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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. @Heartgrove Hope you and Sue have a wonderful, relaxing cruise. Lenda
  2. Jacqui, i enjoyed your live from very much. By now, I hope you are safely home.
  3. Rich, thanks again for letting us tag along on your cruise. Safe travels today. Enjoy your stay in Ottawa., and have a safe flight home on the 9th.
  4. Debbie, I remember you mentioning using the hula hoe, and I'm glad you like it. It makes it easy to get most of the weeds out of the rocks in Quartzsite. One wouldn't work here because of the mulch and plants in our two small flower beds. Fortunately, they don't take long to weed, even when we've been gone for months. It also wouldn't work in the grass where most of the weeds are. Lenda
  5. Carolyn, that is good news they finally caught the zebra, and she seems to be in good shape. Sandi, your post was gone by the time I got to The Daily, but from what others said, and having lived in the south and south Texas, roaches were my guess. I'm glad you found a suitable hotel and got a refund for the unused nights. Once when older DD was still using a crib, we found roaches all over our hotel room including the crib. Even though it was late at night, we immediately checked out and moved down the road to a better hotel. Lenda
  6. Good morning from another wet day in central Texas. It is 69F with a predicted high of 78F. According to the weather app, our rain is supposed to start about 1 pm, but the driveway and road are wet. In any case, it will be a wet weekend continuing into Monday morning. We will be watching the Kentucky Derby, but it's still not the same as being at the racetrack. Firefighters deserve our support and respect for risking their lives to protect people and property. I guess business brokers deserve a day. I'm not sure I respect chickens, but they are interesting. Here are some chickens on the north shore of Oahu. An interesting quote from Oscar Wilde. We'll pass on the meal. The drink sounds refreshing, and I would try the wine if offered. We have not been to Klaipeda, Lithuania. The Iron Lady was a remarkable woman. @VMax1700 Colin, I hope you and Ellen enjoy your last day on Nieuw Statendam. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the pictures from Port Louis, Mauritius. I hope we can visit there someday. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the new job goes well and you have a lot of sales. @kochleffel Paul, DH and I have been talking about the Kent State shootings this week. We just hope that with the new protests there is not a repeat of that horrible day. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the explanation about business brokers. I had never heard about them until this morning. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you arrived home safely. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope the host calls back soon and the problem is solved quickly. @durangoscots Susan, I'm glad you are beginning to feel better. @NextOne Edi, thanks for the picture. Most of the heavy rain and flooding is in southeast Texas. The pictures of the flooding on the news were taken between Conroe and The Woodlands, which is about 30 to 40 miles north of Houston on I-45. The San Jacinto River always floods in that area during heavy rains, but this year the flooding seems worse. I've never seen pictures of a semi and trailer being swept way. Also, the underpasses in Houston will be flooded. Our area about 45 miles north of Waco is basically just soggy. Our lake is a flood control lake, so the Brazos River won't flood too badly as it goes through Waco. Lenda
  7. Rich, thank you for taking us along on your long cruise. BTW, Kristen was the CD on Koningsdam when the Daily Four were on board. She is very easy to talk to. Safe travels home.
  8. Sharon, glad you made it to Waco without incident. Sounds like you had a busy day. Lenda
  9. Good afternoon from a cloudy and windy central Texas. So far, we have not had any more rain. Last night's rain was only 0.17inches. This afternoon got a way from me. First, the latest batch of prescriptions and refills was ready at W-M. Also, we finally got the other car back yesterday, and I needed to get it registered. When I got home, DH wanted to take the car out to see how it's running now, and it is running better than it has in years. He was also told a while ago they had tires for the car at W-M in Cleburne, we headed up there. If you guessed they didn't have the tires, you are correct. Next on the agenda for the car is having the windshield replaced since it's been cracked for years. They will be here on May 15 between 8 and 5. I hope the antibiotics will help Houdini, and he will gain back some of the weight he's lost. Vanessa, I'm glad you enjoyed the dinner out last night. I hope this time you are more comfortable sleeping in your bed. We got the email and are passing too. I've never really liked the EFFY designs which I think are overpriced. Thanks for the picture of Morgan and her apartment. She's done a good job with it in such a short time. Safe travels to Denver and then to your DD's new home tomorrow. Annie, I hope you and your DH enjoy the concert tonight. I imagine they would have canceled if they thought it was unsafe. Jane, I'm sorry your were not a candidate for the TMVR procedure. I hope you will be able to have the valvuloplasty, and then enjoy better health. It's nice of you to treat your DBIL and his family to dinner. Lenda
  10. Spectacular sunset. Thanks for the pictures, Bruce. Gerry, safe travels home. Glad the getaway was so much fun. Congratulations on the A1C numbers. Don't blame you for foregoing the carrot cake. Lenda Lenda
