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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. While I would not enjoy a bad reaction after either of the shingle shots, just like with the Covid vaccine, I consider it a small price to pay. My stepmother, DSIL and many of our neighbors have had shingles, and it wasn't fun. Reading all the posts, the odds are that I'll have a reaction. However, if I look at it on an individualbasis, I have 50-50 odds. I'll either have a reaction or I won't. 🤞 I caught chickenpox from older DD when I was 35 and had a mild case; so i know I need to get the vaccine. BTW, younger DD also got chickenpox from her sister, but DH didn't. He can't remember if he ever had chickenpox. DH and I had the originaal vaccine when it was first introduced. @grapau27 Graham, the vacinne is recommended for those who had shingles to prevent getting them again. @Kurtybee123 We've been keeping an eye on the forecast here and in Dallas for next week. DH has an appointment Tuesday at UT Southwestern that we can't postpone. It looks like we'll be rained on that day. We don't look forward to making the round trip in the rain, but aren't complaining since Texas needs all the rain we can get. Debbie, that's an idea. I'm afraid if we did all that baking, not only would we "leave as baggage, we'd board as baggage". 🤣😉 Lenda
  2. I guess I'll know about the side effects tomorrow or Sunday. I cancelled my appointment for today and will get the shot tomorrow morning. A retired nurse told me the second shot was the one that hit her hard. Lenda
  3. I just made an appointment to get my first shingles vaccine at 3pm. I've been putting it off, but got to thinking that with everything that's been going on with DH, it wouldn't be really bad if I came down with shingles. Thank you, Bruce, for the pictures of a beautiful part of the world. Susan, how horrible after all the work to still have roof leaks and a bad tile job. I hope they can finally get the leaks stopped. And I hope the tile guy does a better job the Next time. Carolyn, thank you for your pictures of Opatija. It's another option if we visit Rijeka again. I hope you find the perfect place for you DM. It's a wise person who knows and admits when they need more help. Sharon, thanks for the pictures of Las Vegas. It's been awhile since we were there. We have reservations for November, but we're still not 100 per cent sure we'll go. Vanessa, everyday your decision to skip your reunion seems wiser. The number of attendees testing positive has me rethinking our next reunion, if and when it happens. Debbie, how did you guess? Was it all the cruise pictures or the misspelling? 🤣 As I've said, proofreading is not my strong point. I tend to see what I meant to type, not what I typed. And like today, I clicked on the wrong word when trying to correct it. Lenda
  4. I went back through my pictures of Rijeka and found some more to share. Again, they are a combination between our 2017 Prinsendam visit and the 2019 Veendam visit. From the pier you can take a shuttle or a taxi and both drop you off at the square across from the small boat harbor. When it is sunny, as in 2017, there are many vendors and people out and about. When it's raining as it was in 2019, the pickings are slim. Same square, just a different view. The weather also makes a difference in the number of people. In 2017, we wanted to see the torpedo museum after the very good port lecturer talked about it. We asked for directions and headed up this steep street. It turns out they sent us to the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Coast, which did not have anything to do with torpedoes. Inside the entrance to the museum, which was as far as we went. The grounds in front of the museum. A couple of streets as we headed back down the hill. BTW, the torpedo museum is in a warehouse on the water across from the train and bus station. We passed Our Lady of Lourdes church. And interesting sculpture in the plaza behind the clock towner. I'm repeating this picture of the Cathedral of St. Vid since I found one of the interior. Walking down some residential streets we saw this building. We also passed the Church of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary and the bell tower. HAL offered a tour to Trieste in Italy which we booked. However, before we got to Rijeka, we received a notice that the tour operator was cancelling the tour. It seems the wait times crossing the border in both directions were too long, and the operator couldn't guarantee we'd be back at the ship in time. Lenda
