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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! We have rain moving out and we should see a little sun this afternoon. I'm glad we went to the Art Fair downtown yesterday. They had a lot of great booths. I did purchase two leather purses, one in black and a fun red one. Sue got a couple shirts and we resupplied our coffee at our favorite coffee store. We also had lunch at Pizza Sam's. That was more successful than the Farmers Market. There they had a lot of radishes and asparagus. We got some of both and some flowers in a hanging bag for either side of the garage. @kazu Jacqui, I can commiserate with you about the constant pain. My back is a real unhappy camper this morning. I do think the weather plays a role in the degree of pain. With this morning being cool and damp, my arthritis is front and center. I go for a second test shot on Wednesday and if that is successful we can schedule the nerve ablation. Hang in there and hopefully the vascular surgeon will have some answers for you. Today's meal sounds like a great dessert! And I like dessert for dinner now and then. But the sugar content would probably send me into a deep sleep. This first one is called healthy because it uses avocados as a base for the filling. Okay....... Healthy Chocolate Tart Looking at it you'd never know it was made with avocados. This next one is lower in sugar than the first one, but it can be difficult to make because of the use of coconut cream and needing to separate the cream from the water in the milk and refrigerating overnight to do that. You get the drift. Less Sugar Chocolate Tart This last recipe doesn't pretend to be healthy. It uses oreo cookies to make the crust and is filled with a wonderful chocolate ganache. I guess the raspberries can count for healthy as they do have some fiber in them. But, I bet this tart tastes divine! Unhealthy Chocolate Tart Our treat today will be steaks and corn on the grill. Mmmm. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  2. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit! Good morning, everyone! Farmers' market this morning followed by the annual art show downtown. Last year there was a lady selling leather purses and I want to get one. My current purse has seen better days. Main Street downtown will be closed to traffic for two blocks and that will last all summer. They'll have bands every weekend, restaurants will add seating outdoors, games will be available along the way. Kind of a giant playground. All is intended to draw people downtown. And it works. We did have Farkle last night. It was dependent on whether Bill and Lauren could drag themselves away from the new baby and come home from Holland. They managed! We had pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw. Easy dinner. But, the dice were not kind to me. Maybe next week. Bon Voyage to @Mr. Boston. Enjoy! @smitty34877 I hope you continue to enjoy your weekend away! Today's meal sounds like it would be good for lunch. My mom made a great egg salad and I always looked forward to that in my lunch. Egg Salad This next recipe has some ideas on what you can add in to make this your own! Things like bacon, avocado, horseradish, etc. Mom didn't use the mustard this one calls for, but she was big on adding in chopped celery for flavor. More Egg Salad This last one is the simplest and comes the closest to Mom's. The Final Egg Salad I hope this finds you all well and I wish you all a wonderful day!
  3. @Vict0riann I am sorry the imaging showed a carcinoma, but glad they caught it and hope it can be treated easily and quickly. Sending you warm and healing thoughts. @Quartzsite Cruiser Love the golf cart! @rafinmd Ice cream is a good meal after a tooth extraction. The cold helps with the pain and the bleeding and it goes down very smoothly.
