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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon. So far the rain has not appeared, unless you count the three drops on the windshield just as I got back from picking up a precription for DH. Of course, I couldn't go in the store and not spend more money on what was on sale. πŸ˜‰πŸ€£ The cookies are finished and were approved by our two person quality control team. The good news is I only forgot to turn on the timer for one batch, and managed to get them out before they burned.. They are just a little crunchier, but still passed the taste test. πŸ‘ We have sailed put of Tampa and wouldn't mind having a BHB homeported there. It’s easy to get to from DFW, or at least it was 20 years ago. Debbie, I'm glad the painting is finished. They quit making our favorite paint years ago. We've tried several others and finally found one we like. It's not the most expensive, but not the cheapest either. Melissa, I'm glad the scans are scheduled for your DSIL. Ann, we loved the Kenai Fjords cruise the times we've done it, especially the dinner cruise with fresh grilled salmon. The 26 glacier cruise out of Whittier is wonderful especially if you're lucky like we were and have a sunny day. Hopefully, some day we'll take the train to Seward. We've aleays driven, and that scenry is spectacular too. Ann, I'm glad you are feeling like yourself again. Thanks for the pictures. Debbie, not only am I able to get paint under the drop cloth, I've been known to get it under the blue painter's tape too, not to mention other places. I suspect you will be looking for a house that does not need painting. πŸ˜‰ Welcome to the messy painters club. Wonder if anyone would hire us? Lenda
  2. Good morning from a cloudy and humid central Texas. Rain is still in the forecast through the weekend.🀞 It's been a while since we ate outside though we used to eat outside a lot in Quartzsite. This summer it's been too hot to even cook outside until recently. I'm not fond of trail mix, although DH likes it. Some memoirs can be very interesting. I like the Robert Frost quote. The meal looks good, but maybe for a cooler day. Younger DD has made fresh tortellini for us, and that's hard to beat. My job was filling and folding the tortellini. Let's just say some looked better than others. πŸ˜‰ After last night's big dinner, I think it will be something lighter. We'll pass on the drink , but the wine looks interesting. We have not been to Manta. @StLouisCruisers Sandi and @HAL4NOW thanks for your pictures. There's not much on the agenda today. I had a request for chocolate chip πŸͺ cookies, so that will be happening a little later. @dfish Debbie, I hope the last of the painting goes smoothly. I also hope you and your sister find the perfect house. @cunnorl Charlene, glad you were able to tie up more loose ends for your cruise. Lenda
  3. I guess it's better late than never with our rain today. This morning, we had one shower come through that dumped 0.11 inch of rain. Another came through a little while ago, but it's just sprinkling now. However, I am now hearing thunder, and hope that means more rain. The radar show light rain in the area, but it will be gone by early evening. Then we are supposed to get more rain tomorrow morning. DH's doctor visit was more of a routine visit with the PCP to keep him in the loop of what is happening and to get his take on things. UT Southwestern had sent him their findings, and he agreed with the upcoming visit with the neurosurgeon next month. Vanessa, I'm glad you and the insurance inspector worked it out so you can get your tests taken care of tomorrow moring. Thanks for the pictures. Ann, I hope you can get your diet back to normal before your cruise. Carolyn, thanks for the pictures, especially those of the orchids. Susan, add me to the list of those who hope the test was just a blip. Melissa, I'm sorry the biopsy results were not better. I'm glad your DSIL agreed to the tests so she will know exactly what she is facing and can make a more informed decision about her future. Sending best wishes that no matter what she chooses, she can be comfortable and have a decent quality of life for as long as possible. Lenda