  5. Good morning from a very overcast central Texas. The forecast says we won't get more rain until Sunday night and then every day through next Thursday. However, if they were wrong and it rains today, I won't complain. It's so dry here, there are 1/2 inch cracks in the yard. When I think of Aviation Day, I think of @AV8rix Susan, who is not only a pilot, but an aeronautical engineer. Flying is not as much fun as it used to be, but it does get us to our BHBs. We like potatoes here, but I haven't been making them recently since I ws trying to make lighter meals during the triple digit days. Without Humanitarians, the world would be an even poorer place. I like the Nicholas Sparks quote. DH likes fried catfish, but I'm one of the few southerners who don't like fried catfish. Grilled catfish seasoned with Cajun spices is good. The best catfish I've ever eaten was in an Ethiopian restaurant in one of the Twin Cities, MN. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. @MISTER 67 Just a suggestion for visiting Europe is doing a TA to and from Europe. We met a lady from who took the Prinsendam to Europe, and stayed on board until the ship returned to the US. @1ANGELCAT I'm glad Fluff is doing all right. HAPPY 75TH BIRTHDAY to your brother. Hope you both enjoy the new car. @dfish Good luck with the painting. @Cruzin Terri I hope you feel better today. Our second boost knocked me for a loop for about 12 hours the day after, but I consider it a small price to pay. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, great looking quilt. @kazu W00-HOO!!!! Jacqui, that is the best news today, that Shadow is safe and in your loving care until the foster can fix the gate and pick Shadow up. I'm glad she was found and not trapped. Liz is a true humanitarian. This is what I posted about Rijeka on March 29, 2021. We have been fortunate to visit Rijeka twice. The first visit was in 2017 on the Prinsendam and the second was 2019 on the Veendam. Most of my pictures are from 2017 since it was raining for part of the day in 2019. Rijeka's main claim to fame is it is where the torpedo was invented and first tested. Ivan Luppis, a retired naval officer, and Robert Whitehead, an Englishman working for a steam ship manufacturer in Rijeka, got together and built the first torpedoes, which they launched from a ground based launching platform. We could see the platform from a local bus we took, but did not get close enough to get a picture. There is a torpedo museum located in a warehouse on the waterfront. This was taken at the small boat harbor in town looking across to a distant part of town. These were taken on some of the pedestrian streets in the center of town. The clock tower is a landmark, and when you walk through the passage you are in a secluded plaza. You can see the difference in the weather on the two visits. This is a back street with shops for the locals. Here are a couple of pictures from the Torpedo Museum. The lighting in the museum was subdued with a blue tint. The town was counting down to 2020. This church was a few blocks from the main street with the clock tower. This is looking toward the upper part of town. I think I'll make some brownies this mooring. It's been a while since I did any baking. Lenda
  6. Thanks for the picture of your nephew and Raven. They look so relaxed and peaceful. Bruno, thanks for the update on Dear Dad. I hope the home health and theraphy help him, and make life easier for both of you. I'm glad Fluff came through the surgery so well. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon. It’s been a long day. After I finished cleaning the house, I got the bright (?) idea to trim and mow the grass. It was cloudy and cooler than it will be tomorrow morning. There was a breeze which slowed down just after I started mowing, and to top it off, the sun came out. I got the yard done with a couple of brakes to cool off. Now that I've finished, the clouds are back and the breeze has picked up. At least, it's comfortable enough to sit outside while I cool down. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, we've had the smoke detectors go off about 2 am, and a couple of times just after we'd changed the batteries. It turns out a spider or a moth had gotten in the smoke detector and caused it to go off. This was in Quartzsite where the detectors have batteries and are hard wired too. To make matters worse, the are interconnected so if one goes off, the all go off. Imagine three alarms at once in a small house. @marshhawk Ann, that was serendipitous that your DH's boss was your old friend. @ger_77 Gerry, I glad all of you are feeling better, and that your almost daughter and her family are feeding you. @Cruzin Terri Terri, our condolences to you and your neighbor's family on her passing. I hope her death was pain free and peaceful. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I'm happy that your DD and family found the problem before there was an accident. They were very lucky in deed. Years ago, we took my car to the dealer just outside Houston to be serviced. DH was going to drive home while I drove the other car. Just as he was leaving at looked back and saw the left front tire wobbling. I know people thought I was nuts running across the parking lot yelling at DH. Luckily, he heard me and stopped. The mechanic had put the lugnuts on, but forgot to tighten them with the impact wrench. I hate to think what would have happened if DH made it onto I-45 in rush hour traffic. @bennybear I hope your feeling better after the wasp sting. @richwmn Rich, I remember that Roger Miller song, and now, I can't get it out of my head. 😉 @kazu Jacqui, I hope Liz can find Shadow before they set the live trap. Maybe it will look too much like a crate, and she won't go in it. 🤞 Liz is a treasure, and it's good she is so dedicated to the welfare of Shadow and other dogs. I can't understand the rescue group's thinking to plan something that will traumatize a dog that has already been traumatized. Frankly, I not sure if they are really thinking about the welfare of the dogs they are rescuing. BTW, feel free to vent, and we'll vent with you. @Seasick Sailor Joy, great news you are getting rain. I hope the prediction for several days of rain for both of us holds true. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for the pictures of today's port. Hopefully, we'll get there some day. @Heartgrove Jack, thanks for the picture of our new Daily baby. Your DD and Lily look good and happy to be home. Lenda
