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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning everyone. It is a cold 32 degrees here in Bluffton. We are happy to be home but there is so much work to do. Yesterday we tried to se up our TVs. Unfortunately we discovered the Sony TV in the Den did not survive the ordeal and has a cracked screen. I will have to contact the insurance company and see if they will do anything for us. Can’t get any picture or sound or anything from it. The TV is not that old—only about 3 years. There are loads of boxes that have to be collapsed and taken away. My house is a mess right now. More work on the agenda for today. Cannot be a “Do nothing day” for us. @smitty34877 Keeping Tana in our prayers and hope you are able to get some rest too. Have a good day everyone and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  2. Good morning from Bluffton, SC where it is 36 degrees. it was so nice to finally sleep in my own bed last night. Best night’s sleep I have had in a long time. Thank you to Roy @rafinmd for posting the Daily and Fleet Report as you do double duty while Rich is enjoying his world cruise. Yesterday I went to the local butcher and stocked up on our meat supply. I really had an empty refrigerator. He told me that he thought I had moved. Anyway, we now have enough meat to last a while. Today I will do a supermarket run and also go to the apartment to get the computer, printer and of course paper. The house still has boxes all over the place and we are still opening them. Can’t watch TV because I can’t find the electric cord or the cable box. I guess they will show up eventually. Prayers to all on the cares list, especially @kazu, @Scrapnana and Sarah. @grapau27, thank you for Father David’s sermon. Always appreciated. Love the photo. It looks so serene. Cheers to those who have reason to celebrate. And I hope all who are cruising have a wonderful time. @aliaschiefAzamara looks very inviting. I may think about trying it out. Although, at present Oceania fits the bill quite nicely. Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. Stay safe and God Bless. Terri
  3. This is short and very sweet. WE ARE HOME! Still plenty of stuff at the apartment by we will bring it over in due time. Tonight I will sleep in my own bed. Terri
  4. Good morning. I am up early and for a change, not worried about trying to get to our house before the workers. No one showing up today. Our goal today is to get some of the things from the apartment back to our house. Namely from the kitchen. Next we expect to get our clothes back there. There are plenty of clothes at the house but we have stuff here as well. We plan to do this stuff piecemeal since we have the apartment until the end of the month. in the meantime, before I get busy, thank you to Roy @rafinmd for the Daily and Fleet Report, and for the List and all the other things you have offered to do. Prayers for @kazu. Hope that arm is healing and you will soon be able to twirl batons! LOL. Prayers also for @Scrapnana. Kathi, hope all is going well for her And of course, prayers for Sarah. I hope that the injections are done soon to relieve her pain. That will also give some comfort to @grapau27 Graham and Pauline. @Seasick Sailor Hope you and Allen are enjoying your cruise. How sad to see someone drop off a parent with Alzheimer’s. However, it is hard to judge until one has walked in the daughter’s shoes. i agree that it is a bit much. I wish only the best for the mother on her cruise and for the daughter who may desperately need some respite. @aliaschief Looks like Azamara is a good fit for you. Your cruise appears to be amazing. Enjoy! Hope everyone has a great Saturday. God Bless, Terri
  5. Good evening all, I am late to the game again. Spent the whole day working again. However today we had help. Two of the ladies from Service Master showed up. Boy, are they good and fast. They empty boxes so fast that I hardly have time to think where the things go. The plan is for Jim and i to move in by the weekend and then clear out the apartment by the end of next week. We are loving our new furniture and as soon as there are no boxes around and it looks nice, i will take a photo and post it. We are getting there, slowly but surely. On another note, the PMR is getting better. It is not as bad as it was a few days ago. Hope everyone is doing okay. Praying for a swift recovery for both Jacqui and Kathi,. Hope that Sarah is holding her own until she is able to get her injections. Prayers for all the cares list an Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  6. @StLouisCruisersand @marshhawkglad you are both safe and made it through the storm. We kept getting alerts on the TV as we pick up Georgia stations, but was unaware of the areas they where they were issuing warnings. Stay safe and hope power is restored soon, Terri
  7. Good evening to all. Today was another busy day for us. However, I did manage to read all the posts before posting. Our furniture arrived sans the ottoman. That will arrive in February. I did not take a photo yet because there are boxes all over the place and I want a picture that really looks nice. We opened quite a few boxes in our bedroom so that we can try to move in by the weekend. Service Masters did not show up today again so we were on our own. We are both quite tired and decided to call it quits early and went out to a late lunch and made it our dinner. Thank you to Roy for the triple duty you are doing at this time. Appreciate all your hard work. Glad that @kazu and @Scrapnanahave made it home. Prayers for their quick recovery from their respective injuries and illnesses. @grapau27 Prayers for your Sarah that the injections provide the relief from the pain she is experiencing. How compassionate of the doctor to move up her date for the injections. I pray that the treatment helps her. Prayers for you and Pauline as well. You are good people to look after her as you do. I am still suffering from the Polymyalgia Rheumatica flare up but have to continue to work at the house. No one else to do that—Just Jim and me. Hope every one had a great day. God Bless, Terri
  8. Good afternoon, @kazu Welcome home Jacqui and I hope you heal quickly and get your luggage soon. @grapau27 Graham, prayers for Sarah that they find the problem and can relieve her pain. Prayers for you and Pauline as well. We have not yet moved into our house. It is just not ready. The Service Masters people were called to an emergency so Jim and I were left to our own devices. Today I opened about 20 boxes. I am exhausted and hurting. Now it is time to cook dinner. Jim is sleeping. Hopefully they will be back soon. Tomorrow our living room furniture arrives. Yippee! prayers for @Scrapnana in her travels today. i hope she gets the treatment she needs and will soon be able to travel again. Take care everyone. God Bless, Terri
