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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Thank you Roy, yes it's very sad. She's been through so much. Sharon you can still get that one, I think it would be easier for you. 🙂 Thank you so much, Vanessa. The family appreciates the prayers. Lenda I agree about the "busy" designs. I saw this one and immediately knew it was right for me. We must have similar tastes. Thank you for the positive thoughts for Patricia and the family. Very bad situation 😞 Thank you Sandi. I'm hoping for better news, but it's hard to be optimistic. You will be so glad you got it! Thank you so much, Terry. Very much appreciated. Thank you Debbie. I learned this right after we were messaging this morning. I think I'm in shock.
  2. Sharon do you have to turn the knob? The one I have is just push a button and it does everything, battery operated...I was having trouble with turning can opener knobs and my arthritis isn't as bad as yours.
  3. Prayers please...I just learned that our 2nd cousin in Savannah on DH's side is in the ICU. This is the same relative who has been waiting for a kidney (Roy @rafinmdI think of her as a "niece" not a cousin, sorry for the confusion). She's only in her early 40's. She has a multitude of problems, most caused by her Lupus. She was having a long-awaited knee surgery yesterday and arrested during the surgery. She hasn't woken up and they say she has brain damage. 😞 So much for that family to bear, and she has 2 young daughters at home.
  4. Sandi this is the one I have. https://smile.amazon.com/Kitchen-Mama-Automatic-Electric-Opener/dp/B087NLNP7T/ref=sr_1_5?crid=NZW8UDWH2505&keywords=kitchen%2Bmama%2Bcan%2Bopener&qid=1674158789&sprefix=Kitchen%2BMama%2B%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-5&th=1 There may be other brands that work the same way, I don't know. I'm very happy with it!
  5. Good morning all! Our family loves popcorn, and we have lots of new friends here on the daily! Sharon @Sharon in AZit may have been me who recommended that can opener. My Dad recommended it to me -- at first I was skeptical but once I got one I love it. No sharp edges, and it pretty much takes only one hand! The drink, wine and meal all sound good to me. We've been to Kusadasi twice. Once with a tour and once we DIY with local transportation and walking. I love Turkey. My carpet looks similar to Lenda's @Quartzsite Cruiser and I still love it now after 16 years. I was up a lot of the night tracking DD's flights. It took 13.5 hours from Seattle to Seoul -- longer than expected -- so they missed their flight from Seoul to Bangkok. They were rerouted on a later flight to Bangkok (another 6 hours) where they had a hotel by the airport. After a "nap" at the hotel they will fly to Phuket, where they will be for the next 12 days. Whew! To be young -- I'm exhausted just thinking about it and with 2 small boys in tow. She did say they were doing great, that's good! Jacqui @kazuI feel for you with that cast! So glad though that you have great doctors looking after you now, and that's wonderful about the nurse who worked with your DH. When I broke my little pinkie they put me in a cast up my arm over my elbow for 6 weeks, so I know how you feel. @Mr. BostonCongratulations on your upcoming retirement and cruise! My photos of Kusadasi and Ephesus are all similar to the great photos already posted, but here's a photo showing Ephesus before they started excavating and now -- still not completely excavated. Also a photo of my carpet.
  6. Good morning all! It's another rainy January day here in the PNW, mid 40's. Not complaining, it could be snow. DD, DSIL and the grandsons are at SeaTac now, waiting to board their flight to Thailand. I'm glad to see that their flight (so far) is on time. I can't imagine flying that far with 2 small children! We have a nice collection of days today and the quote is many times true. Monterey is special to DH and me, because it's where we met in 1968. I lived in Los Gatos then, he was in Monterey in the military. And they said it would never last. 😄 I'll pass on the drink and wine, would love the meal but won't have it. Corn AND rice are a big no no for me, way too many carbs. Even one of them would be pushing it. Also I'm having my twice/yearly labs on Monday, NOT the week to be pushing the carbs! 😉 These photos are from a visit on a Celebrity ship (never have been to Monterey on a HAL ship). It's a lovely place to visit! Look at that sky!
