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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. @JazzyV i am so sorry I missed you. Prayers and hugs and hope you feel better soon. Terri
  2. Good Friday morning. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and getting us going today. I like the combination of days. World Maritime Day—Since i love cruising, what’s not to love about this day. Broadway Day—Well, being a former New Yorker(It will always be in my blood) I loved going to Broad way shows. Next year we are doing a cruise that starts in NY. Maybe we will go a day or two early and catch a show. We’ll see where we are at that point. Confucius—wise man. Although I have been to Alaska, i have not been to Anchorage. I like the quote by good old Abe. There are so many people that need our prayers. Baby Murphy is on the top of my list every day. So are her parents who must be going through their own kind of turmoil. @HAL Sailer prayers for your DH and you as you go through this difficult time. i pray that DH recovers and that you make the right decisions regarding his care. I hope you have a support system to help you. @smitty34877 You are in my prayers everyday. You have held up through so much and i admire how you keep going. Prayers that you find another aide for Tana. I am happy you are surrounded by family that is able to help you and support you. @Quartzsite Cruiser glad that DH is well enough to return home today. Glad the surgery went well Prayers for his continued recovery. Safe travels. @marshhawk Thank you for your reflections on caregiving. Having been in a caregiving situation with both my Mom and DBIL for a good part of my life, I understand what you are going through and what you are saying. As for the need for support, it is so important. I also realize that very soon I feel that I will again be in that situation again as it is very apparent that his memory is a problem. As I have no family on either side, I will be alone with caring for DH. Like you, this will be our last big trip and our final trip to Europe. We will do what we can and enjoy every minute together. @rafinmdRoy, enjoy your cruises. Can’t wait to read your blog and keep up with your trip. Make sure to get enough rest. Thank you all for liking my photos of my living room. We just bought the lamps, which perfectly match the other furniture. After reading of so many sad stories here today, my floor problems are a first world problem. I will deal with it. Prayers for everyone and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  3. @Quartzsite CruiserLenda, i am so glad that all went well today. i am sorry I was not able to post earlier. I hope you and Steve have a good night’s sleep and all will seem better in the morning. God Bless Terri
  4. https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/2023/09/29/thursday-september-28-2023-amtrak-to-new-york/
  5. Good evening to all. I thought i would get here earlier than now, however it has been a busy day. i have not yet read through the thread and will do that next. Today the Contractor was here to see what is going on with he house and he brought the salesman who sold us the flooring. It was determined that the flooring is too tight in the bedroom and has to be taken up and relaid. So you guessed it. The Floor Guy has to come back. You can only imagine how happy I am! i don’t even want to go into what I went through today. I ended up getting two more boxes of flooring for free. That was supposed to make me happy. I am not sure. it only means that I was right and they were wrong but did not want to admit it. However, I do want to share with you that I love the way my Living Room looks. The only thing I do not have is the rug. I won’t have that until after Thanksgiving. i did promise to post pictures. So here they are.
  6. Acqua di Parma is wonderful. I stay at a hotel in Rome that offers it. If you get it, be happy. Better than Bulgari. Terri
  7. First of all, this thread is about a Bulgari Gift set. Then someone posts a photo of a connecting cabin. Now we have someone who is having second thoughts about taking their first Oceania cruise. Where will this thread go? Lets stick to the subject people. But to answer Brad’s concerns. Oceania will treat you just fine. You will have a wonderful cruise. Not everything will be perfect but don’t worry if you don’t get a Bulgari set. It ain’t the end of the world. And it is a First World problem. If it is that important to you, I’ll send you mine. As for the connecting cabin, how bad can it be? Do you have one? Go and enjoy your cruise. While i have not been on Viking, I can assure you that Oceania is a superior product. Anyone who has been on both will probably attest to that. Terri
  8. Good morning to all the Dailyites. Happy Wednesday. Three cheers for the Days we celebrate today. All good ones. We are all tourists on this journey of life. Here we share a common interest of seeing new places in our wonderful world. As many as possible should register to vote. It is our duty and privilege and should not be take for granted. As for forgiveness, sometimes it is hard, but it does more for the forgiver than the forgiven. I like the quote. Thank you to Debbie for the recipe. I think I will pass on the vegetarian lasagna. I just don’t make lasagna at all any more, now that there is only two of us. Too much work. Thank you to Dixie and Ann in the beverage department. I will pass on the drink. May try the wine. Thank you to Vanessa for keeping up with us and attending to our needs and celebrations. Prayers for all that need them. Baby Murphy @kazu condolences for your BFF’s DH @smitty34877 you are in my daily prayers as you adjust to your new situation. Prayers for Tana also as she struggles each day with her respiratory problems. Hope you find a new aide soon. @HeartgroveWelcome Home @cruising sister hope you get everything done and ready for your cruise. @Cruising-alongHappy Anniversary. Wishes