  11. On another visit to Marseille, we wanted to take the boat out to tour the Chateau D'If, but unfortunately, it was closed for repairs. Instead, we took the boat to Les Iles and wandered around for a while. I thought the name of the boat was very appropriate, Edmond Dantes. We got a close up view of the Chateau D'If on the way back to the Vieux Port. And this stunning view of Notre-Dame de la Garde as we cruised into the Vieux Port. Just a few pictures from our day in Marseille in 2019. We took the Ho-Ho, and then walked in the area that was several blocks back from the Vieux Port. The area in front of the Vieux Port that used to be an open area. Different scenes of Marseille Lenda
  12. We were in Marseille five times from 2001 through 2008, with a sixth stop in 2019. All but the first time, were on a BHB, Noordam III, Prinsendam and Veendam. In 2001 we were there on Golden Princess on her inaugural TA. The change in the area around the Vieux Port between 2008 and 2019 was unbelievable, and the number of people was also a big change. I am glad we were there before it got really crowded. In 2001, we went to Arles and Les Baux, but I don't have any pictures of Les Baux that really show the place. These pictures are from Arles, where we stopped at an Roman amphitheater.. There are pictures of the town from the top of the amphitheater. On one stop in 2002, we went to Aix-en-Provence. I found these pictures taken when we were in Les Baux. They don't show the town but the surrounding area from Les Baux. It is another very old walled town on top of a tall hill. Our lunch that day was duck a l'orange, and it was the best I've ever eaten. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a partly cloudy and cooler central Texas. It is currently 65F with a predicted high of 79F. It looks like we won't have any rain during the day, but it will return this evening and last through Monday morning if the prediction holds. We had some rain overnight, but I don't know how much yet. We also had quite a lightning and thunder show last night. I'm not sure what we'll be doing today. I try not to have lumpy rugs or two wear two different colored shoes, which I've done once that I remember. Special-abled pets deserve a day everyday. However, as Dr. Pol says, they don't know they are disabled. An interesting quote today from J. K. Rowling, but I don't completely agree with it. Debbie, @dfish you can have my carrot cake. I've had it before and liked it, but I very much prefer chocolate cake. We'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine if it weren't for the price. We have been to Marseille many times beginning in 2001 on Princess and mostly on BHBs. Another good day in literary history with Margaret Mitchell winning the Pulitzer Prize for Gone With the Wind in 1937. I've enjoyed both the book and the movie. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight. @1ANGELCAT I hope the vet can help Houdini today, and I'm glad he is eating a little. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad the test shots are still working, but I'm sorry your neck is not causing problems. @Heartgrove Safe travels today and tomorrow, Jack. @marshhawk Annie, hugs to you and Chuck. I forgot to mention that yesterday when you said you like your big boss except he didn't like cats, I thought of my favorite line from "Some Like It Hot", "Nobody's perfect." Lenda
  14. Maureen, thanks for asking. We have no flooding where we live. Our little community sits on a bluff and set back from a lake. I'm glad Plan B is working. Lenda
  15. Gerry, that's really awesome news. I bet we're all doing a happy dance. Lenda
  16. Debbie, I'm very happy that the test injections worked and you can now have the ablation. The trillium ae pretty. Lenda
  17. Gerry, I'm glad you could do a quick getaway and meet and visit with long time friends. Great picture. Debbie, fingers crossed the test injections work and you can schedule the nerve ablation. Vanessa, I'm glad you are sleeping well and the pain from the incision is easing. The best news continues to be no leg pain and tingling. Enjoy a much deserved dinner out tonight. Lenda
  18. We have been to Montevideo twice. The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III in the time of non digital cameras. The second was in 2015 on the Ruby Princess. We walked around town some and then took the Ho-Ho. When we saw the long line at the first stop, we just stayed on until we got back to the starting point. My pictures are just random ones from the Ho-Ho and from our walk. We were there on a Sunday, and most of the stores were closed. The activity picked up a little in the afternoon. Some scenes from our Ho-Ho ride. A view of their lovely beaches. After our tour, we walked around and back to the port. These are from an indoor arcade. Some interesting things around the port entrance. Pictures as we sailed, including the lighthouse on top of the building. Lenda
  19. Good soggy morning from central Texas. It the overnight rain, which dumped 1.22 inches, has stopped. One loud clap of thunder woke me up sometime during the night, but I rolled over and went back to sleep. There was one other loud clap shortly before 7am this morning. It is currently 65F with a predicted high of 80F, and the sun is beginning to break through the clouds. The main thing on the agenda today is laundry. I think Sharon @Sharon in AZ should be all right flying into DFW later today. The rain there looks like it has stopped. Things should be back to normal by the time she arrives in Dallas. Waco looks okay too except for a chance of rain about 4pm. However, the entire area will see more rain later tonight and into tomorrow. Three interesting days with all insurance being a necessary evil. Most meetings I have attended used Roberts Rule of Order as a suggestion, and we should all be aware of scurvy. My first thought when I read the quote was it was a Mark Twain quote instead of one by Maurice Switzer. I have heard the quote many times. We'll pass on the meal and definitely on the drink. The wine will also get a pass. We have visited Montevideo twice, and I'll retrieve my pictures next. An interesting day in history for drama with Arthur Miller winning the Pulitzer Prize. