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Everything posted by dfish

  1. It was a really nice day. I had a good time talking with people. During the lull times John and I had some good conversation. Paul, not only are hypoglycemic episodes scary, they are dangerous. You can die quickly from a hypoglycemic episode. High blood sugar takes longer. Sometimes it can be a reactive low to a high carb meal. Talk to your doctor about it. @Vict0riann I am so sorry to hear of the refrigerator woes. I hope it gets sorted out soon. @marshhawk Annie, Chuck's situation sounds pretty serious. I'd be asking the doctor to lay it on the line. Now, I am going to collapse on the couch with a big glass of wine!
  2. Good morning, everyone! Just a quick stop in this morning as I am heading to Ann Arbor in a few minutes to work a booth at the Art Fair. Healing thoughts to @kazu Jacqui this morning. I hope all goes well with your surgery and that it totally fixes the pain problem in your legs. @marshhawk Annie, hugs to you. I hope things turn around and that Chuck gets scheduled for surgery soon. Maybe that will help him turn things around. Today's meal is a great soup that will be nice this fall when the weather cools. The only thing that would make it better is the addition of butternut squash. I know Paul @kochleffel wouldn't eat it without the butternut squash. White Bean and Cabbage Soup The last recipe was a hearty soup. This one is an herby soup. Herby White Bean and Cabbage Soup And this one is an easy soup. It also twists things up with a tomato broth. https://www.makingthymeforhealth.com/easy-white-bean-cabbage-soup/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  3. Thank you for letting us know. I hope you enjoy that cruise.
  4. Maybe we'll have to have two drinks! Lot's of good milestones. @HAL4NOW Thanks for checking in and letting us know all is well. I am still wondering about Melisa. It has been a long time since we've heard from her. @HAL Sailer I hope all is well with you. Drop in and let us know how you are doing.
  5. Good for you! Maybe we can get together for a celebratory drink.
  6. @Crazy For Cats Happy Anniversary to you and Juan! Looking forward to celebrating 30 with you on the Zuiderdam!
  7. Good morning, everyone! Today is a busy day here in mid-Michigan. I have former classmates coming over at noon for a luncheon. Sue is heading north to go hiking with her former boss this afternoon. She'll be gone until Saturday. It is supposed to be a nice day - mostly sunny with a high of 77F. Tonight I have a picnic to go to and I'm going to sneak out and go to the outdoor pool for a bit. Some good news about the pool issue at the new Community Center. They have gotten nothing but complaints about holding the exercise classes in such shallow water. So, with the new fall schedule they are opening up the deeper section of the pool for the classes. I never heard back about my letter, but can't help but think it did some good. Today's meal sounds wonderful to me. I would love the flavors of the chicken fajitas and using a salad as a vehicle for it is a great idea. This salad splits the marinade into two portions and uses half as the dressing for the salad. That is such a good idea as the flavors of the dressing don't clash with the flavors of the marinade. Grilled Chili Lime Chicken Fajita Salad I could dive into that salad right now. This next recipe uses chicken breasts instead of thighs. That would be my preference. It grills the peppers and onions along with the chicken. I love veggies done on the grill. We have them almost every night. Grilled Chicken Fajita Salad Here's one more with slightly different seasonings and preparation. Easy Chicken Fajita Salad Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  8. I always called and talked with a representative at least. My PCC seems to be able to work some magic and get around the price difference on picking a cabin.
  9. Miss Murphy is absolutely adorable. Let's hope that all her medical issues resolve soon because she will be a busy big sister! My mom didn't put butternut squash in minestrone. Well, she didn't make minestrone. My sister makes it sans squash and would bring a big tub over to Mom and Dad. They didn't have the heart to tell her they didn't like minestrone. Sue used to make them venison stew. Now, Sue is not a cook. For some reason she thought Mom and Dad loved the venison stew. She would come in all excited and tell them she brought them some venison stew and you should have seen the looks on their faces. Great news! Thanks for keeping us informed. Ivan isn't just a dog. He is a Dailyite Dog and that is a big deal! Just as Sam is!