  8. Good morning from central Texas. For once the predicted rain along with thunder and lightning made an appearance last night. I'm not sure how much rain we received, but it was more than 1/4 inch when I went to bed with a sready rain still falling. I just hope the forecast for more rain through next Wednesday is correct. If i wrote poetry, it would be bad poetry. Serendipity day is interesting. I'll celebrate helium discovery day. There is a helium plant north of Amarillo with historical significance. At one time it produced most of the world's helium, and is still in production. The Mahatma Gandhi qoute is good and is still appropriate. We'll pass on the meal and the drinkl The wine sounds nice but pricey, so I'll stick with my much less expensive Riesling. We have not been to Noumea, New Caledonia. @Cruzin Terri Good luck with your boosters today. @1ANGELCAT Sending good wishes forma successful surgery and amquick recivery for Fluff. Now, it's time to start cleaning the house and get that chore out of the way. Lenda
  9. I was thinking earlier that the vegetables in garlic sauce would be good as a stand alone dish without the stuffed shells. In fact, when younger DD fixed them while I made the stuffed shells, she thought they were a side dish. BTW, sometimes when I have a glass of "cooking" wine, I get to busy to finish it before dinner. Jazzy, sadly, I think you made the correct decision in this still un ertain time. I enjoyed my 50th in 2015, and was looking forward to the 55th in 2020, but it was postponed until 2021, and now, no ones talking about it. I'm not sure what will happen for our 60th, but I'm pretty sure several of my classmate who will be there are not vaccinated. Roy, you said what I tried to say only better. The, only other alternative would be for the special needs rescue Jacqui @kazu found in Nova Scotia to take her, but there is probably too much red tape and too many hoops to jump through for that to be a viable option. We both agree that thanks to Jacqui, Shadow had rhe best days of her short life. Lenda
  10. Joy, first our condolences to you, your friend and her family on the loss of her brother. That is why I couldn't like your post. Some days I like taking time to make dinner, but I only made this recipe when the DDs were visiting for Christmas. Even with the younger DD's help, it took more time than I wanted to spend in the kitchen and not visiting. I may try it again, and if it's when they are visiting, I may make it ahead of time and reheat it. I also like to have a glass of "cooking" wine while making dinner, but this just might be a two glass recipe. 🤣 Lenda
  11. This recipe is a very different take on stuffed shells. I do not remember where I came across the recipe so I am not able to attribute it to anyone like I should. As I said, it does take some time, but it was a hit with both the vegetarians and the meat eaters. STUFFED JUMBO SHELLS WITH GARLIC VEGETABLES 12 jumbo pasta shells ¼ t dried marjoram leaves 2 c ricotta ½ to 1 t salt 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ t dried basil leaves ½ t ground black pepper 1/3 t dried thyme leaves 1 pkg. chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry ¼ c plus 2 T grated Parmesan cheese, divided Prepare Garlic Vegetables. Spoon into 10-inch round baking dish. Preheat oven to 350oF. Cook shells according to package directions. Drain and cool. Combine ricotta, spinach, ¼ cup Parmesan cheese, garlic, marjoram, salt, basil, pepper and thyme in medium bowl. Spoon cheese mixture into shells. Arrange shells on top of Garlic Vegetables. Carefully spoon sauce from vegetables over shells. Bake, loosely covered with foil, 35 to 40 minutes or until stuffed shells are heated through. Sprinkle remaining 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese over shells and heat uncovered until cheese is melted.. GARLIC VEGETABLES 1 T olive oil, divided 3 T butter ¾ c sun-dried tomatoes (not in oil) 2 T minced fresh parsley 4 T all-purpose flour salt 2½ c vegetable broth ground black pepper 1 medium zucchini 1 med. yellow squash 1 large head garlic, coarsely chopped 2 large carrots, cut diagonally into ¼ inch slices Place cut zucchini in colander, salt and let sit to remove moisture. Do not add salt to vegetable mixture. Heat 2 tablespoon butter with a little oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat until hot. Add garlic; cook and stir. Add the broth. Cook 1 to 2 minutes or until sauce thickens, stirring constantly. Cut zucchini and squash lengthwise into halves. Cut each half into crosswise slices. Place zucchini in colander and salt to draw out moisture. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil in medium skillet over medium heat until hot. Add carrots; cook and stir 2 minutes. Add zucchini and squash; cook and stir 3 minutes or until crisp-tender. Remove from heat. Stir garlic mixture and parsley into carrot mixture in skillet. Season to taste with salt and pepper. I think the sauce and vegetable could be prepared ahead of time and warmed before putting in the oven, or the time in the oven could be increased. Lenda
