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May B

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Everything posted by May B

  1. Until we hear from two people staying in one of those staterooms, could we please keep the whining to a minimum? If nobody posts before Nov. 2nd, I’ll post, after we unpack. Friends are traveling with us, so I’ll include their reaction as well.
  2. PasadenaDave, you and I endured the “talk to first line, wait forever for supervisor to fix” situation. The first line people are mere order-takers, like at a McDonald’s. Anyway, that’s my estimation. Andy’s situation went much deeper than that.
  3. Whenever I see consommé double’ on the menu, I think of Roy. Not sure Roy would enjoy the truffled egg royale and fava beans.
  4. I love that itinerary! Mr B could not be swayed. We look forward to embarking when you debark. Have a great time!
  5. I could be wrong, but I think FlyerTalker was responding to an Oceania cheerleader, not giving his own opinion.
  6. This reminds me of the garage at the medical clinic on Lowry AFB in 1973. The ambulance was an Olds 98, and the garage door (NO DOOR, JUST AN OPENING, LIKE A CARPORT!) faced north. In cold weather, the ambulance didn’t start. Why doesn’t the garage have a door, asks my husband. Well, below a certain latitude, garages didn’t get doors. So, says Mr B, now that (at a mile high) we know we need a garage door, b/c it’s colder here than across the country at this latitude, why don’t we fix that and add a garage door? Oh, that’s easy, they say. Within the first three years after a new bldg. is constructed, we can’t make structural improvements. So perhaps he told them to put a lightbulb under the hood at night, as my parents did in Albany, NY. PS: the facing north made it worse after the sun was up. If it faced south, sun would’ve warmed it beautifully.
  7. Yep, three different musical acts around Viking in addition to the show in Star Theatre. You will find a very peaceful and thoroughly pleasant atmosphere. The first time I heard about an Ice Hotel, I was flabbergasted. An Ice Bar seems bad enough to me!
  8. Actually, Viking is phasing out ABBA and Beatles shows. I probably won’t recognize what they replace them with. Mr B was happy with the four singers and four band members on the stage in the Star Theatre, while I missed a larger stage and the dancers in a true production show. Mr B was happy b/c all he does is close his eyes and then claim he’s awake and listening. On Viking Ocean, if things stay the same as now, you’ll get a great rare char-grilled ahi tuna at the Pool Grill. I am surprised that Explorer dropped the ball on that one. Your cabin attendant was grossly inadequate by knocking on a Do Not Disturb door (after not turning down while you were at dinner), but I think daytime of your last full day onboard is when you actually do need to pack! Turndown service sounds too late. If this was your first post-pandemic cruise, it seems to have exhibited the post-pandemic-blues issues some other lines have also shown us. I wonder if Regent feels like Alaska is the quiet corner of the world for them, hence the best plac3 to cut when they’re stretched too thin. I for one look forward to hearing your 2024 plans.
  9. Not the highlight of your trip … what a nice and gentle way to say it. 😍
  10. I believe a drink from the pool bar is a plastic cup. Not the same as a glass bottle.
  11. I might take a photo of the important (to me) parts of the shore guide. Also, I’m guessing the entire shore guide will be on an app which I’ll be able to access on my phone. Your concern points out why the first cruise for a new or returning-to-service ship would not be a good fit for you.
  12. A friend of ours always stayed in one of those, before they were designated singles. The only one time she complained was when she was taking an afternoon nap and the production company was rehearsing. My recommendation is to book as early as possible, to get the first stateroom forward of the elevator lobby. Then the theatre won’t be overhead, just the entrance to the theatre. Our friend chose that location b/c her dad had taught her to mind your pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
  13. That’s why I like T-Mobile. Gives me plenty of included data, pretty much worldwide. That’s a good reminder, and we’re getting better and better at using it!
  14. Yes, we just got one a day or two ago! That and emails are how Mr B finds cruises! Sure enuff, there were two in there that tempted him. And I must confess that’s where I noticed my very first booking code for, I have no idea what it gives me, but for SOMETHING.
  15. My family of three just booked the cruise on Dec. 22nd. We love having the Connie four miles away from us!
  16. My mother-in-law was the perfect example. She was a bit hard of hearing, as well. She didn’t go far in school but she read the NYT every night! The word she mispronunced best was iron. I guess she read it on the side of the box as a newlywed in around 1935. Thx, FlyerTalker, for the great post.
  17. Definitely looking forward to your feedback once you step aboard Crystal. Did I tell you we almost didn’t go to Umi Uma on our first Crystal? Luckily we ran into acquaintances from home, who were not Crystal newbies. She urged us to dine with them at Umi Uma, and we agreed to try it, so she changed her reservation from two to four and of course we loved it. Now they’re our very good friends, and the four of us will dine there in November, G-d willing and the Creek don’t rise.
  18. My brother took Italian so he could learn from Italian chefs in their native tongue. 😳 He cringed when I mispronounced bruschetta, but now I’ve mastered that, as well as Civitavecchia. Heck, how many of us were mispronuncing Gabriel Allon’s wife’s name (Chiara) in our heads until we heard somebody do it correctly? I’m often curious about the number of syllables. Port of Rome: six; Oceania: four; new name of Italian restaurant on Crystal: nine. No wonder we can’t pronounce it! Or is it eight?
  19. To this I say, that’s the price you pay to have a bathtub. I will gladly pay it, b/c I really don’t care much about carpet and furniture. In fact, if we list, say, 25 things that might impact my own personal enjoyment on a cruise, that would be number 24 or 25. Glad to hear about Umi. Enjoy Osteria. Heck, enjoy the whole thing! Please have a soak in the tub for me, if you’re so inclined. I lost my bathtub when we moved to a condo in 2020 and I miss it!
  20. It was my good friend and Crystal mentor, PTIgirl, who had asked Keith about it, b/c she hadn’t seen it. That’s why I wondered if it had magically then appeared, or … what? 😃
  21. So, Keith, is that map still on the wall, or from your archived photos?!
  22. You are entitled to one reservation at each, Umi Uma and Osteria, and you make them as soon as you can (now starting at 60 days out). That’s for shorter cruises. plus, there’s more, but the short answer is you never should get off the ship at end of cruise w/o having dined there
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