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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Absolutely! The corporate interests couldn't care less about patient care.
  2. Lenda, it isn't the doctors in the medical practices that are owned by hospitals and insurance companies. Most of them are just as disgusted as we are. With my previous doctor in Ohio we used to look at each other when discussing the group that owned her practice and say, "I hate them!" But the problem is that it is almost impossible for a doctor to be in a stand alone practice. I have two friends who are trying to make a go of it in a private practice that they own. They have been at it since September of last year and have yet to draw a paycheck.
  3. Glad to hear it! I can't wait to hear what @marshhawk Annie thinks of her version. Actually, Annie, it should go well. You just won't have the chunks of blue cheese in it. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I hate when they mess up with lab tests and such. I am still training my doctor on how to submit prescriptions. We finally got the test strips right. Now we have to work on the metformin and Ozempic. Although, I may just give up. The local hospital, who owns most of the physician practices here in town, dropped my insurance plan. It is a weird business plan as half the town has that same insurance. I guess they figure they'll get enough people from out of town to make up for it? Meanwhile, half of Midland will be going to Saginaw or Bay City.
  4. Good morning, everyone! IT is a little nippy out this morning in mid-MIchigan, but we are promised a beautiful day full of sunshine and moderate temperatures. Sue threatened to stay up last night and stand guard over her hostas as there is a mother deer and her fawn living in the area. We saw them a lot yesterday in the yard. We also have a mother turkey and her 13 babies. Add that to the numerous rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels in the yard and it is a wonder we have any foliage. Today is yoga day followed by pedicures for me, Sue, and DS Mary Jo. I haven't decided what color to do my toes but am leaning towards firecracker red for the 4th of July. We shall see! Today's meal is one I would love. I think you could use any firm white fish you like. It needs to be firm enough to stand up to the grill. The peperonata can be prepared the day before, if you wish. Grilled Fish This one leaves out the fennel, but does have a nice pepper medley. Fish and Peperonata I think I like the seasonings in this one the best. Grilled Fish and Peperonata Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  5. I hope you like it! My family leaves only the serving bowl. Thanks, Lenda. I don't think that would make me like it any better than I did as a kid.
  6. Joy, we will hold Bonnie close in our hearts. May her medical team be blessed.
  7. Good afternoon. I did a quick trip to the gym this morning and then met DS Mary Jo and DBIL Mitch at the Doggy Park. We are taking their puppy, Rita, for them while they are in California. The puppy is 2 years old now and seems to be past the chew up shoes phase, but I think we'll be puppy proofing the house, just the same. I have had the LaCrema Chardonnay and it is one of our favorites. Every once in a while you can find it at Costco for $14. @Nickelpenny I am glad that the surgical wound appears to be doing better this round. Sorry about no ocean water for the time being. @ottahand7 I agree with the others that your DB does need a squeaky wheel. I'd rather be seen as a complainer than have him end up losing his leg. Hugs. Sometimes all you can do is go with the flow. When we were teaching middle school our team had a saying: If you can't fight and can't flee, flow.
  8. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Happy Canada Day! Good morning, everyone! We have another chilly start to the day at 50F. Temperatures are supposed to reach 76F with abundant sunshine. I'll take it. That makes for a pleasant day. It is back to the gym today as I took last week off due to our excursion north. Otherwise, a lazy day. I may start cutting out the next quilt. It is one for River's room. We're also going to paint the room which will force Sue to go through the junk in there and at least organize it, if not get rid of most of it. Today's meal is a good one to consider if you're looking for that dish to take to a cookout this week. Here is an easy one to get us started. Spicy Cole Slaw Here's another one that goes together quickly, but does use a mayo base for the dressing. Spicy Slaw This recipe adds in corn to the cabbage and has a creamy lime dressing. You can leave out the hot peppers if you wish. Cabbage and Corn Slaw My family likes Blue Cheese Coleslaw, which is super easy to make. I get the ready made coleslaw mix at the grocery, add in blue cheese and a little finely sliced onion and use Garlic Expressions as the dressing on it. It is a five minute job. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  9. @Seasick Sailor Thank you, Joy, for all the pictures of the various lobster dishes. We may try to Morimoto lobster in the MDR. I know we aren't doing the Morimoto pop up restaurant as the full menu just doesn't entice us. @Quartzsite Cruiser You may be onto something about lobster rolls being for the tourists. @kochleffel the French potato salad sounds good. I may have to make that for a family get together and see how it goes down. My great grandmother used to make a cold German potato salad that I loved. It had the bacon, onions, and parsley in it, but just a room temperature bacon vinaigrette for a dressing poured over it. I think what I liked was the vinegar taste.
