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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. @George C We are thinking about booking allure next summer. A couple questions Which airport do we fly into. Best transportation to hotel at port Nice hotel , close to port one night. Ty.
  2. @h20skibum @LucasLikesToCruise As someone else posted above, we are family here. We seem to have a great ear for listening. Although most of us have yet to meet one another (few exceptions--Hi Mark and Susan) We can still offer prayers and make all our thoughts ones of kindness to all, even when were tempted to not do so for whatever reason. When a person is dealing with a serious health issue, that need support and understanding to enjoy the good days, and deal with the bad, a friend sometimes has the best listening, non judgmental talents. When I had my health issue a mere 3 years ago, CC was my outlet. I think I read every thread on RCI. Posted little, because some of those members are not nice. Saying that: If it were not for Dani starting this thread, I do not think I would have dealt with COVID as well as I did. Newly retired, world in lockdown..............alone because the DH is a respiratory therapist and everyone ceased contact with us, because they thought we could infect them. No one texted, no one called, and COVID was not spread through a smart phone. That is unless I missed something. I lost many friends, but gained more here. You were and continue to be my saving grace. Now as we enter the POST COVID period one of new beginnings and hopefully getting back to a better way of life, we need to stay connected and a close knit family as we have shown we are. I wish there was an answer to all our struggles, but until Cancer is eradicated, we have to be here for one another------ to help those challenging days be left behind and continue to hope for better days ahead. With that: I do PRAY. I do ask for MIRACLES and I WILL NEVER GIVE IN AND ALWAYS LIVE FOR HOPE. Because somewhere somehow some scientist could find the cure. And I only ask for Godspeed in their research. With kind personal regards Sue
  3. Good morning I would also like to add my well wishes to our Canadian thread friends. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Be safe, and enjoy relaxing and time spent with family and friends. Take care
  4. The one on left tomatoes and peppers Middle green beans and something yet to be determined. Right. Zucchini and cucumbers. Once top soil is delivered. Our fence will go back up. Behind everything will be sunflowers. In front will be flower annuals planted.
  5. Update on our Sunday project. Garden beds: Wood cut to precise pieces using ruler and circular saw——-no boo boos Corner support blocks cut with hand held battery operated chain saw—— no boo boos (Big guns) Wood and all needed supplies carried out to garden. Lovely spouse (me) assisted - no boo boos Hammering begun. ***k. Screws to long. Yup Off to Lowes. Lunch Round 2 Got screws. Proper size. Got portable drill. **it. Should have charged it. “ I did not think I needed it “. Cleaned up man cave. Drill charged. Screws screwed like they are supposed to. Job complete. Yup. No boo boos. Clean up time. Bring power tools back to basement. Safe place. Finished watching Dolphins lose😜 Shower time. Wonder what his potent potable will be? Canadian Club. 7-up and Marciano cherries. Before and after pictures. At least first aid supplies well stocked. Next project putting new work bench together in man cave. It came with directions. Hope they are used.
  6. Good question I have two guesses, neither of which could be true. 1. Because we sailed from a US port? doubt this is reason. 2. Because they said so and pay taxes.................probably
  7. One final comment. I thought it was interesting that the cruise ship guest services would not give me the claim form, but took the time to report myself as well as others who had winnings that were over the limit. I was not alone. But do to privacy act, no one knew why we were in that room. Until I had to do that government form as well as enter it in the site and holding it up to the high windows so I could have cell service. Well, not everyone was honored with the privacy act.... The lady that was having every Item removed from her suitcase, purse, and then scanned all bags through x-ray machine...................she did look scared.........did not know if they found anything, but she was there when I arrived and still there as I was set free. Be safe
  8. I think it was a test to see if I would own up to the $$$. Yes, the cruise ship provides all information to customs....we knew that......
