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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. As I said above, everyone makes occasional mistakes, even brain surgeons probably. It is how they deal with it that is a sign of quality. Blaming someone else or the computer is not good.
  2. But I do wonder what someone’s state of mind must be to assume a series of persons unknown are liars, without, as far as I can see, any evidence.
  3. Do I follow this? You are saying a series of persons whom you have never met have all lied to V2. Why would they do that? Or I’ve probably misunderstood.
  4. I think it is an inevitable part of being human that mistakes, one hopes very rarely, get made. The best people will be the ones who accept the blame, then work really hard and effectively to rectify things, preferably without even having to alarm the client by informing them until it is sorted, and then finally give generous compensation. I would be less than impressed by someone who told me they were ‘reaching out to Cunard’.
  5. Actually it does seem mainly to be being put right.
  6. That is a worrying possibility. But far less likely than that I, not being an expert, would make some sort of a mess of it, if I did it myself.
  7. When one checks in 21 days before sailing.
  8. This seems self-evident, and yet, and yet, I seem to have read of more than one disaster, most recently, of course, Costa Concordia, but some others as well, where it was the entertainment staff who were primary in getting the evacuation organised, in as much as it was. 😀
  9. It is spreading. NCL, MSC, Celebrity all do it.
  10. It was pure stupidity on my part, not to look at the label properly. When I finally did, too late, it was a cocktail of additives. Pots noodles are probably more natural.
  11. I think we had the polenta one on mine. Needless to say I didn’t have it.
  12. I had a traumatic experience yesterday. I bought something I thought was Camembert that was actually vegan Camembert. It is one of the most horrid things I’ve ever had, composed of additives, slimy, and tasting nothing like cheese. I’m sure no actual vegan would touch it. I felt nauseous all evening.
  13. Your partner’s long walks will mean he can have more puddings. There is an upside to most things.
  14. You mean because it took until the second voyage?
  15. We had a couple of specks on our balcony on QA on her second voyage. Shocking!
  16. Well I am not nearly that tall, but could still see a bit, if, as I say, I sat up straight. Mainly, particularly as on my hols, I tended to loll.
  17. Whoever is responsible, the more weight from the TA, the quicker a solution will be found.
  18. Seems not. But you never know.
  19. Often you need to get the attention of the right person, which is not usually someone at the Purser’s Desk. The problem is knowing who.
  20. I love to go in the pools especially at quiet moments on port days. On QA, I only went on the aft one, which was nice enough. The other one was too shallow. The pictures make it look as if they may have filled it up a bit. But of course, the sea (barring sewage problems) is always nicer. Bournemouth was lovely last week.
  21. Oh dear, Terminal 3 is the worst. The views from there are for a pay per entry lounge, so not good. But if you have ages you could go across to Termainl 2 which is close. Sorry. Terminal 2 From the Wondertree restaurant in the departure lounge, there are some incredible views out over the runway. Terminal 3 Enjoy panoramic runway views from the No.1 Traveller Lounge (a charge applies) and more intimate views from some of the departure gates.
  22. Well, there is plenty there I would enjoy, that I’d do think roasted carrots is a less than engrossing starter. but luckily it’s with lots of much nicer things. I sometimes play that game with my husband when we are actually at the table. I always guess his, he never has a clue with me, occasionally guessing things I would starve rather than eat. 😀
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