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Everything posted by lancashire_cruisers

  1. There isn’t a Canada only one in 2026. Aurora is doing a 24 night cruise to Eastern Med including Cyprus and Egypt.
  2. Sadly not true in my case as I have a severe allergy which means I can’t eat meat! To be honest I’m getting a bit tired of the veggie bashing that seems to be popping up with boring regularity, are veggies the new kids on board or dress code target of vilification?
  3. I’ve absolutely loved following your adventures and it didn’t feel like you’d been away for so long! Welcome home Lord and Lady S.
  4. @grapau27 condolences on your sad loss and hugs to your lovely Sarah ❤️❤️ I hope the person who laughed (and we can see who it is!) feels suitably ashamed of themselves!
  5. I’m actually shocked that St Paul’s asked for £25 admission! The Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool is free entry although donations are appreciated. I would recommend a visit if you’re ever in Liverpool, the 5th largest cathedral in the world and of course we’ve also got Paddy’s Wigwam aka the ‘spare’ (as in the lyrics of In My Liverpool Home) at the other end of Hope Street.
  6. It does a bit but I’d booked an independent tour to swim with the stingrays which was the bit I was disappointed about.
  7. Well the Cayman Islands are a tax haven so I wouldn’t expect anything to be cheap. Really jealous that you made it to GC as it was one of the ports we missed on our 35 nighter and it was one I was really looking forward to.
  8. We didn’t look at Toyota only BMW, Audi and Mercedes. All of which were a lovely drive and very comfortable.
  9. Going to Southampton is about the furthest I drive but no way would I have considered an EV if I was driving to Calabria 😂
  10. Has anyone ever used the Elizabeth Hotel pre-cruise? We’ve just ordered a new car and it’s electric so I’ve been looking for a hotel with EV charging.
  11. Great news Michelle hopefully she won’t be waiting too long. Your Mum has had a bit of a rough time and like the rest of us as we get older we don’t bounce back as quickly as we used to but with a bit of input from the intermediate care team she’ll soon get her spark back.
  12. No problem Michelle, hopefully you won’t need to be ‘assertive’.
  13. Hopefully there won’t be any push back and your Mum can go into rehab (or intermediate care as it’s mostly called these days). What they absolutely can’t do is discharge her as this would be classed as an unsafe discharge, although sometimes you do have to press the point with the care team. I had to do that with my Mum when she was dying and I’ve worked for the NHS for over 20 years!
  14. We saw him years ago at Liverpool Summer Pops and it’s the only concert I’ve ever walked out of. Zero charisma and seemed to have a proper cob on, as we say here.
  15. When it goes across more than one thread to the extent it has it does feel more than just ‘discussion’ and I will leave it there!
  16. As a veggie for nearly 45 years due to a serious allergy I’m starting to feel a bit victimised over all this furore about the inclusion of vegetarian meals on the MDR menu. I actually preferred it when we had our own separate menu to be honest. I hope there won’t be pitchforks and flaming torches on my next cruise if I dare to order veggie 😳😉
  17. Just booked Wi-Fi for my December cruise! Thanks for the heads up.
  18. Yes that’s the one we were booked on. We would have loved to meet you and the ever glamorous Pauline, maybe one day.
  19. Yes it was successful but the November cruise was just a bit too soon. We’ve since booked a Christmas markets cruise on MSC, another Iona cruise later this year, and Britannia next year in a suite so we’re well and truly back in the swing of things 😂
  20. Lovely photos Graham we had an aft deluxe balcony on Iona that we had to cancel after my op last year so seeing your photos makes me smile.
  21. I think that’s a very unfair assessment other than cancelling a significant portion of the Caribbean season what option did P&O have? Aviation is still recovering post-COVID and it isn’t as if the airlines have a cupboard full of spare aeroplanes they can pull out on a whim 🙄
  22. We were on the cruise where some crew jumped ship in NOLA! Such a shame that means that crew now can’t get off as Target was extremely popular with crew members so much so it looked like the shop’s entire stock was making its way back on board 😂 I wouldn’t have been happy with that beignet from Cafe du Monde it looks a tad overdone.
  23. When we did our 35 nighter on Oriana we were berthed across from Oasis of the Seas in St Maarten and Oriana looked like one of her tenders 😂😂
  24. Me also. I’m actually quite angry at your treatment and staff being near the end of their contract (if that’s the case) is no excuse.
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