  4. Good morning! It is a chilly start to the day with a temperature of 49F. But, we have abundant sunshine and temps will warm to the mid 70s. All is good in mid-Michigan. Nothing on the agenda for today. I did pick up my quilt from the long arm quilter yesterday and should sew the binding on so I can get that part done. Otherwise, free day! Still don't know if we're having Farkle tonight or if DB and DSIL will be heading down to visit with the new granddaughter, Addi. Trying out a new spelling today. @Vict0riann 's Pat Warm thoughts to @Heartgrove and Sam. Today's meal is a bit different. The parsnips are used in place of carrots. I'm still passing on this due to carb load. Carbs are especially hard on me first thing in the morning because the insulin resistance is at its strongest then for some reason. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/maple-parsnip-morning-glory-coffee-cake/ The last one was a morning glory cake and this one is an adapted carrot cake recipe. Still passing on it. https://magnoliadays.com/golden-parsnip-loaf-cake/ Here's the morning glory cake made with carrots. https://smittenkitchen.com/2020/10/morning-glory-breakfast-cake/ Enjoy! Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  5. Good morning, everyone! Wow, it got cold last night - down into the 40s. But, it is a nice sunshiny day with temps rising to 70. I'm going to yoga this morning and have a hair appointment this afternoon. I have gotten pretty shaggy since the last haircut. I'm going to try to set up appointments so that I can get in the week before our Zuiderdam cruise. @kazu @GTVCRUISER I hope both of you have a wonderful day. Today's meal sounds tasty. I would want to add in some non starchy veggies to help cut the carb load in each serving. Maybe some broccoli. But, the beans are a great source of nutrition. https://www.skinnytaste.com/fiesta-bean-salad/ I chose this website for the carrot lovers, but there are no carrots in the recipe. I'm sure you could add some in, if you wish. If they were uncooked I wouldn't mind at all. https://thecarrotunderground.com/vegan-side-dishes/fabulous-4-bean-fiesta-salad/ I bet the corn in this recipe would be extra good if it was done on the grill and then sliced off the cob. Mmmm https://www.cookedandloved.com/recipes/mexican-salad/ I hope this finds all of you well. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. Yes, you can. I have Medicare and I refuse this on a regular basis. My bills get paid.
  7. I refuse to do those memory tests. I told them they can figure out if I am oriented to time and place by carrying on a conversation with me, but I refuse to engage in those games. They understand. A lot of that is mining for more diagnoses. The more complicated you are, the more money they can charge.
  8. @P&PNH Happy Birthday to you both! @kochleffel I have been to that church in Cleveland. A friend of mine attended services there regularly and when they made The Deer Hunter members of the church were hired as extras to dance the Russian dances. Audrey and her mom can be seen in the dance scenes from the wedding.
  9. Good morning, everyone! I slept in a bit today. I woke up at 6 and decided that was too early and the next thing I knew it was almost 8. It is going to be a nice sunshiny day with cool temperatures. After the gym we have a pedicure scheduled. So, busy day! @cat shepard @Horizon chaser 1957 Today's meal is pretty versatile. Leave out what you don't like and add in what you do. You can use all kinds of vegetables in this recipe and if you want, add in some chicken or fish. Roasted Chickpeas and Vegetables The big difference with this one is the addition of maple syrup to the balsamic vinegar to roast the veggies. Maple Balsamic Roasted Chickpeas and Vegetables Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  10. Good morning, everyone! It looks like the rain is moving out this morning, but it is still going to be on the cool side for a few days. That's ok, I guess. Well, it will have to be as I can't do anything about it. Instead, I'll just be excited that @Sharon in AZ Sharon will be joining us on our cruise in August on the Zuiderdam! @grapau27 Graham, I hope you and Pauline are feeling better soon! Yesterday was a draggy day for me, but today is a new one! @Cruzin Terri and @Haljo1935 I hope all goes well at your appointments! I think I would like today's wine and maybe even the drink. We might have to try that on the Zuiderdam. But my tacos will be beef or fish or chicken. However, for those of you with vegetarian family members, these taco recipes may come in handy. This first one looks easy enough that you could have a bowl of regular taco meat as well and satisfy the carnivores in the family as well. Vegan Tacos This recipe adds in some black beans for fiber. I like the avocados as well. Tofu Tacos with Black Beans Now, if you want a kick to your tacos, these have it! This recipe adds in potatoes and jalapeños. Tofu Tacos with Jalapenos Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. You didn't wake me up! But, this news would have been worth waking up for! Looking forward to seeing you again and we'll get together to make plans.
  12. Good morning, everyone! It is kind of gloomy out here in mid-Michigan. We had rain last night. I didn't get to sleep until after 3 am. I think I'll be heading back to bed once Sue and River get on the road. Today's meal sounds good - at least the roasted salmon part. We still have left over hot dogs and hamburgers so those will get finished off today. The recipe calls for kale, but you can use spinach if you prefer. I've always wanted to try roasted spiced chickpeas. Maybe we'll give this one a try. Roasted Salmon This next one calls for spinach and tomatoes. Roasted Salmon 2 And here's that meal in salad form for a warm summer evening. Roasted Salmon and Chickpeas Salad Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  13. She is a very resilient little girl. She doesn't have contact with her half siblings on her dad's side because her dad is a jerk extraordinaire. We try to infuse in her that she is a wonderful person and we are happy to have her in our lives. I think we're winning.
