid test and it was negative. Heart rate is slightly elevated, Oxygen Sat rate is normal. Temp earlier was normal and we'll see in a minute as I am retaking it. Then I'll do blood pressure, but I don't expect anything serious there. Oh, slight temperature. I am really tired right now, but I think I'll take Rita out again to see if she'll do anything. Sue woke up with a massive migraine, but Imitrex brought it under control. Blood pressure 120/65. This happened once before back in June of 2021. I remember being very tired after the shivers went away and was fine the next morning. I'm hoping for the same result. DF John theorized it might have been an immune reaction to an exposure of some sort. @quilty964 Karen, we had two dams collapse here back in 2020. They were privately owned and the owners did not engage in any kind of maintenance. It wasn't even a heavy rainfall. Just the dams were done. Fortunately, due to great planning for What If situations, everyone was evacuated and there was no loss of life. People are still rebuilding. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the CT scan results are good. I'm glad you were able to reconcile with your father. I'm not sure I would have done so. You are a better person than I. We were lucky and had, for the most part, a Leave it to Beaver childhood. I remember Dad going off to family hour swimming in the summer with 22 kids in the back of the car. IF they didn't go to the pool, they went to the park to play softball and Dad switched off with Mr. Smith on being all time pitcher. None of the other dads in the neighborhood participated.
  10. Good morning, everyone! I woke up to thunder storms this morning. Of course. The forecast said no rain until after dinner today, so I left the cushions out on the patio furniture. Now, they are all soaking wet. I pushed the chairs back under the eaves when I was out with Rita and hopefully that will help them dry out and not get wetter. Nothing on the agenda here today except the gym and the grocery store. I would like today's meal, but not today. It is too muggy out to be eating a hot soup. I may save my favorite recipe for this winter. I would have to thin it out a bit due to the carb load. Vegan Black Bean Soup Here is a recipe from Valerie Bertinelli. Val's Spicy Black Bean Soup This one is totally different. Half the beans are cooked with tomatoes and the other half with vegetables. Spicy Black Bean Soup @marshhawk Annie, I hope all goes well with the MRI today. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. How horrible! Hugs to you! I am glad you occasionally did find safe havens. Very true.
  12. Hugs, Terri. We all need to remember not everyone had the same experience. My great niece will have the same issue as her father told the court he didn't want anything to do with her. She is 7. How do you explain that to her?
  13. Good morning! We have a sun shiny start to the day today. All is well here and our house guest is doing well. Nothing much planned for the day but this evening our neighbors are coming over for a glass of wine and to sit around our fire table. In the meantime, we'll be taking Rita on walks. Today's meal looks good to me. If you don't like the idea of a peanut dressing, sub in your favorite. Sorry to those who are allergic to shrimp. Maybe substitute chicken. Shrimp Salad This one looks good with the seared shrimp. Seared Shrimp Salad I like the idea of the lime in the dressing on this one. Use the greens of your choice. Shrimp Salad with Peanut Lime Dressing Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  14. Good morning, everyone! We had some heavy rains last night during Farkle. Sue was getting the kayaks ready in case we needed them to escape. But, Rita and I patrolled the perimeter this morning and all is well. No rabbits for her to chase this morning, but they will be out later. Or they have fled the area! We're heading to the dog park this morning. We can let her off lead in the fenced in area and she can run like wild. Zucchini is the summertime butternut squash. It is very versatile and can be used many different ways. That is good, because it grows easily and those with backyard gardens often find themselves with more zucchini than they know what to do with. That is when it starts showing up on the porch. This first recipe doesn't use much flour, so the carbs are reasonable. Zucchini Pancakes Here is Ina Garten's version which is even lower in carbs. Ina's Zucchini Pancakes The last two recipes were more like potato pancakes or a fritter and can be used as a side dish. If you want breakfast pancakes, the next recipe is for you. High carbs and lots of sugar. Breakfast Zucchini Pancakes
  15. We had a deluge as well and, of course, that is when Rita decided she needed to go out. Glad the temps are more comfortable. I wouldn't survive in Texas. How lucky can you get? I always pick the wrong lane at the grocery store. Always. We're watching Lottery Dream House. Pretty bad choices tonight.
  16. Terry, nothing to be embarrassed about. It is normal that you would be fatigued with the job you are doing. We all think you are a super hero. This has been a long haul for you and for Tana. What a blessing you have been for her and the teenager. Let us know when you need a lift. We're here for you and would be upset if you didn't let us know.
  17. Good morning again. I went to the gym and Sue and Rita went to the dog park. Sue reports that Rita had a wonderful time racing all over the place. She made friends with two other doggies that were there. Rita loves it because she can be off lead there. We are keeping her on lead all week when we go out. She normally doesn't run off when MJ and Mitch are around, but we don't want to risk having her try to take off and find home. We were in St. John's last year on the Zaandam and went up to the top of Signal Hill and walked down. We did make a rest stop at a chocolate place that had out of this world chocolates. Oh, my! Here's the view of the Atlantic from the top of Signal Hill. The Zaandam from the trail down. The sail out from St. John's.
