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Adventures ahead

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Everything posted by Adventures ahead

  1. You're welcome! Agree with Marazul. Makes sense to do your most important first, then judge what you can do in the remaining time. We were in Barcelona for a week. A much different reality on a cruise ship day. I wouldn't use the HOHO bus as transportation to visit Sagrada Familia and Park Guell in a day, plus attempt to accomplish everything else on a long wish list. In my opinion, if taxis are plentiful, waiting for buses can waste precious time. Park Guell was unguided so it's easy to lose track of time. We skipped the trails and went directly into the Monumental Zone. Would be great to fit in at least one of the three loops on the HOHO bus for an overview of the city. Each route takes 2-2.5 hrs without getting off. If skipping one, I'd skip the one along the beach... even though I love beaches. BTW, we truly enjoyed the walking tour in the Gothic Quarter where we had a personal guide providing historical accounts of what we we saw. The tour would restrict your time as it only runs at certain hours. We also enjoyed Gaudi's Casa Battló, a short walk from Plaça Catalunya. It's a single crazy-amazing building and appealed to my sense of humour. Something for everything... tough choices to make. Truth is, it's all amazing! Enjoy!
  2. There is no charge. You tip/pay what you want.
  3. A perfect answer... for now... including the mind-reading comment, lol! So often I'm tempted to go further afield and, possibly, miss something great that could be right under my nose. However, Soller seems to be worth the trip, as does an optional stop in Valldemossa. Excellent to have an experienced feedback on how to divide up the time. Thanks!
  4. Hola Roger B! First-time visitors to Palma De Mallorca. Nov 2 NCL Dawn 8am-7pm. Two women, early 70's, adventuresome spirits, good walkers. Without knowing our likes/dislikes, what are your recommendations for a 'must see/do' visit? PS - Won't rent a car!
  5. I've done the HOHO twice before when staying a few nights pre-cruise. When doing all three routes from Plaça Catalunya as your starting point, it took us most of the day without getting off. August/September was busy, lots of stops with people getting off and on. As you know, the Gaudi sites sell timed-entry tickets. If doing the Sagrada tower (I recommend) you'd probably be there more than an hour to get the most of your visit. It's not to be missed. For that reason, a taxi between sites may be the the most efficient time-saving option. It will be hot and you won't want to rush... stop for a snack and drink. You may still have time to do a couple of the HOHO routes for the views and English commentary. Barcelona is huge! Limited what you can do in a day! From Plaça Catalunya, you may want to walk the length of the Ramblas (1.3km long) to the Columbus monument on the waterfront 'near' cruise ships, and catch a ship's shuttle across the street, if offered, or taxi back. The Ramblas runs adjacent to the Gothic Quarter where we did 'free' Runner Bean Walking Tour from Plaça Reial. Enjoy!
  6. 100 days out from a Med cruise in October from Lisbon to Barcelona including Canary Islands and Morocco. Many ports (12 ports in total) show no excursions at all, very limited, or only very expensive gourmet tours. The number of tours available has decreased since booking a couple of months ago. Wondering why some have disappeared and if more will be added.
  7. Thanks for sharing. NCL's choices in October are to tour Agadir or venture out of the city to Taroudant. What tour company did you use? Currently, nothing is being offered for Casablanca.
  8. We just booked Rossio Plaza Hotel for October. It boasts a great location and excellent reviews.
  9. Agree, 75% capacity might have been about right for the number of staff and they obviously weren’t ready. For me, a lower capacity booked was a ‘cruise with confidence’ issue with Covid in mind. I hoped Princess would stick to the 75% to the end of September. We’ve also been on many full sailings pre-Covid and always expected they would be.
