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Everything posted by sunviking90

  1. We’re sailing on the Millenium this Friday. If we were not, I’d certainly be up in the middle of the night in front of the TV with my cup of tea. I’m hoping the ship might show the funeral in the theatre for those of us who want to watch. DH won’t be too happy to have it on in the stateroom while he’s trying to sleep. At the same time, I would feel bad creating extra work for any crew.
  2. Hlitner I always enjoy your posts, but when I say “simply” I am referring to the use of the app only. Once all the information is in it IS very simple to use. Much more so than any of the cruise line apps we’ve used in the past year. As for the rest, that’s a whole other conversation, lol.
  3. Yes. All your information is stored. We’ve used it almost 10 times now.
  4. It is the same app. Once you’re in Vancouver, and thru customs simply delete your existing ArriveCAN submission. You can then do a new one for your cruise. You’ll find it very easy as most of your info will already be in the app.
  5. In Vancouver, they already have all the information for all the passengers long ahead of time. When it’s “cleared” it’s cleared. We’ve never shown passports on disembarkation in Vancouver. We have at times even been required to hand in our customs slips on the ship ahead of time.
  6. Does anyone have any experience with how long the correction will take? I called on Friday and it was the end of the day by the time I got through, and I realize it was also a long weekend, but I don’t see any adjustments in my CC yet.
  7. That’s the one! I’m really looking forward to it. See you in Blu!
  8. I’m not sure about packages, but I was able to buy spa treatments in advance with our OBC.
  9. DH doesn’t drink, and I only have the occasional glass of wine with dinner so we’re fine with the classic. As long as our lattes are covered, lol. We travelled in Aqua class previously and really enjoyed it, but with the new all in pricing, I didn’t think we would again as it’s not worth it for us. This was just a super duper price (I actually thought it might be an error) so I wanted to make sure all was as I thought. Thanks (I did get them to send me an invoice and it all looks good)
  10. If your ship goes to glacier bay, and you plan to be outside glacier viewing at the bow, bring the puffy coat. Does it compress? I have one that will compress into a ziplock freezer bag if I sit on it 😃. I needed it last week as well as my hat and gloves. If it all fits in your suitcase and you’re not over the weight limit, than who cares.
  11. So glad to follow along with you again! We were off the Zuiderdam last week and she is looking great. We even have a beautiful (but not too hot 😉) day for your sail away here. Enjoy!
  12. Isn’t that the truth! ArriveCAN is actually really easy to use over and over once all the info is in there.
  13. If I recall correctly, you don’t need to have your Covid tests to complete the ArriveCAN. You just need to be within 72 hours of your embarkation. Once you’re at your Vancouver hotel, I would delete the ArriveCAN you filled out to fly in, then fill in the new one for your cruise.
  14. Thank you for taking the time to post. Really enjoying following along.
  15. Agreed! We noticed this too, on our recent cruise. I always said I don’t know yet what I’ll want for dessert, or if I want it. They brought the menu back later.
  16. Thanks for the heads up! Mine is even more complicated as everything is converted to CAD.
  17. So sorry this happened to you. We are just off the Zuiderdam and while it was a great cruise, we were shocked that the Lido was self serve for many items. It was our first HAL cruise since Covid, but I remember previously that the Lido beverages were not self serve for the first 24 hours, with crew serving us only (to prevent norovirus). I also remember being constantly assaulted with hand sanitizer when entering the Lido and restaurants pre-Covid. This cruise -nothing! Lido was wide open, we were never asked to sanitize, and finger lickers were out in full force! Avoided lido after the first day. This latest varient is the most contagious yet. We finally caught it after 2 1/2 years about a month before our cruise luckily. We’re still not sure how. I hope your wife is feeling better and that you stay healthy.
  18. Thanks! I found it exactly where you said. I think I’ll call for an invoice too.
  19. I think I’ll check my basement for old Chanel dresses and see how they fit too! Insufferable.
  20. We booked an upcoming cruise on the Millenium in Aquaclass. It was only a few weeks ago and all lower stateroom categories were being sold as cruise only rate. Aquaclass was “all included”. I am getting nervous as I can’t see anywhere on “manage my booking” where it says that. On my docs it does say tips are prepaid, but nothing about wifi and drinks. I can’t seem to find the original email I got when booking. I do have a screenshot of the booking page before I locked it in (I had to call to book as I was using some credits, and they weren’t working online). So, my question is is Aquaclass now always an inclusive category? Or do you think I should call to get an invoice copy that states that? Thanks!
  21. Thank you posting! We’re on the Millenium next Friday and really looking forward to it. Sorry your family got Covid. We also got it a few weeks ago (finally!). Mild as promised, but still not fun. We’ve been on 4 cruises this year, and were fine, caught it at home and still not sure how.
  22. I looked it up for our upcoming cruise on the Millenium, and there is a “Thermal Wellness” singles pass with precruise pricing of $249 approx USD (mine shows in Canadian dollars, so I did the exchange). This is for 8 days. I guess it would be adjusted depending on the length of the cruise. HTH.
  23. As everyone has said, midship and lower is best. Good news is that the inside passage out of Vancouver is “usually” pretty calm we have found.My DH used to get a little seasick, and found the patches and medications made him feel groggy and “off”. He now uses gravel ginger everyday (it’s too late once you feel Ill) and sea bands as needed.
  24. Yes, it appeared after we disembarked when the final statement appeared in the app. I checked it the morning we disembarked and it wasn’t there. The bar staff go into the staterooms the morning of disembarkation and check the minibars. When the customer service rep on the phone said it “happens all the time” it really makes me wonder how many people just don’t notice.
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