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turquoise 6

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Posts posted by turquoise 6

  1. Yes, on transatlantic crossings. There were three in 2006, there are still three today (although the voyage is a day longer). There are less on cruises (esp short ones) it seems to me.

    No. Informal nights, no casual.

    Yes, linked to Queen and Princess Grill suites.

    Twice a night, linked to the two sittings in the Britannia Restaurant.


    Not sure for a world cruise, someone will know.

    Step aboard and then let us know what you notice has improved/not improved. For me, each voyage is better than the last :)

    Hope this helps, Bon Voyage!

    Each voyage has a life of its own. For me some worse , some better

    But to be a critic , one should be analytical

    And tell the good and the bad. That's how things improve

  2. For me, it was when Cunard ships were re-flagged to a port of convenience; I found this very sad "...for the first time in its 171-year history, no ships in the Cunard fleet will be registered in the UK. Instead of having the name of their home port, Southampton, emblazoned across the stern and on their lifeboats, Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth will carry the name of Hamilton, capital of Bermuda." copied from http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/captain-greybeard/2011/10/cunard-confirms-change-of-flag.html

    It's sad but it's the shipping business . Cunard has had a checked past

    You should feel happy , Cunard is still around

  3. Yes, I was on the QE2 for one of those! I recall being told that the Captain was not avoiding the storm, but going right through it, and it was unbelievable! A jumping roller coaster with furniture on the move, and nowhere to be but horizontal and firmly gripping your bed. I believe there was resulting damage to the ship.


    However, he was a very good Captain otherwise.

    Wow , I know how that felt . Although with all due

    Respect to Commodore Warwick , he did dodge

    Many hurricanes and lows on the transatlantic run

  4. So he was a really crappy captain then...thanks for the info. Glad he's retired now and Captains who don't go out of their way to make passengers uncomfortable have taken his place

    He was the best! He sailed the ships and got us safe and sound to the next port. His record speaks for himself

    He knew the ship he sailed on and was a pro!!!

    The QM2 and the QE2 are Ocean Liners meant to sail on all types

    Of seas . Stabilizers are used to make the smoothest

    Ride . Navigational state of the art are on board to help .

    Note* the new Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria are

    Not built as Ocean Liners. They are built for cruises on calmer seas

    Getting into shallow ports .

    Back to the point , Commodore Warwick is

    A pro.:)

  5. Commodore "Warkick" was in charge when I was on the Maiden Tandem voyage in April 2004 with the QE2 alongside for the ride


    The ocean was smooth as silk. What the QM2 was meant for!

    Warkick for those in the "know" as when he sailed

    On the QE2. & QM2 he would "kick A"


    Avoid a storm. Head directly into the rough

    Seas. The rough seas:D

  6. Only 25 more days until the magnificent Queen Mary 2 sails from Southhampton on a spectacular 10th Anniversary transatlantic crossing to Brooklyn, USA.


    Accompanied out of Southampton by the Queen Vic and Queen Liz to the sounds of anthems and fireworks.


    Prince Phillip will be aboard for lunch on sailing day and Commodore Warwick and ship architect Dr Stephen Payne will be along for the crossing


    Not bad for a misused "Liner"[emoji106]

    This is what the RMS Queen Mary 2 was meant to do and is coming back after a 3 month absence , in Style!!!!

    I had the honor of sailing with Commodore Warkick on the QM2

    He was at the book signing on a very rough day in the commodore club.

    The ship was rolling up and down, and yet

    His signature was written as direct as if he was on dry land .:)

  7. P&O is also owned by Carnival (CCL). I wonder if our resident Liner broken record is also claiming that P&O is an American cruise line?

    I suggest you go with your question to

    The P&0 post.

    Cats may a very good suggestion

  8. " ... Thirty-five is a very attractive age. London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, by their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years. Lady Dumbleton is an instance in point. To my own knowledge she has been thirty-five ever since she arrived at the age of forty, which was many years ago now". Lady Bracknell, The Importance of Being Earnest. Oscar Wilde.


    (Children often boast about their age ("I'm three and-a-half"), some elderly people also ("I'm eighty-seven you know"). But it seems that some in the middle bit are a little reticent about the truth (and I've no idea why, the number will increase relentlessly, regardless of one's own wishes in the matter)).


    If the OP wishes to remain at less than ?0... well good luck with that :) But sadly, in this modern "no-personal-information-is-private" computer filled world, truth will out :( .


    Best wishes to all "of a certain age"... :)

    You missed the point of the post of Tess .Your rant is pointless and

    And makes no sense

    You left you signature , Best wishes

    Happy :)

  9. stupid question - can you carry sealed bottled water on during embarkation? Not a case - just a couple of large bottles.

    On my last cruise March 30 on Breakaway, at the ny pier

    I saw people bringing Cases of water .


  10. I think Sri Lanka, Malaysia again, India, Dubai and up through Suez, into Egypt, Mediterranean then Southampton and New York. Only 75 pax did the complete WC. One lady I spoke to frequently in the exercise class said they were about to book the WC again for 2015. Lucky Duck.

    Very interesting . 75 pax did the whole WC

    That's a long time to be away from reality for some

    The segment now via the Suez is a real dream cruise

    I did not realize the QM2 sailed through the Suez

  11. Just about to reach Singapore where the rest of my table disembarks. As do many Aussies.

    Amazing trip. I wonder who will board the QM2

    In Singapore ? Where does the QM2 go from Singapore?

  12. So does that mean if the Atlantic is calm there should be no crossing that week?


    No transatlantic crossing in calm seas

    You have a Brilliant idea!!!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  13. Hi turquoise 6,


    As you've been waiting such a long time for a QM2 crossing (January, February, March and April) I presume you are booked on the first available crossing (May 9th) and you are looking forward with excitement to being on board again so soon after your westbound crossing in December '13 and your eastbound in January '14 (you were on both weren't you, as you are so keen on winter crossings? I'm so sorry to have missed meeting you on the December '13 crossing :o ) .


    Since the time, one year ago, when you started this thread, on the very same subject, I expect you've made many crossings on QM2, good weather and bad, lucky you :) .


    I look forward to meeting you on board in May. The M&G is on the 10th, Commodore Club, 2pm. I'll be there, and it will be great to meet you :) .


    Happy sailings for the future :) .

    You have a sarcastic overtone in your blog

    This really isn't necessary to attact me because

    Of my post "Where is the QM2"

    I don't have to sail on the QM2 when YOU choose

    And if I haven't sailed on the sailings you say I should have

    Doesn't make me any less a Cunarder.

    I am a Diamond Member.

    I have to let you know that because of

    My post Where is QM2, there will be

    By popular demand round trip sailings

    From New York

    I look forward at a *mutual convience sailing

    For a drink in commodore .

    Smooth sailings

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