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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. Eden by far.It took hits early after Edge was launched because of the exotic ‘show’ going on, but now more a straight restaurant. Loved the Stacked Lobster….fantastic. Lots of things you wont find anywhere. 2nd is Raw on Five. usually ala carte. Did the oysters and the Salmon Bowl. Home run. Last was Fine Cut. too noisy, and although the steaks are fine, they are much the same as most steakhouses. Nothing special. On cruise, I have no interest in going to a standard restaurant. I want to try different things and a more costly steak isn’t one of those. The MDR’s have steaks that meet any beef-need……for me, and of course I can speak fact on tastes for Everyone! Den
  2. Everything tastes ‘harsh’ in Grad School!! Try it again. Irish whiskey is distilled 3 times while Scotch is twice and bourbons once. So most all Irish should be (should be!) smoother than the others. Den
  3. $35 now was worth $30 5 years ago!! den
  4. I don’t think that would work…..Ive been banned from entering Any of the Goop stores onboard. Id hate to be told I couldn’t even leave my SR on ‘one of those’ cruises! I buy my stuff at Covetton House! Den
  5. Good you know about dropping it off at the terminal, and I thought I made it clear you could take your carry on to your SR as soon as you boarded and drop it off then. Very handy den
  6. I cant help with answering the specific question, but agree with @RichYak. More than a few times, I ordered what I knew was above the cost of the Classic, and the bartender didnt charge me. I even pulled my card out and they shook it off. And yes, I had a bit of Jameson - I’d rather have Tullimore Dew, but…. - and no idea if it was $1 or $5 more, they didnt charge me. So it could be Classic or a buck or so over, but no idea. My suggestion, not what I’d do, is since the OP doesnt care about the difference in price between the Classic and Premium, then Go Premium. And all is solved and no worries. Not sure why if the package price isnt an issue than why this is an issue. Den
  7. Just stop!!!! I got the notice my post was quoted….so I Had to go look! Its all your fault!!!! den
  8. You mean at the terminal or after boarding? You can check your suitcases at the terminal with a porter and not go aboard immediately. For onboard carry-on, when you get onboard you can go directly to your SR and drop off your luggage there and head out. Later, they will announce when SRs are fully open. Den
  9. Please Stop!!! I love hard boiled eggs and I wont be able to dine on the thing without ‘thinking’ about this……Pleeeeeesse!!! den
  10. It’s too bad Celebrity doesnt allow open flames so we could use ‘certain candles’! Den
  11. I would Hope! your socks on each foot Match!! How tacky if one’s black and the other is Puce ( I love that word but no idea what ‘color’ it is!). I Always try to make sure my socks are the same color. Sometimes one is ankle height and the other is a knee sock….but at least the match in color!!! Den
  12. I wouldn’t worry. Capris are pants…..and if they start to question them because of their length, just tell them know they are regular pants and you sent all your pants into Their laundry and This is what happened to them!! They are really watching for the people who insist n wearing shorts Everywhere. Den
  13. The ‘directives’ for TA’s are the same as the Caribbean cruises; what is described by the OP fits just fine. TA’s do have more dress-up, but the great majority is pretty much the same…..probably less those trying the shorts and T’s, but the majority by far is pants and nice top. My wife usually brings what I call Chic Chico’s. Nice loose pants and a pretty sometimes glittery top with fun jewelry. I sometimes wear a sport jacket/blazer for a TA because I do enjoy one, and wear a bow tie for fun, but most nights, slacks and collared shirt. I dont normally wear a dress. tired of shaving and people start to stare with those little t-paper pieces on my legs! Den
  14. Cruised back in early July on Solstice and it was self serve. Den
  15. Go to your Account Settings, tapping your name, select Signature and there is a box you turn on to show signatures. Sometimes on smaller screens such as a phone you need to tap Expand at the bottom of a write up. den
  16. Our experience was yes, they brought the wine we bough in various ports to our SR the day prior of the first leg. And you can get your ship-purchased also. But I have seen a post prior that said they didnt allow it to be returned until the end of the 2nd leg. But most experiences, including mine was the 1st leg return. Could have changed. DIdnt do a B2B after reopening. den