  7. Good morning all! Today will be another day of putting Christmas decorations away (yes, I put out a lot) 😅 But hopefully this will be the last of it. Yesterday our new washer/dryer set arrived and I have a lot of laundry to do too so the day will be full. One good thing about getting new appliances is it kind of forces me to "clean out, get rid" of other things in that room so it looks pretty good. Today DH has another bladder chemo treatment, next Tuesday will be his last. It's starting to wear on him, and he's not feeling great. The anti-nausea meds are helping with that, but he feels fatigued and "off". We'll be very glad when this is over. His last treatment will be on my birthday so obviously that will be a quiet day here! 😄 Sandi @StLouisCruisersI agree with the advice to let them know you like to do your own thing/have plans with Debbie and Sue. I feel for you! We have a similar problem, but not to that extent. A couple we don't care for but for other reasons (no big problem like you have). We plan to keep to ourselves, and if we do run into them, make excuses. On smaller ships I know that isn't as easy. Sharon @Sharon in AZYou Go Girl! That's exciting that you booked that cruise solo. I don't recall -- when will it be? Terry @smitty34877I'm happy to hear that Tana is doing better. Continued prayers.
  8. Thank you, Bruno! We're doing very well and I was very happy to hear that your dear Dad is doing better. Very happy too, to hear that you're booking a cruise. We're staying closer to home in '23, just a Pacific Coastal in May on the Koningsdam, and then Alaska in September on Celebrity. We're going on our first Grand Voyage in January of '24, the Grand Australia -- for 94 days and we're very excited.
  9. Sorry Debbie! I guess this is my turn since I didn't take part in round 1 of the appliance gremlin. 😉 Hopefully those who got hit in round 1 are protected. 😉
  10. Good morning all! We're having a rare day in January of 0% rain, mid-high 40's. Unfortunately I have too much to do inside to get out and enjoy it. So no celebrating "do nothing" day here. I think I'll appreciate Puff the Magic Dragon (now that tune keeps going through my head), and I look forward to seeing the Komodo Dragons on the Grand Australia cruise in 11 months. Otherwise I can do without dragons. I would like the meal sans mushrooms, the drink sounds good and would like the wine if someone else is buying. I'm not sure what we'll have for dinner tonight. We've never been to Japan. We got a lot done yesterday, the tree is down and more Christmas things put away. Also we realized that our washer/dryer set is over 20 years old (how can that be??!!) and so not worth calling a repairman to see what's wrong. So, we took advantage of the January sales and got a great deal on a new set and it will even be delivered this afternoon! We were surprised and unhappy, though, to learn that Lowe's has stopped the 10% military discount for appliances. That always paid for the tax at least. Prayers for all in need, and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Good morning all! I will pass on bagels and hats (I don't like anything on my head), but will salute humanitarians. Will pass on the drink and wine too, but the meal sounds good -- although I agree with Debbie @dfishthat the Filet Mignon probably wouldn't last to soup stage 😉 We've never been to this port. Today I need to get busy and work more on putting the Christmas decorations away. The Village is almost all put away but none of the other decorations or the tree. Having DH's party, DSIL's stay with us, and then having the grandsons here Friday-Saturday -- I've gotten nothing done. Also laundry needs to be done, but I'm worried we may have a problem with the washer (sorry, I don't want to bring in more appliance gremlins!) Yesterday I washed DGS's shirt and there was a "hot" smell. 😞 Google says it could be the drain filter or a hose -- so DH wants to check those things before I do any laundry. And of course the drain is in the back of the washer, so that's always fun pulling it out.... Terry @smitty34877I'm so sorry to hear that Tana is dealing with pneumonia again. Sue @RowsbyI'm sorry to hear that you'll need shoulder replacement and have to cancel your trip to London. Hoping it's just a delay and you can go when your shoulder is healed. Annie @marshhawkdo you have the "Have it All" for your cruise? Lately most of our cruises have had that, and bottled water on the ship is free with that. I will drink the tap water, and know that it's fine, but prefer bottled water.