  10. We disembarked yesterday too. Based on what I’d read, to avoid disappointments and avoid lines, we bit the bullet and dined at 5:30 each night, not our normal MO. Ordering coffee at Intl Cafe using the Medallion was always quick. I found the app worked well for ordering. Loved the Find your shipmates feature and Do Not Disturb button outside cabin door. Room service didn’t take more than 30 minutes. Used it several times. It was obvious they were short-staffed at the cafe for handing out food but lines weren’t bad when I was there. Got Princess Theatre seats we wanted at the back by showing up 25 minutes early. It was a challenge for people turning up 10-15 minutes before (due to full capacity). A very few people even stood along the wall at the back for production shows and a very few left. Before booking in June, I called ahead Office twice and was told they were holding capacity at 75%. At some point that changed. Captain’s Circle hostess told me they were full with 3660 guests (for that I’m disappointed with Princess… it’s called bait and switch, not cruise ‘with confidence’), 600 being children, totally understandable for a 7-day cruise mid-summer. Wifi wasn’t good. At least iMessage worked well to people at home and between us onboard so I accepted the fact after a couple of days. After expressing my thoughts re the internet (FB wouldn’t load and I couldn’t update apps, emailed often lagged by more than 30 minutes), was given a $25 goodwill credit. We’re Elite, bought Standard fare as DH doesn’t drink and Plus fare not cost effective for us. I think the internet troubles may have been a result of full capacity and so many passengers buying the Plus pkg. People don’t log off. Anyway, the cruise wasn’t terrible and we made the best of it. As said, they simply sold too many cabins for this particular week. Was told by hostess that longer cruises before and after weren’t full. To avoid disappointments, I often lower my expectations, a coping mechanism. I didn’t expect Princess to go from zero to hero at this point in time. This was our first cruise since Feb 2020. It’s been harder for me to let go of the full capacity issue.
  11. The medical office onboard Enchanted told us this past week that anti virals are ineffective for the current strains of Covid. So, no… not even if you have cancer. Oncologist told us the same thing before we cruised with his blessing.
  12. I wouldn't mind gate checking our larger (of the two) carry-on bags. Will know soon as off to the airport this morning. Will probably check it on the way home. It's expandable and I may buy something on vacation. Direct flights (no guarantee, haha) so not as critical for us on the way home. Just want to stay away from Heathrow baggage claim on the way to our cruise!
  13. Wonder if the app may only 'approve' after all portions of the Health section are complete: Vaccination, negative test, health questionnaire 24 hrs before boarding. My guess.
  14. What type of masks does Princess provide, 95's or surgical?
  15. I must be looking right at it... where do you find live chat?
  16. Opposite of crazy! Doing it now for the first time! Air Canada has no carry-on weight restriction. Yipee! I cut back on shoes and am taking one or two less of everything clothing-wise. No formal wear for DH, just nicely dressed. For warm destinations, only need favourite clothes that mix and match that are lightweight, compact, roll up and go, wash and dry quickly (not 100% cotton). If Princess, great for having self-serve laundry and included Elite perk. Pack for seven days, not 14. Had to transfer some liquids into 3.4oz silicon tubes from $store and buy a few smaller-sized toiletries. Not always the most economical but a good trade-off for no checked bag! I also love polyester/mesh zip packing cubes. It's like packing six 'things' instead of 30. Go for it! Be free... of baggage claim! Have come a loooong way! 25 yrs ago took our first cruise with another couple. We had 11 'bags' between us! Eeek! lol! Enjoy!
  17. For our British Isles cruise in 2019, the Crown Princess stopped at both. We selected the itinerary for Kirkwall (could have selected Liverpool that would have been another 'city' stop although good) because my husband is interested in all things Viking. Did an excellent (bespoke) small group tour with My Orkney Tours that included Brogdar, Skara Brae, Maeshowe and the Chapel. For Invergordon with booked Happy Tours, A Taste of the Highlands/w Inverness (mainly Highlands). Depends on your interests.
  18. If the dining room is busy, you can tell your waiter that you want to make a show and they'll do their best to accommodate you. Sometimes we skip dessert in the dining room and get a sweet at the International Cafe later. Once, after the early show, we returned to the dining room for dessert because the cafe was busy and the dining room wasn't.
  19. Or they already had formal photos taken... or they don't fit into their clothes anymore. ☺️
  20. We like the audience-participation shows in Princess Live. Always fun.
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