  10. Good morning, everyone! We had some rain overnight, but the forecast says today will be partly sunny and 85. Pollen index is high with the main culprit being weed pollen. I can tell already! I have yoga this morning and then a Zoom meeting at 11. After that I have to hit the grocery store because I am entertaining former classmates for lunch tomorrow. I'm doing burgers and dogs and they will bring side dishes and dessert. We had the cod with herbed mayonnaise last night and it was very good. I'd like to try it with a fish that holds together so if I can find some halibut, we might have that. I bet the herbed mayo would go well on salmon, too! Soup is not calling my name today. After the recent heat it is the last thing I want. So, tuck this recipe away for fall. This first recipe is rather high in carbs, so I would pass on it. Or leave out half the ingredients. Mom's Minestrone 1 This next one is lower in carbs, probably due to the lack of potato and pasta. This looks more like a traditional minestrone. The first recipe is more like a stew. Mom's Minestrone 2 I couldn't pass up this recipe because it has butternut squash in it! Just when you thought you were safe! Mom's Minestrone 3 Here's hoping one of these soups makes it on the table next fall when we are lamenting the loss of summer's warmth. @Denise T I am enjoying your countdown to your cruise. 38 days until mine! Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. If they are on the same booking number with you, then yes, you can. If they are a different booking number, then no. So if you and your friend are traveling together and sharing a cabin, you can do it. I was able to take my sister with me when I was 4 and she was 3.
  12. Good morning, everyone! It is a rainy morning here in mid-Michigan. Rain is supposed to continue until noon and then it will just be hot and humid. I slept so much better last night. Ready to take on the world today! I haven't heard the term dork in a long time. When I was in 8th grade all of us that weren't in the popular crowd were deemed to be dorks. One girl was having a hay ride party and she invited the whole class. There were two wagons and I was on one wagon, but my best friend was assigned to be on the dork wagon. I told the girl organizing it that I would not attend unless I could be assigned to the dork wagon with my friend. I guess I started something because suddenly not many people were attending. Her mom called my mom and a few other moms and the party got restructured. There ended up being one wagon for dorks and non dorks alike and everyone had a good time. @JazzyV I hope you are feeling better today. @kazu I hope the house showing went well yesterday. @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope all goes well with DH's appointment today. @Seasick Sailor Good news only from DH's nephrologist! Today's meal is a great one. I love sheet pan dinners as they are so easy. We'll be using the grill today due to heat, but may just have salmon. Either that or cod. I may try the mayo herbed cod on the grill. I'll leave off the tomato since Sue won't eat them. But, back to salmon. We have salmon a couple of times a week here because we love it. I grill up two pieces for us and every time we both say we could eat it all over again. That is why I only grill two pieces at a time. This first recipe is very easy. Sheet Pan Salmon 1 Here's an Asian inspired dish with broccoli and carrots. Sheet Pan Salmon 2 This one has a hoisin sauce and brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are my favorite! Sheet Pan Salmon 3 Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  13. Good morning, everyone! We have a possibility of thunderstorms this morning. That would be ok if they cooled things off, but the high today will be 88 with high humidity. Glad the AC is working. Nothing is on the agenda for today other than sit back and relax. There may be a nap in my future as last night was one of those nights. I went right to sleep, but woke up around 12:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep. So, I am a bit tired this morning. @Seasick Sailor For Allen and @rafinmd Roy's nephew Keith @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear of Ren's injury, but glad no surgery is necessary. Enjoy your visit to St. John's. That brings back great memories from last summer. Today's meal is the munchie you put out before dinner. At least that is what happens with my bunch. Here's an easy recipe: https://www.skinnytaste.com/corn-salsa-with-lime/ This one is similar. https://cookieandkate.com/fresh-corn-salsa-recipe/ While the last recipe used raw corn, this one pan grills the corn and red bell pepper. https://frommybowl.com/pan-grilled-corn-salsa/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  14. Good morning, everyone! It is supposed to be a bright sunshiny day here in mid-Michigan. The temps are going to be high and so is the humidity. We turned the air on before going to bed last night as it was getting hot and stuffy in the house. Rita went home last night. DS MJ reports that it took her a bit to settle in as she was looking for us and missing us. @marshhawk Poor Chuck! He has been through it all with this. I feel for both you as you've been pulled from all directions on this issue. Let's hope the bypass surgery does the trick. @kazu Belated birthday greetings to Ivan. I'm going to try the adult swim at the outdoor pool this morning and after that we will head to the farmers market. Today's meal sounds really good to me. I like mojitos and I like chicken and the two sound like they would go together nicely. Mojito Chicken Kebabs Don't they look good? Makes me want to fire up the grill! We're going to do that later for the ribs I'm defrosting. This next recipe is similar with a few differences. But, it looks just as good. I think I would cook the veggie kebabs a little longer. Mojito Chicken and Vegetable Kebabs Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  15. @marshhawk Sorry for what you are going through with the medical industrial complex. I think they sometimes forget that they are impacting people and don't think of what will serve the patient best. Relax, take a deep breath, and know you are among friends here that you can freely vent to.