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, safe travels to you and Dennis, and enjoy your weekend with the family. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope the eye pressure is within normal limits today. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you get some answers about your shoulder when you see the orthopedist later this month. I hope the support group will help you, even if it's just knowing you you are not alone. @Heartgrove Safe travels tomorrow, Jack. @1ANGELCAT I hope the vet can help Houdini. He's a handsome boy. @marshhawk Annie, I agree with Maureen @RMLincoln that having one doctor coordinating all of your DH's appointments and treatments is a good idea. MD Anderson is a great hospital for cancer treatment. Whatever you decided and whatever the future holds for both of you, know that we all are supporting you and keeping you in our thoughts. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I know you will enjoy your Japan cruise. @VMax1700 Colin, we did the Santiago de Compostela tour and enjoyed it. Lenda
  20. Annie, you both have been hit with a lot of bad news all at once, and I can't begin to imagine how difficult it is to process. I wish there was a way to help you cope, but know we are sending you our best wishes, very positive thoughts, and all the support we can. Big virtual ((((((((HUGS)))))))) to both of you. Lenda
  21. Denise, I hope all the eggs hatch and that your DGS 4-H project is not affected by this. I'm sorry the neighbor's dog killed his ducks and chickens. Lenda
  22. Good morning. Finally, the guy who has been working on our leaky roof off and on was here today. He is also working on another neighbor's roof that has the same problem, but with more places leaking. That roof has given the roofer some more ideas of what the problem may be, and he is going to be back in a few days to try another fix in a few areas. Fingers are crossed that this time it will be fixed. It seems the problem might be where the metal sheets overlap and are no longer staying together. If and when, the leaks are stopped, then we'll worry about getting the ceiling repaired. Terry, I'm glad you got some answers and some solutions yesterday. I'm also glad you are getting help when you need to lift Tana. Cute pictures of cute dogs. Terri, I'm glad all your communication devices are working again. Sometimes holding your own is very good. Gerry, that is indeed good news that your DH has an unofficial date for his new valve and a backup date. I'm glad Wayne is doing well after receiving the pacemaker. I hope the cardiac ablation solves the afib problem. Safe travels to Chicago today and to Rotterdam tomorrow. Annie, thank you for your Juneau pictures. I'm sorry there was no good news for your DH. We are all here for both of you when you are ready to talk about it. Otherwise, you both will be in our thoughts. Lenda
  23. Looking back through my pictures of Juneau, I realized the 12 Visits I mentioned earlier were the ones on HAL. We have also been there three times on Princess and once on the Matanuska. I've also found a few more different pictures, many from the times we rented a car for the day. A interesting tree on Mount Roberts The cable car station on Mount Roberts In 2012, we did b2b2bs on Amsterdam. The second time we were in Juneau we took a cruise on the steamboat Susanna. There are remnants of an old mine and ore processing plant on Douglas Island across the Gastineau Channel from Juneau. This is part of the facility that can been seen from the ship as you sail down the channel. You can get to the Treadwell Mine Trail at the south end town on Douglas Island. These are a couple of the buildings still left in 2012. We have also driven as far north of Juneau as Highway 7 goes. There are several nice beaches along the highway. A different view of the fish hatchery. These food stands are very popular with the crew. In 2018, we joined many of the Zaandam's crew and enjoyed some lumpia. Two locals hanging out at the dock Lenda
  24. We have been to Juneau on at least 12 cruises, plus a stop on the Alaska Marine Highway when we didn't get off the ferry. To get out of the Texas summer, we started doing b2b2b2b cruises. Also, we found that doing 2 or more b2bs, we have a better chance for good weather (meaning clouds, no rain) at least once in each port. In 2018, Alaska was having a heatwave in the southeastern part of the state, so we had tremendous weather all but the last time in Juneau. Our first cruise there, we took a helicopter flight to Taku glacier. We landed on the glacier and when we took off, the pilot flew through some wide crevasses. Unfortunately, those pictures are in a photo album. For the most part, I tried to pick pictures a little off the beaten path. The first two are from Douglas Island, taken the day we rented a car. Volendam was with the Zaandam that day. We saw this statue as we came across the bridge back into Juneau. In 2015, we were on Statendam for her final call in Juneau before heading to Singapore and then to Australia. The day we rented a car in Juneau in 2015, we saw this bear up close and personal at the boardwalk by the parking lot at the Mendenhall Glacier. Fortunately, there was a strong fence between us and the bear. Finally, a classic picture of Juneau without the classic Juneau weather. Lenda
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