  4. This is what I posted on July 7.2021. I only found pictures from our 2000 world cruise on P&O Oriana and the 2015 Ruby Princess. I'll try not to repeat any pictures. We had been to Barbados several times before 2000 on various ships and cruise lines, including two calls on 1998 on the Ryndam. Each time, we've rented cars are visited various places on the island. We have always enjoyed our visits to Barbados. First a look at the port. There was a nice shopping comlex at the port. In 2015, we took the tour through Harrison's Cave. These are of the complex looking down from the top of the cliff and the elevators to reach the complex. I'll not repeat any pictures of the caves. We also stopped at Animal Flower Caves on the northern tip of the island in 2015. Since we'd toured the caves, which are partially open to the ocean, with our DDs in 1998, we did not go back down. These pictures are of the restaurant, the sea cliffs and the engrance to the caves. We also stopped at Animal Flower Caves on the northern tip of the island in 2015. Since we'd toured the caves, which are partially open to the ocean, with our DDs in 1998, we did not go back down. These pictures are of the restaurant, the sea cliffs and the engrance to the caves. A nice beach In 2000, we stopped at St. Nicholas Abbey, and old plantation house. For the Garden Club, one of the flowers in the Abbey's garden A street scene in Bridgetown In 2000, at the suggestion of the cruise staff, we stopped at the Boatyard Beach Club, and enjoyed a beer. Lenda
  5. Good morning from a very overcast and humid central Texas. So far, we have not had a drop of rain, and now, the prediction is for it to start raining about noon and continue into tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Grief Awareness reminds us of the family members we've lost the past two years, and of all the other friends who have lost loved ones during this same time. I like the idea of Touch a Heart Tuesday, and I hope I can touch someone's heart today. We are not beach people, but I have enjoyed our stops at Half Moon Cay. Sadly, the Ray Bradbury quote is too true, especially now. The meal looks good, but tonight we'll be having the chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy we were going to have last night. We'll pass on the drink and wait to see about the wine. We have been to Bridgetown, Barbados, many times, but only two were in the digital age. I'll repost my pictures from July 7, 2021, later. @richwmn I also like several of the additional days. The intranational day of the disappeared brings to mind all those in Argentina who disappeared and the women who walked outside the Pink House to remind people. Whale sharks, the largest fish in the sea, are very interesting, and we enjoyed our time in La Paz watching one swim. And who among us did not play with a slinky as a child? We still have an "executive" slinky I gave DH one Christmas. CC is not wanting to do the blue bubble, and I had a hard time getting the one for Rich. I guess I'll multi-quote instead. Sue, have a safe flight tomorrow and a great time in Waikiki. Jacqui, I'm glad things for the Celebration of Life are progressing. I also loved the memes, and the one about the roads are so true. Texas used to be known for having some of the best roads in the country, but not now. I also liked the one about the glasses and the mirror. I need glasses to put on my eye make-up, but then I can't apply it because the glasses are in the way. 🀣 Sandi, I'm sorry your legs were bothering you last night. I hope it's just the "it'll get worse before it gets better" part the therapist warned you about, and that it is for a short time. I'm glad Linda is doing better and that her dog is safe in a kennel. Thanks for your pictures of Barbados. Bruce, sorry about your dishwasher. I hope the appliance gremlins are not making a return to the Fleet/Daily, and that this is a one off. Enjoying your pictures of Barbados. It's good to see you back on the Fleet/Daily Enjoy your visit with DS and DBIL and safe travels. Terry, I hope everyone's struggles with lingering Covid side affects are over soon. Jack, I can sympathize with getting help from your PCC, that is if you can reach the PCC. Our long time, wonderful PCC quit in 2018 after having her second child. The next one was a disaster, and DH had to tell her how to do her job. When he talked to a supervisor, he was told, they have to learn sometime. She did not last in the job through the pandemic. The next one called us early last year, and he was very nice. When we called last fall to book cruises, he was unavailable. The new one is okay, but not outstanding. Charlene, I hope they get the problem fixed with Artemis and it goes Friday. Good luck with the shoe shopping. I'm glad the new a/c is working well. Welcome to the clean out closets group. I'll try to post this again. Just as I clicked on submit replay, I got a message that they could not upload the post due to an upgrade in progress. It has taken about 20-25 minutes for CC to come back, but at least my post was not lost. Lenda
  6. Yes, it will carry forward from cruise to cruise. We did b2b2b2bs last fall and last spring, and our account carried forward along with any unused obc. My advice is to keep an eye on your account, and to correct any errors before the end of each cruise. They are much easier to correct during the cruise the charges appear on your account. Sometimes, you might not be able to make corrections after the new cruise starts.