  14. Ezra and Ocean are not my sister's grandchildren. Only River is. The mother is the ex daughter in law of my sister and the other two children are from a different father. River has contact with her half siblings and so does her other grandmother.
  15. That's wrong. If retired teachers can get it, retired medical should be able to as well.
  16. It was pushed back. She violated a court order and it turns out that the court looks rather dimly on that. So, instead of the county jail, she is at the women's reformatory until at least January. I do worry about that. When she got out the last time she had developed a real hard edge to her personality. I'm concerned that it could be even worse this time. Her brother is convinced she won't be out for long. As it is, the two youngest kids won't know her when she does get out. Ezra is a baby and Ocean is 3. Her mom has been in jail most of Ocean's life.
  17. Thanks for all the comments on the flowers and River. She has been happy this visit and we haven't had any of the problems we had the last time. I think it might be a combination of maturing and settling in at her other grandmother's. The earliest her mom can come home is January. So we have a good length of time for stability.
  18. You have to reverify once a year, not necessarily for every cruise. I agree that it makes no sense to reverify retired military or retired teacher. A year from now I will still be a retired teacher. I can't just erase decades of my life.
  19. Thanks to the Garden Club members for the suggestions. She's going to try the peppercorns because we have some. We had a great visit to the Gardens today. We're hoping we wore someone out besides ourselves. There is a kids playground with a water feature so we brought home a water logged little girl. I laughed when I heard parents telling the kids not to get wet. Why bring them to a place with water to play in if they can't get wet? Clothes dry out. River's are on the line in the back yard. Deddie
  20. Good morning, everyone! Another beautiful day is in store here in mid-Michigan. We've got nice sunshiny skies and the temperature should rise to 77F. Rain moves in tonight and lasts overnight. We will head over to Dow Gardens later today. They have a great children's play area. Sue and I can get a cup of coffee and watch River have a great time. It goes easy on us old folks to go there! @ottahand7 Any tips on how to keep the squirrels away from bare root hostas? We bought some bare root blue hostas and Sue planted them, but the squirrels or chipmunks kept digging them up. I think they killed all three of them. Any other members of the Garden Club can chime in on this one. I used to love B&B and hadn't had it in years. Last summer I asked if they had it on the Zaandam when we went on our Greenland/Iceland cruise. They did and I had it. Much sweeter than I remembered, but still good. I might need one this summer. I also like the Kendall Jackson Vinter's Reserve Chardonnay. My sister and I go between that one and La Crema. Last night we had a Fetzer Gewerztraminer that was pretty darn good for $8. Today's meal sounds like a good one. I would probably add in more veggies and substitute riced cauliflower for the quinoa. But, the pesto chicken part sounds wonderful! https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7870644/pesto-chicken-quinoa-bowls/ This next recipe adds in a dressing for the quinoa bowl. https://nourishedbynic.com/pesto-chicken-quinoa-bowls/ Here's the recipe I am making for RNB. It has broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, and I'll throw in some of his favorite brussels sprouts for good measure. https://www.throughthefibrofog.com/pesto-chicken-quinoa-bowls/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  21. Wow! Aunt Deddie sure is tired tonight. But, it is really worth it. Dinner was great. The Mexican Street Corn was a big hit. So were the cucumbers and the dogs and burgers. We had a nice time sitting around the fire table. I finally got the wind shield put together and I do see how you would want that when it is windy. The new furniture held up well and we were pleased it didn't fall apart when people sat in the chairs. We must have done a decent job putting them together. Wow, @JazzyV Vanessa, the weather sounds really fierce around you. Glad to know the air conditioner is working again. My note from River is proudly displayed on the fridge for now. I may move it to the mirror in my closet/dressing room.
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