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Everything posted by kctwinmommy

  1. We did the Carnival excursion to Caye Caulker on our cruise last April and it was without a doubt our favorite excursion. Probably in our Top 3 for all our cruises across the board. I'm sure the independent companies run similar tours, I just know what ours was like. We had so much fun, it was my 2nd time snorkeling and I'm so glad I did it. I didn't go in when we moved over to the sharks though, just because I'd had enough. But my husband and son went in and loved it. The lunch at Caye Caulker was quite good, very organized too. In Mahogany Bay we did a nice catamaran snorkeling trip, which was before Belize and my first time snorkeling. We saw so much in the ocean, even swam with a turtle! It was fun. We went with the Jolly Roger company, but it was a Carnival excursion. The sharks that everyone got to swim with. I stayed on the boat to take some pics. My husband and son, with the sharks under them, although it's hard to see. The Lazy Lizard where we had lunch. Really nicely organized on the tour we did. Great photo op there too!
  2. Wow! Hope it works in your favor! You tried to tell them, but sometimes they just don't understand how to fix it, and let it go. I'm sure they have plenty of errors that go the other way, so it balances out. And while not with Carnival, we had a similar situation with The Container Store. About 20 years ago, we did a 2nd floor addition with all new closets. We were doing the custom Elfa products for the kids closets, which meant having things pre-cut to specific dimensions. So we called in advance (we had 2 year old twins at the time, so didn't want to stand around waiting in the store), and placed our order for like $400 worth of pieces. We gave them our credit card and they charge it all. Once we got there, we had to still go through the checkout line, because we picked up a few small items. They then went through our phone-in order, checking over things, and confirming we had everything that we had charged. I still to this day, have no idea what they did, but for some reason, they issued a refund for the entire order! We noticed it on our credit card statement a month later, but when we reached out, they had no record of the refund on their end! So we did try, but they had no answer either. LOL!
  3. We'll be there in 2 weeks, so I guess we'll find out. My thought, and I've voiced this a few times, but no real answers - Carnival probably has everyone's vaccine status already, since they only dropped this now and we sail in a few weeks. They could easily flag those who aren't in compliance with port specific requirements. But who knows!
  4. Yes I then said I had a feeling I was thinking about Canada. 😉
  5. It's crazy that they're still enforcing that. At least for commercial flights. Although for some reason, I thought they had dropped that. Maybe they were just talking about it. But let's be honest, we know there are people coming into the country that aren't vaxed. Oh, and maybe I was thinking of Canada. My husband and son do a big fishing trip up there, but haven't gone for 3 years now.
  6. Some ports will still require it. So if you have, no big deal bringing it. We're doing the same, but we need to have it for Grand Turk.
  7. Nope! But keep in mind, certain ports may require something.
  8. Hahahaha!! Yes!! Someone commented, on another site, that they had to use VeriFly because there was NO WAY that Carnival would send them something that wasn't the best thing to use, or some other goofy reason. But I was happy to see the updated protocols. Of course, as someone pointed out in our group, we still have to make sure we're following any extra protocols for specific ports.
  9. And I had to chuckle a bit. In our cruise group on another outside page, someone asked about it. Most people were all on board with it, which is fine. I'm not going to argue with people, it's not a big deal. But, one person commented that they downloaded it, because according to this person, "why would they send it to you if you don't need it." Well... let's be honest, Carnival sends me a lot of things that I don't need. LOL! I just don't get the amount of time some people have been spending trying to get it to work properly. I have zero problem printing my stuff, whatever is needed, then just handing my passport, paperwork, and move on at the port.
  10. Interesting! Good to know this, even though we don't have any planned.
  11. Yep! 100% agree! I read so many people having issues with it, spending more time trying to fix it, then it would take to just bring the documents they already have.
  12. You'd be better off checking the ports of calls section on the boards. I'm sure you'll find plenty of suggestions there. Sounds like great places to go!
  13. Pretty much most of the times we've booked, I only looked at floor plans so I could pick our cabin. Beyond that, never really intentionally looked at photos of the ships. To me, they're mostly the same, at least the ones we've been on. If not, I find it when we get on board. I also don't typically read reviews of our ships, unless it was to read about anything specific that went wrong.
  14. We just took a screenshot of our account, since the account has our names on it, along with the proof of owning the stocks. That's all they needed. And I would send it in today! Some say they got it quickly, however, myself and others it took exactly 1 month. I sent mine in on 9/9 and just got my confirmation today, exactly 1 month later. As long as she can log into her account, shows her name, the date, and ownership of the shares, she should be fine.
  15. I was also coming here to post similar response. I sent mine on 9/9 and got mine today, 10/9, exactly one month later. I know some said they got their answer quickly, but I would say people should definitely send it in earlier rather than later.
  16. Add me to the ones who are hoping the OP is so busy getting this done today, then hoping onboard, that they haven't had time to update us. But definitely curious!
  17. So crazy story, my husband lost his DL on a flight down to FL a few years ago. He didn't realize it until he was returning 3 days later, not that he could have done anything down there anyway. So he goes to the airport and explains the situation. He tried using his IL Firearms Owner's ID (which has his picture & address) and his city issued ID, and they wouldn't accept either of those. They said the FOID wasn't a state issued "ID," even though it is an ID and it's issued by the state. They said the could accept those if he had his checkbook with to prove his address, because we all carry a checkbook these days. Then, the most bizarre part, they accepted his Costco credit card with his picture on it! He said it was the most unusual thing, and not what he thought made the most sense. Just to add I don't know if they issue state ID's right at the DMV or if that's also a paper copy. Hopefully you get something to work!
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