  7. Terri, I'm sorry things did not igo as you hoped, and that you are back on the prednisone, too. I hope the traffic is better next week. Lendaa
  8. Wow, I didn't realize what affect it was having. It's too bad the surgeon's office messed up so badly and then lied. I know you would have liked to have it behind you before the move, Lenda
  9. This "gem" I found on FB seems to sum up our rain chsnces most days when we have rain predicted. Roy, that sounds like good news to me. Any time tests are in the normal range, is a time to celebrate. Debbie, I'm glad you talked to the endocrinologist and he thought the matter could wait until you are settled in Michigan. That makes me think that while he wants the problem checked out, it is not of immediate concern. Lenda
  10. Right now the heavy clouds from this morning have given way to blue skies and white, fluffy clouds. Of course, that is supposed to change later today. 🀞 We need more rain. The prediction for our area of the state is for a fair amount of rain. Safe travels back to the mainland tomorrow. Ann, I'm glad the trip went smoothly yesterday. Thanks for the great picture of Mt. Rainier. Glad to know canned wine can be decent. I hope the cardiologist visit goes smoothly. I'm glad you are letting the contractor and another board member fight the battle of the roof. Debbie, what a tale. I think that is why our PCP wants to be kept in the loop with all the various doctor visits DH is having. He even wants to be the one to see DH instead of his very capable PA. So far, with our insurance, we don't need pre-authorization unless the doctor requires it. I hope you get everything worked out. The information about lead in ginger had me checking my ground ginger. I use quite a bit when making gingerbread cookies. The ginger in the pantry didn't say it was imported. It is a major US brand, so I think it's probably okay. Lenda
  11. Good morning from partly cloudy and humid central Texas. Our rain is supposed to start tonight, with chances of rain all week. Naturally, tomorrow has the highest chance of rain since DH has a doctors appointment. Luckily, it is with out PCP in town. As others have stated, bats are very important. There is a colony of bats that in the summer live under the Congress Street bridge in Austin. People gather at sunset to watch them emerge for their nightly hunt for insects. I don't cook with salt very often, but I also don't add a lot of herbs. I wish more motorists were considerate instead of just trying to get where they are going as fast a possible. I like today's quote. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'll wait for the wine report. We have been to Montreal and I'll repost my pictures from May 18, 2021. @kazu Jacqui, don't worry too much about the house. As @superoma Eva said, as long as it's presentable that's all that matters. Your guests will be there to see you and honor and celebrate Jose's life, not to inspect the house. BTW, just shut the doors to the messy rooms if you run out of time. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad an accident was avoided yesterday. I really think some drivers are getting worse by the day. @aliaschief Welcome home, and thanks for allowing us to join you on your vacation. We drove to Montreal from Dover, NJ, in 1969 or 1970, when DH was in the army. We cruised there in 2004 on the old Regal Princess b2b round trip from NYC. As Montreal was a turnaround day, we had 2 1/2 days there, but were meeting friends, one of whom joined us for the return trip to NYC. The other friend lived in St. Cathartines, ON, and took the train to Montreal to see the three of us. We did some sightseeing, including a city bus that made a loop with a stop at Mont Royal Parc overlooking the city. The first afternoon, we wandered around the underground shopping mall. The last day, which was a short one, we went out to the Olympic village. These are some of my pictures as walk around and rode on the city bus. The view from Mont Royal Parc with the Olympic swimming venue in the background. More of the fall colors The swimming venue Now, it's time to run to the store before it gets crowded. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon where we're already in the low 90sF. This morning our thought was to go for a walk in the mall where it is cool. Instead, after getting a drive thru breakfast, we stopped at Walmart and Sam's since we were in Waco. We got away in a hurry this morning, that naturally I forgot my list. I remebered half the list and found all but one thing. The rest I can get on the next W-M trip. The rest of the afternoon will be spent relaxing, watching Nascar, and reading. Dinner will be fajitas and easy to fix. Thanks for the review of the wine. It sounds like one I want to try. Charlene, I hope you have a good view of the launch without having to fight the crowds. I'm glad you had such a good daymfor,the family picnic. A great picture of the extended family. Good news there are no problems from the demtal visit. BON VOYAGE! Jacqui, while I'm happy your wrist is better, I'm sorry your knee is still bothering you so much. Melisa, thank you for the pictures of the stained glass windows. Laura, I hope your tummy feels better soon. Good luck on the sorting and storing. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a partly cloudy and breezy central Texas. Beginning later today, our rain chances will increase for the next week. In spite of getting two inches of rain last Monday, we still need rain. I suppose I've raced my mouse around the icons at one time or another. We'll fondly remember all our pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Red wine is enjoyed in this house. Today's quote is interesting. We will pass on the meal and the drink, and will wait for information on the wine. While we have sailed past Baie-Comeau several times going to and from Quebec City but, it has never been a port for us. @rafinmd Roy, what a touching story yesterday about the three couples. @richwmn Rich, thanks for the heads-up about @GTVCRUISER's pictures. I"ve noticed his pictures there in the past. @Cruzin Terri Terri, safe travels today and I hope a very successful doctor visit tomorrow. I'm glad you worked things out with your friend. In a similar situation I kept my distance for a few days, then resumed the friendship. I doubt she ever new how hurtful her words were, but we've been friends too long to end the friendship. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad the knee pain is better. @Cat in my lap Sorry about the pain and stiffness. If I sit too long, especially in the car, it takes a bit to get moving normally. My guess its "process aging". @smitty34877 Terry, that's good news about Tana being stable the last week or so. Sending good thoughts she remains stable for a long time. @Seasick Sailor l hope the drive to the airport and back is uneventful, and that by tonight Austin's weekend traffic has slowed down. Lenda
  14. Normally our POA board meetings are relatively short, but not this one. Our new president is, to put it nicely, a tad bit too thorough, so the meeting dragged on. It was a chance to visit with some neighbors. Yes, those long flights can be a killer. Lately, we've booked business class with lay flat seats. We found Flight Ease often has good deals on business class, several thousand dollars less than booking through the airlines. Susan, I can feel your frustration since they haven't found our leak either. I hope the contractor figures it out soon. I hope the doctor appointment Monday goes well. Lenda
  15. Terri, I'm glad you are going to put the hurt behind you and keep the friendship. I'm also glad your appointment with the hand surgeon was moved up. Jack, why not do both cruises? Melisa, it's good news your DSIL is home and resting comfortably. Sending positive thoughts to help her make the best decision for her about going forward. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a calm (for now) central Texas. There's not much on the agenda today. Our Property Owners Association (POA) is having a board meeting this morning, and I may go. There are a couple of issues that might prove interesting. If I play music on the porch or patio, I usually use my iPod and earphones. I try to use kind words, but once in a while my mouth gets ahead of my brain. 🀣 The Pony Express, while only in operation for a short time, played a big part in opening up the West. I like the Audrey Hepburn quote. I would like to try today's meal, but only if someone else made it. The wine sounds nice, but will pass on the drink. @kochleffel That is good news the dentist was able to remove the failed implant without costing an arm and a leg. @cat shepard Ann, have a great trip and a great cruise. Safe flight to Anchorage tomorrow, and good thoughts that your luggage stays with you. @marshhawk I'm sorry about your friend Jesse's diagnosis and hope they can get the cancer during the surgery and he tolerates the chemo and radiation treatments. @luvteaching Karen, BON VOYAGE and have a great cruise. We have been to Mykonos twice. In 2003, we were there on the old Regal Princess as part of the mystery cruise. We rented a car and drove around most of the island. In 2016, we were there on the Prinsendam and just walked around town. Today's pictures are a combination from both visits. After going to Santorini twice, we decided we like Mykonos better. A couple more pictures of the iconic windmills on Mykonos. Outside the town For the Garden Club Back in town, Paraportiani Orthodox church on the waterfront Some of the back streets in town Mykonos from the ship Lenda
  17. Good afternoon. The yard work is finished, and I'm cleaned up too and enjoying sitting outside. It's not too hot today, and there is a good breeze that keeps coming and going. To celebrate the cooler, but still hot for many weather, we'll grill a ribeye to split for dinner. There will be baked potatoes, salad and of course our, cardbordeaux Pinot Noir, too. We still miss Brandy and Nikki, and miss watchimg them play together. I'm enjoying all the dog pictures. Sandi, I also suspect a medical emergency. There is a good chance he was either unconscious or already dead, and did not feel any pain. Linda and her recovery are in my thoughts. Susan, I hope the shelter roof does not leak. I think sorting books takes longer than anything else because you just have to look through so many of them. Bruce, glad the train made it up the hill. That is spectacular country. Thanks for the pictures. Linda, it was nice of your stewards to give two dogs for your cruise. The HAL stewards are so amazing and caring. I really like the quote. Our Nikki was the best dog, and Brandy was too, until we got Nikki. Then, Brandy turned into the ultimate Alpha female. Vanessa, I hope you feel better soon. Welcome to the Daily, Jo. I had to laugh when I read what all your grand dog ate. I just hope the two socks were a matching pair. 🀣 Jim, that is great news about your recent surgery. Terri, i hope you can work through the situation soon, and find the best results for you. (((HUGS))) Lenda
