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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning. Thanks for all the info. On my way to the spa for a massage. Will post more later. As you can see from the photo taken yesterday, the makeup is hiding the bruises nicely. Hope everyone is having a good day,. Terri
  2. We had a very nice dinner at Toscana (Italian Restaurant) tonight. Nice bottle of champagne and just enjoyed each other.
  3. Valentine’s Day in our Stateroom. DH stepped up to the occasion.
  4. Good morning Happy Valentines Day to all We are doing fine. Today we are in Roatan, Honduras. The weather is predicted to be rainy. However with an hour to go before arrival, I think the prediction is wrong. Yesterday started out rainy in Cozumel, but turned out to be okay. However, we skipped out day at Nachi Cocum because of the bad weather in the morning. Big mistake. Will post more later. Hope everyone has a “love”ly day. Terri
  5. Good Sunday Afternoon from Miami Florida. It is a beautiful sunny day. i have not yet read the posts but will do so in a little while. Just wanted to check in while i can. We were able to disembark the ship this morning and go to Miami Beach to go shopping. We went to Target where I was able to buy some Arnicare for my bruises. Also bought some total cover make-up so hide the bruises while they heal. Jim bought some beautiful roses for Valentine’s Day. Now we are looking for a vase to put them in. Then we went to Total Wine right next door to Target and bought a few more bottles of wine for the next seven days≥ There was a very nice lunch in the dining room for the 179 guests who were continuing on from the prior cruise. Everyone is excited about the SuperBowl. We are not big football fans so we were able to get an extra reservation in the Specialty Restaurant tonight. We will go to the pool deck for the second half. Feeling much better and now with the total cover makeup I should be all set, Will post more later when I read through all of today’s posts. In case I can’t, I hope your team wins. God Bless, Terri
  6. Hi RNB, Actually, I like the Riviera and Marina better. We usually stay in a PH suite and while I like the spaciousness of the bathroom on the Vista, I do not like the configuration of the rest of the room. They took away the walk-in closet and we now have two closets across from each other with less space. Less drawer space. The public rooms are beautiful. I also like the small ships. They have a special appeal. I do not think I will sail on Vista again unless there is a special itinerary i really want. Terri
  7. Taken on Monday, February 5, 2024 aboard the Silver Moon Catamaran in Barbados. Making some memories. We had a wonderful sail. Sadly I had an unfortunate incident at the end.
  8. Good Afternoon from the lovely Oceania Vista. We are at sea heading to Miami. It is such a nice feeling to know that when everyone else is packing and rushing to get their luggage outside their doors tonight, we don’t have to do that. We still have another seven days on the ship and will not be disembarking until Feb. 18. Thank you to Jacqui for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Roy for the Maps. @JazzyV, Vanessa, thank you for the Cares and Celebration List. Happy Anniversary for a year of doing such a wonderful job of keeping up with all of us. Our pains and sorrows as well as our joys and celebrations. And most especially our cruises. Hope you are soon pain-free. Thank you to Paul for filling in for Dixie, and @superoma for filling in for Debbie and to Ann for the wine report. Thanks to Graham for the explanation of the days. As for “All the News that’s fit to print,” we have a subscription to the New York Times. We receive the Sunday Edition in Print and the daily edition online. As former New Yorkers, it was one of the things we could just not give up. @Haljo1935 A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I am slowly recuperating from my injuries, The bruises are getting lighter, but are still there. I am able to cover up some of them with make up, and sunglasses hide the rest. Tomorrow, I plan to get off the ship in Miami and try to get some Arnica Gel to help accelerate the healing. Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless Terri
  9. Good Afternoon from a very rainy and foggy St. Maarten. We docked 1 1/2 hours later than anticipated. We have decided not to leave the ship today. It is just too miserable out there. I am surprised they actually called at the port. I would take a photo but the only thing you would see from my balcony is the “Wonder of the Seas”. It holds over 5000 passengers. The thing is huge and I am sure we look like a rowboat next to it, Thank you Jacqui, Roy, Vanessa, Ann, Paul and @superoma for your contributions to the thread and keeping it going. I have had one difficult time with the internet connection on this voyage. It is slower than dial-up. Remember that? I guess it will be that way for today and the next couple of days with them being sea days. There seems to be a glitch in my onboard account. Every time I charge something to my account, the system deducts $9.50 from my refundable OBC. It is supposed to use up the non-refundable first. So everytime this happens I have to go down to reception and get it corrected. It doesn’t matter what the amount of the charge is, they just take $9.50 from the refundable portion. They have no idea why and where it is coming from. They are happy to give it back to me, but they can’t fix it. It is a “glitch in the system” and I am not the only one with the problem. Crazy! Today seems like a good day for an afternoon nap. Nothing else of note to do, except read. Prayers for everyone and cheers for those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  10. My first trip to St. Thomas was in 1972. Long before digital cameras were even thought of. Since I am on a cruise, I don’t even have access to the photos from that time. I was a student in Ponce, Puerto Rico, in an intensive Spanish course for the Summer. We had a long weekend and most of us ventured to St. Thomas. We could fly on PrinAir for very little money. We arrived at the now defunct Harry Truman Airport, which was just a Hanger. We found a hotel on Hassell Island and just had a great time. We didn’t have much money but we enjoyed a wonderful break from our studies. Wish I had photos to post. Terri