  12. These are the pictures I took in 2015 when we stopped in Punta Arenas on Ruby Princess. We had planned to take an excursion to see the penguins, but we were told they had left the rookery two weeks before, which was much earlier than normal. Instead, we walked around town to see what we'd missed in 1999. We also visited Shackleton Bar, but those pictures I will not repeat. The first two our Punta Arenas as we sailed to the anchorage. This whale tail was near the end of the pier as we walked toward town. When we reached Sacred Heart Cathedral, there was not a service in progress, and we were able to walk around the church. Palacio Sara Braun The statue of Magellan with a different dog napping. The legend is anyone who rubs the feet on the statue will have good luck. You can see how shiny the foot is in the second picture. The demonstration was either just breaking up or was just getting organized when we reached the site. Below are various scenes of the town as we wandered around. This was an interesting display, but I don't remember what it was about. On the way back to the tender, we walked to the waterfront and came across this new hotel. Back at the pier, we saw this clock. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon from central Texas with changing weather. Like @Seasick Sailor Joy said, rain is predicted for central Texas from the DFW area to Austin between now and next Wednesday. It will be appreciated, and is needed. Like the trees in Joy's picture, some of our trees are turning red and yellow, but with our triple digits, I'm afraid they are dying from lack of water. Many trees were stressed by the unusual winter storm in 2021. After last week's 1/2 inch of rain, the green parts of our yard (weeds) really started growing and need mowing. Today is our last triple digit day, hopefully until next summer, and it's too hot to mow. I'll have to find time between rainy days to tackle the yard. I guess I could have done it this morning if I hadn't slept late, and if we hadn't needed to run an errand to take advantage of a sale before everything was gone. We have donated to various thrift stores during our almost 55 years of marriage. There is more waiting to be donated. We often see our neighbors and visit with them when we take our almost nightly golf cart ride around the neighborhood. Thank you all for you pictures of your beautiful black cats. Our younger DD had an almost black cat, Friskie, who lived to be 18 years old. We got her shortly after the Challenger disaster, and she died about 2002 or 2003. DD said she knew when it was time to have Friskie put down when she stopped purring. That cat purred almost 24/7. This is Friskie sometime before she died, and her sleek black fur was turning rusty. She looks a little disgruntled in the picture, but she was a sweet girl. The Virginia Woolf quote is very true. We like stuffed shells, and it's been a while since I made any. I usually stuff them with a ricotta and spinach mixture and top with marinara sauce. I also have a recipe that includes a sauce with vegetables. It is good, but time consuming, so it's been a while since I made it. I'll share that recipe later for those who need another recipe for vegetarians. Tonight however, we'll finished the ribs and potato salad from the other night. I like mai tais and would try a strawberry one. The wine sounds good, but pricey. We have been to Punta Arenas twice. The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III. We did not see much of the town because we did a flight over Antarctica which was wonderful. The ship was a very old 737 with no doors on the overhead bins, just elastic cords. All we saw was the drive to and from the airport and the airport. I did get a t-shirt at a shop in the airport. This was also in pre-digital days. We were back in 2015 on Ruby Princess with @StLouisCruisers Sandi and her DH. I'll post my photos in another post, but be warned, there will be repeats. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, @JazzyV. Vanessa, and @Horizon chaser 1957 Laura for your pictures of Punta Arenas. Vanessa, you look very festive in your picture, and Laura, the basket turned our well. @ottahand7 I'm glad your finger is healing well. Thanks for the beautiful picture @mamaofami Carol, I'm glad your weather has cooled down to acceptable levels, and hope you get some rain. Our drought level here is listed as exceptional, the highest (worst) level. @marshhawk Ann, I hope your neck is feeling better by now. The meme with the rabbit sums up what we are feeling about @kazu Jacqui. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the pictures of Molde. We enjoyed our day there several years ago. @Overhead Fred Loved the picture of the swans. They look so graceful in the water. @durangoscots Susan, your explanation of what happened with Shadow makes things clearer, but it still should not have happened. It sounded like the rescue organization was "vet shopping" until they found the answer they wanted. I'm very glad @kazu Jacqui was able to give her the best three weeks of her life, and let Shadow know she was loved. If foster "parents" can't keep control of a dog, who was probably very stressed being taken from the only real home she knew, then I hope they are not given another dog to foster. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your wrist is already getting better and will not give you too much trouble. Sending positive thoughts that Shadow is found soon. She must be so stressed after finally being in a loving, safe home. @Vict0riann Ann, I hope the solid food gives you more energy and that you feel better soon. Lenda
