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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Barcelona Part 2 We enjoyed sailaway on our balcony and went straight to dinner. There was a table of 4 next to us who were more sociable than recent occupants of that table. My lamb main course was a bit tough and fatty but Mr HH enjoyed his so I was probably just unlucky. We went to the Golden Lion to listen to the duo before the show started but ended up staying there.
  2. When are you sailing ? You will need to ask about other players on your roll call.
  3. The Captain has promised us some windy weather tonight, so far it's been very calm. We left a bit late waiting for a ferry to arrive. It's not the most scenic sailaway but the planes roaring overhead on their approach to the airport add some excitement!
  4. We had room service breakfast again and headed out for our 11.00 excursion to Sitges. All excursions meet at the exit of the terminal now. Our coach was less than half full and we left a little early. I tried to take a picture of the back of the ship from the coach. We pulled up at the Coach stop in the town and followed our guide to a meeting point on the promenade. There was a bit of grumbling about the walk but I think it was pretty much as advertised. We paid for loungers at the nearest point of the beach and had a very pleasant few hours. We had lounger service of food and drinks and I braved the sea. It was a little refreshing but very gently sloping and easy to get in and out. We set off back towards the coach a bit earlier than the official time to give me time to rest on a couple of the benches on the way uphill to the coach park. There was some slow traffic on the way back but we were back onboard in time for 5.30.
  5. Sorry to hear that and I hope your husband continues to feel OK and he tests negative more quickly.
  6. Most cruise insurance in the UK includes an amount for cabin confinement. The doctor on board will provide confirmation.
  7. Our nearest lifeboat went on a little outing this morning which gave me a brief view of Sagrada Familia
  8. We went back to our balcony and then caught up with the morning lectures on the TV. The Navy Officer did a Q&A with Amanda Reid, she asked the questions, he avoided giving a straight answer to most of them ! We got to the Commodore Club early enough to get the last seat with a view. The String Quartet were playing and I had enough time for a QE2 and a Mary Pickford. No canapés, just crisps, nuts and olives. The table next to us was empty, I enjoyed my Rainbow Trout main course but Mr HH wasn't that impressed with his gammon. We went to the show, plenty of waiters in the theatre.
  9. Thanks for the thought but we have other plans for September!
  10. QM2, I think the Medical Centre is always open for suspected Covid-19 cases
  11. We ordered room service breakfast for the latest time available 9.30-10.00 and ate on the balcony. It was a beautiful morning so we stayed out there until going to the 12.15 lecture on Supersonic Flight. It was very enjoyable although I was in tears by the end. We found a table in a busy Carinthia Lounge and had a couple of light plates and desserts.
  12. He's definitely more adorable than saintly 😂.
  13. It was the World Club Party tonight, we accidentally found ourselves in the queue to meet the Captain. As it was shorter we stuck with it ! He gave an entertaining speech and the canapés and sparkling wine were bearable. By the time we got to our table the 4 at the other tables were on their main course and chatting away like old friends. One of our reasons for having fixed dining is to avoid the nightly introductory conversations, certainly wasn't an issue as apart from answering my question about the sea bass (good if you like fish) we were completely blanked. Food and service were excellent again, we both had the Roast Beef and the advantage of no conversation was that I finished in time to see the beautiful sunset ! We went to see the folk duo in the Golden Lion and watched the lights of Morocco and Ceuta as we sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar.
  14. We had room service breakfast again and watched the first lecture of the day live in the cabin. Wifi was a bit flakey so we went to buy bears 😄 and had a drink in the Chart Room while catching up with the essentials. I'd booked our Diamond lunch via My Voyage yesterday. We were shown to a window table, great view of the sunbathers ! We both had the chowder and the lemon sole with the sundae for me and the apple pie for him. We took a stroll along Deck 12, it was a very pleasant temperature and the Boardwalk Cafe was open and popular. There were still loungers available in that area. I went to the theatre to watch the RSC production and then spent the rest of the afternoon napping and enjoying the sun on our balcony.
  15. Thanks but we're going to Sitges from Barcelona.
  16. After days of glorious sunshine it looks a little cloudy for Pursuit's visit to Milford Haven. Photos from a contributor to the Shipping in Milford Haven group, posted with permission.
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