  16. Good morning, everyone! We have a possibility of random showers this morning followed by sunshine and temps in the mid 80s. Should be a nice day. I'm on Rita duty as Sue has an appointment to give blood this morning. Right now Rita is sulking because Sue went outside and didn't take her along. She's getting back at Sue by sitting in her chair. This afternoon we are taking Rita for a bath to get her prettied up to go home. She had such fun playing in the puddles yesterday and being a dog, but she does look a bit bedraggled. Fun that it is National Jello Day. A few years back we visited the Jello Museum in LeRoy, New York. That was fun and interesting. Sue is a big pecan pie fan. I have to make one for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I put some mini chocolate chips in them and everyone loves that. I'm with @ottahand7 about chicken burgers. I always find them to be a bit on the dry side. When DS Barb does them they resemble hockey pucks. But for those who might be interested, here is a good, basic chicken burger recipe. Chicken Burgers 1 Or there is this one. Chicken Burger 2 And there is this offering from Skinnytaste: Chicken Burger 3 Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  17. Got the same offer and had the same reaction. We could go on two cruises for what that upgrade would cost us.
  18. There was a ton of stuff in the basement at Mom and Dad's house. We started cleaning them out long before they passed just so we could get through the place. Most of the stuff belonged to siblings. We told them they had until a certain date to come get it or it was going out. My sister's high school themes went in the trash. A bunch of other stuff went to Salvation Army. The siblings who did want stuff did come get it, so that is a tactic that can work.
  19. I thought I sent it up to Hudson Bay. Beryl isn't good at following directions and just does what she wants, I'm afraid. Our rain was not hard or heavy, just a light steady rain all day. I'm thinking the people in Pennsylvania and New York sent their part your way. It actually does sound like you are making progress on the house. I was amazed at how much I had packed into mine when I started packing up. I threw out so much, gave a bunch away, donated a ton of stuff and still had enough to fill a moving truck. I haven't missed a thing I got rid of and I did unpack all the boxes I did bring with me. My realtor told me the biggest thing was to make sure the place didn't look cluttered so prospective buyers got a sense of roominess. Not everyone follows their realtor's advice. We went through some houses that we had to side step through to get around. We could tell the homes that had been maintained versus the ones that hadn't and steered clear of the ones that hadn't. I surprised myself last spring when I visited friends in Ohio in the old neighborhood. I saw my house and didn't feel any desire to go in or regrets in leaving. I was surprised. I lived there for 34 years.
  20. Good morning, everyone! The remains of Beryl have moved out and we are told that we will have a bright sunshiny day with a high of 80 today. That seems perfect to me. I'm going to yoga and Sue and Rita will hit the dog park. Despite the rain yesterday they managed some time at the dog park. Sue said Rita had a great time splashing in puddles. We plan to take her for a bath tomorrow afternoon before my DS and DBIL return home. Immunity Soup is filled with tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It should help prevent most colds and flus. I don't know about falls and sprains, but it might help there as well. This first one will also ward off vampires with all the garlic in it. Garlic is a super food and is really good for whatever ails you! Detox Immunity Soup In addition to the garlic, this one has a good amount of turmeric and ginger in it. How can we resist? Healing Immunity Soup This one is built on a white pepper broth and is totally different from the other two. But, just as healthy! Immunity Soup So, if you're ailing, make one of these and then forever have it on hand. I think they should serve it weekly on the BHBs to ward off Cruise Crud. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  21. Good afternoon! @Vict0riann What a bummer about the fridge. I hope you don't lose too much frozen food. Is there a neighbor who could take some in for you? @Quartzsite Cruiser, @durangoscots, @Cruising-along, @Sharon in AZ @summer slope, one of the benefits of the daily is having fellow Dailyites on a cruise with you. It was a barrel of fun on the Hawaii cruise and I know Sharon, Sue, and I will have just as much fun on our Zuiderdam cruise, especially when we meet up with @Crazy For Cats and Juan! What a wonderful family we have created!
  22. Terry, the decision Tana was faced with is one of the most difficult. When my mom came home on hospice the mantra was, comfort first. She had been in recovery for over 30 years. The hospice social worker was very good in explaining to my mom what the protocols were and how that meshed with her recovery status. Given that her time was so limited, it was more important that she be comfortable and not spend that limited time suffering. Tana is in good hands with you!
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