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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. I have an induction range and I love it. We always had a gas range in NY and when we first moved to SC I had an electric range and I could never get used to it. Two years ago we decided to replace all our kitchen appliances after 20 years and I got an induction range. Stove top is induction and oven is convection, I love it. The temperature on the stovetop adjusts so quickly and food cooks so much more evenly. Go for it. Terri
  2. Good afternoon. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you to @summer slope for the drink of the day. Hope you are doing okay after yesterday. Thank you in advance to Vanessa @JazzyV, Debbie @dfish, and Ann @cat shepard for your contributions as well. @smitty34877 I hope Lou was able to come home yesterday and you are all doing as best you can. I am checking in early as we are on a 1:30 tour of another section of the Atlantic Ocean Road today. We really enjoyed yesterday’s tour although it was cold and windy. Still nursing my cold. Our original plan was to get off the ship in Southampton and go to a wine store to stock up for the next cruise. Well there is a shopping center (mall) right across the street from the pier and there was a lovely wine store right there. So we bought what we needed and now we are free in Southampton to do as we please. If the ship offers a tour we are interested in, we may decided to book it. Still waiting for destination services to tell us what they are. Will check in later. Want to get a bite to eat before our tour. Prayers for everyone and God Bless, Terri
  3. Good evening to all or should I say Good morning. It is already Thursday here in Norway and I am just getting around to posting. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your contributions. The quote is humorous. I have not been to Vigo, but close by in Ferrol, where we went to Santiago de Compostela. I do not like chili, Vegan or otherwise. Pass on the wine and drinks. I keep reading of sadness here and don’t know where to begin. @cruising sister condolences on the passing of your aunt and prayers for Murphy. I am sorry that you feel so alone. Good luck with cleaning out your aunt’s belongings. @smitty34877 I hope Lou managed to get home today. Prayers for his speedy recovery @summer slope I am sorry for you that Bailey has to go over the rainbow bridge. Prayers and Hugs. @Vict0riann I hope Pat starts to do better and you get rid of your headache. If I missed anyone, sorry. You are remembered in my group prayers. Today was busy. I had a mani-pedi appointment at the spa. After lunch Jim and I went on the Atlantic Ocean Road tour. I will post photos tomorrow. Right now it is just 1 am and I am ready to go to bed. Still have a cold, but it is getting better slowly. I leave you with this sunset over Molde, Norway. God Bless, Terri
  4. Well, my cold is not any better. So tomorrow morning I have a mani-pedi appointment. i will wear a mask so as not to spread the germs. I took a Covid test about an hour ago and it is negative (which I suspected), so I don’t have to worry about that. I will retest again in two days but I am pretty sure I don’t have it. Tomorrow we are in Molde and we have an afternoon tour of the Atlantic Coast Road. I really want to do this so again I will wear a mask to make sure I don’t spread my germs and also don’t get anyone else’s. Just happy I don’t have Covid. Happy Fourth everyone. I’m going to bed. Terri
  5. Good afternoon all. Happy Fourth of July from Haugesund, Norway. We started out with clouds and rain but now the sun is trying to peek through. It is cold and it only promises to get colder as we sail north. Thank you to Rich and Vanessa for the lists. Also thanks are in order to Debbie for keeping us fed and Dixie and Ann for keeping us hydrated. Interesting quote. I have been to LA a few times mostly for work. Once on vacation before we took a Panama Canal cruise. Jim did not want to go out today. He is still nursing his cold. As a matter of fact, so am I. But I took the little sightseeing train and then went shopping. We stopped at Haraldshaugen , a memorial monument built for the Battle of Hafsfjort in 872 Then we drove along a water way that had lovely houses on one side and restaurants on the other The train left us off in the center of the city so I walked to the church, said my prayers and took some photos Finally I walked along the shopping street, got some souvenirs and stopped in a drug store for some cold medicine and covid tests I forgot to bring from home. And just as I was done, the little tourist train came alone and I hopped on again and it took me back to the ship. I had a nice day. Terri
  6. My condolences on her passing. I hope that you and your family can figure out how to handle all the decisions that need to be made. Terri
  7. Terry, this sounds hopeful. Prayers that Lou starts to improve after the transfusion. Home is always better than the hospital. Lots of prayers going your way. Terri
  8. Thank you for your help Graham. We were just going to get off and wing it. I can see the church from my stateroom right now. Our information for the day does not mention a shuttle service but I will find out about it. I love to shop. Terri