  10. Somebody has to like lobster rolls as they are plentiful on the Canada/New England route.
  11. Good morning, everyone! It is a nippy start to the day at 54F this morning. The forecast says we'll only get to 70 today. That's ok by me. The next two weeks look like moderate temperatures and I like that. Not a lot on the agenda today. Sue wants to get the rest of the hostas replanted. She's moving them from the hot sunny side of the house to a more hospitable area. I'd like to hit the trails out at the Nature Center as we haven't been there in ages and weather like today is perfect for that. I am a purist when it comes to lobster. Skip the mayo and the roll and just give me the lobster and melted butter. I do know others love them. Last summer in Bar Harbor we decided to find out if we were missing something, so we had lobster rolls. Nope. We're sticking with our plain lobster. This first recipe uses both butter and mayonnaise. Lobster Rolls Here's a similar version. More Lobster Roll This recipe lightens the mayo that is mixed in. Still too much bread. https://www.skinnytaste.com/lobster-rolls/ I hope this finds you all well or getting better from whatever ails you. Wishing you a wonderful day!
  12. Yes, Aspercreme is another that could be helpful.
  13. Glad you enjoyed it. I know we did and River didn't even balk at eating it! Terri, I hope the pain subsides. Would something like Icy Hot help with that? Sometimes those creams really do help.
  14. I totally agree, Rich. There are thing I like about each class of ship. We spent 32 wonderful days on the Zaandam last summer followed by 18 great days on the Koningsdam in February. Both were great experiences, so I don't let the class of ship deter me from booking. I still have Eurodam, Oosterdam, Noordam, and Volendam to go. I will be on Oosterdam in January and again the following November.
  15. Good morning, everyone! It is an overcast start to the day here in mid-Michigan, but promises to be warmer than yesterday. Hopefully we'll get some sun later today. It looks like the rain is going south of us and we'll stay dry. That is good for a trip to the Farmer's Market this morning. We're running low on vegetables. We usually combine that with a trip to Jack's to get meat and fish. I had a nice time out at my DN Kourtney's last night for her son's birthday. Sue stayed home with a migraine. It is better this morning. Hopefully it goes away as this is day 3 for her. Imitrex is taking the sting out of it, but not getting rid of the headache completely. Anyways, it was fun at Kourt's and we're invited back for the 4th of July. @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear about all the changes in itinerary, but that happens. Its a good thing you were there last year. I would be sad over the loss of Grundarfjordur. Sue and I really liked that port and the excursion we did. @cat shepard Thank you for the suggestion for eggplant florentine. I would really like that as I love eggplant parmesan. Sue won't eat eggplant, so I get it all to myself! Today's meal sounds really tasty for a cool day. I'm saving this recipe. Chicken Tortilla Soup Here's the slow cooker variation from Ree Drummond. Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup The last two recipes were for a brothy soup. This one is for a creamy chicken tortilla soup. Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  16. Good morning, everyone! I slept so well last night in my own bed. The bed at DS Barb's was not the most comfortable. A haircut is on the agenda for today and it is badly needed. After that I will take a load of clothes and shoes to the donation center. A stop by the grocery store will finish off the errands. Farkle has been moved to Saturday night as DB and DSIL are celebrating their grandson's birthday. Today's meal is interesting. Making the gnocchi with zucchini lowers the carb count a bit and makes a doable meal for me. But, it is a lot of work! Zucchini Gnocchi This one uses regular store bought gnocchi and sautes it with zucchini. You can also add in some yellow squash. The zucchini helps cut the carbs as you aren't getting as many pieces of gnocchi in each serving. You can also add in some chicken or shrimp if you want the protein. Lemon Basil Gnocchi with Zucchini This next one is interesting. You make a zucchini sauce for the regular gnocchi. But, you need to have drippings from a roast to do it. Gnocchi with Zucchini Sauce This last recipe is from Mary Ann Esposito of Ciao Italia. She uses the zucchini to make the actual gnocchi and adds in some ricotta cheese. You can use the tomato sauce of your choice or a pesto or butter sauce. Ricotta Cheese and Zucchini Gnocchi Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  17. We did that cruise at the same time of year this last winter. We did enjoy our balcony and we thought it was worth it. There were several times when we went and got lunch at the New York Deli or Dive In and brought it back to eat on the balcony. We were very lucky in that the weather was great. We enjoyed snorkeling in Kona and our trips to the volcanoes. On sea days they offered ukulele lessons and hula lessons. On the way back they continued the ukulele lessons for those interested. They had Aloha Sunset entertainment in the Crow's Nest with the hula dancers and singers. The people teaching the ukulele lessons were the Hawaiian cultural ambassadors and they imparted a lot of information about Hawaii. We found plenty to do on the sea days. A lot of that will depend on your individual interests. We would do this cruise again.