  9. Yes, but I have seen some people spend $20 dollar bills on instant lottery, I could just say I have a gambling problem and over the course of a year spend 2-$3000 on lottery. If I have tickets who is to say they were not mine....... But cannot worry, not doing any more. Post 2020 world crud scares me.....not going in a trash receptacle clean or not it is trash Lately only buy 2 scratch offs once a week when grocery shopping and only do slots on cruises (2 -3 cruises a year) No super big winnings this year, only a few small ones. Take care
  10. Good morning and Happy Sunday on this beautiful sunny frigid cold morning. Now, let me update you on my current crisis. It is no secret that I am techno illiterate and every so often things just happen that I have no explanation for (aliens) and then when I try to solve it only gets worse. So my latest adventure is: THE IPHONE FROM HELL. To begin with I think I have an IPHONE 10 or 11. Cannot remember but it is newer, DH got it for me and set it up and it worked fine for first 2 years no problems. I use it for texting and calls as well as taking pictures and posting to CC. The DH says I should be using it more, and get with modern times with all the functions it provides. But I still keep a daily planner on the desk and use index cards taped to refrigerator so I do not forget to do things as well as hand write shopping lists. Lately it does what it wants to do, and sometimes does not do what it should do. If I am home and it is good day for WIFI and I get a text, it rings on my IPAD and not on my phone which is turned on loud setting. (The IPAD is off, usually low battery, because I forgot to charge it). If I get a message my phone does not alert me. And I currently get updates from the weather channel and I do not have the APP on my phone or IPAD. Then when I am driving and have Blue tooth, I can hit a button on my steering wheel and make calls or send texts. But now my car hates me too, it says function disabled. So DH goes in car, nothing wrong, how could it be, there is nothing to check..............then he looks at the phone and the thingie is on, but something on next page is off...................Like I would know to go in there!!! Oh and the best is when I am charging it on the desk and I am in the next room, no where near it it calls random numbers......Try explaining that one to people on the other end. Then on this past Friday So, as the leaves turn golden and the DH walks in the door from work and I have the look on my face, he just goes "what now, what did you break...............where's the spider..............is it your phone..." I go ' DING DING DING, we have a winner, its the phone..." So once again he mumbles, takes the phone goes into settings. Yup I did not screw that up, it is the way he set it up. Then he shuts it down and re-boots it..........................and problem solved. So now on this glorious Sunday at 6am. before the DH awake and I am getting the slow cooker ready to do its thing and cook a roast all day the phone 'TINGS' Yup, a new one today. WKBN news update. Only one problem Yup I do not have the app Now, in addition to the weather channel which I do not have on my phone, I now get the news, which is also not an APP on my phone................ What to do What to do. I think I will wait till Monday when he comes home from work and give him "THE LOOK' It is Sunday a day of rest, so let him chill, and I will once again share the wealth on Monday. I said we really can solve this problem if we just get a new IPHONE 14 Yup I got the look from him. If this continues I am sure I will have a new IPHONE 14 by Thanksgiving, when he is as frustrated with me as I am frustrated with phone. So lets do a new project today and see what trouble we can get into. Oh, wish us well. Today we are building the elevated garden boxes, which were supposed to be done in September and did not happen. I stocked up on band aids, peroxide neosporin so I am prepared for war injuries. Take care I think we should be Amish and not worry about "modern day technology" Be safe.
  11. Side note In Ohio you used to be able to claim your gambling losses on the lottery and use them to offset some of the taxes when you win big in a casino and/or Ohio Lottery. A few years back I won $40,000 on the lottery. In my travels I would check out the areas that sold lottery scratch offs or tickets. Then I would casual check out the trash bin near it. (Some call it dumpster diving) After some searching I would leave with non-winning tickets. When It was time to do our taxes the service we used just asked me to total losses and give her amount and keep the non winning tickets for a few years, in case audited. There was a limit, I do not remember how much, but it did decrease the amount owed to Ohio. Ohio no longer does this loss of gambling as a reporting system. I am guessing if Ohio does not do it for taxes because she said it is not done anymore than IRS must be the same. So, no credit for losses. Take care
  12. Just to let you know what went down. Rare Did you ever watch the show. TO CATCH A SMUGGLER????? WELL leaving the terminal at the facial recognition screen. Mine lights up RED. They asked for and took my passport. The attendant leads me to a custom guard. And he asks do you know why you are in front of me???? I go sir. ………. Then he goes follow me. I was escorted behind the scenes to a waiting area and asked to take a seat. 2 custom agents came to me (one with a clipboard), In addition to my passport the nice customs officer asked for my drivers license and gave it to the clipboard man. I could see them. They first station had a lady from our cruise and all her luggage was being inspected piece by piece then they scanned it thru the X-ray machine. The second station the customs agent was playing on his phone. And my passport and drivers license were in the hands of the man in the third station who kept punching in stuff in the computer and looking back at