  11. Good morning from beautiful St. Lucia. It promises to be a sunny and hot day with a nice breeze. We have scrapped our beach plans due to my injuries and an early departure. The bruising on my face has spread, which I expected. I now look like I was the loser in a boxing match with two black eyes a bruised nose and forehead. I want to hide under the covers. Tonight is a cocktail party for repeat guests. You can be sure that I am not showing up for that. Thank you to Jacqui, Roy, Vanessa, Paul, Ann and @superoma for your contributions. Prayers for all on the Cares list and thank you to Vanessa for including me at this time. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Hope you are all enjoying your time at sea. More later if I can get back on line. God Bless, Terri
  12. Sounds good except I will be on the ship until Feb. 18. Hard to order from Amazon and get it to the ship. Need them now. Hoping to find a store in St. Maarten on Thursday. Thanks for the advice, Terri
  13. Good morning. Started to post before and lost connection. Thank you for all the well wishes yesterday. I am feeling as best as can be under the circumstances. Still pretty bruised. Lost a pair of sunglasses in the whole mess. They are all banged up and scratched. Ready for the garbage. Medical Center cost us over $400. Used the Non refundable SBP for it. We are in Grenada today. Scrapped our plans to go to Grand Anse Beach. We’ll walk over to the mall and hope to find a drug store. Maybe they will have a tube of Arnica Gel to help promote healing. Will post more later. Internet is very sporadic in spite of Starlink on this ship. God Bless you all and thanks again for your concern. Terri
  14. We have decided to stay on the ship tomorrow. I really look a mess and want to see if I can nurse these bruises and make myself feel better. We also received notice that we are not calling at Gustavia, St. Barths, instead we I’ll call at Philipsburg, St. Maarten instead. Ship was advised by local authorities that tendering operations in Gustavia would be inadvisable due to swells and high wind. Just as well, I like St. Maarten better. Maybe I will feel like getting off the ship by Thursday. We had dinner in our room. Antipasto and Pizza. Really did not feel like a big dinner after a wonderful lunch on the catamaran. Probably going to bed soon. Feel completely worn out. Terri
  15. No Jacqui, they wanted me to go to the hospital for an X-ray to make sure I did not have an internal head injury. Not to be disembarked medically. However it was late and I would probably miss the all aboard and have to pick up the ship in Grenada tomorrow, That is why I said no. They told me to come back tomorrow morning if I don’t feel well and they will make arrangements in Grenada’s for me to get the X-ray. I am not sailing AMA, only refused the X-ray. Terri
  16. Hello all, Well, things were going along too smoothly so there had to be a glitch. We are in Barbados today and we went on the Silver Moon Catamaran. Had a lovely time. When we disembarked and I went to put my sandals on my sandal on the deck, I fell face forward and bruised myself. i have a bruise on my forehead and another big one on my nose. I am a mess. We got back to the port. Someone got a wheel chair for me and they brought me to the medical center. They wanted to send me to the hospital but I refused. Had to sign a waiver. I only fell about a half a foot. Anyway, we are having dinner in the room. Butler will take care of us. Don’t want to be seen in public looking like this. I am really feeling disappointed that this happened. I don’t think I am badly injured. Just a few scrapes. Just very noticeable. More later. Terri
  17. Good Afternoon from lovely Martinique. I am posting quickly while I can. Just to let you all know that I am thinking of you and keeping you all in my prayers. Posting is difficult. There is just not enough bandwidth for everyone on this ship. Oceania has gone from one sign on per stateroom to two. There is just not enough to go around and everyone is complaining about getting knocked off. I will post when I am able. Happy Sunday to all God Bless, Terri
  18. Your theory doesn’t hold either. We are in a PH 1 and were still refused at the reservation desk. The only reason we were given a table in Toscana was because the Head Waiter knew us from prior cruises. It had nothing to do with the type of stateroom we are in. Terri
  19. It is interesting that this morning the Cruise Director on the Vista made mention of not reserving chairs on the deck if you are not going to use them. He reminded everyone to be respectful of other passengers. If you are going to be away from your lounge for a while then others should be able to take advantage of them. See how that works out! Terri
  20. They only eliminated Jacques in the new ship “Vista”. Riviera and Marina still have Jacques. I agree that it is a bit mistake. The shops on the other ships are not as bad as this one. I can’t imagine where they found the clothes they have on display. Not to mention the price tags on them. Terri
  21. Good morning from the lovely Oceania Vista. We had to turn the clocks ahead last night and lost an hour’s sleep. Not fun getting up this morning. Less fun trying to get DH out of bed. Finally it all happened and we had a nice breakfast in the Terrace Cafe. Thank you to Jacqui, Vanessa, Roy, Eva, Dixie and Ann for your contributions. Hope I got all the names right. We have a considerable amount of Shipboard credit. So last night we went to the Ship’s Boutique to look for shorts for Jim. NOTHING! The shop has the most pitiful clothes I have ever seen. I noticed this in November when we were on this ship. I thought that maybe things would have changed since then. It is worse. I could do better at Good Will. We will wait until we get to Antigua on Saturday. There is a nice store there that sells decent clothing. We will go shopping there. I plan on spending a quiet day. I brought a few books to read. It is a beautiful sunny day and plan to spend it on our verandah. Prayers for everyone. God Bless, Terri
  22. Well, things sure have changed. Tried to get a reservation tonight by going to the reservation desk on Deck 5. First night on Vista. Only thing available was 8:30 and sharing. I said “no thank you” Interestingly, I then met the Head Waiterof Toscana, whom I knew from prior cruises, in the Terrace Cafe. He asked me if I wanted to eat in Toscana tonight. I said yes, but would like a table for two earlier than 8:30. In five minutes I had a table for two at 7pm. Now, why could that not happen at the reservation desk?
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