  9. Hello to everyone, Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann and Debbie for you dedication to this thread. What would we do without you. Interesting days. Disobedience Day—i agree with some on this thread that sometimes we need some civil disobedience to effect change. Compliment your mirror. If we do not love ourselves, it is hard to love others. Scarecrow? I don’t know. i have not been to Stavenger, Norway, but we will be passing there tonight on our way to Haugesund, tomorrow’s port. Unfortunately the weather report is more rain. I am passing on the meal and drinks. i am so sorry to hear of all the bad news on this thread. @smitty34877 prayers for Lou and for you and your family that he makes a turn for the better and you all can start to have some normalcy in your lives. @Seasick Sailor I hope your toe heals quickly. @kazu i hope Ivan starts to improve and @summer slope same for Bailey. @1ANGELCATThat is so difficult. I had that happen in my family and it is so hard. i am seeing so many sad stories here that I am feeling blessed that I am on a cruise. Even though the weather is not cooperating i am still having the opportunity to rest and enjoy having some downtime. I have no reason to complain. Today we decided not to tender into shore. It was raining and Jim has a cold. I went to the spa for a facial. Now Jim has decided that he needed to share his cold so he has given it to me. The thing is he never really gets very sick from a cold and is over it in a day or two. I, on the other hand, end up with a full blown cold and it takes forever to get better. I am hoping that is not the case this time. Would like to see Haugesund tomorrow. That is all for tonight. Have a good day and prayers for all. God Bless, Terri
  10. This is our 10th cruise. Our account shows the updated SBC and we received the baseball cap, pins and Oceania bag marking this occasion. Actually we received these perks on the prior cruise and it showed up on the first day. My TA made sure that my invoice was updated prior to the cruise to reflect this. Terri
  11. @kazu I am sorry about Ivan. I hope he feels better soon. @Seasick Sailor Hope your toe heals quickly. it is raining in Kristiansand. That coupled with tender service means I will go to the spa for a facial today if I can get an appointment. Terri
  12. Well, we made it to Kristiansand. And yes, we are tendering in. From my balcony I can see the Diamond Princess but unable to see a second dock. I am not sure yet whether we will go ashore. Depends how Jim feels. Will write more later. Terri
  13. According to our Captain we are supposed to anchor. Thank you both for the information. i am not sure we will be able to get to shore. It is really rough out there. I had to get up from bed because of the rocking and rolling. Jim is sound asleep. Why am i not surprised!😊 I hope both ships fit, but we’ll see what happens. Terri
  14. Good evening from somewhere in the North Sea where we continue to rock and roll. It has been like this all day and there is no sign of it letting up. Tomorrow we are supposed to be in Kristiansand and that is a tender port. The high of 56 degrees F and a low of 51 F. Not exactly summer weather. I have my doubts that we will be calling at that port tomorrow, however we will see. We had dinner in the Polo Grill (steakhouse) tonight. It was a challenge to eat and drink with all the shaking going on. the restaurant is on deck 14 aft–the ship has 15 decks. So it was not easy. Anyway, my steak was very good as was everything else. Jim has a cold and I am hoping it doesn’t get worse. i think another sea day is in our future. Will check in later. Have a good evening everyone. Terri
  15. Thanks for that information. I didn’t hear the full announcement at noontime so I wasn’t sure if we were going to be able to go ashore tomorrow. That gives me hope. Terri
  16. Good afternoon from the Oceania Marina. We are having an unannounced sea day due to windy conditions and rough seas. Our intended port for today was Skagen, Denmark. I was actually looking forward to wandering around the town today and look at the shops and going back to the museum. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you in advance to Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann. Also special thanks to Graham for posting Father David’s sermon. I will hear it when we get to the next port. As for the days, I forget lots of things. UFOs—Have never seen one. Recreation for the disabled is near and dear to my heart. We are supporters of the Special Olympics. Dearly departed DBIL participated in the Special Olympics for bowling and Bocce. He was quite good at both and so proud when he won a medal. Brought them all to Disney World to show Mickey Mouse. It was precious. It is a cold day on the ship. Yesterday everyone was in shorts and today all the winter gear is out. Looks like it will be that way for a few days. Prayers for everyone on the cares list. Cheers to those celebrating. Been knocked off twice. Better go. God bless, Terri
  17. We were on the last segment as well. We enjoyed our stop in Skagen. We did the city tour with Sandworm and went to Grenin where the two seas meet. I was actually looking forward to going back and wandering the town today. Different strokes for different folks. Tomorrow is slated to be windy as well and it is a tender port. Wouldn’t be surprised if that is cancelled as well. Terri
  18. Was moved to another deck. Will get a new butler at the end of this segment as he is going home. I am aware that they do not all stay for the length of the cruise, It is not my first rodeo.
