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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Couple of additional comments - she seems in good shape, wifi has been fine in our cabin, the theatre and Britannia restaurant so far !
  2. We stayed in our favourite New Forest hotel, our check in time was 1.30 and the taxi company had recommended a 12.30 pick-up. The driver was a little early and because of bad traffic on his outbound journey took us back through the forest to rejoin the road to Southampton. We got to the terminal just before 1, there were no queues and we were directed to the Priority check in line and then straight through to the security line. This was the longest bit of the process but we were onboard ordering lunch in the Golden Lion by 1.30. By the time we got back to the cabin all our luggage had arrived and we unpacked. No Pol AKer and we left the replacement for another day. It was a glorious afternoon so we went to the Terrace Pool for sailaway, a canny barman managed to sell Mr HH a bottle of Prosecco ! After dressing for a Smart Attire evening we went to the Champagne Bar, 2 glasses of pink champagne and some warm canapes went down very well. We’d requested late sitting dinner on a table for 6 so we were a but puzzled when our seating assignment sent us to Deck 3. We had to wait a few minutes for those who were on open dining to be shown to a table and were taken to a table for 2 right at the back of the restaurant. It was right by a window which was a nice surprise but otherwise wasn’t really what we’d asked for. The table for 2 very close to us was empty so we might get company tomorrow. Dinner was fine, crab and shrimp starter and pork for main course. The sommelier managed to find us in time for us to get wine with our mains and at least we have some for tomorrow. The show was Indigo May, a pair of female singers, one of whom lives in the same village as us so we felt we should go along to support. There was plenty of room in the theatre and waiter service. We called it a night after the show.
  3. I haven't decided yet, to be honest I thought she looked pretty good as we arrived at Mayflower terminal.
  4. This was a fail for me yesterday, there's no Wine line number advertised now
  5. On QM2 now, there are several map screens, this shows the first one
  6. I'm sorry to hear about your family member. If you don't get any answers here you could ask on your roll call. There will be posters with experience of previous world cruises who might be able to help.
  7. Please don't name the Travel Agent involved in your posts.
  8. I've made it a Sticky and it looks as if our cabin on our next cruise is close to an access point so hopefully I'll be able to access Cruise Critic !
  9. @Mercruiser, what a great resource. Thank you very much for putting it together.
  10. Perhaps the North Sea locks on the way to Amsterdam? Not that interesting and you'll get chance to see them on the outbound journey.
  11. Perhaps someone who has been onboard recently could share the wording from the Daily Programme ? I'm hoping it's less ambiguous.
  12. Cute, thanks for sharing
  13. The next sentence is - A formal suit, shirt, and tie of any colour will also do just fine for Gala Evening.
  14. Please make use of the report button.This is a moderated site and we don't tolerate bullying, passive aggressive or otherwise. Equally we don't have the resources to read every post so we have to rely on members reporting posts to keep the discussions civil and on track. Thank you for your assistance.
  15. Bon Voyage @Camgirl, I hope you enjoyed your stay in Southampton.
  16. How confusing! Bon Voyage for tomorrow and good luck sorting it out.
  17. Thanks for the update, that's very interesting. Which ship are you on ? QM2 is the only ship with Sheltered balconies and her next sailing isn't until Friday (I hope or we're going to miss it !)
  18. Thanks for letting us know, enjoy your future cruising.
  19. Thanks all, I was optimistic initially but got less so as time went on !
  20. Check the Dinner menu and pre-order wine. Sommeliers can be a bit stretched on the first night so it can be good to get a head start.
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