  12. Good morning all! Quickly here, during a quiet moment with the grandsons. It's been great having them overnight, especially because in a few days they and their parents will be flying to Thailand for 12 days! I'm trying not to worry about them. It looks like it will be a beautiful day here today, very welcome in the middle of rain, rain, rain! The roofers have started on my next-door neighbor's home. She thinks she may be able to move back in by the end of the month or early February. It's been a long ordeal for her since the tree fell on her house 2.5 months ago. I have a vague memory of dressing up my cats and putting them in my baby buggy when I was a little girl. They must have put up with me, I can't imagine doing it if they clawed or bit. It may have been only once too. 😉 I'm not a big fan of Shepard's Pie, I'd rather have pot pie but it's "ok". Will pass on the wine, the drink sounds good. We'll be having left-over stew tonight after taking the boys home. We were in Cartagena 3 times in 2019 when we were on our 75-day anniversary trip. Still, we found something different to do each time, always on our own, no tour necessary. It was easy to walk to everything. We went to the Roman Theater, the Roman Forum, walked the Punic Wall (3rd century BC) to the House of Fortune, and took the 45-minute tourist bus around the city. Not sure what we would have done if we'd gone there a 4th time that trip! As you can tell, ancient ruins are why we love the Med. First photos are from the 45-minute Tourist Bus and other walks around the town. Our ship the beautiful Nieuw Statendam, can't wait to sail her again in a few weeks! Next are photos from the Teatro Romano Cartagena Part of the stage And the Roman Forum This was an oven for baking bread. Some from the House of Fortune. Amazing how the colors are still so vivid. And crypts The ones on the left have been uncovered (photo above) and the ones on the right have not. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Good morning all! Interesting collection of days. I like the quote, would like the salmon without the bun (especially the one with Hoisin Sauce), but will pass on the wine and drink. We were in Nafplion in 2021, photos to follow. I've been a little frustrated since our long-time physician retired a year ago. I like her replacement but have only seen her once (Thankfully I usually don't have reason to see the doctor except for discussing my labs etc.). My last physician always had my future labs set up in the system so all I had to do was make an appointment for them and go. I realized there were no labs set up now, so contacted the clinic and finally they are set up (but no message from her or a nurse). I really wonder sometimes how people who aren't proactive manage. 😞 I'm hoping for some good labs, especially because I lost almost 10 pounds when I was sick and haven't put it back on -- always good for the diabetic labs anyway 😉 DH and I started watching The Crown last night (we're always the last to see new movies lol). Somewhat ironic given the latest discussion here. I'm enjoying the movie so far, but we've only seen the first episode. Tonight we'll be picking up the grandsons after school and have them here overnight. Looking forward to that! Terry @smitty34877thank you for the photo of your beautiful black cats -- I'm partial to black cats. 🙂 Also the new photo of adorable Camilla! She's so cute! We were in Nafplion in 2021 on the Eurodam. We took a tour to Ancient Nemia and wine tasting. Sunrise off our balcony in Nafplion The stadium seated 30,000 people "Locker room" for the games Temple of Zeus Temple of Zeus I love how friendly the cats are in Greece At the winery A cemetery by the road And a small fort
  14. Hard to say, Lenda. She did mention "when I come out again" so we'll see.
  15. Good afternoon all! Yesterday DSIL got caught up in the airline mess but we're thankful she wasn't flying home the night before. She did get home and only 2 hours later than she would have, and the best thing was her suitcase also made it home to Savannah. Quite an experience for a novice traveler, but she came through with flying colors. I know she's tired, it was a long day. Now I need to get the house put back together. I'd left all the Christmas decorations out for DH's party. It will be nice to have the furniture back in place. Graham @grapau27prayers for Sarah. I think she made the right choice too. Nancy @ottahand7Happy Birthday!
  16. Good morning all! Well DSIL chose the wrong day to fly home. We went to bed last night not knowing about the airlines mess, woke up early this morning to learn about the first delay of her flight. It was supposed to be 11:00, then it was 12:15, and latest I heard is that it's now 1:30. It takes us an hour+ to get to SeaTac, so she's been there now since 10:00. Hoping there won't be any more delays for her. She has a stop over in Denver, then flies on to Savannah from there. Today I have a stew started in the crockpot, and have begun putting the Christmas Village away. I left all the decorations up until after DH's birthday party, now it's time to put everything away....and that will take awhile. 😅
  17. Good morning all! This is DSIL's last day here, and we'll just spend it here at home resting up. She needs it before her flight home tomorrow, we've been keeping her busy and more active than she's accustomed to. Also this morning is DH's 4th chemo bladder wash, so we wouldn't be going anywhere anyway. Yesterday we took her north to Blaine and after a very nice lunch out with my sister and DBIL in Bellingham, we took DSIL to see the Peace Arch on the border between the US and Canada. Not sure I've mentioned it, but when I was 12 my class went there to see President Johnson. He was inches from me, and my best friend, standing next to me, shook his hand. I was probably too shy. 😉 DSIL really enjoyed this outing. Even though she can't go into Canada (no passport) she could "see it". After spending some time there, we drove back south to DS and DDIL's where we had a delicious dinner with them. Except during Covid!