for many more happy years together. Today is another rainy day. So there are plenty indoor activities to keep me busy. I have tons of ironing to do. Thought I would do them the other day. That never happened. Will try today as I also run my robot in various rooms of the house. Tomorrow the contractor is coming to address the issues with the mess the floor guy made. The problem is that the floor is still not right. I really don’t want the floor guy back in this house. First of all he takes forever to schedule an appointment and then he makes a mess. i am tired of all this and I need to get ready for our trip. We also decided to change our Tauck River cruise to a New England Canada cruise. Since we cannot get the deposit back, we will do it with Tauck if they agree to the change. We will spend the fist night in New York (like a really need that) then board the Silver Shadow (Silver Seas) for a cruise of New England and Canada, finishing in Quebec. Three nights at the Chateau Frontenac and then go home. We just do not want to go back to Europe next year. Silver Seas should be a new adventure for us. Have no idea what it is like. Tauck partners with them fo the tour. That is it for today. At least for now. Have a good day and God Bless. Terri
  9. We received a Bulgarian Gift Set in a PH 1 on the Insignia on last years Christmas Cruise. Usually stay in a PH and that was the only time we got one. Terri
  10. Good morning all. Happy Tuesday. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. It is always a welcome sight every morning. Thank you to Vanessa for your diligence in keeping up with all that is going on in our lives. Thank you to Ann, Debbie an Dixie to making sure that we are fed and hydrated. i like the quote. Gratitude is so important. As for the days. They are great. I am blessed to have learned Spanish and speak it fluently. I know some Italian from my heritage. My grandmother lived with us and only spoke Italian. Unfortunately I did not keep it up, but do understand it. I can read French. As for Family—most of mine is no longer with us—at least on my mother’s side. As for my Father’s side, I don’t know them. Wish that could have been different. I write this as I sit in the hair salon waiting for my hair to process. Then I will be home and tackle some ironing that I have put off forever. I really am very happy with the purchases yesterday for our home. We just hit it right. Can’t wait until we get it all together. Slowly but surely. Prayers for everyone—Especially Baby Murphy and her family as they continue to go through this difficult time and make so many decisions. @rafinmd I hope you enjoy your cruise. I will follow along. Make sure you get plenty of rest. Let them take care of you. Bon Voyage to all ready to sail. Cheers to those celebrating. Have a wonderful day and God Bless, Terri
  11. Well, the doctor visit went well. He wants DH to see a neurologist for evaluation. I think that is a good idea and DH was amenable to it. So that worked out okay. We then went to lunch at a favorite seafood place in Port Royal right on the Broad River. Good food and great scenery. Had a window table with a water view. And we have left overs for tomorrow night. Finally we stopped at the furniture store where we bought our living room furniture. We found a lovely rug to put under the ottoman. i also found two lovely fun rugs to put on each side of our bed. Both of those will be ordered and delivered when we return from our trip to Italy. But the piece de resiistance were the two lamps we bought for our living room that fit perfectly with the furniture. And those we brought home and are already gracing our living room. @smitty34877thank you for echoing the same advice as @JazzyV. I messaged the Doctor and he feels I have to reduce the dosage more slowly than my schedule. While I am in a hurry, he is not and feels that a slower approach will help to keep the inflammation down. So i will follow his advice to the letter. Thank you both for your sage advice. Terri
  12. Your 2-cents is priceless. I heed your advice. I messaged the doc and told him of my plan. He has to approve before I move forward with it. Thanks Terri
  13. Good Monday morning. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice collection of Days. Food Service Employees are definitely essential workers. What would we do without them? I have worked with many people who were deaf. They really are very good at what they do. Sorry I never learned ASL to communicate better with them. Never had many comic books. i will take a pass on the food and drink. And I have not been to the port. Interesting quote and has a good bit of truth to it. Thank you to Vanessa for the attention to detail in keeping up with our cares and celebrations. Prayers for everyone on the lists. Thank you in advance to Ann, Dixie and Debbie in the Food and Beverage departmen ' ts. Today DH has a doctor appointment in Beaufort and I have to be the driver. I will make sure I am there or else I don’t know what is going on. One of the things to be discussed is his memory issues. At least when we discussed this last night, he did not fight me on this and agrees that it is a problem for him. We’ll see where this goes. We are then going for a late lunch and then going to the furniture store to look for a nice rug for the living room and maybe some new lamps. All in the same area. One problem is that he is still telling me that he wants to drive. I just keep saying okay and move on to another subject. My polymyalgia seems under better control. The pain is gone and it seems that one skipped day on the predisone did not cause any major problems. So far so good. Will message the doctor today to see if I can start to lower the dosage to a more acceptable level. Still working on what we want to do in Venice, Florence and Rome prior to our cruise. Found a great website to help. It’s called www.visitacity.com. It will actually make up an itinerary based on what you want to see and the number of days you will be in a place. They also recommend tours, but no obligation to buy. Worth a look for independent touring. Sandi, thank you for the lovely photos of Dunedin. I envy your organization. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless. Terri
