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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Internet was a bit slow in our cabin earlier but is much better in the Chart Room
  2. We enjoyed sailaway from Vigo on our balcony with the provided sparkling wine. I can't comment on the taste as we drowned it in Peach juice ! There were lovely views on the sail out. We went straight to dinner, both the other tables in our row of 6 were already full. Our immediate neighbours had booked for 8 o'clock but then given a pager ! Food was good again and there were some familiar faces in the area. We went to the show, the theatre was fairly full and the singer/comedian/impressionist was entertaining. I'd seen him on QV last year but he was new to Mr HH. We got a table in the Commodore Club, it was still fairly busy when we left around midnight.
  3. This is the current offering
  4. Not a harp fan then? Don't worry the pianist is there tonight.
  5. Nice to hear from you @DaisyUK we had a lovely day thank you.
  6. We had room service breakfast again. It looked like a lovely morning in Vigo. I'd found a bus tour online but hadn't booked as the forecast was for rain. We were a bit late leaving the ship as Mr HH had arranged a call with Osman to discuss his concerns with the dining arrangements. I dread to think what awaits us tonight 😂. We bought tickets for the tour 20€ each and people watched until it was time to leave. We had 3 stops, at a beach, country house and gardens and a viewpoint overlooking the city. We had around 15-20 minutes at each stop, we could have used more but it was a good introduction to the place. We were back onboard for 2pm, in time for small plates in the Carinthia Lounge.
  7. No we don't have either of them, there were no bears on our last trip so our newest niece and nephew had cuddly ships !
  8. Both 2022 and 2023 bears are currently available on QM2
  9. First chance to properly see the condition of the outside,
  10. Apologies, we're in Vigo this morning! I realise I posted tomorrow but that was from the perspective of last night. The forecast was for cloud but it looks a beautiful morning.
  11. I think that was the quality of the photograph rather than the printing ! He's good thank you.
  12. After dinner we went back to the Queens Room to watch the dancers and listen to the band and singers. The dance floor was pretty busy but I didn't see any sign of dance hosts unless they've stopped wearing badges. Dress code seemed to be well observed everywhere we went. Clocks went forward overnight and we are due in Vigo at 9am tomorrow.
  13. Our formal night started with a walk through the Commodore Club, Champagne Bar and Chart Room as there wasn't a seat to be had! We ended up in the Queens Room, lots of seats, a free waiter and a few dancers. Note to self, get ready before 7.30 if you want a seat in a popular venue. We went to our table and made a start on the sparkling wine instead of the Welcome party. We'd ordered, no neighbours and no sign of the couple 1 table away. After a few minutes another couple arrived with a member of staff, there was some finger pointing and a quite loud comment of there's someone in the wrong table. Fortunately I still had my dining card which showed they had issued 2 cards with the same table number both for second sitting! We stayed put and they sat a table away, with the promise of a window seat from tomorrow! They'd requested a table of 8 so weren't best pleased. It was Beef Wellington night and the food was very good.
  14. @Jack E Dawson Did you see any evidence that passengers arriving before their boarding time were being kept out of the building? No Is there a planned CC gathering at any point? I might have missed it today. Does it look like there was any freshing-up of the ship during her brief layup following the WC? The last time I was on QM2 for longer than 2 nights was 2015 so difficult to say.
  15. At sea June 10th We'd ordered room service breakfast and I was fast asleep when it arrived. We managed to get organised and to The Royal Court theatre for the 11am lecture/sales pitch on the Royal Navy. We went to the Britannia restaurant for lunch, table for 2, no queue and then back to the cabin for what Mr HH had promised was sun on the balcony! The clouds had other ideas so we watched a film then I had a nap and he booked himself into the planetarium via My Voyage. We're sharing a 24hr essentials package via Bluetooth from my phone and have been able to read emails, WhatsApp messages and post to social media. We're getting ready for Black and White night.
  16. Not that I noticed, the one set up in front of the Golden Lion was only interested in selling drinks packages. When I asked about ordering wine for dinner he didn't direct me elsewhere, just told me to order from the sommelier in the dining room. 🤦‍♀️ I gave up at that point.
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