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Everything posted by lancashire_cruisers

  1. Banana ketchup is the only thing that makes St Lucia worth going to. Not my favourite island for a variety of reasons but still hoping I’ll get to like it one day! 🤞
  2. Wow! What a fantastic surprise have a fabulous cruise ❤️
  3. Yes that’s not the greatest. I’m supposed to take 3 iron tablets per day but I can’t tolerate it due to constipation which is why I only take one tablet and supplement with Floradix to avoid it.
  4. I’m so glad Frank is back home where he belongs with nothing more than an iron tablet. If he finds the iron tablets a bit hard to tolerate then a good alternative is Floradix liquid iron which is much kinder on the tummy.
  5. Great to see the ‘Chieftain o’ the pudding race’ appearing on the menu my husband would be all over it!
  6. We prefer lunch in the MDR these days although we did have a fondness for the sandwich bar in the buffet on Aurora. No idea if it’s still there though.
  7. The first lunch and dinner menu look delicious and like Tiger I love a bit of tuna!
  8. Such a shame you had those issues embarking the ship but I have to say our worst ever embarkation was also at Mayflower and was an absolute shambles. I hope you manage to get your other issues resolved and that the cruise starts to live up to expectations.
  9. Bon voyage! I look forward to hearing about your adventures
  10. Yes I’m definitely not as youthful looking now 😂😂. They spent quite a bit of time chatting to us, really nice people. Of course Ollie led the charge to the dance floor!
  11. Yes he was there with Ollie Smith and Hugh Bonneville. The godmother was Shirley Bassey.
  12. Adult only ships are very much not my thing but I was very lucky to be invited to Adonia’s naming ceremony. What a gorgeous little ship she is with such a nice feel to her, I can’t wait to hear about your cruise on her. Here’s a photo from the naming of the motley crew invited by P&O
  13. As an occasional poster and frequent lurker I’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas 🎄
  14. Congratulations on your retirement, may it be long and full of adventures ❤️
  15. Tipping is already included in the price you pay for the cruise so we don’t tip extra and would only do so if we received exceptional service. We much prefer the tipping included model as the handing over of envelopes always felt quite uncomfortable.
  16. Freezing cold overnight again, minus 5 I believe but another blindingly sunny day today. We’ve now received our travel claim pay out for the cruise we had to cancel and it only took a week to receive the money from the date we sent all of the documents - very impressed with the insurance company! Have a great day everyone and be careful on slippy pavements.
  17. Just had a google and if the clinic is the one that’s part of the Circle Health group then I can add my own experience of using Circle Health. I had my recent shoulder replacement done by a surgeon who works for Circle Health and whilst I had the actual operation done at a different hospital by the same surgeon due to it being closer to home I was really impressed with the set up of the Alexandra Hospital in Cheadle. I’d been through 2 other private hospitals and was less than impressed with both of them, in particular the Spire group is one to watch out for as they are not only incredibly expensive but also don’t include a lot of what you’d expect within their prices and aren’t clear on what is included. My operation with them would have been over £4,000 more expensive with a surgeon I wasn’t particularly impressed with.
  18. For me health is priceless and your kids would rather see you not in pain than have an inheritance so I say go for it.
  19. I’m so sorry for your loss and having had to make the same decision for my Mum I can understand how you’re feeling. Please be assured that you did the absolute best thing for her as she was somewhere where she could be kept comfortable and looked after.
  20. Just bought Wi-Fi for our 2025 cruise for £181 instead of £252!
  21. Beautiful photos and the sighting of whales - just wow! Carry on having an amazing cruise.
  22. Another incredible review Tiger. So detailed and humorous, we should have been on the Iona cruise after you but I feel like I’ve been onboard with you (not in a creepy, stalker type way 😂).
  23. I wish I could like this more than once as it summarises the issue precisely. I have a disability and whilst my mobility is OK at the moment it is declining and I don’t see the issue in having to complete the form. Nor do I think it’s demeaning or insulting to have to prove you can manage the tender. It’s for the safety of everyone and just common sense isn’t it?
  24. If you use a certain social media site ending in book there’s an Iona group on there that has reviews of most of the cabins.
  25. I know and it was older people too 😂😂
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