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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. Is the minimum based on per person and then the total shows the total for 2?
  2. Those are amazing minis (I assume on Royal class) as they have the HUGE balcony.
  3. Thank You! I found it. I had actually gone to that exact place yesterday but the "Upgrade Your Booking" wasn't there at that time, so I didn't even think to look again. My personal booking isn't eligible (I knew this but put it in anyway) and I get a "Booking Not Found" error message. However, it seems that if you use a TA they can definitely access eligible bookings and submit a bid on your behalf.
  4. Wondering the same thing. I don't see anything on Polar (Princess TA booking site) so not sure what this means...
  5. On the webinar, they did imply that there WOULD be bidding available even on sold out cruises, since there could well be cancellations right up to sailing. This would also be great data gathering for Princess as to how much folks are willing to pay. They have nothing to lose and no money changes hands unless rooms become available and bids are accepted, so I'm not sure why they wouldn't?
  6. I'm wondering too! Today it is meant to go live for anyone on (select) ships sailing after October 1st, providing they have made final payment. I'm surprised no one has mentioned anything...
  7. I think that definitely plays a role, along with the fact that many are doing land tours prior to getting on the ship and Alaska has a pretty low vaccination rate. I, personally, don't see the value in testing only prior to boarding as we all know that you could test negative getting on and positive the next day. At this point, I'm willing to take the risk - I've taken 3 cruises this year and felt safe/comfortable on all. Masks were not required on any of them but my family (and MANY other passengers) chose to wear them while indoors. It didn't take away from my enjoyment and it made me feel "safer" (even if it was only psychological, I'll take it!) My family has been wearing masks indoors since Covid began so it really isn't that different. We are leaving for an Alaskan cruise on Royal on the 17th and I am a little nervous but, at this point, I just want to move on. I will do what I am comfortable with and can't control what anyone else chooses to do.
  8. That was the former unlimited package ($99 was the "sale" price - I believe the regular price was around $170). You got every picture printed AND on a thumb drive and you also got a few free photo frames, though I usually left those as they were too hard to pack/get home! Unfortunately, the all inclusive photo package was discontinued right before Covid, and now that it's an offering with Premiere, I can't see them bringing it back.
  9. Hands down one of the best excursions we ever did in Alaska (and we have done MANY) was the 26 glacier cruise out of Whittier. It was spectacular, even better than Glacier Bay in my opinion!
  10. I can only assume wifi is pretty much non-existant since @rheathslc needed to wait until Ketchikan to post. I have done Alaska so many times and never really had any issue with wifi (I mean, it wasn't lightning fast but it was good enough to use) but this season I've heard lots of complaints about it. Is this due to the volume of passengers that use it now (with most having it included with their Plus package) or has something else changed?
  11. Royal is doing a 7 day roundtrip on September 17th. I'm on it and hoping we don't experience too many Covid cases..
  12. I think this is the first @Saint Gregreview where I have loved the land portion more than the cruise portion. I don't think I want to be on this particular ship! Keep us posted as to when the next one is...
  13. @rheathslc - hoping you made the ship and have just been too busy enjoying your premiere package to post!
  14. I imagine you're in Vancouver by now...sun is out (it was kind of gray and cold this morning) so should have a great sailaway! Hope Canada Place isn't too much of a zoo (spolier - it usually is). Bon Voyage
  15. @memoak just want to repeat that if you need anything while in Vancouver, just reach out. You can tag me on CC and I will happily deliver any needed supplies/treats/medication even if you are out at the airport. It's an easy skytrain hop for me!
  16. Unfortunately, the more horror stories of what happens (or doesn't happen) in Covid isolation I hear, the more I can understand why folks wouldn't report that they have symptoms/test positive. Definitely not advocating/approving of that, but I see why someone would choose to just deal with it themselves unless they were super sick and needed medical help.
  17. I'm excited to follow along with this one - definitely looking to find out about the Premiere package use of Royal as I'm considering it for my trip on September 17th (I literally just posted asking about the photo package as that is the piece that has value for me). Looking forward to all the good. bad. and ugly...lol
  18. Hi! I was hoping to get some feedback from anyone that has upgraded to the Premiere package. Most of the upgraded package has no value to me - everything I drink is covered by Plus, I only need one device wifi, and if we decide to do specialty dining it is only ever one night. However, I do love the idea of the photo package. Whenever the unlimited photo package was available, I always purchased it and got great use and amazing piuctures with it. This might make the upgrade worth it for me. However, I'm hoping to hear from those that have had it - were photographers available as much as pre-Covid, were there ample opportunities to get pictures, what quality were the digital prints, were they on a thumb drive or did you get them by some other means, do the pictures carry over to all in the room (so if 2 adults and 2 children, only adults upgrade but children get pictures taken..are these pictures included)? Would love some input from anyone that has done this! Thanks!
  19. I live in Vancouver, about an 8 minute walk from the port, so if you need anything dropped off to the hotel reach out. I'm assuming they will put you in one of the ones near Canada Place? You might want to ask about the possibility of them bussing you to Seattle - they have definitely done that in the past (literally herd you off the ship straight to a bus that is instructed not to stop until across the border, so technically not "entering" Canada). At least you would be closer to home and back in the US...
  20. So sorry to hear this. It does seem to be the same sentiment so many others have voiced - frankly, I'm surprised that this continues to be the treatment of passengers that test positive. Also a little concerned, as I'm on Royal on September 17th. Hoping you don't feel too sick and recover quickly. How long do you have to quarantine once you disembark in Vancouver?
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