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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. The second day we were docked in Ashdod, we talked about finding a taxi to take us to Bethlehem, but after two long days spent in a taxi, we decided against going. Along with another couple, we found a taxi in in the port to take us to Jaffa and Tel Aviv. If we're lucky enough to return to Ashdod, I want to find someone to take us to Bethlehem and Jerusalem for a slower walk in the Old City. Jaffa is the ancient port for Jerusalem. It is a town we really enjoyed. Looking from Jaffa toward Tel Aviv. Our driver dropped us off at seaside promenade in Tel Aviv. After a short time along the sea, our next stop was a mall in downtown Tel Aviv, and we had an hour or so to wander around. I'll confess we spent most of our time in the mall where we shared a pizza. A couple of street scenes in Tel Aviv taken from the car as we headed back to the Prinsendam. Lenda
  2. We were in Ashdod on the Prinsendam in 2017, and spent two days there since our call to Egypt was cancelled. Our taxi driver from the day in Haifa, met us at the shuttle drop-off and we spent the day seeing Masada, and Jerusalem. I hope I don't repeat many of the pictures @StLouisCruisers posted. On our way to Masada, we stopped at an overlook for a view of the Judean Desert. You can catch a glimpse of the Dead Sea in the upper right hand corner of the second picture. Our next stop was Masada. The picture shows people walking up the Snake Path. We took the gondola up and down. A couple of views of Masada and the Dead Sea. Jerusalem was not on the day's itinerary, but we were ready to leave Masada about noon, so DH talked our driver into taking us to Jerusalem also. He was not happy as that meant driving through Palestinian territory. Once in the walled city, he rushed us through there, hitting a few of the high spots including the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Western Wall. I spent more time trying to keep up and watch my footing, so there aren't too many pictures of the different quarters. Our driver and DH went to the wall, but I waited at the barrier overlooking the Wailing Wall so I could get a picture of them. Just before they reached the wall, a man very rudely and loudly ordered me away. I would like to go back one day, and have a little more time walking through the old city. Jerusalem from the viewpoint above the cemetery. The street from the parking garage to the Jaffa Gate. Another view of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher which was very crowded. The wait to enter the tomb was an hour which we didn't have to spare. One of the many narrow streets. The Western Wall and the Old City On the way out of the Old City, our driver spotted the Israeli President's car and wanted DH to take his picture beside it. I also got a picture of our driver and the car. Just a couple of pictures of Jerusalem as we headed back to the Prinsendam. The traffic was horrific that day as it was the opening of the Knesset. I'll post the pictures of our second day in Ashdod separately. Lenda
  3. Good morning from a mostly sunny Quartzsite. It was 43F when I got up about an hour ago, and is now 49F. The predicted high is 73F with only a light wind. I hope to be able to spray the ground clear this afternoon, and get that chore behind me. Then this week, I can work on rearranging everything in the motorhome that I just put where ever I could when we were getting ready to head to Quartzsite last November. We also need to add a couple more towel bars and a handle for one cabinet door that is difficult to open otherwise. I hope I can stay happy and not have to act happy. Recycling is very important, but it is not available here or in Texas. The Town of Quartzsite used to provide a recycling bin, but a few years ago the company raised the rental price for the bin so much, the town could no longer afford to offer that service. Ironically, there is a large recycling center between our development and town. I'll let the Goddess of Fertility visit the younger generations. I love the Franklin P. Jones quote. I've always talked to myself, which is something DH does not understand, even though I've caught him talking to himself on occasion. The pot roast sounds good, but not today. I cook mine in the pressure cooker, and leave the roast whole not shredded. I do add a lot of carrots, potatoes and onions to mine. We'll pass on the drink, but would love the wine -- if someone else was buying. We were in Ashdod for two days in 2017 on Prinsendam. We got an extra day there when our Egyptian port was canceled. Three more interesting days in history that span several centuries. @JazzyV Vanessa, I think it is safe to take the wildfires in the Texas Panhandle off the care list. The Smoke Creek Fire, the largest in Texas history, is now 100% contained. It will take a long time for the area to recover though. Farmers and ranches from around Texas and the country are helping those who's ranches burned. Many are providing places for the livestock while others are sending loads of hay and feed. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm sorry the passengers were not allowed off the ship, and can understand the Captain being livid. I'm glad those on the side excursion were allowed to leave. @Denise T Denise, I hope Chase's bandage can come off and that he is healing well. I would not like the "cone of shame" either. @cat shepard Ann, I hope you can find a place nearby so Brayden can get his learner's permit. How is your sister doing in rehab? @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry about Tana's bed, and I hope the new one is delivered soon. Why do these things happen on the weekend? @kazu Jacqui, I hope you get some answers and a way to ease the pain after you get the x-ray results on Wednesday. @Nickelpenny Pennie, that was a very nice thing the cat sitter did leaving Martina's collar and a pawprint for you. The crying is very understandable. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad Tigger is settling into the family. @ger_77 Gerry, I agree with your feelings about a visit from the Goddess of Fertility. In my case, there would be a couple of ob-gyns who would be questioned. @seagarsmoker That is good news the new job is going pretty well. Lenda
  4. Thank you, Graham. Jane, I'm sure others will have better information, but usually if your one a special diet you will be given the menu the night before to select your choices. I think in your case, you make you selections no salt or low sodium. Be sure to tell your server about your sodium restrictions, and he can probably help you with your selections. If they know in advance, many dishes can be made without salt. Well, I see Jacqui @kazu told you the same thing while I was writing this. Ann, I know your DD does not want the surgery, but I hope she waits until she sees the orthopedist before making her decision. With the upper arm and shoulder involved there are so many variables, an informed decision is necessary. I hope you can still go on your cruise. We still have sun and made it to 60F. It's still breezy, so I'll wait another day or two to spray the ground clear. Lenda
  5. @0106 Tina, and @Nickelpenny Pennie, welcome home. Lenda
  6. As I mentioned, we have been St. Johns, Antigua, twice, but I only have pictures from our 2015 visit on February 3. Both times we rented cars and drove around the island. Our day started with a rainbow as we sailed into port. The view of the island from the ship. We were greeted by a steel drum band on the dock. Our first stop was the ruins of an old sugar mill. You never know who you'll meet dong down the road. One of the many beaches on the island. The are almost enough beaches to visit a different one each day of the month. Many of the beaches are very small, secluded ones, and I think we saw every beach on our first visit. A nice restaurant on the beach Part of the coastline is rugged with arches cut into the rocks by the waves, and blow holes. Nelson's Dockyard at English Harbor There is a small boat harbor at English Harbor Another one of the lovely beaches Hillside homes St. Johns after the tourists have spent their money and returned to the ships. Lenda
  7. 🍀 🍺 HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! 🍺 🍀 Good morning from a sunny and only slightly breezy Quartzsite. It was 43F when I got up and is is now 46F. We're heading to a high of 69F this afternoon, but the clouds will be moving back in. The weather app is showing only a slight chance of rain, but the weather on the Phoenix stations last night showed rain for the next two days. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. We did not have Camp Fire Girls in our town, but many of the smaller rural communities in west Texas had Camp Fire Girls. We trust our PCP and his physicians assistant, and I think they trust us. Sadly, we've had a couple of doctors who we did not trust; so we changed doctors. We both like corned beef and cabbage, but I am not preparing it today, because of too much leftovers, and I'm trying to use up some of the food in the freezer. I like the Dave Barry quote and wish it was true. My DD DSIL had a theory that broken cookies did not have calories as they all leaked out. That one I really wish was true. Instead of corned beef and cabbage, we'll be having Rueben sandwiches tonight. We'll still have the corned beef and the cabbage in the form of sauerkraut. The drink would be nice on a warm day on an open deck at sailaway. We'll pass on the pricey wine. We have been to St. Johns, Antigua, twice. Once was in the pre-digital age and once was in 2015 the same cruise as Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Wow, four important days in history to celebrate. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry about your keyboard. It's good you got the mirror down before it fell. @RMLincoln Maureen, that is good news your DH's eye pressure has settled back down. I'm glad the newlyweds could help with the media. I love the Irish blessing. There are a lot of Irish ancestors on my side of the family, and a few on DH's side. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, when our dogs did their rooting tooting, we called it SBDs -- silent but deadly. @ottahand7 Nancy, thanks for letting us know the NM state trooper who was killed. Such a senseless waste. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad you took Pauline to the Lake District, and I hope it helped her feel better. By the way, I'm Easy Lucky and DH is Smiley Rainbow. From our birth month, we're both Pot O Gold. Lenda