  18. Good morning, everyone! We had an interesting evening. DS Mary Jo and DBIL Mitch dropped off their dog, Rita. Rita is spending the next week with us while her mom and dad are in California. I think she is adapting just fine. Mary Jo is a helicopter parent and sends continuous texts wanting to know how she is doing. She slept well last night. Wouldn't go with Sue, so she ended up in my room. She did jump up on the bed this morning to let me know it was time to go outside. So, out we went. She won't go out the slider to the back yard, only the front door to use the front yard. Rita was not at all phased by the fireworks. She totally ignored it all. Up on the couch where she isn't allowed. Isn't that normal? @kazu That was a hard decision and I applaud you for making it. I think you and Ivan will do well in independent living. I'm so glad he can come with you! Thank you to everyone for the nice comments about Baby Addie. She is a cutie. We talked last night about how happy I am that I moved back from Ohio so I can partake of family events. If I was still in Ohio I wouldn't meet Addie until she was a year or two old. Is the zucchini starting to pile up? Never fear, we will show you all the innovated ways you can use zucchini starting with zucchini waffles. You always wanted to know, right? Zucchini Waffles I generally don't eat waffles because of the carb load and I'll be skipping these as well. But you might enjoy them! This recipe adds in some parmesan cheese. Parmesan Zucchini Waffles This one uses cheddar cheese and tops them off with an egg and avocado. Looks good to me! Cheddar Zucchini Waffles Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  19. Good evening, everyone! We had a fun day today. Breakfast was nice with the family. There were 13 of us there including baby Addie. Addie was very good the whole time and just took in her surroundings while we ate. For today's cookout I made French Potato Salad. I think @kochleffel Paul mentioned this and I was curious and looked it up. I used Ina Garten's recipe. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/french-potato-salad-recipe-1914223 And here is Addie!
  20. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a hot 4th here in mid-Michigan, if you can believe the forecast. The meteorologists here have really been struggling the past few days. Yesterday was supposed to be rain, but it cleared up and we had the abundant sunshine we were supposed to have on Tuesday. We are meeting DB Bill and DB Jeff for breakfast this morning and then going to a cookout at DN Kourtney's this afternoon. DN Lizzy will be there with her new baby so we'll get to meet Addie. Today's meal is one I will pass on. My DS Barb loves black bean burgers, but I think they resemble hockey pucks. I want a real burger. The bean burgers also tend to be high in carbs. Black Bean Burger It looks good, but so do fast food hamburgers in the ads. Here's another version. Salsa Bean Burger This last one uses oats and whole wheat flour as binders. Bean Burgers Wishing you all a wonderful day and happy 4th!
  21. 11 @DeeniEncinitas I love the paintings and especially the first one. It would look so nice in my living room. @durangoscots Many years ago I rode the narrow gauge railroad. It was fantastic! I did have to have someone drive my car and meet me at the end.
  22. Good afternoon, everyone! We had an eventful day today. When I got home from the gym we decided to go to the outlet mall in Birch Run, about 45 minutes away. So we loaded up in the car and away we went. We hit a couple of clothing stores and shoe stores. I got a deal - 70% off - on some clothes for our upcoming cruise as well as some new step in Skechers. We had a late lunch and brought half of it home for dinner. Then we headed over to Macy's at the Mall in Saginaw. That was a bust. The clothing selection is really pathetic and ugly to boot. So, we headed home. All in all, it was a nice day. I'm so glad you enjoyed the blue cheese coleslaw. You can use any vinaigrette dressing you like. I don't have a recipe for it, just kind of made it up after having blue cheese coleslaw at a restaurant. As everyone else has mentioned, you and Tana and the whole family are always in my thoughts.
  23. Good morning, everyone! It is a dreary day out in mid-Michigan this morning. I'm not sure I believe the forecast as yesterday they said sun and it quickly turned cloudy and threatening rain. They then said rain in two hours, which didn't happen. Then heavy rain, which didn't happen. We did finally get some rain but it was just a drizzle. Today they say rain around noon. We shall see. @kazu I am sorry that your leg pain will require surgery, but since it does, the sooner the better. Is there anything that helps relieve the pain? We had fun at our pedicures yesterday. My toes are beautiful and I chose bright red for the 4th. While I am not a lamb fan, this recipe caught my interest. With the proper seasoning I like lamb, so I would give this one a try. I think it would be good with cucumbers in sour cream or a cucumber and tomato salad. This would have to be on a night when Sue isn't here because she won't eat any of it. The first recipe has interesting spices - cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. Grilled Lamb Kebabs Now, imaging those kebabs on a pita with some tzatziki sauce! Mmmmm. I can taste the garlic. In the next recipe they prepare the meat mixture in a food processor. That pulverizes the mixture. You then shape the meat mixture around the skewers. It is also noted that while you can substitute ground beef for the lamb, ground chicken and turkey do not hold up. This one uses cumin, coriander, mint, garlic, and ginger for the seasoning. Lamb Kebabs This one has a slightly different seasoning to it, but I am sure it is equally good. There is also a recipe for a garlic lemon yogurt sauce. Lamb Kofta Kebabs Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  24. When visiting my sister I often cuddled up with her giant dog as he was scared of thunder and lightning. We spent the night on the tile floor of her kitchen once.
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