  19. We are also still on the Marina and will be on until July 23. We did not have to change cabins thankfully. We echo @vlthom’s statements’ about the apologies regarding the disembarkation problems and the authorities being so “thorough.” From our balcony we could see the line waiting to enter the tent going about 3/4 the length of the ship. Destination services has still not gotten their act together. All tours were cancelled as was the shuttle into the city center due to the Pride Parade. The excuse was that the roads would be blocked. Guess what? They were not. The HOHO bus did its thing. The taxis came and went with no problems. Our problem was with the Oslo Hospitality representative. Our goal was to go to the Nobel Peace Center. I looked on the internet where it said that the building was temporarily closed for renovations and would reopen later in the year. My husband went down to get a map and spoke the representative about that. She insisted it was walking distance (which it was) and that it was absolutely open. Well guess what again? The building is closed, in scaffolding and not due to open anytime soon. We walked all the way over there for nothing. Destination services knew nothing about the building being closed despite the fact that it is listed on a number of their tours (which they cancelled). I am appalled at the “I don’t care” attitude of these people. They don’t even want to hear updated information. On another note, we have lost one of our room stewards and will lose our butler on the next cruise. So that is what is happening on the Marina. It seems like it is a full ship. More to come as it happens. Terri
  20. Good afternoon everyone. Sorry I was in absentia yesterday. Not my fault. Blame Oceania, who thought my cruise’s first segment ended a day earlier than it did. No way i could get connected until this afternoon when the new segment started—even if I wanted to pay. Thank you to Rick @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. Also much appreciation to Debbie, Vanessa, Dixie and Ann for their contributions to this thread. Prayers for all those on the Cares list, especially to those who have lost someone near and dear to them. Also prayers for those who are ill, and recovering from surgery. Speedy recovery for all. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. As for what we are up to. We did not do anything in Karlskrona and found out that we missed nothing. The jury is out whether we will get off the ship when we visit there again on July 15. We will see. Yesterday we had a short day in Copenhagen. We hired a taxi beforehand for a 4-hour tour of the city. Our driver was great and took us to all the places we needed to see so that we know exactly what we want to do when we stay for 3 days at the end of the cruise. We were done a bit early so he invited us to his home and served us coffee in his beautiful garden. What a treat! What ship tour would do something like that? It was the perfect ending to the tour. He has arranged to pick us up on the day we leave Copenhagen to go to the airport. We have a 7 am flight and he said he would be at the Hotel at 4:30 am to get us. Really nice guy. Today, on the other hand, was a bust. As I mentioned Oceania cancelled all shuttles to town and tours because of the Pride Parade. To be honest, I think that was a made-up story because they did not get the required number of people to participate. Additionally they may have been overly cautious because of a shooting last year that left two people dead and 21 wounded. We found out that the Nobel Peace Center was very close to the ship and we decided we would walk there. I researched the web and it said that it was closed for renovation. However, this morning there was a woman at the hospitality desk from Oslo on the ship and she assured Jim the Center was open. So in the hot sun we walked the 3/4 of a mile there only to find it in scaffolding and shut tight. After a night of tummy troubles from a very rocky ship and God knows what else, and little sleep, I made myself walk there. What a mistake and what a disappointment! Some things are not meant to be. So we are back on the ship. So far the Wi-Fi is working. We will see how long. After I download yesterday’s photos I will post them. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. God Bless, Terri
  21. Thank you Graham. You are a wealth of information. Terri
  22. Lenda, We are not repeating Oslo. That is unfortunate. Then again, the way things are going, who knows. Thanks for the info, anyway. Terri Thank you Graham for the information. We will be staying at the Marriott. I don’t’ know where that is in relation to the hotel where you stayed. However, we will try to get to see everything you mentioned. On my list is a canal cruise. Do you have any suggestions? Got to go to bed now. Early day tomorrow. Terri
  23. Well, Lenda, if we are to believe the Captain and the crew, they were just informed of the Pride Parade today. If the roads are blocked, nothing is going to move. I would imagine that any sort of tourist transportation is going to have difficulty since they are expecting massive crowds according to the letter we received in our staterooms this evening. I was looking forward to going there, but it is not meant to be. Perhaps another time. Terri
  24. @JazzyVVanessa, i am so sorry to hear about your friend Ruth. Prayers that she has a peaceful transition. It is unfortunate that it has been so long since you have seen her. We stayed on the ship today and from what I heard it was the right decision. No one was very happy with being on shore. Karlskrona is a tender port and from what I was told, there was little to see and do. Most people came back to the ship early and actually we sailed early. When I mentioned to someone that we would be back in this port later on, she advised me not to waste my time. We will see. Tomorrow we are in Copenhagen from 7am to 2pm. Whoever thought this one up should look for another job! We could have skipped Karlskrona and gone to Copenhagen and stayed overnight. However no one asked for my advice. We have a four hour taxi tour from 9 am to 1 pm. It will give us a good overview of the city and ideas of what to do when we stay there after the cruise. Then tonight we got the news that all tours and the shuttle for Saturday are cancelled. We are in Oslo and that is turnaround day. The city of Oslo is hosting a Pride parade and all streets in the City Center will be blocked to traffic. Good luck to the people who are disembarking and embarking—especially those trying to get to the airport. Our original plans were to visit the city of Oslo and to go to the Nobel Peace Center. We have now ditched those plans and expect to remain on the ship. The ship is having a nice special luncheon for those continuing on to the next cruise so we will attend that. That also keeps us away from those who are embarking and having lunch in the Terrace Cafe. Wi-Fi and internet connection has been terrible today. I kept getting knocked off and at one point it told me that my internet package was finished. I finally got that straightened out. So we sail along and take life as it comes. At least we are on a cruise and they are taking care of us. I don’t have to lift a finger and that is fine with me right now. Hope everyone is having a good day. Take care and God Bless, Terri
  25. Terry, this is so hard to hear. I hope he starts to improve. Many prayers sent your way. Terri
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