  9. Your TA should have explained the paid in full requirement. I would have done the same thing if AMEX would have given me the same offer. Unfortunately, I only got that once. $1500 for $250 statement credit. I used that for a deposit. Terri
  10. Well, If you have not paid in full, you will not see the $300 AMEX benefit until it is fully paid for. I would not blame your TA until you have paid in full. Then again, why would you pay that far in advance and give Oceania an interest-free loan? Have patience. Your TA has done nothing wrong. Terri
  11. Well, the best laid plans can always go kaput. Everything that could go wrong, did. The Service Master crew were called to an emergency. Therefore, we had no help to open boxes. We just did not have the space to stay at our home tonight. So we came back to our apartment. it just would not work. They will probably not be back tomorrow so we don’t know right now when we will be able to move in. We’re disappointed, but have to face reality. Will keep you updated. Terri
  12. The $300 AMEX benefit is applied after final payment to make sure that it is paid with the AMEX platinum card. Have you made final payment? If not your TA cannot apply the $300 benefit yet. Terri
  13. Good morning, Happy Tuesday. Another work-filled day. Have a lot to do. Many boxes to open and things to put in place. Also have a hair appointment in the middle of the day. Will try to get stuff from the apartment to the house so that we have stuff to eat, etc, at the house. Not sure that sleeping there tonight will work. Too many if’s. Will update later. Terri
  14. I too stayed at the Hotel San Giorgio. It was very nice. Also had a wonderful dinner there the night before our cruise. Had the two level room on our stay. Only drawback is that the bathroom is downstairs. Nice balcony and rate includes transfer to the port. Terri
  15. Jacqui, Happy you are going home. You will be more comfortable there. Hope your trip home is easier than you are anticipating. Please take care of yourself and hope you are back in action soon. Terri
  16. Good evening all, I am sorry for not writing. We have been super busy opening boxes and putting away all our stuff. Our bed is finally put together and tomorrow night, after 4 1/2 months I will sleep in my own bed. I am so excited. If I had my jammies I would have done it tonight. I was on my feet for about 6 hours today working alongside the crew from Service Masters. There is just so much to do. I am so exhausted. I am too old for this. On another note my Polymyalgia Rheumatica is acting up again. I am not really surprised with all the work I have been doing. I will be in touch with my doctor to see if Ihave to go back on the Prednisone. Tomorrow is more of the same. Prayers for all on the cares list, especially for @kazu (Jacqui) and @Scrapnana(kathi) and hope their hospital stays are short. Prayers also for everyone else on the cares list. Cheers for all celebrating. God Bless everyone, Terri
  17. Good evening. Spent the day at our house opening boxes. Got a lot of work done setting up the den. We worked for about 5 hours. Then went our for dinner. Will do more of the same tomorrow. I am saddened to hear of Jacqui’s dilemma and prayers go out to her. Also I have been following @Scrapnana (Kathi)’s problems and her recent diagnosis. Prayers for her as well. House is coming along and we are still looking at moving in on Wednesday or Thursday. Not sure the apartment will be cleared out but we will be sleeping at home. YAY! Hope everyone has had a good day. Terri
  18. Kathi, i have been following your blogs for years. I am saddened to hear of your latest predicament and wish you all the best in beating this illness. You are in my prayers and hope that you get good care and are soon on your feet and able to cruise again. God Bless, Terri
  19. Oh Jacqui, I just read about this and am so sorry. i hope you recover quickly and can return home. Does your insurance provide for medical evacuation back home? I wish you all the best and know that you are in my prayers. Terri
  20. Wow, we did a lot of work both yesterday and today. Lots of boxes opened and stuff put away. However, we still don’t have a bed. It’s funny, we were asked what was our priority and I said the Master Bedroom. And that is the only room that was not complete. Every other room has all the furniture except for the MBR, Go figure! Any way they are promising on Monday. There was an emergency and only one van was available. The mattress was in the POD but the box spring is in the warehouse????? So is the bed frame. However, I do have a headboard. C’est la vie! We did get all the books in the bookcase in the living room and Jim and I will do some stuff in the den over the weekend. So things are moving along. I am hoping that we will be in the house by Wednesday. Say a prayer that will happen. Terri
  21. Good Friday Morning to all of you. I am looking forward to going to our house and opening some boxes and finally getting reunited with the things that I always have at hand. After living out of a suitcase for the last 4 months, I am getting impatient. Yesterday i was amazed at how efficiently the crew from Service Masters worked together. I worked together with them doing what I could. I am so grateful that we have good insurance. After the original glitches, they have been great in covering most things. The only out of pocket for us is the floor upgrade, and the bathroom remodel. That in itself is costing a small fortune, but is worth it. So, thanks for all your support. Hopefully I will get back to regular posting soon. God bless, Terri
  22. I am late to the game today. It was busy and I am dead tired. Most of the furniture is in the house. Some pieces (like our bed) is not. There are a gazillion boxes to be unpacked and it will take about 3-4 days to do that. Soooooo we are looking to moving back home either Wednesday or Thursday next week. The people from Service Master worked all day and I worked along side of them. Right now there are too many boxes and things in the way. So we will stay put for a few more days. Tomorrow more of the same. Terri
  23. Well, I have disappointing news to report. Then again, it may be a blessing in disguise. Service Masters had an emergency, but promises to be at my house tomorrow. Meanwhile we are having torrential rains. If they would be moving furniture, everything would be wet and would not be a happy camper. So we stopped at the Home Depot and bought the new lighting fixture for the kitchen and then I finished cleaning the guest bathroom. Then the rains came. We decided to get ourselves out of there. So we’re back at our apartment and that is where we’ll stay for the rest of the day or at least until it stops raining. Terri
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