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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. I would probably call them roe, which I do like, unlike caviar, but I was talking about hen’s eggs. Ugh.
  2. Hate fish pie. a) It might have eggs in it (which I don’t eat, not allergy, just major loathing). b) I can never get out of my head that it is made up of left over bits of fish they couldn’t use for anything else, plus a few prawns. We would actually be ideal table companions, because we could finish each other’s dislikes.
  3. But you didn’t like the (to me) splendiferous duck confit cottage pie on Cunard, which is one of my absolute faves. I’ll certainly swap it with you for my spinach. 😀😀
  4. It is only shepherd’s pie if it is lamb, for obvious reasons. Otherwise it is Cottage Pie. Here endeth the first lesson.
  5. Please elucidate on British pies? Curious. ?Apple and blackberry? ?Steak, kidney, and oyster? ?Dorset Apple?
  6. Would you like to give details of contents - or can’t you tell?
  7. I love sprouts, but ugh. There is a disgusting dish that people make over here with Christmas dinner leftovers, such as sprouts, called bubble and squeak. It reminds me of that.
  8. Brussels Sprouts? For breakfast? Now that really is ludicrous.
  9. It is possible not to infect others, if you are careful we had an outbreak in the school I taught in, and nearly all the teachers got it. But not one of us passed it on to other people at home.
  10. She seems to have turned back. Perhaps they forgot the coffee?
  11. Both? Belt and braces?
  12. That would be a sight.
  13. It says 9.55 Jan 11 on Vesselfinder. Part of that may be true.😀
  14. No, but if you are on a large table, it would be courteous to tell your fellow diners, so they don’t wonder whether to wait for you.
  15. Or there is the further disconcerting possibility that a fellow reveller has stolen it, for purposes that are unimaginable, ranging between voodoo and admiration. Incidentally, are the pineapples still the same way up? Have you been tempted to make mischief by moving them?
  16. It’s never happened to us, but we only usually go once a year. A lot of them seem to go four or five times. And, depending on the type of cruising you favour, it may, in effect, be just one ship.
  17. Perhaps the Purser’s office or equivalent have it. Aren’t they where you seek lost property?
  18. One of Cunard’s problems is that on some voyages almost everyone is a diamond, or at least a plat. Cunard passengers seem to live forever. A few years ago, I sailed with someone whose first voyage had been on the first Mauritania.
  19. Don’t blame Google, of course it’s Oxford, even if they keep losing boat races.
  20. Blame the cocktail class. I should investigate taking legal action. 😀
  21. I think your chances will greatly increase if you keep ringing and reminding them in the nicest possible way. Also, keep a constant eye on the website. I have read here of people who found and booked cabins that suddenly became vacant without any communication or involvement from the waitlist managers. This shouldn’t happen, but it is Cunard shoreside, so is pretty predictable.
  22. It is usually reckoned Cambridge is better for maths, but, as I went to Oxford myself (not to do maths), I wouldn’t necessarily agree. The Cunard programme seems embarrassingly simple, but you don’t get much in the way of benefits, nor is it interchangeable with the other Carnival offshoots.
  23. Good gracious, how terrifyingly complicated. Presumably there are extra points for those who have studied maths at Harvard, and therefore might understand it.
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