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turquoise 6

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Posts posted by turquoise 6

  1. I'm having dinner at Todd English tonight :) (QM2 mid-Atlantic in a force 9 gale, 19th Dec. '13) so no Verandah yet...


    Best wishes :)


    Hi, Good for you to be on board and going to Todd English ,during this very rough voyage. Did you take pictures? I would love to see the QM2 in very rough seas.

  2. [quote name='lannp']Update from the QM2.
    Since they left Southampton they have had almost continuously Force 8-9 winds. The seas are running 20-40 ft. and outside decks except for deck 8 have been closed. All the pools have been drained. The Commodore might allow deck 7 to be opened today.[/QUOTE]
    Now thats a crossing!!!!:D Will the QM2 arrive in Brooklyn late?
  3. [quote name='pmb1'][url=http://s102.photobucket.com/user/pb82/media/0r%202011%20Quebec%20Sep%2027%20-%20Oct%207/MVI_1454.mp4.html?sort=6&o=3]Here[/url] is a short video from October 2011 of my favorite non-millpond view from QM2.[/QUOTE]
    Amazing videos! Was that the Canada cruise from NY in October ,2011?
    The QM2 left Quebec in a major Hurricane ,while some other cruise ships stayed in port. The 2nd video, showing the seating of passengers in the Queens Grille when there was fire in the turbines on deck 12 during the same voyage in that hurricane!!!
    The QM2 did very well in those adverse conditions.
  4. I think you're asking me if QM2 will have the same fame and following as QE2. To which the answer is yes. But we've already arrived at that point, QM2 has that following now. Every port she visits in Australia crowds come out to see her. In Hamburg there's a similar (if greater) reaction. Granted, there's zero interest in Southampton and New York, but that can be explained by her repeat presence in those two ports.


    There is a thread right here on Cruise Critic entitled 'Where is QM2' - you may be familiar with it - which illustrates to me the interest shown in QM2, which, as nice as they probably are, will never be bestowed on QV or QE.


    P.S I can't wait to board QE and check her out. :)

    Thank you Whitemarsh for your reply. yes I agree with you, as to the fact the QM2 does have a large and faithful following. It also appears that the QM2 needs constant

    justification here (on CC) to be an Ocean Liner. This was never done with the QE2. We both know the QM2 is an Ocean liner.

    I would love to sail into Sidney on the QM2. It must be an amazing sight to see.

    "Where Is QM2?" I know the the thread . It's a good thread about the QM2 and does show the interest in the RMS QM2:)

    Looking forward to hearing your feedback when you sail on the QE.

    T :)

  5. Of course they left, great talent always does. Did Sinara stay in Hoboken?


    Anyway if you had lived in the city at that time you probably would have left also. But cities can change. It's just a pity Southampton hasn't got round to it yet.



    hello David,

    I disagree with you. Southampton "has got round to it".

    Southampton has a very rich nautical history through the Centuries .

    Southampton was a very important seaport during World War 2.

    Southampton played a very, very important role in Immigration history to the United States.

    Southampton has done extensive urban renovations,and are historically correct. Great Pubs.

    Southampton is beautiful :)

  6. Not a red wine cruise then...


    Should be great fun. Regards to all my fellow passengers of Dec 20/21 2009.

    "Not A Red Wine Cruise" reminds me of when

    I was on board the QM2 during a crossing and we hit VERY ROUGH seas.

    It was so rough, that even the crew was getting sea sick. There was a delightful well seasoned couple from Maidenhead sitting in the Wintergarden,

    immuned from seasickness. Their cure: CHAMPAGNE :cool:

  7. [/color]


    The same could be said about the QE2.

    Yes, I agree. The QE2 did cruises and the world cruise

    Today Cunard has 2 cruise ships and 1 ocean liner and uses the QM2

    As a cruise ship and ocean liner

    Do you think the QM2 will have the same ocean liner

    Legacy as the QE2?

  8. Doesn't Liverpool sound much better in a list of some of the ports that the Queens actually visit, e.g. Halifax, Ft. Lauderdale, Southampton?

    Liverpool sounds better? It's not the sound, it's the


    Southampton , Halifax. Have immense nautical history

    And are ports of much significance

    Ft Lauderdale is am important cruise ship port

    Liverpool port did play a part in the transatlantic trade

    In the same league as Cobb , Ireland

  9. Today the QM2 is registered in Hamilton

    Bermuda. The ship has had many refits.

    But the QM2 is the same.

    The kings court buffet is same

    Southampton to NY has the back to back

    Cruises no longer NY to Southampton to NY

    It is more of a cruise ship while the QE2

    Has the legacy of an Ocean Liner

  10. Is the QM2 sailing to New York on December 15,2013? The marine weather map shows extreme rough seas in the North Atlantic from Dec 14 thru 18.

    Waves can be as high as 30 ft or more.

    Very Challenging ,but typical North Atlantic December weather.

  11. We have sailed for NYE the last couple of years. Lots of families, couples, singles and lots of festive celebrations throughout the ship. There are countdowns in every venue and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The only reason I am not doing it for this NYE is because I wanted to do the 12-night southern on January 5th.


    Have a great time if you decide to go!



    Thanks Tracy, It sounds like fun. It would be good to sail out

    of the cold weather.


  12. Hi, I am thinking of a last minute booking on the December, 29 Breakaway

    Cruise To Bahamas. Would this be a big Party cruise? Do you think there will be

    alot of kids on board?

    I did the Breakaway in Sept in Bermuda. I love the the ship. It was loaded with kids. It would be nice to sail of NY in December.

    I would appreciate any ideas.

  13. Please note I am not being critical of the QE2 and I am sure that compared to her peers she was indeed a state of the art 'liner' and a trend setter for the new type of cruise holidays :)


    Apart from the size of the QM2, her design, she also has stabilisers and other items of technological wonder that helps to keep her far more stable than the older vessel. Having said all this, no matter how hard they try, ships cannot defy the laws of physics and even this iconic vessel will sometimes have to play second fiddle to mother nature ;);)

    HI glojo, with all due respect, but you may have to "eat your words"

    The Qm2 hit major, 2 lows including depression Melissa with more than 14 meter waves or more than 45 feet , consistently and winds of 50 mph.

    Can you imagine how the QE2, the United States, France will have done?

    There would be ropes in public rooms and Sand Bags at exterior door exits, to stop sea water from the waves coming into the public rooms.

    Not so with the Majestic QM2. The QM2 surpasses them all!

  14. 9 to 14 metre swells at the moment with winds of force 8 rising to force 10!

    Cap'n : you are in some storm, 14 meters around 45 ft , 8 going force 10 or more winds.

    I looked at the webcam , and It looked stormy but it doesn't give an accurate reading of what you are in.

    How is the ship handling this?

    Thanks for the update

  15. even cunard ships must obey the laws of physics.we were once on the qm2 [ny to carib] and i would dare anyone to try and walk a straight line on deck 7 by the spa canyon .for a few hours that day captains nemo and ahab might have been a tad ill. :eek:.we have never been seasick but i believe it can strike anyone.

    Yes I agree. I was on board the QM2 in a transatlantic storm

    And we felt the movement of the ship. We couldn't walk around without falling

    I took my antihistamine

  16. We berthed at 6am today, Pier 12 in Red Hook. The weather is perfect with no rain forecast and blue skies! All aboard at 4.30 for a 5pm departure. We're expecting some rough weather on the way back thankfully :)

    Bon Voyage Cap'n

    Hope you enjoyed your day in New York

    Yep. Looks like some rough seas ahead , and you

    Are looking forward :)



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