  17. I know few of us get exposed to Conspiracies (yeah right), but I just figured out what Celebrity is doing to get me (and You!) to book more cruises!! Ever since Celebrity added that ‘View the Health and Safety Protocols’ tab, I find myself going to the Celebrity website over and over again. Weekly…Daily…Hrly hoping upon hope that Bermuda actually wants us to visit!! And of course while there……why not check out a few cruises. That’s it!! That’s the reason they have it. Celebrity changes the length of cruises not requiring testing; then changes the days you have to test prior to boarding; then changes the type of tests; then….. Its all a plot to get us to keep coming back to their website. Proof?? Look at my signature! I have 6, yes 6 cruises booked…heck I have a B2B in 2024….I may very well be Dead by then!! I wonder if since Italy still only requires a non-monitored test (mine or my wife’s or our hotel neighbors!!) and hope Bermuda changes so I dont have to test 5 or 6 times onboard!! Or I see another CruiseCritic thread saying something has changed on some port in Upper Volta that I’ll Never visit…..I still go check it out!! So CruiseCritic is in on it too!! I just figured this out when I grumbled that Celebrity hasn’t added more 2024 itineraries!! And I know I’m in trouble because this post has over a dozen “!’s”…my wife is going to take my iPad away!!! (Another 3!!…oh no another..) Den
  18. And back to the OP’s subject…… I did enjoy the Diamond Club on RCL. Was on the Oasis of the Seas along with 5-Thousand others and the Only way I survived was the Club. Nice place to meet, play cards and actually one place outside our SR you could actually relax. If I want to go to Central Park, I’ll visit NYC (doing that soon!) instead of whatever that was on the Oasis. Crowded and noisy…accept that in a Big City, not a cruise ship. Loved the full Broadway play, but got tired of the requirement to book anything Well in advance….not my style on a cruise ship. Had a nice Balcony SR; had friends who booked a ‘balcony’ and were Soooo proud they got it so cheap….until they got to it and realized their ‘balcony’ overlooked the ship interior and they could never enjoy it because of the neverending noise rafting up from ‘central park’ and of course what was that point! I did enjoy watching those that stood in line for an hr or so for the zip line that took them 20sec to go across the open deck….weird. Enough. Obviously not a fan of the Monster Ships. Enjoyed the older smaller RCL’s, but again, the Diamond Club Saved my sanity. Den
  19. I’ve never had a problem calling about any of my cruises…..my TA answers 95% of the time or I leave a message and they get back soonest. If its very important and their office is closed, they respond back. If not a barnburner, they call the next business day usually With the answer. And I find emails with them even more handier. All very nice and easy; More OBC; many times better SR rates; support for emergencies; answer most questions right then or They make the call to the Cruise Line, and while on hold do their work on other issues; support for non-cruise issues; they make sure what I expected in a reservation is what I actually get; etc. But, yes I dont have ‘direct control’ of my reservation and get to wait on line for extended times to talk to the wrong person and then be put on hold again. Done that and Quit Doing That. den
  20. We’ve done Concierge when the price was not much higher; the cabin has no differences and you get the relatively minor Concierge touches, and maybe a better location, all very subjective. Den
  21. Done the run to Hawaii and loved it, and 2 Canal transits, and as others are recommending, Id do the Panama Canal. It is just a grand experience. Im not a birder, but you see the Pacific birds that follow the ship and then a complete change with the Atlantic/Caribbean. Plus just seeing the locks up close and all the tugs and so on. Wonderful, along with the Very different Mexican west coast ports and then the Caribbean. And dont forget spending a few days in San Diego! that is Well worth it and fun to explore. Expect more Canal runs to be added later; usually a few moving a ship or so from the Caribbean to the west coast for the Alaska season, and then back in the Fall; but 2023 saw those ships that did the Alaska runs cross over to Asia and one went to S America, while another stayed on the West Coast and did the Mexican Riviera. Should see a few Panama Canals in 2024…hopefully. den
  22. @jelayne, try this: After selecting US, then pick the Middle one which is 5 Sep and later:
  23. There are many reasons to have the self-test or monitored test kits during a vacation and cruise and they allow us to bring them with us. Heck, we always have extras prior to the cruise when pre-testing is required. Had extra monitored ones in case there was an issue with one being used, and I also brought a few self-test in case I wanted to make sure I was negative prior to a monitored test. Den
  24. Now this is ridiculous!! You had No Issues with a carry-on that was 100% oversized??? The ‘carry-on’ was 40inches long!?! I’m impressed you were able to ‘carry’ or even roll that thing! And of course security check had no issue! ……….Oh, my wife just saw what I typed and told me the ‘100%’ doesn’t refer to the size…….forget it. den
  25. Where in this description does it infer it is allowed….It Is an Iron that Is Prohibited. The point of it being USB-charged or a ‘mini travel’ item is of no reason it is allowed…..It Isn’t. So after all of these posts explicitly showing Irons are prohibited, and the ongoing posts are about steamers is someone recommending an Iron?? Please focus on sneaking booze on and Leave the Iron! Den
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