  8. @Scrapnana Kathi, I hope you have a fabulous cruise, and I'm so happy you are cruising again. Lenda
  9. @irishjim Jim and Sheila have a wonderful day on your 63rd anniversary. Lenda
  10. My childhood was also a Leave It To Beaver childhood with my grandparents living two to five blocks from us. That changed to some extent when I was in the fifth grade when my mother became ill with what was diagnosed a year later as MS. They did their best to see that my childhood remained as normal as possible with my father attending all the important events. He even formed a car pool with two mothers. He drove us to school and the mothers would alternate weeks picking us up. Terri, I'm sorry you can't find out how your friend is doing. Hopefully, the surgery was successful, and she's in a rehab facility. Sharon, thanks for the belated birthday wishes. I'm sorry you week was so trying. Would it be possible for you to have a talk with your DM"s doctor to let him or her know your concerns? Paul, many air fryers that are the non-basket type have a rotisserie attachment. I use mine for cooking Cornish hens. I haven't tried a chicken in there yet. Sorry about skunking you with the meme, but it happens to all of us at times. Lenda
  11. Our sunny day started turning cloudy this afternoon. We did get to 63F, but while I was in the grocery store, a strong north wind came up and dropped the temperature to 57F. It is now 53F and raining. We got the taxes finished today, but we won't be filing them until closer to that dreaded day in April. Debbie, I'm know it is very rewarding when you know you made a difference in someone's life. I'm sorry your DH is now fighting a chest cold. I hope he feels better soon. Debbie, my dentist not only gives out the small toothpaste tubes, but toothbrushes and dental floss. I haven't bought dental floss in years. Since we switched to an electric toothbrush, I save the toothbrushes for a while, and then take them to Carol's Closet where they distribute more than clothes. I do keep a couple of the toothbrushes in case someone forgets to bring theirs when they visit, as has happened. Lenda
  12. Ann, I'm sorry your DD fell and now is in the hospital waiting to see the doctor. I hope she get the help she needs soon. Lenda
  13. DH uses the freebies from the dentist when we travel, and I stick to my Sensodyne. Lenda
  14. Pennie, safe travels home. I hope the surgeon has some good news and plans for you on Wednesday. Jim, an early HAPPY 63RD ANNIVERSARY to you and Sheila. Debbie, I remember one of the last posts from St. Louis Sal where she said it was getting difficult to host friends and prepare something to serve them. I also think by then she was in her motorized chair. ALS is such a horrible disease that steals your body away bit by bit. I wish either @St. Louis Sal or someone in her family could give us an update. In spite of her illness, she had such a positive attitude and tried to live life to the fullest. Her last post was on another thread on June 29, 2022, and her last post on the Daily was June 17, 2022. Rich, you are too modest. Even with the wonderful foundation for the Fleet Report, the Daily would not have evolved without out your determination and ideas, and the Daily would have not lasted and become the wonderful caring and sharing place we all love. Annie, I love your philosophy. Without the highs and lows, joy and sadness, life would be pretty boring. Terry, I agree with you about Debbie and Sue being so important in River's life, and she is lucky to have them. I still miss my grandparents and parents who were such a big part of my early life. Lisa, thank you for the added history of the Fleet Report. It was nice that so many HAL officers also helped back then. Great picture. Vanessa, thank you for sharing the picture of @RedneckBob. I noticed that he forgot his usual mask. A big thank you for sharing the time line of the Fleet Report and the Daily. Lenda
  15. Beautiful picture of a beautiful little fighter. Lenda
  16. Rant away. Sometimes we all need to rant and have someone listen. What a mess that seems to be unsolvable. Jane, it is hard to choose between Bora Bora and Moorea. Still Bora Bora is number 1 because it is not as developed or spoiled, and Moorea is a close second. It is basically unspoiled, but has a little more development that is nice. I bought a black pearl enhancer on our first visit to Moorea, and was lucky enough that the store had some matching black pearl studs the next year. Welcome back, Jim. You were missed, and we were all concerned. Lenda