me. I looked around the room and there was a security camera in the upper corner of the room. And you had to have access to get out. It happened so fast it looked like badge access but I was overwhelmed with computer man at the time. So customs man one comes back ( I’m going to call him “A” for now). And in his hands is a simple declaration form. I go —-I went to customer service on the ship and asked for that. He goes what did they say. I go they said you didn’t buy the money , you won it. You don’t need it only if you purchase more than $800 dollars of goods. “A” goes fill it out. I did. Takes it to his partner. I’ll call him “B”. “B” looks at it and next thing you know “A” comes back and goes “ you were on an out of country cruise and your saying you didn’t buy anything????? “ I go to the DH Did HE bought 2 bottles of Buffalo trace and some sweat shirts. “A” goes. How much. I go I don’t know my DH bought it. “A” goes guess. (Really)! I go what if I guess wrong. He goes estimate. I did and put (est) behind it. So now that basic form is done. “ A” leaves and gives it to “B”. Back on the computer they go. Man they are Spending little too much time there. And our ride to FLL was going to be outside area 4 at 9 am. And it is now 8:30. So “A” comes back and said “we used to fill out the report on paper but now you have to access it on your phone and he pulls out this little ripped up piece of paper that “B” made him write the site down on. oh lord. I’m techno illiterate. so “A” has me go to safari. I did. No service “A” goes take it out of airplane mode. I go ok. My DH forgot to tell me to do it. So I turn off airplane mode and now. “ no service” in that room So A goes and talks to B and A comes back and we stand closer to the window. I guess reception in that room is bad. So piece of scrap paper out. I punch in a “USgov. Site. And it loaded I had to fill out a detailed form starting with my personal data all the numbers from my passport to drivers license. Then the trouble began The second to last question Where did this occur? USgov. Did not accept on a cruise ship at sea. so “ A “ goes and talks to “B”. And they are back on the computer. “A” returns and goes “ we’re you closer to St Marteen or St Thomas. I go sir I do not know. I was in a casino on the ship. He looks at me and goes what do you think. I go for an official report. I really do not know. So “ A” leaves. Talks to “B”. “B” not looking happy. On computer again. “A” comes back. And goes. Just put Bahamas. It took that. So now I finish the checklist section and about 8 basic questions. Finally the last area was the traditional that all the information provided is correct and you could be facing penalties if information submitted incorrect. Then sign. I looked at “A” and said you told me to estimate what my DH bought. If I’m wrong. I don’t want to be penalized. I’m concerned about signing. So “A” goes to “B”. And the look on “B” face then A comes back and said your ok just sign. I go just like customer service on the ship telling me I did need a declaration form. And look where that got me. He goes. No you did not know that you need declaration form. You were honest when you declared to me what you won. You were fine. You are done. Finally I go what if I would have not admitted I had over $10,000. In winnings. Could I have just passed through. “A” goes you were red alerted on facial recognition. It is our job to figure out why. Some people do not tell the truth. Most do. We estimate on our audits that maybe 5% sneak by this phase. But the cruise line submits forms in and you would eventually be identified and pay penalties. You provided all the information. You just have to pay your taxes. Then “A” goes what kinda machine we’re you on!” I go quarters He goes congratulations. Have a nice day. Im free. He lets me out and I run to the DH just as our ride was coming around the bend. They did not confiscate any cash I left with the 150 bills in my purse. When I won on the ship they gave me a US tax winning form that I turned in with taxes. I asked if I had further losses or gave $9,000 to the husband and only had under $10,000 would I have had to go through this------he goes, since it cannot be proved and your husband did not alert the customs agents by lighting up his screen, yes you would still be listed as over $10,000. And yes I still play quarter machines. Be safe
  13. Lizzy is 12 weeks old today. Our best buddy. When she recharges her batteries she walks all over us till she finds the comfy spot and collapses. It could be on your lap or longways with her head on your shoulder. Play time consists of Zoomies Hiding behind curtains Looking out front windows As well as playing with window chimes. Favorite toys Wine corks pipe cleaners. Bad habits Attack mode when ignored South paw to be exact. Getting comfy on tables. When she restles no claws or biting. Just grabbing on like an octopus. Very friendly. Her “ Meows” are so soft and sweet. Lover girl. You can hear her motor running in the next room. (((((PURR))))! Picture of one of her perches.
  14. October 2021 on Symphony Won $15,000 on Spitfire machine (quarters) Paid 150 == $100 dollar bills. 3 days left in cruise It was a fun experience meeting customs as we reentered the Miami. You can only come in with $10,000 Rare grapau27, alexgtp, aztekpm and 26 others 29 Quote
  15. Truly enjoyed your thread. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to meeting you and Lisa as well as Owen in the future. Take care Safe travels home
  16. Next week I will be baking for our friends daughters wedding. I thought I would try a no bake cookie. They are called “ Church window cookies” Some recipes call them Stained glass cookies. I used my electric chocolate pan melter and it was so easy. Finished product Directions My husbands mom used to make and the spouse cannot wait till I make them. First time for me. Now that I know I can do it I ordered the colored mini marshmallows from Amazon. Be safe.