  14. @kazu Jacqui, there are no words to decribe how I felt when I read about Shadow. I hope she is found soon. You did everything you could for her and gave Shadow the best three weeks of her life. Take care of yourself. Lenda
  15. Terri, I'm sorry your neighnbor has such a terrible diagnosis. I'm sending positive thoughts that she can find comfort and peace during her final days. Lenda
  16. Susan, thank you. We hope to hear some good news, too. He had the MRI of his brain Thursday, and will see the PA next Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully, we'll know more then, and maybe get an appointment with a doctor soon after. Enjoy being mostly unplugged and beautiful Alaska. Fingers crossed 🤞 you have great weather. Carolyn, I know what you mean about getting up your courage to walk down stairs away from the wall. That happened to me on the Great Wall, and it did not help that the side wall kept getting lower and lower. I finally told DH to go on up to the top, and I'd wait for him. Then I had to find a comfortable place to wait and to try not to hog the sidewall while doing so. Lenda
  17. It's been a busy morning here., but I actually got a few things accomplished. They weren't anything exciting, just routine chores. 🤕 @AV8rix Susan, safe travels today to Vancouver. 🥂 🍾 BON VOYAGE! 🎈 🎉 I know you'll have a great cruise. 🛳️ All I can say is OUCH!!!! I'm glad you were able to get the hook out, and sending positive thoughts that you do not get an infection. Terry, I'm glad Tana is feeling more like herself and has resumed the executive chef duties. It sounds like you have more of you energy back. Joy, it's great when neighbors work together to solve problems. I'm glad the grass fire was put out quickly before it caused major damage. That's good news Ninja got a good report from the vet. I hope Fluff's surgery Thursday goes well and they are able to get everything and take care of the problem. Rich, we've watched both those movies many times, and I remember the scene where they destroyed the Greyhound. Thanks for the beautiful pictures, and ideas of other places to see if (when) we return to Koper. I'm not sure about those 99 steps. With my fear of heights, steep steps like that without a hand rail, especially going down, would give me problems. I doubt anyone would be willing to carry me, and that might even be more nerve racking. I guess, I'd just have to put on my "big girl panties", find someone to hold on to, and tackle those steps. Lenda Lenda
  18. An early good morning from central Texas before I make a grocery run. I have never been fond of roller coasters or anything with a sudden drop. When we were in Hong Kong in 2018, we decided to ride the Star Wars ride at Disneyland. Little did we know it was Space Mountain on steroids. I kept my eyes closed the whole time, and leaned heavily on DH, but at least I did not scream. We both had to find a bench and sit down until our legs quit shaking after we got off the ride. I am not a good joke teller, but I'll celebrate rum day, especially if it's Captain Morgans. An interesting quote. I like the meal suggestion and the wine sounds good. We'll pass on the drink. @rafinmd Roy, I also saw the new Covid protocols, After reading some of the posts on the thread about them, I agree that it is probably too political for the Fleet/Daily. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, safe travels for your DS, DDIL and their sons. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm glad Lily and her mother are doing well . I'm sorry Sam is having trouble with stairs. @Crazy For Cats Welcome, Raven. We have been to Koper once, and the following is what I posted on June 19, 2021. We were in Koper, Slovenia, in 2016 on the Prinsendam's revised itinerary after the Black Sea cruise was cancelled. We were there on a Sunday, so the town was fairly quiet. The Thompson Dream (the old Westerdam) was in port with us, but her passengers were not in town when we were. The Dream was having a major drill including passengers at the request of the local fire and rescue authorizes. It was interesting to watch part of it from the bluff overlooking the harbor. Thankfully, there was an elevator to reach the top of the bluff. We walked around town and looked in a few shops that were open. These were taken on the bluff before we entered the old walled part of the town. They had a good view from here. The central square in the old city and the church tower, which a friend climbed. The interior of the church Scenes from our walk around town. From here you could go down to the lower part of town and the shopping district. We decided to stay in the old town. A inviting looking restaurant, but it was too soon after breakfast to give it a try. Back on the pier with the bow of the Thompson Dream, after they finished the drill where all the passengers and crew had to evacuate the ship. Your can see some of the locals and their vehicles in the picture. We enjoyed our day in Koper. At that time, I don't think may ships had called there and it wasn't a big touristy port. Lenda
