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Everything posted by mahdnc

  1. I was on the sailing before yours. Your description of the Oceanview Cafe layout for breakfast is spot on. As far as the dark ship decor goes, I'm curious if you've been on other Celebrity ships for comparison. David
  2. No, it means slightly reduced housekeeping and forgoing Belgian Waffles.
  3. It's more like they got you off the ship because they are not equipped to deal with it.
  4. We had a couple on our roll call that had a medical emergency when Constellation was at the Azores on Oct 28. I believe that they are finally in a position to fly back home this weekend. Anyway, they were also wrongly told by Celebrity that they did not have insurance. Not sure if it's identically the same situation as yours, but I thought you might find it interesting. Below is the link to the post.
  5. That restaurant was pretty much empty during the entire 15 night cruise that we took. When people ask for a quiet place onboard to play cards, I feel like suggesting Sushi on Five although I am sure that the ship would take a dim view of that. Are you planning on eating there?
  6. It would be nice if the 14 night Caribbean itineraries would make an appearance. We will see although I am not holding out a lot of hope.
  7. @jazzbo Your travelogue and accompanying photos are excellent. Reflection is a very nice ship. Your photos bear that out. We took our TA on Constellation which sailed about 2 weeks before yours did. The sea-sick monster did get me on the sea day before we arrived at Ponta Delgada. I hope you get well enough to enjoy the crossing. David
  8. I just got points added to my CC account this morning. Wait--that was for my cruise. Never mind.
  9. Thank you. I remember you wanted to be able to stream movies on your sea days with your premium package. When the time comes, please let us know if you are successful. Hopefully the satellite connection in the Caribbean will be able to support it. Your OV is very nice.
  10. Thanks for the photos and report. Enjoy your cruise.
  11. I see. Ours was closer to 4 days of sucky internet vs 7. There was a 30 hour stretch were we had zero internet and cell phone connection.
  12. We had the same experience in late October during our Connie TA. The Celebrity Today newsletter warned us in advance that this would be so.
  13. Here is the link you next to the red arrow in the screenshot below: link
  14. We just finished our Transatlantic cruise aboard Constellation this month. There were a couple of days at sea where we did not have an internet connection. I noticed that we also didn't have a Cellular at Sea signal either during those times.
  15. The email clearly declares that the reservation has to be made between tomorrow (Nov 11) and Dec 1. However nothing prevents you from submitting the form within that time frame to see what happens.
  16. I have yet to read a first hand account of what really happens. In the past, it is believed that Celebrity would claw back the points but their woeful IT skills may make them incapable of actually doing it.
  17. There are two different ABC 9 night Equinox itineraries in Feb which one are you on?
  18. What 3 options are you referring to? Balcony vs Concierge vs Aqua?
  19. I don't know.....I keep thinking that Celebrity may offer a contest one day where first prize is a year's worth of Flights by Celebrity and second prize is two year's worth......
  20. Cruise Terminal 6. We arrived there on Nov 6 after crossing the Atlantic. Port of Tampa Cruise Schedule
  21. I presume that Panama Canal (full transit) sailings come out with the Caribbean releases?
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