  18. Brandy and Nikki looking out the motorhome in Quartzsite in 2001. Lenda
  19. Good morning from central Texas. It's supposed to be cloudy to partly cloudy with a light breeze. Unfortunately it is humid now, but I hope the humidity lessens in an hour or so. This morrning I need to get out and mow the yard. Since the rain earlier this week, the weeds have grow like weeds, plus they are taking over the yard. I guess they are better than dirt, and they are green. We will celebrate dog day by remembering our two dogs who are on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Women's Equality day is worth celebrating, but we do have a ways to go yet. Every day is toilet paper day. πŸ˜‰ I like today’s qoute. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds nice. Sadly, we have not been to Aqaba or Petra. They were on our two Princess cruises we canceled. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your wonderful pictures. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope today is better for you. @Heartgrove Jack, good luck with the inspector and the roof. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you like the new doctor. I wondered if the shaking legs were due to stress and grief. It ia anazing how different people react to stress and grief. I better get moving before it warms up too much. At least we're out of the triple digit highs. Lenda
  20. We just got back from the opthmaogist, and he gave a clean report. They were worried a lesion near the optic nerve might be pressing on the nerve and causing some or all the ptoblems. With this report, we guess the NPH is the culprit. There were a lot of different tests, and the exam took two hours. The doctor's only concern was one eyelid is drooping, but it wasn't when Steve saw him three years ago. We wonder if it is also caused by the NPH too. Now, if they will just move the appointment with the neurosurgeon to an earlier date. It was set fot late September in case it took a while to get the appointment for the eye exam. Lenda Lenda
  21. Sandi, thanks for the update about Linda. It does sound like a long recovery. I'm glad she is alert and has family with her. That is interesting. Was there a storm? It's good the crew escaped safely, and that they got the catch and fuel removed. Thanks for the interesting pictures. Lenda
  22. Brenda, thanks for the wonderful pictures. We had a taste of Kobe beef at DH's retirement party. Two of the three people who worked with him the last 17 years he had his company met us in Las Vegas for a celebratory weekend. The retirement dinner was at Le Cirque, and one of the guys ordered the Kobe beef at a supplement price of $100. (Their company was paying). Even at that price, it was a very small piece of steak that he shared, Our bite was wonderful, but we wouldn't pay $100 for it. πŸ˜‰ Lenda
  23. Well, it the lull between a busy morning and a busy afternoon. I'm trying to catch up on some things I didn't get finished yesterday. After the haircut, I feel lighter. My hair had grown so fast over the last four weeks, that my stylist cut it even shorter this time. I think after about 25 years with really short hair DH is getting used to it. It is so much easier to take care of than when it was shoulder length, not to mention cooler too. Jacqui, I'm sorry you had another spill. I hope the knee heals quickly, and I'm glad the wrist is all right now. Gerry, I hope you can reeducate your taste buds about wine. Remember, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again". 🀣 🍷🍷🍷 Roy, thanks for the pictures of Kobe. It's on my bucket list, but I think it will be sometime before we get back to Asia. Sandi, that is such sad news about your neighbors. Our condolences to you, your neighbors and David and Linda's families on the loss of David. Sending good thoughts that Linda makes a full recovery, and also that their dog is found and is safe. Joy, such sad news that your friend's brother died alone, and that no one knew for several days. People living alone need a buddy system so that if they have not heard from the person, they know to check on them. @JazzyV Vanessa is lucky to have her BFF who knows to check if he doesn't hear from her each day. DH just looked up the list of US National Parks, and we've been to 45/46 of the 63 National Parks in the almost 55 years we've been married. This does not include National Historical Parks, National Monuments, National Recreation Areas, etc. We've also been to several national parks in Canada. Lenda
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