  19. It seems I decided to celebrate relaxation day after all. So far, I haven't really done much of anything today, and definitely not what I had planned. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe not, who knows what will happen tomorrow. 😉 @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you and DH are recovering and feeling better. @Heartgrove Jack, thanks for sharing the picture of the cute, new grandbaby, Lilly London. The Daily has a new baby to watch grow up. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry you wound up in the emergency room, and hope you are feeling better. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry your legs are still bothering your. I hope puppy Kindergarten helps train the "wild child" and her humans. Sadie is so cute and innocent in the picture. Lenda
  20. @Heartgrove Congratulations, Jack, on the new granddaughter. I know you will enjoy having them close to you. Lenda
  21. Good morning from central Texas. The weather forecast is showing our triple digit days are almost over with Wednesday forecast to be the last one through August 29. Thursday's high is predicted to be 88F, then back to the 90s. I can easily live with that. Even better, rain showers are predicted for Thursday and for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I will join our Canadian dailyites in celebrating Acadian Day. Many Acasians settled in our neighboring state, Louisiana. We celebrated relaxation day yesterday, and I always celebrate my best friends. @0106 Tina, thanks for the explanation of the quote since I have not read the book. Chicken carbonara sounds good, but I'll let someone else do the cooking. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to East Timor. @MISTER 67 Welcome home, and glad you enjoyed your cruise. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the report on your cruise 🛳, and enjoy your sea day. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for the very creative meme. @dfish Debbie, safe travels home today. You will find the perfect house for both of you. @smitty34877 Terry, that's good news you're keeping the extra help for Tana until everyone recovers completely. @grapau27 Graham, I hope the physical therapy helps your knees and hips. @marshhawk Ann, I'm not sure about a bus in Grand Cayman, but in the past, we've rented cars and driven around the island. You might be able to hire a taxi for an island tour. In Anchorage, the ship will dock in a very busy industrial port where you are not allowed to walk around. There will be a shuttle to downtown at the convention center. You could walk around, or pick up a local city tour. Lenda
  22. The Crew Appreciation is the new name for the Hotel Service charge. It goes to the same people as previously with one exception. When we cruised this spring, they added a service charge to the specialty restaurant charge, and there is still the 18 percent added to the bar tabs and wine charges.
  23. You will soda cans in the mini bar, and I think in the dining venues. Some of the ships have had the soda guns in bars, but others, like the Koningsdam als9 have cans in the bars. If you bought the soda package on Koningsdam, you were given a reusable cup to use in the soda machine.
  24. Good afternoon. This morning, we wanted to get out of the house and do something normal. We took the convertible for a drive-thru breakfast, and we left early enough to have the top down for about the first hour. We decided to drive to another small town we had never visited in the 23 years we've lived here. The older part of town is not doing very well, but the outskirts are thriving. Besides having a large natural gas plant in the city limits, there are new neighborhoods. The town is now a bedroom community for Arlington, Tx. We also drove down several back roads and noticed all the hay and corn had been harvested. The farmers have now planted cotton, which surprisingly, is stronger when grown in drier, hotter weather. Maybe, that's why it is grown around Yuma, AZ, and Blythe, CA. I am enjoying all the pictures of Venice, and reliving our visits there. Thank you all who shared your pictures and memories. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm sorry you tested positive. Take care, get some rest, and I hope both of you are better soon. @aliaschief Bruce, thank you for the pictures from Rotterdam and of the Volendam. Maybe, we'll get to Rotterdam someday. Have a great cruise. @durangoscots Susan, ouch on the mess with your accounts. I hope the bank and the exorcism on your computer can get everything back where it belongs qu. @SusieKIslandGirl Our condolences on the loss of your quilting buddy. Thank you for posting the message from the back of the service sheet. Lenda
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