  18. Jacqui, I haven't posted before, but have been following your blog and was so sorry to hear about your injury. But glad to hear that the surgery was successful and that you will soon be home. What an ordeal! Sending hugs and prayers.
  19. Good morning all! I'm taking advantage of the quiet before DH and DSIL get up and will try to get a quick post in now. Yesterday we took DSIL to Seattle. As I've said before, she's never been west of the Mississippi. She wanted to see the Space Needle in person, and go to Pike Place Market. Even though it was chilly and drizzling, we were thankful the weather wasn't worse. I was very pleased that she was able to see the fish mongers "throw a fish". They threw it 3 times in fact. Many times we've taken friends there and they weren't lucky enough to see them do it. Contrary to what many think, it doesn't happen all the time. Then last night we bundled up a little more and went to Lantern Lights at the zoo with the rest of the family. Since it's become kind of a family tradition to do it every year, we're pleased that they change it every year. As always it was excellent. Today the plan is to meet my sister and DBIL in Bellingham and have lunch on the waterfront, then we'll take DSIL to the Peace Arch where she can at least "see" Canada. Unfortunately she doesn't have a passport (as I said, she never travels!) But I want her to at least be able to say she "saw" Canada. Then later today it will be dinner at DS and DDIL's. Have a great day everyone! video.html
  20. Good afternoon all! Just a quick note to say DH's party was a success yesterday, and he was, indeed, very surprised to see his sister from Savannah at our door! Today we're taking her to Seattle (she wants to see the Space Needle in person and also Pike Place) and then tonight the family is all meeting at the zoo to go to "Zoo Lights". I'll try to catch up on all the posts tonight -- it's been a busy morning! Everyone have a great day.
  21. Good morning all! DH's sister arrived safely late last night from Savannah. Our son picked her up at SeaTac (her flight was even early!) and took her to DD's house where she spent the night. Later this morning DD will bring her here to surprise DH before the party. He still has no idea the secret we've all been keeping. 😄 The meal sounds very good, I like this wine, but will pass on the drink. We've been to Ensenada on 1 cruise and also when we lived in San Diego. We have an OLD rock across the street from us. It's a Glacial Erratic, 34 feet tall and 78 feet long. It's interesting but causes headaches for we homeowners around it because people from all over come to see it. The looky-loos are fine, it's the wannabe rock climbers and teenage partiers that we worry about. At least one person has fallen from the top, and even though there are signs posted to stay off the rock, of course the signs are ignored. 😞 They have nicknamed it the Lake Stevens Monster with MY address -- kind of a joke here, but annoying too. 😉 There are homes that are a little closer, so I'm not sure why they chose my address. 😄
  22. I have no recent experience because after years of using Barclay and happily redeeming points (bringing our final payment down considerably), we stopped using the card. They changed the redeeming rules so much, and we didn't feel that we were getting as much as we were in the past. But as for your question, I agree -- I doubt that the person at Barclay really knows. I think that HAL, on your cruise, will make it a general OBC credit as they always have. Maybe there's something you can find that's the least undesirable? I really do think it will go in as OBC though.
  23. Annie we've always gotten great service with Anytime Dining, and many times we've easily gotten the same stewards if we request it. They seem to encourage it. We've done a mix of "just show up" and making reservations. Unfortunately the past few years the only reservations they give is (something like) between 5-6 or after 7:30 or 8. Our preferred time of 7'ish isn't ever available. But even with those issues, we still prefer anytime because when you're assigned a table and wish to dine in a specialty restaurant, the Lido, or are going to be late from an excursion, you need to let your table mates and dining steward know ahead of time so they aren't waiting for you. I just don't like being tied down like that, others prefer if and always get assigned dining. Debbie, my best friend is also dealing with high calcium levels and going through tests. I don't think hers are as high as yours, as they aren't saying she needs surgery right away. She may be having one parathyroid gland removed, though, in the spring.
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