  17. HAPPY CC ANNIVERSARY! Debbie, thank you so much for finding and posting the First Daily. At that time, I was not a follower of Rich's @richwmn Fleet Report. DH started reading the Daily in late May or June after we returned to Texas. He suggested I start reading it, and I was a lurker for a while until DH said there was a question I could answer. And as they say, the rest is history. Lenda
  18. DH found his videos and stills taken in 2007 when we were snorkeling off the beach at the Intercontinental Hotel. Some of these pictures are stills and some are screenshots of the videos. It is easy to see how shallow the water was. This is the hotel looking from the reef. Lenda
  19. We have been to Moorea five times on Wind Star, Princess and HAL. Most of our pictures are from prehistoric times before digital cameras, but I did find a few. In 2002 on the APEC cruise on Volendam, Moorea was not a port. We took the ferry from Papeete to Moorea, and rented a car. In fact, we've rented cars there every time except 2007. That time we took a taxi to the Intercontinental Hotel to snorkel. The reef comes very close to the shore there, and the colors of the fish and coral are outstanding. These first pictures were taken in 2007 at the hotel. These were from our drive around the island in 2002. We stopped at a park where a tour was watching a feast being prepared. A young man carrying on an ancient craft. Moorea is our second favorite port after Bora Bora. The night in Moorea on Wind Song, dinner was a barbecue on deck complete with a roasted suckling pig. In 1996, on the Wind Song, anytime the pilot was not on one the bridge, passengers could walk into the bridge. One evening, probably in Bora Bora, we did and started talking to the young deck officer. He even took us out on the bridge wing and pointed out the Southern Cross and other constellations. Fast forward to 2016 on the Prinsendam and a talk with Captain Tim Roberts. In 1996 he was a young officer on Wind Song. We all decided it was probably Captain Tim who was the young office we talked with 21 years earlier. It really is a small world. Lenda
  20. Well, here goes another attempt, and I hope it works without any glitches. 🤞 The Black Press was very important especially when the first Black publication was started. I'm glad everything is right today. Freedom of information is extremely important; otherwise, we cannot make informed decisions. The quote is sad but too often true. The air fryer rotisserie chicken sounds wonderful. I've made rotisserie Cornish hens in the air fryer, but not a chicken. It would be a tight squeeze. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds like a winner. There is an open box of Black Box Cabernet Sauvignon in the house. We have been to Moorea many times beginning in 1996 on Wind Song where we had a wonderful dinner on the open deck including a whole roasted pig. We were anchored in one of the two bays. Today in 1792 was not a good day for King Gustav III of Sweden. It was a good day in 1867 when Lister first published his finding on antiseptic surgery. @grapau27 Graham, as always, thank you for the information on the black press. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope the Chicago weather cooperates, and the FC Dallas wins. I hope Ren has a good game. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry your help did not show up today. It's sad that Tana finds walking so difficult, but it seems she is a fighter. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I'm glad you had an easy time checking in for the cruise. It's nice they have cookies and drinks for you while you wait. Scary about the shooting so near your hotel. @MISTER 67 Glad you had a good day on the course yesterday. @marshhawk Annie, I hope Tigger learns quickly, and is accepted by the other cats. @aliaschief Bruce, it sounds like your cruise is becoming a mystery cruise. @grapau27 Graham, the change in Sarah's dad eight years ago is so sad, and I know both Sarah and Pauline are hurt by the way they have been treated. Hugs to both of them. @ger_77 Gerry, I love the remote meme. Lenda
  21. HAPPY 4TH ANNIVERSARY TO THE DAILY AND ALL THE DAILYITES! Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite. It was 41F when I got up, and it's now 44F. Our predicted high is 61F with clouds moving back in. I think we'll be finishing the taxes today since the final form is now available. Somehow, this got posted before I finished, and all the multi-quotes wound up in another quote box. I'll safe this one, and then go to the multi-quotes. Lenda
  22. @Suslor I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise. Lenda
  23. @Crazy For Cats Jake and Juan have a wonderful cruise. Lenda
  24. Maureen, I'm glad your GI appointment went well, and that you have the procedure scheduled. I hope your DH's eye pressure settles down and stays within the desired range. Lenda
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