  17. @h20skibum Sorry for the loss of you Lucy. It is so hard to let them go...... Miss them so much, when it happens. Also Mark and Susan. Had we had gotten blizzards they would have been M & M and Heath Be safe
  18. @A&L_Ont Love your pictures as well as the updates! What is this "ring" Lisa floated in? Did not see them in August. Thanks Be safe
  19. @singinalot Love the pictures of your electronic devices, but more importantly love the view of inside your house and deck and patio. Beautiful!!! Have a safe trip.
  20. @Sea Dog Greg I have always eagerly awaiting your reviews. And as always you did an excellent job. I actually took the time to go back and read it again. Do you think on the Bella cruise you could take the time to give an in service on some of your video techniques? Not that I want to steal the show, but need insight.......................I'm Old. Also, you only gained 12 pounds. I am sure they are but a memory by now the way you work out. Take care Looking forward to meeting you in the future. Sue
  21. Glad to see you and Lisa are able to be cruising again. I have always loved following your cruise travels as you post on CC. Enjoy, be safe. Most importantly have the time of your lives. Take care
  22. Family outing to Buffalo New York to see the Oxford of Ohio University lose to University of Buffalo. So our goal was to be on the road by 10am. so the DD can get her traditional picture with the SIL on the field at yet another stadium. Not gonna happen. It was always difficult getting the princess up for school back in the day, and it wasn't any easier trying to awaken her yesterday. All that it took was asking her if she wanted a cup of coffee here at the house or if we can get on the road we can stop at Dunkin Donuts and get an iced coffee. Well, she moved. We were on our way left the house by 10:45 and stopped at DD in Cortland Ohio. So if you are familiar with OHIO, we took route 11 north to I 90. We made good time till we got to Erie Pennsylvania. Only one problem. Fighting the steering wheel with the high winds. (Hurricane Ian??????) or lake effect. Now the road is under massive destruction. There are warning signs that all trucks must drive in left lane. The right lane is very narrow. I stayed in right lane. Winds and all I thought a few times I am going to be blown into barriers. Made to Angola, where over the freeway is a pedestrian bridge that leads to a rest stop, restaurants and such. It is a right of passage to stop there and wave at the trucks going underneath. We continued on and arrived at the Stadium, which is big and awesome. Dropped the princess off at the door, parked away from the excitement and tail gating and made something to eat. We were in the furthest parking lot. Joshua A. We walked 1 1/2 miles to the stadium got our tickets at Will call (sp) Sat in our seats as kick-off started the game. Only one problem, they were not to be our seats. Here at UB, they have the fans purchase a season pass for $100 per seat to sit on the 40 yard line with access to the luge (sp). The seats for stadium seats were very comfy, with back rests. Well, no one told us. We saw empty seats sat down blankets and all and could not believe for arriving at game start we would be so fortunate. We found out in the fourth quarter when a fellow seat mate to my right asked me in social conversation if we were for ". . . . the other team. . . " Thats when I found out. He said no problem, glad you could enjoy the game. I later found out his son in law was contracted in at the air base a mere 2 1/2 miles from our home a few years back......................small world. So now half time, great show, nice band and extra stuff. Winds pick up. Great coffee at stadium. Second half took forever, penalties, time outs, commercials for those watching on ESPN. Excited that Miami was winning with 2 min. to go. After scoring a field goal they punted the ball. They lost the game in the last 10 sec of the game. Now walking back to the Motor home. No winds Beautiful skies. Fed our hungry ones. On the road again. Traffic was heavy coming out of Buffalo Made it safely home by 11:30pm. Did my Momism routine. Packed up "care Packages" Disposable throw away cooler (My DH gets medical supplies on dry ice in large Styrofoam containers and we fill and send home with them, after they unload they throw away) as well as box of non perishable items. Off they went. I never knew in New York state that they have the eye in the sky that takes a picture of your license plate and records and you have to access a number to pay your bill??????? We did not know if the EeeZ pass (sp) would work, we were just going to pay in cash (wrong). Well, the site was down till this morning and we finally paid our bill. So today is chill day. Doing a WalMart run, and boy I hope no pictures are taken, because I could make the "people at Walmart" section. In closing I cannot believe after being gone for a tad under 24 hours from this thread how much is going on. To all who are traveling, safe journey To all who are recovering from the storm.................continued prayers. To all others, thanks for sharing your your updates. Take care All my love. Sue
  23. @George C My heartfelt sincere condolences go out to you and your family. To think of all the experiences she lived through and all the memories she made. I am sure you also have fond moments you shared with her. May she rest in Peace and her legacy live on in your heart. Prayers
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