  18. Thank you for letting us know how you did. I'm glad you are having so little discomfort and hope that continues through the night. Enjoy that pizza!
  19. Good afternoon, everyone! We are home safely after a couple wonderful days in the north. We stopped on the way home to visit with Sue's former MIL. She divorced the husband, but not the MIL or SILs. I have to unpack and then I'll try to catch up on all that is going on. @luvteaching Hugs and warm thoughts for you today. @Nickelpenny Yikes! Do take it easy with the incision.
  20. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly start to the day here on Golden Beach at 56F. The high is projected to be 65F. We're heading home today, probably this afternoon. We're making a few stops along the way, so I expect to get home around dinner time. @Vict0riann healing thoughts going your way for a totally successful procedure! @kazu Sorry the chiropractor appointment didn't go better. I hope the vascular surgeon can give you some relief. The stenosis is why I am having nerve ablation done in July. Today's meal sounds good, but I will pass due to the carb load. I gave up pasta years ago. This first one has a creamy garlic parmesan sauce and puts the spinach in the pasta to be covered with the sauce. Creamy Spinach Pasta This one uses a white wine sauce. Spinach Pasta And this one adds tomatoes to the sauce for the spinach and pasta. Spinach Pasta with Tomatoes Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  21. Good evening, everyone! it was a busy day here on Golden Beach. Two of the men went golfing and the ladies and other two men went to Charlevoix to check out the shops. We bought salads and sandwiches at the deli and had a nice picnic in Bridge Park and then checked out all the stores. i came home with two new t-shirts. Sunset on Golden Beach.
  22. Good morning, everyone! It is a beautiful morning here on Golden Beach. We are on Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. We had a great time last night and stayed up way too late. But, it was all worth it. @mamaofami @Quartzsite Cruiser I'd love that cruise but we already have two booked for 2025 and the money has run out. Today's meal sounds tasty. If you don't like arugula, make a regular salad or the veggie of your choice. Grilled Pork Chops This next one doesn't have the rosemary, but it does have the garlic and lemon. Lemon Garlic Pork Chops Here are the pork chops without the arugula. Rosemary Thyme Lemon Pork Chops Wishing you all a wonderful day! Back to my lake.
  23. Good evening from Golden Beach. Our drive up was uneventful, just the way you want a drive to be. @marshhawk I’m sorry about the passing of your friend. May your memories bring you comfort. @Cruzin Terri I hope all goes well with your appointment tomorrow. @Vict0riann I hope all goes well for you tomorrow. @Quartzsite Cruiser @Cruising-along Lenda and Carolyn, how fun!! I’m sure you’ll really enjoy that cruise.
  24. Good morning, everyone! Woke up early this morning due to a thunder bumper moving through the area. That's ok as I need the time to get ready to leave. We are supposed to have thunder storms this morning and clearing by the time we get to Barb's. I sure hope so! @Crazy For Cats to Juan: I like French Onion Soup. When we go to Quebec in August I will be searching out the restaurant from several years ago where we had excellent onion soup and crepes. Traditionally onion soup is made with beef broth. To make it vegetarian we are swapping out the beef broth for vegetable broth. In this recipe the addition of red wine to the broth gives it a nice depth of flavor. Vegetarian French Onion Soup This recipe uses white wine and balsamic vinegar in the broth and cheddar cheese instead of the traditional gruyere. French Onion Soup The secret to this one is the addition of tamari to the broth. Tamari is similar to soy sauce. Onion Soup Wishing you all a wonderful day!
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