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Everything posted by Ronin23

  1. “Tipping to get what you want…” um yeah good luck with that one. 😂
  2. I am on the same sailing in an RS..from my cold dead hands! 😂
  3. Have done a Suite on Beyond and to be honest wouldn’t do it again. Simply too many suites for the space allocated, even with the increased Retreat area. Personally, I think Celebrity got a bit greedy by allocating so many extra rooms to suites that it loses a lot of the appeal.
  4. I think even the E Class ships the Retreat is overrated. Simply too many suites for the space allowed.
  5. On the Beyond in August in the Retreat, they were everywhere. What’s worse, some people were hogging multiple chairs in the sun and shade so they could alternate. Horrible..
  6. What’s the big deal? Many countries don’t have any restrictions and allow free movement. You can’t hide behind the thin veil of isolation and mandates forever.
  7. Never said I wasn’t at risk of getting COVID again, only highlighting that getting it a few weeks prior would certainly lessen the risk of re infection. It will be 4 weeks between infection and boarding the cruise.
  8. Still never understand why Americans think just because you tip in the US, that you tip in every other country?
  9. Let’s be honest, most people are more fearful of quarantine than they are of actually catching the virus. I sail in a couple of weeks and had COVID last week, yeah i would prefer not to have had it but then having it just before a cruise was probably the best outcome.
  10. Case numbers irrelevant, clearly those that know best realise it’s simply not that dangerous otherwise they would take a different course of action.
  11. This is excellent news, only a short matter of time now before Royal joins them you would imagine. The first mover of the mass market lines was always going to trigger a domino effect.
  12. Reading all these threads on people getting COVID, you could be forgiven for thinking that pretty much everyone on the cruise must have contracted the virus. The reality is that considering how many people are on each cruise, the likelihood of getting it is still very low. Take sensible precautions and accept the risk.
  13. Sorry to hear, that is most unfortunate bad luck at play there. You are right, that is the risk we all take at present and you do wonder.if it is worth taking it. I don’t blame you re mandatory testing…we travel in August on Beyond but if I had my time again would probably have waited until testing was removed. Hopefully we don’t suffer the same fate, only time will tell.
  14. This behaviour already happens on cruise ships. People that don’t report symptoms once onboard and risk ruining their holiday.
  15. You are meant to isolate for 7 days after testing positive in Australia , truth be told that many people either don’t bother getting a test at all or don’t isolate. That’s the reality, which makes the whole test and isolate mandate a joke.
  16. The pre cruise COVID test is without doubt the biggest stress ball. Totally out of your control and yet can blow your holiday up completely.
  17. The fact it spreads more easily doesn’t make it more dangerous. The majority of people will be fully vaccinated anyway, that was the point in order to further reduce serious illness.
  18. Absolutely no way will you feel or look out of place. Quite the opposite. You get a broad mix of demographics on most cruises…book it I am sure you will love it.
  19. But even pre COVID, people would still answer the health questionnaire fraudulently when it asked if you felt unwell due to having the flu, gastro etc. This is nothing new. People have lost sight of the fact that for a large percentage of the population, COVID is nothing worse than a bad head cold or the flu at worst.
  20. The fact that the cruise line with the most stringent testing regime has done away with all testing says it all. It will go the way of the dodo soon enough.
  21. As COVID is endemic, I suppose you would like to see pre cruise testing into perpetuity? Also, how does pre cruise testing help with a passenger that picks it up the very next day on a shore excursion and brings it back on board?
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