  14. Good Monday morning. Sorry i never got to post during Sunday. Just seems too late now. Will move over to Monday’s thread. Hope everyone had a nice Sunday. Terri
  15. Good Saturday Morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily. The Days we celebrate today are interesting. Sign Language— It is wonderful that our hearing impaired friends have a way to communicate. Who doesn’t like a Love Note. And Talking Teal—Very important. Someday they will be able to find a cure for ovarian cancer. I like Robert Frost’s quote. i will pass on the F&B today. However I am very grateful to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for their dedication to making sure we fed and hydrated each day. Vanessa, thank you for caring for us and keeping those meticulous lists. i hope it does not take you hours to compile them. I am finally feeling better from the PM. So stupidly, yesterday I forgot to take my prednisone. I hope that it does not have a reverse effect today. I will get back on track today. We are still planning all we want to do in Italy prior to the transatlantic. So yesterday I made a calendar and filled in many of the days thinking I covered the majority of the places we wanted to visit. Then we realized that we left out a whole bunch of things. So back to the drawing board. Before I make up the next calendar, we are making lists for the three cities and all we want to see. Then we will eliminate what is not possible then make a calendar. Some things are already booked so they will not be moved or eliminated. Just too many wonderful things to see and even almost three weeks won’t allow us to see them all. Think I need to live there for a while. October 24 will be here before we know it and i will probably still be planning this trip. Prayers for all on the Cares list—especially @smitty34877 Terry and family, and for Baby Murphy. Prayers for all who are ill and need our prayers. Happy Birthday to Jasper. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  16. @marshhawkAnnie, I have used RomeInLimo.com. They are reputable. They have clean cars and English Speaking Drivers. Many CCers use them and are very satisfied. I have used them a number of times when i waited too long to book RomeCabs. You will not be disappointed. Terri
  17. Try RomeInLimo.com. that is my next go to company in Rome. Very reputable. Terri
  18. Roy, it seems that Ophelia is north of us. However the skies are getting dark and I think we may get some rain and maybe some wind. i think we are out of the danger area. Thank you for thinking of us. Terri
  19. Good morning to all. Glad I could get here before the noon hour. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread. Especially Rich, Debbie, Vanessa, Ann and Dixie for their faithfulness. I like the Mark Twain quote and I could think of a number of public figures that should take it to heart. The meal looks good, but I will pass on the drink. Maybe the wine. The days are interesting. Hobbit—not sure i appreciate Women in Business and try to support them Love Elephants. i have not been to Japan. The days in history are interesting. Prayers for all on the cares list. I especially pray for Baby Murphy and hope we get an update soon, hearing that she is holding her own. @JazzyVVanessa, my cousin is doing better. The wound has healed and she is no longer on oxygen. She has started Cardiac Rehab. She is very grateful for everyone’s prayers. @marshhawk i love your Mini Golf Story. @smitty34877You are one strong lady. Prayers for you and your family as you live through this time of transition. I hope things get easier as each day passes. It is good that you have others to help. @rafinmdRoy, cheers as you get ready to cruise. @dobiemom Marcia, glad you had a good time in Las Vegas. Sorry you didn’t win at Bingo. I have been unhappy with the end result of the floor repair. Still spots that are not in good shape. The floor guy also made a mess of the baseboards and chipped the paint in the door frame when he removed the door to the bedroom. I sent a note to the contractor and he will come with a worker next Thursday to address these problems. i am so tired of having these people in my house. Someday we will get this house back in shape. Maybe! Yesterday I ended up doing nothing. For some reason I felt awful. i had digestive problems, was tired, couldn’t eat and just needed to rest. So that is what I did. i do feel better today. Just had to work through it. Hopefully I will get some stuff done today. Thank you all for being here and the support you provide each and every day. Prayers for all and Cheers to those celebrating and cruisning. God Bless, Terri
  20. Leave some room for surprises, You will be amazed. With all your planning you have removed virtually all opportunities for a nice surprise. Enjoy your cruise. Terri
  21. Last year my husband tried to order flowers for me on Valentines Day. We were in a PH. He approached the Butler for assistance. That proved fruitless. He was told to go to the front desk with cash, informing them how much he wanted to spend. He did so with a hefty sum of money. What was delivered was quite disappointing. The money was delivered to the port agent who probably took a cut and bought some flowers. Certainly not worth the amount of money he handed over. The thought was nice and I did appreciate it. My suggestion is that you wish to purchase flowers or anything else for Valentines Day, go off the ship and do it yourself. Don’t depend on Oceania to help you or to even deliver a flower or gift to the room. It is not going to happen. By the way, this was on the Sirena. Terri
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